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(News on GCatholic will be updated on an infrequent basis until further notice.)



Papal Audiences


  • 2025.02.05: 

Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr

26 Martyrs of Japan (Japan)

Saint Adelaide of Vilich, virgin and abbess (Köln)

Saint Ingenuin and Saint Albuin, bishops (Bolzano–Bressanone)

Saint Philip of Jesus, martyr (Mexico, Venezuela)

Wednesday in the 4á”—Ê° Week in Ordinary Time (Venezuela, Bolzano–Bressanone, Köln)

  • 2025.02.06: 

Saint Paul Miki and companions, martyrs

Blessed Angelo da Furci, priest (Chieti–Vasto)

Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr (Japan)

Saint Amandus of Maastricht, bishop (Belgium, Breda)

Saint Dorothy, virgin and martyr (Extraordinary Form)

Saint Francesco Spinelli, priest (Cremona)

Saint Titus, bishop and confessor (Extraordinary Form)

Saint Vaast of Arras, bishop (Cambrai, Lille, Limoges, Nancy)

Thursday in the 4á”—Ê° Week in Ordinary Time (New Zealand, Breda, Chieti–Vasto, Cremona, Lille, Limoges, Nancy)

Waitangi Day (New Zealand)

  • 2025.02.07: 

Friday in the 4á”—Ê° Week in Ordinary Time

Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral (Macau)

Blessed Alfonso Maria Fusco, priest (Nocera Inferiore–Sarno)

Blessed Anselmo Polanco, bishop, and Blessed Felipe Ripoll, priest, martyrs and all Blessed Martyrs of the Diocese (Teruel y AlbarracĂ­n)

Blessed Jacques SalĂšs and Blessed Guillaume Saultemouche, martyrs (Clermont)

Blessed Klara Szczęsna, virgin (Kraków, PƂock)

Blessed Mary of Providence, virgin (Lille, Paris)

Blessed Petro Werhun, priest and martyr (Berlin)

Blessed Pius IX, pope (Chile, Gozo)

Saint Amandus of Maastricht, bishop (Bayonne, Bourges, Cambrai, Lille)

Saint Chrysolius the Armenian, bishop and martyr (Lille)

Saint Egidio Maria of Saint Joseph, religious (Napoli)

Saint Gerald of Ostia, bishop (Velletri–Segni)

Saint Gonsalo Garcia, religious and martyr (India)

Saint Guarinus, bishop (Bologna, Palestrina)

Saint Mel of Ardagh, bishop (Ireland)

Saint Paul Miki and companions, martyrs (Belgium, New Zealand, Cremona)

Saint Perpetua and Saint Felicity, martyrs (Ambrosian)

Saint Romuald, abbot (Extraordinary Form)

The Five Wounds of the Lord (Angola, Portugal, São Tomé and Príncipe)

Translation of Saint Caesarius, martyr (Latina–Terracina–Sezze–Priverno)

  • 2025.02.08: 

Saturday in the 4á”—Ê° Week in Ordinary Time

Saint Jerome Emiliani

Saint Josephine Bakhita, virgin

The Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday

Blessed Maria Josefa Alhama y Valera, religious (Orvieto–Todi)

Saint Airy and Saint Paul, bishops (Verdun)

Saint Chrysolius the Armenian, bishop and martyr (Tournai)

Saint John of Matha, priest (Extraordinary Form, Aix, Digne)

Saint Maximus of Nola, bishop (Nola)

Saint Paul Miki and companions, martyrs (Cambrai)

Saint Peter Igneus, bishop (Albano)

Saint Stephen of Muret, abbot (Clermont, Limoges)

  • 2025.02.09: 

5á”—Ê° Sunday in Ordinary Time

5á”—Ê° Sunday after Epiphany (Extraordinary Form, Ambrosian)

  • 2025.02.10: 

Saint Scholastica, virgin

Blessed Aloysius Stepinac, bishop and martyr (Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kotor, Srijem)

Saint Paul, apostle (Malta)

  • 2025.02.11: 

Tuesday in the 5á”—Ê° Week in Ordinary Time

Our Lady of Lourdes

Tuesday in the 5á”—Ê° Week after Epiphany (Ambrosian)

Anniversary of the Dedication of the Co-Cathedral of the Most Holy Name of Jesus (Jerusalem)

Saint Castrense of Sessa, bishop and martyr (Acireale, Agrigento, Caltagirone, Caltanissetta, Catania, CefalĂč, Mazara del Vallo, Messina–Lipari–Santa Lucia del Mela, Monreale, Nicosia, Noto, Palermo, Patti, Piazza Armerina, Ragusa, Siracusa, Trapani)

Saint Gobnait, virgin (Ireland)


  • 2025.02.05: 

Saint Agatha, virgin and martyr

Holy martyrs of Pontus

Saint Avit, bishop of Vienne

Saint Ingenuino, first bishop of Bressanone

Saint Luke, abbot

Saint Sabas, monk

Saint Albuino, bishop of Bressanone

Saint Adelaide of Vilich, first abbess of the monastery of Vilich

Passion of Saints Paul Miki and 25 companions, martyrs

Blessed Françoise MéziÚre, virgin and martyr

Blessed Elisabetta Canori Mora, mother of family, of the Third Order Trinitarians

Saint JesĂșs MĂ©ndez Montoya, priest and martyr

  • 2025.02.06: 

Saints Paul Miki and 25 companions, martyrs of Japan

Saint Antolien, martyr

Saints Silvanus, bishop of Hemesa, Luke, deacon, and Mocius, lector, martyrs

Saints Dorothea, virgin, and Theophilus, martyrs

Saint MĂ©l, bishop of Ardagh

Saint Vaast, bishop of Arras

Saint Amandus, bishop of Maastricht

Saint Relindis, abbess

Saint Guarino, cardinal bishop of Palestrina

Saint Brinolfo Algotsson, bishop of Skara

Saint Alfonso Maria Fusco, priest, founder of the Sisters of Saint John the Baptist

Blessed Angelo da Furci, Augustinian priest

Saint Francesco Spinelli, priest, founder of the Sisters Adorers of the Blessed Sacrament

Saint Mateo Correa Magallanes, priest and martyr

  • 2025.02.07: 

Saint Massimo, bishop of Nola

Saint Partenius, bishop of Lampsacus

Saint Moses, bishop of the Saracens

Saint Giuliana, widow at Florence

Saint Lorenzo, bishop of Siponto

Saint Richard, pilgrim

Saint Luke of Steiris, hermit

Blessed Rizzerio da Muccia, one of the first disciples of Saint Francis

Blessed Antonio da Stroncone, Franciscan religious

Blessed Thomas Sherwood, martyr of England

Blesseds Jacques SalĂšs, Jesuit priest, and Guillaume Saultemouche, Jesuit religious, martyrs

Saint Egidio Maria di San Giuseppe Postillo, Franciscan religious

Saint Maria Giovanni da Triora Lantrua, Franciscan priest and martyr of China

Blessed Rosalie Rendu, virgin of the Daughters of Charity

Blessed Marie de la Providence Smet, virgin, founder of the Helpers of the Holy Souls

Blessed Pius IX, pope

Blesseds Anselmo Polanco y Fonteche, bishop of Teruel, and Felipe Ripoll Morata, priest, martyrs of Spain

Blessed Wojciech Nierychlewski, Michaelite priest, martyr at Auschwitz

Blessed Petro Verhun, priest and martyr in Siberia

  • 2025.02.08: 

Saint Jerome Emiliani, founder of the Clerics Regular of Somasca

Saint Josephine Bakhita, Canossian virgin

Saint Quinta, martyr at Alexandria of Egypt

Saint Invenzio, bishop of Pavia

Holy monks of the monastery of Constantinople, martyrs

Saint Jacut, abbot

Saint Onorato, bishop of Milan

Saint Nicet, bishop of Besançon

Saint Paul, bishop of Verdun

Blessed Pietro Igneo, Vallombrosian, cardinal bishop of Albano

Saint Étienne, founder and abbot of the abbacy of Grandmont

Blessed Giuseppina Gabriella Bonino, founder of the Sisters of the Holy Family in Savigliano

  • 2025.02.09: 

Saint Apollonia, virgin and martyr at Alexandria of Egypt

Holy martyrs of Alexandria of Egypt

Saints Primus and Donatus, deacons and martyrs

Saint Maron, hermit

Saint Teilo, bishop abbot of Llandaff

Saint Sabino, bishop of Canosa

Saint Ansbert, abbot of Fontenelle and later bishop of Rouen

Saint Alto, founder and abbot of the monastery of AltomĂŒnster

Blessed Rinaldo, Camaldolese monk of Fonte Avellana, bishop of Nocera Umbra

Saint Miguel Febres-Cordero y Muñoz, Lasalian brother

  • 2025.02.10: 

Saint Scholastica, virgin

Saints Charalampias, Porphyrius, Baptus and 3 companions, martyrs

Saints Zotico and Amanzio, martyrs

Saint Silvano, bishop of Terracina

Saint Trojan, bishop of Saintes

Saint Prothade, bishop of Besançon

Saint Austreberthe, virgin and abbess of Pavilly

Saint William of Maleval, hermit at Malavalle

Blessed Hugues, abbot Saint-Maur-des-Fossés and Prémontré

Blessed Chiara da Rimini, widow

Blesseds Pierre Frémond and 5 companions, martyrs of France

Blessed Eusebia Palomino Yenes, Salesian virgin

Blessed Alojzije Stepinac, archbishop of Zagreb, cardinal, martyr

  • 2025.02.11: 

Our Lady of Lourdes

Saint Sotere, virgin and martyr

Holy martyrs in Numidia

Saint Castrese, martyr

Saint Secondino, bishop of Eca

Saint SĂ©verin, abbot of Agaune

Saint Gregory II, pope

Saint Paschal I, pope

Saint Ardaing, abbot of the monastery of Tournus

Saint Pedro de JesĂșs Maldonado Lucero, priest and martyr of Mexico

Blessed Francisco BorrĂĄs RomĂĄn, Hospitaller religious and martyr of Spain


Jubilee Churches of the Holy Year 2025



Major Papal Documents

Curial Documents

Minor Papal Documents

Papal Speeches