Documents (106) | Type | Date |
Norms on delicts reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith doctrine | Norms | 2021.10.11 |
Response to a dubium regarding the blessing of the unions of same-sex couples blessing homosexuality | Document | 2021.02.22 |
Commentary on the Responsum ad dubium homosexuality | Note | 2021.02.22 |
On the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines pandemic vaccine | Note | 2020.12.21 |
Vademecum on certain points of procedure in treating cases of sexual abuse of minors committed by clerics sexual abuse | Document | 2020.07.16 |
Samaritanus bonus On the care of persons in the critical and terminal phases of life euthanasia | Curial Letter | 2020.07.14 |
Responses on the validity of baptism baptism | Document | 2020.06.24 |
On the accompaniment of patients in psychiatric hospitals of the Belgian branch of the Congregation of the Brothers of Charity | Curial Letter | 2020.03.30 |
Cum sanctissima On the liturgical celebration in honour of Saints in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite calendar Tridentine | Decree | 2020.02.22 |
Quo magis Approving seven Eucharistic Prefaces for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite liturgy Tridentine | Decree | 2020.02.22 |
Approving seven Eucharistic Prefaces for the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite liturgy Tridentine | Note | 2020.02.22 |
On the liturgical celebration in honour of Saints in the Extraordinary Form of the Roman Rite calendar Tridentine | Note | 2020.02.22 |
Complementary Norms for the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus Anglican Church | Norms | 2019.03.19 |
Placuit Deo On certain aspects of Christian salvation | Curial Letter | 2018.02.22 |
Œconomicæ et pecuniariæ quæstiones Considerations for an Ethical Discernment Regarding Some Aspects of the Present Economic-Financial System economy finance | Document | 2018.01.06 |
Ad resurgendum cum Christo On the burial of the deceased and the conservation of the ashes in the case of cremation funeral | Instruction | 2016.08.15 |
Iuvenescit Ecclesia On the relationship between hierarchical and charismatic gifts in the life and the mission of the Church charismatic | Curial Letter | 2016.05.15 |
Pastoral recommendations for the Year of Faith | Note | 2012.01.06 |
Erection of the Personal Ordinariate of the Chair of Saint Peter Anglican Church | Decree | 2012.01.01 |
For developing guidelines for dealing with cases of sexual abuse of minors perpetrated by clerics sexual abuse | Circular Letter | 2011.05.03 |
For the presentation of the Circular letter to Episcopal Conferences concerning Guidelines for dealing with cases of sexual abuse of minors perpetrated by clerics sexual abuse | Curial Letter | 2011.05.03 |
Erection of the Personal Ordinariate of Our Lady of Walsingham Anglican Church | Decree | 2011.01.15 |
On the trivilization of sexuality regarding certain interpretations of ’Light of the World’ bioethics | Norms | 2010.12.21 |
On the banalization of sexuality and certain interpretations of ’Light of the World’ | Note | 2010.12.20 |
On the association Opus Angelorum | Circular Letter | 2010.10.02 |
On the modifications introduced in Normae de gravioribus delictis doctrine | Curial Letter | 2010.05.21 |
New norms on the more grave delicts canon law doctrine | Norms | 2010.05.21 |
A brief introduction to the modifications made in the Normae de gravioribus delictis doctrine | Note | 2010.05.21 |
The norms of the Motu Proprio “Sacramentorum sanctitatis tutela”: Historical introduction doctrine | Note | 2010.05.21 |
Complementary Norms for the Apostolic Constitution Anglicanorum coetibus Anglican Church diocese | Norms | 2009.11.04 |
On personal ordinariates for Anglicans entering the Catholic Church Anglican Church | Note | 2009.10.20 |
Clarification on procured abortion abortion | Note | 2009.07.11 |
Dignitas Personæ On certain bioethical questions bioethics | Instruction | 2008.09.08 |
Responses to questions on the validity of baptism with certain formulas baptism | Document | 2008.02.01 |
General Decree regarding the delict of attempted sacred ordination of a woman woman | Decree | 2007.12.19 |
Doctrinal note on some aspects of evangelization evangelization | Note | 2007.12.03 |
Responses to questions on artificial nutrition and hydration bioethics euthanasia USA | Document | 2007.08.01 |
Commentary on the responses to questions on artificial nutrition and hydration bioethics euthanasia USA | Note | 2007.08.01 |
Responses to some questions regarding certain aspects of the Church ecclesiology ecumenism Vatican II | Document | 2007.06.29 |
Commentary on ’Responses to Some Questions Regarding Certain Aspects of the Doctrine on the Church’ ecclesiology ecumenism | Note | 2007.06.29 |
Documenta inde a Concilio Vaticano Secundo expleto edita (1966-2005) doctrine | Directory | 2007.01.03 |
Notification on the works of Father Jon Sobrino, S.J. liberation theology | Document | 2006.11.26 |
Explanatory Note on the Notification on the works of Father Jon Sobrino, S.J. liberation theology | Note | 2006.11.26 |
Note regarding the Minister of the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick anointing | Note | 2005.02.11 |
Notification regarding the book ’Jesus Symbol of God’ of Fr Roger Haight, S.J. Christology | Document | 2004.12.13 |
On the collaboration of men and women in the Church and in the world woman | Curial Letter | 2004.05.31 |
Concerning the use of low-gluten altar breads and mustum as matter for the celebration of the Eucharist Eucharist liturgy | Circular Letter | 2003.07.24 |
Considerations regarding proposals to give legal recognition to unions between homosexual persons homosexuality | Document | 2003.06.03 |
On the attempted ordination of some Catholic women doctrine | Decree | 2002.12.20 |
Doctrinal note on some questions regarding the participation of Catholics in political life politics social | Note | 2002.11.24 |
Excommunication regarding the attempted priestly ordination of some Catholic women by a schismatic Bishop doctrine | Decree | 2002.08.05 |
Note on the force of the Doctrinal Decrees concerning the thought and work of Fr Antonio Rosmini Serbati | Note | 2001.07.01 |
Response to a ‘Dubium’ on the validity of Baptism conferred by ’The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints’ Mormonism | Document | 2001.06.05 |
On the more serious offenses («graviora delicta») reserved to the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith doctrine sexual abuse | Curial Letter | 2001.05.18 |
Comments on the Notification regarding certain writings of Fr. Marciano Vidal, C.Ss.R. moral | Note | 2001.05.15 |
On the preparation of the process for the dissolution of the marriage bond in favour of the faith marriage | Norms | 2001.04.30 |
Commentary on the Notification regarding the book ’Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism’ by Fr. Jacques Dupuis, S.J. inter-religious dialogue | Note | 2001.03.12 |
Notification regarding certain writings of Fr. Marciano Vidal, C.Ss.R. moral | Document | 2001.02.22 |
Notification on the book ’Toward a Christian Theology of Religious Pluralism’ by Fr. Jacques Dupuis, S.J. inter-religious dialogue | Document | 2001.01.24 |
Notification concerning some writings of Professor Dr Reinhard Meßner | Document | 2000.11.30 |
Ardens felicitatis Instruction on prayers for healing healing | Instruction | 2000.09.14 |
Dominus Iesus On the unicity and salvific universality of Jesus Christ and the Church ecclesiology | Declaration | 2000.08.06 |
Note on the expression ’Sister Churches’ ecclesiology Orthodox Church | Note | 2000.06.30 |
Documents regarding ’The Message of Fatima’ Fatima Mary | Document | 2000.06.26 |
On bishops and priests ordained secretly in the Czech Republic Czech Republic | Declaration | 2000.02.14 |
On the ’clandestine Church’ in the Czech Republic Czech Republic | Declaration | 2000.02.11 |
Notification regarding Sr. Jeannine Gramick, S.S.N.D., and Fr. Robert Nugent, S.D.S. doctrine | Document | 1999.05.31 |
Considerations on the Primacy of the Successor of Peter in the mystery of the Church ecclesiology | Document | 1998.10.31 |
Formula to be used for the profession of faith and for the oath of fidelity to assume an office to be exercised in the name of the Church with the Illustrative doctrinal Note of the conclusive formula of Professio fidei doctrine | Document | 1998.06.29 |
Notification concerning the writings of Father Anthony De Mello, S.J. Christology inter-religious dialogue | Document | 1998.06.24 |
Ecclesiæ de mysterio On the collaboration of the non-ordained faithful in the sacred ministry of priests laity Mass priest | Instruction | 1997.08.15 |
Ratio Agendi Regulations for doctrinal examination doctrine | Norms | 1997.05.30 |
Notification concerning the text Mary and Human Liberation by Father Tissa Balasuriya doctrine | Note | 1997.01.02 |
Concerning the Reply of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith on the Teaching Contained in the Apostolic Letter Ordinatio Sacerdotalis doctrine | Document | 1995.10.28 |
Responsum ad propositum dubium concerning the teaching contained in Ordinatio Sacerdotalis doctrine | Note | 1995.10.28 |
Notification on the writings and activities of Mrs. Vassula Ryden doctrine | Note | 1995.10.06 |
Concerning the use of mustum and low-gluten hosts for priests, deacons and the faithful in the celebration of Mass Eucharist Mass | Circular Letter | 1995.06.19 |
Annus internationalis familiæ On the reception of the Holy Communion by the divorced and remarried members of the faithful divorce Holy Communion marriage | Curial Letter | 1994.09.14 |
Norms for the Use of Low-Gluten Bread and Mustum Eucharist liturgy | Norms | 1994.08.22 |
Responses to questions proposed concerning uterine isolation and related matters bioethics | Document | 1993.07.31 |
Notification on the validity of Baptism conferred in the The New Church doctrine | Note | 1992.11.20 |
Some considerations concerning the response to legislative proposals on the non-discrimination of homosexual persons homosexuality | Document | 1992.07.23 |
On the doctrine and customs of the Association Opus Angelorum doctrine | Decree | 1992.06.06 |
Communionis notio On some aspects of the Church understood as Communion ecclesiology | Curial Letter | 1992.05.28 |
On some aspects of the use of the instruments of social communication in promoting the doctrine of the faith communication | Instruction | 1992.03.30 |
Note on the book ’The Sexual Creators, An Ethical proposal for Concerned Christians’ by Fr. André Guindon, O.M.I. doctrine | Note | 1992.01.31 |
Notification on the validity of Baptism conferred in the Christian Community of Rudolf Steiner doctrine | Note | 1991.03.09 |
Regarding Doctrinal Commissions doctrine | Curial Letter | 1990.11.23 |
Donum veritatis On the ecclesial vocation of the theologian theologian | Instruction | 1990.05.24 |
Orationis formas On certain aspects of the Christian meditation meditation new age | Curial Letter | 1989.10.15 |
Regarding ’The moral norm of Humanae vitae and pastoral duty’ doctrine | Note | 1989.02.16 |
On the doctrinal authority of the Instruction Donum Vitae bioethics pro-life | Document | 1988.12.21 |
Observations on ARCIC II’s ’Salvation and the Church’ Anglican Church | Document | 1988.11.18 |
Regarding the excommunication of those who divulge confessions penance | Decree | 1988.09.23 |
Formula to be used for the profession of faith and for the oath of fidelity to assume an office to be exercised in the name of the Church doctrine | Document | 1988.07.01 |
Donum vitæ On respect for human life in its origin and on the dignity of procreation bioethics pro-life | Instruction | 1987.02.22 |
Homosexualitatis problema On the pastoral care of homosexual persons bioethics homosexuality | Curial Letter | 1986.10.01 |
Notification on the book ’Pleidooi voor mensen in de kerk: Christelijke identiteit en ambten in de kerk’ by Professor Edward Schillebeeckx, O.P. doctrine | Note | 1986.09.15 |
Regarding certain writings attributed to György Bulányi doctrine | Curial Letter | 1986.09.01 |
Regarding the suspension of Father Carlo Curran from the teaching of Theology doctrine | Curial Letter | 1986.07.25 |
Libertatis conscientia On Christian freedom and liberation freedom liberation theology social | Instruction | 1986.03.22 |
Inde Ab Aliquot Annis Regarding norms on Exorcism exorcism | Curial Letter | 1985.09.29 |
Irreconcilability between Christian Faith and Freemasonry - Reflections a Year After Declaration of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith freemasonry | Document | 1985.03.11 |
Notification on the Book ’Church: Charism and Power. Essay on Militant Ecclesiology’ by Father Leonardo Boff, O.F.M. doctrine | Note | 1985.03.11 |
Libertatis nuntius On certain aspects of the ’Theology of Liberation’ liberation theology | Instruction | 1984.08.06 |
Regarding Father Edward Schillebeeckx’s book Kerkelijk Ambt doctrine | Curial Letter | 1984.06.13 |