Metropolitan Archdiocese of


Peru Peru

Continent: South America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Metropolitan Archdiocese Metr. Archdiocese, Primatial See of Peru

Name: Lima / Liman(us) (Latin)

Suffragan Sees: Callao, Carabayllo, Chosica, Huacho, Ica, Lurín, Yauyos

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops



Patron Saint: Nuestra Señora de la Evangelización (May 14), Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo

Cathedral Dedication Anniversary: October 19 (1625)

Liturgical Calendar 📅


Papal Visits

Present Prelates

Metropolitan Archbishop (2019.01.25 – ...):Cardinal Carlos Gustavo Castillo Mattasoglio (74)Cardinal Carlos Gustavo Castillo Mattasoglio (74)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria delle Grazie a Casal Boccone

Auxiliary Bishop (2019.04.13 – ...):Bishop Guillermo Teodoro Elías Millares (71)Bishop Guillermo Teodoro Elías Millares (71)

Titular Bishop of Turres in Numidia

Apostolic Administrator of Piura (Peru)

Auxiliary Bishop (2019.04.13 – ...):Bishop Ricardo Augusto Rodríguez Álvarez (62)Bishop Ricardo Augusto Rodríguez Álvarez (62)

Titular Bishop of Æliæ

Apostolic Administrator of Caravelí (Peru)

Auxiliary Bishop (2021.02.10 – ...):Bishop Guillermo Antonio Cornejo Monzón (60)Bishop Guillermo Antonio Cornejo Monzón (60)

Titular Bishop of Decoriana

Auxiliary Bishop (2021.02.10 – ...):Bishop Juan José Salaverry Villarreal, O.P. (55)Bishop Juan José Salaverry Villarreal, O.P. (55)

Titular Bishop of Asolo


Metropolitan Archbishops of Lima (Roman Rite)

Cardinal Carlos Gustavo Castillo Mattasoglio (74)Cardinal Carlos Gustavo Castillo Mattasoglio (74)
(2019.01.25 – ...)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria delle Grazie a Casal Boccone
Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru)

A ti te digo: Levántate

Born:1950.02.28 (Lima, Peru)
Ordained Priest:1984.07.15
Consecrated Bishop:2019.03.02
Created Cardinal:2024.12.07

Priest of Lima (Peru) (1984.07.15 – 2019.01.25)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (2019.01.25 – ...)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria delle Grazie a Casal Boccone (2024.12.07 – ...)

Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, Opus Dei (81)Cardinal Juan Luis Cipriani Thorne, Opus Dei (81)
(1999.01.09 – 2019.01.25)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Camillo de Lellis
Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Lima (Peru)

Consummati in unum

Born:1943.12.28 (Lima, Peru)
Ordained Priest:1977.08.21
Consecrated Bishop:1988.07.03
Created Cardinal:2001.02.21

Priest of Lima (Peru) (1977.08.21 – 1988.05.23)

Titular Bishop of Turuzi (1988.05.23 – 1995.05.13)

Auxiliary Bishop of Ayacucho (Peru) (1988.05.23 – 1995.05.13)

Apostolic Administrator of Ayacucho (Peru) (1991.05.23 – 1995.05.13)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Ayacucho (Peru) (1995.05.13 – 1999.01.09)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1999.01.09 – 2019.01.25)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Camillo de Lellis (2001.02.21 [2001.02.24] – ...)

Second Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Peru (2006 – 2009)

Member of Council of Cardinals for the Study of Organisational and Economic Problems of the Apostolic See (2007.02.03 – 2014.02.24)

Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Peru (2009 – 2012.01)

Member of Council for the Economy (2014.03.08 – 2019.03.08)

Cardinal Augusto Vargas Alzamora, S.J.
(1989.12.30 – 1999.01.09)

Amaos los unos a los otros

Born:1922.11.09 (Lima, Peru)
Ordained Priest:1955.07.15
Consecrated Bishop:1978.08.15
Created Cardinal:1994.11.26
Died:2000.09.04 (Lima, Peru † 77)

Vicar Apostolic of Jaén en Perú (Peru) (1978.06.08 – 1985.08.23)

Titular Bishop of Cissi (1978.06.08 – 1989.12.30)

General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of Peru (1982 – 1991)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1989.12.30 – 1999.01.09)

President of Episcopal Conference of Peru (1993 – 1999)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Roberto Bellarmino (1994.11.26 – 2000.09.04)

Cardinal Juan Landázuri Ricketts, O.F.M.
(1955.05.02 – 1989.12.30)

Ambulate in dilectione

Born:1913.11.19 (Arequipa, Peru)
Ordained Priest:1939.04.06
Consecrated Bishop:1952.08.24
Created Cardinal:1962.03.19
Died:1997.01.16 (Lima, Peru † 83)

Titular Archbishop of Rhoina (1952.05.18 – 1955.05.02)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1952.05.18 – 1955.05.02)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1955.05.02 – 1989.12.30)

President of Episcopal Conference of Peru (1958 – 1988)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Ara Coeli (1962.03.22 – 1997.01.16)

First Vice-President of Latin American Episcopal Council (1976 – 1979)

Cardinal Juan Gualberto Guevara
(1945.12.16 – 1954.11.27)

Dominus illuminatio mea

Born:1882.07.12 (Villa de Vitor, Peru)
Ordained Priest:1906.06.02
Consecrated Bishop:1941.03.02
Created Cardinal:1946.02.18
Died:1954.11.27 (Lima, Peru † 72)

Bishop of Trujillo (Peru) (1940.12.15 – 1943.05.23)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Trujillo (Peru) (1943.05.23 – 1945.12.16)

Military Vicar of Peru (Peru) (1945.01.13 – 1954.02.07)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1945.12.16 – 1954.11.27)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Eusebio (1946.02.28 – 1954.11.27)

Archbishop Pedro Pascual Francesco Farfán
(1933.09.18 – 1945.09.17)

Born:1870.10.23 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1894.12.23
Consecrated Bishop:1907.04.18
Died:1945.09.17 († 74)

Bishop of Huaraz (Peru) (1907.03.05 – 1918.04.19)

Bishop of Cusco (Peru) (1918.04.19 – 1933.09.18)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1933.09.18 – 1945.09.17)

Archbishop Emilio Francisco Lisson Chaves, C.M.
(1918.02.25 – 1931.03.03)

Born:1872.05.24 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1895.06.08
Consecrated Bishop:1909.09.19
Died:1961.12.25 († 89)

Bishop of Chachapoyas (Peru) (1909.03.16 – 1918.02.25)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1918.02.25 – 1931.03.03)

Titular Archbishop of Methymna (1931.03.03 – 1961.12.25)

Archbishop Pietro Emmanuele García Naranjó
(1907.12.19 – 1917.09.10)

Born:1838.04.29 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1867.12.21
Consecrated Bishop:1908.01.14
Died:1917.09.10 († 79)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1907.12.19 – 1917.09.10)

Archbishop Manuel Tovar y Chamorro
(1898.08.22 – 1907.05.25)

Born:1844.05.20 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1866.09.22
Consecrated Bishop:1891.09.06
Died:1907.05.25 († 63)

Titular Bishop of Marcopolis (1891.06.04 – 1898.08.22)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1898.08.22 – 1907.05.25)

Archbishop Manuel Antonio Bandini
(1889.05.27 – 1898.04.11)

Born:1814.06.18 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1842.02.19
Consecrated Bishop:1879.09.21
Died:1898.04.11 († 83)

Titular Bishop of Antipatris (1879.05.15 – 1889.05.27)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1889.05.27 – 1898.04.11)

Archbishop Francisco Orueta y Castrillón, C.O.
(1873.03.21 – 1886.08.25)

Born:1804.10.06 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1829.10.11
Consecrated Bishop:1855.12.23
Died:1886.08.25 († 81)

Coadjutor Bishop of Ægeæ (Turkiye) (1855.09.28 – 1859.09.26)

Bishop of Trujillo (Peru) (1859.09.26 – 1873.03.21)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1873.03.21 – 1886.08.25)

Bishop Manuel Teodoro del Valle (later Archbishop)
(1872.08.29 – 1872.11.19 not possessed)

Ordained Priest:1836.09.24
Consecrated Bishop:1865.08.06
Died:1888.10.16 († 74)

Bishop of Huánuco (Peru) (1865.03.27 – 1872.08.29)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1872.08.29 – 1872.11.19 not possessed)

Apostolic Administrator of Huánuco (Peru) (1872.11.17 – 1888.10.16)

Titular Archbishop of Beirut (1872.11.19 – 1888.10.16)

Archbishop José Sebastian Goyeneche Barreda
(1859.09.26 – 1872.02.19)

Born:1784.02.19 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1807.05.31
Consecrated Bishop:1818.08.02
Died:1872.02.19 († 88)

Bishop of Arequipa (Peru) (1817.04.14 – 1859.09.26)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1859.09.26 – 1872.02.19)

Archbishop José Manuel Pasquel Losada
(1855.09.28 – 1857.10.15)

Ordained Priest:1817.09.20
Consecrated Bishop:1848.05.07
Died:1857.10.15 († 64)

Titular Bishop of Erythræ (1848.01.20 – 1855.09.28)

Auxiliary Bishop of Lima (Peru) (1848.01.20 – 1855.09.28)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1855.09.28 – 1857.10.15)

Archbishop Francisco Luna Pizzarro
(1845.04.24 – 1855.02.04)

Born:1780.11.03 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1806.07.06
Consecrated Bishop:1837.09.21
Died:1855.02.04 († 74)

Titular Bishop of Alalis (1836.02.01 – 1845.04.24)

Auxiliary Bishop of Lima (Peru) (1836.02.01 – 1845.04.24)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1845.04.24 – 1855.02.04)

Archbishop Francisco de Sales Arrieta
(1840.07.13 – 1843.05.04)

Born:1768.01.29 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1791.11.18
Consecrated Bishop:1841.01.25
Died:1843.05.04 († 75)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1840.07.13 – 1843.05.04)

Archbishop Jorge de Benavente
(1834.06.23 – 1839.03.10)

Ordained Priest:1808.04.02
Consecrated Bishop:1835.08.28
Died:1839.03.10 († 54)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1834.06.23 – 1839.03.10)

Archbishop Bartolomé María de las Heras Navarro
(1806.03.31 – 1823.09.06)

Born:1743.04.25 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1790.10.10
Died:1823.09.06 († 80)

Bishop of Cusco (Peru) (1789.12.14 – 1806.03.31)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1806.03.31 – 1823.09.06)

Archbishop Juan Domingo González de la Reguera
(1780.09.18 – 1805.03.08)

Born:1720.07.21 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1777
Died:1805.03.08 († 84)

Bishop of Santa Cruz de la Sierra (Bolivia) (1776.12.16 – 1780.09.18)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1780.09.18 – 1805.03.08)

Archbishop Diego Antonio de Parada
(1762.01.25 – 1779.04.23)

Born:1698.04.26 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1753
Died:1779.04.23 († 80)

Bishop of La Paz (Bolivia) (1752.12.18 – 1762.01.25)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1762.01.25 – 1779.04.23)

Archbishop Diego del Corro
(1758.03.13 – 1761.01.28)

Consecrated Bishop:1752.07.11
Died:1761.01.28 († 54)

Bishop of Popayán (Colombia) (1752.01.24 – 1758.03.13)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1758.03.13 – 1761.01.28)

Archbishop Pedro Antonio de Barroeta Angel
(1748.09.18 – 1757.12.19)

Consecrated Bishop:1751.01.03
Died:1775.03.20 († 73)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1748.09.18 – 1757.12.19)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Granada (Spain) (1757.12.19 – 1775.03.20)

Archbishop Agustín Rodríguez Delgado
(1746.06.14 – 1746.12.18)

Born:1674.10.04 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1726.09.08
Died:1746.12.18 († 72)

Bishop of Panamá (Panama) (1725.12.19 – 1731.12.17)

Bishop of La Paz (Bolivia) (1731.12.17 – 1742.01.22)

Metropolitan Archbishop of La Plata (Bolivia) (1742.01.22 – 1746.06.14)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1746.06.14 – 1746.12.18)

Archbishop José Antonio Gutiérrez y Ceballos
(1740.11.11 – 1745.01.16)

Born:1682 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1732.07.06
Died:1745.01.16 († 62)

Bishop of Córdoba (Argentina) ([1730.07.26] 1731.02.12 – 1740.11.11)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1740.11.11 – 1745.01.16)

Archbishop Juan Francisco Antonio de Escandón, C.R.
(1732.02.13 – 1739.04.28)

Consecrated Bishop:1723.07.25

Bishop of Concepción (Chile) (1723.05.12 – 1731.06.18)

Bishop of Quito (Ecuador) (1731.06.18 – 1732.02.13)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1732.02.13 – 1739.04.28)

Archbishop Diego Morcillo Rubio de Suñón de Robledo, O.SS.T.
(1723.05.12 – 1730.03.12)

Born:1642.01.03 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1703
Died:1730.03.12 († 88)

Bishop of León (Nicaragua) ([1701.11.21] 1702.03.15 – 1708.05.14)

Bishop of La Paz (Bolivia) (1708.05.14 – 1714.03.21)

Metropolitan Archbishop of La Plata (Bolivia) (1714.03.21 – 1723.05.12)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1723.05.12 – 1730.03.12)

Archbishop Antonio de Zuloaga
(1714 – 1722.01.21)

Consecrated Bishop:1715.04.14

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1714 – 1722.01.21)

Archbishop Melchor de Liñán y Cisneros
(1677.06.14 – 1708.06.28)

Born:1629.12.19 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1665
Died:1708.06.28 († 78)

Bishop of Santa Marta (Colombia) (1664.10.06 – 1668.01.26)

Bishop of Popayán (Colombia) (1668.01.26 – 1672.02.08)

Metropolitan Archbishop of La Plata (Bolivia) (1672.02.08 – 1677.06.14)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1677.06.14 – 1708.06.28)

Archbishop Juan de Almoguera, O.SS.T.
(1674.05.06 – 1676.03.02)

Born:1605.02.18 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1661.03.24
Died:1676.03.02 († 71)

Bishop of Arequipa (Peru) (1659 – 1674.05.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1674.05.06 – 1676.03.02)

Archbishop Pedro de Villagómez y Vivanco
(1640.07.16 – 1671.05.12)

Born:1589.10.08 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1633.09.25
Died:1671.05.12 († 81)

Bishop of Arequipa (Peru) (1632.08.02 – 1640.07.16)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1640.07.16 – 1671.05.12)

Archbishop Hernando de Arias y Ugarte
(1628 – 1638.01.27)

Consecrated Bishop:1614.09.28
Died:1638.01.27 († 76)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada (Colombia) (1618.01 – 1625.07.30)

Metropolitan Archbishop of La Plata (Bolivia) (1625.07.30 – 1628)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1628 – 1638.01.27)

Archbishop Gonzalo López de Ocampo
(1623.10.02 – 1627.10.15)

Consecrated Bishop:1624.03.10

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1623.10.02 – 1627.10.15)

Archbishop Bartolomé Lobo Guerrero
(1607.11.19 – 1622.01.12)

Born:1546 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1597.08.24
Died:1622.01.12 († 75)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Santafé en Nueva Granada (Colombia) (1596.08.12 – 1607.11.19)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1607.11.19 – 1622.01.12)

Saint Archbishop Toribio Alfonso de Mogrovejo (Turibius of Mongrovejo)
(1579.05.16 – 1606.03.23)

Born:1538.11.16 (Mayorga, Spain)
Ordained Priest:1578
Consecrated Bishop:1580.08
Died:1606.03.23 (Saña, Peru † 67)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1579.05.16 – 1606.03.23)


Archbishop Diego Gómez de Lamadrid, O.SS.T.
(1577.03.27 – 1578.06.13)

Born:1529 (Spain)
Died:1601.08.15 († 71)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1577.03.27 – 1578.06.13)

Archbishop-Bishop of Badajoz (Spain) (1578.06.13 – 1601.08.15)

Archbishop Jerónimo de Loayza, O.P.
(1546.02.12 – 1575.10.25)

Consecrated Bishop:1538.06.29

Bishop of Cartagena (Colombia) (1537.12.05 – 1541.05.13)

Bishop of Lima (Peru) (1541.05.13 – 1546.02.12)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Lima (Peru) (1546.02.12 – 1575.10.25)

Bishops of Lima (Roman Rite)

Bishop Jerónimo de Loayza, O.P. (later Archbishop)
(1541.05.13 – 1546.02.12)

(see above)

Former Prelates

Special Churches

Churches by City (148)

Callao (←), Carabayllo (↑), Chosica (↗), Yauyos (→), Lurín (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 639 km²

Population: 2,318,703 Catholics (78.0% of 2,972,696 total)

Pastoral Centres: 125 parishes, 20 missions

Personnel: 512 priests (165 diocesan, 347 religious), 1 deacon, 1,742 religious (539 brothers, 1,203 sisters), 33 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2025.02.12

© 2025
