Recent Appointments

in the Roman Curia

DateDescendingRecent Events

Italy Msgr. Filippo Ciampanelli was consecrated as Titular Bishop of Aquæ in Mauretania


India Cardinal Oswald Gracias resigned as Metropolitan Archbishop of Bombay (India)


India Cardinal George Jacob Koovakad was appointed as Prefect of Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue


Austria Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, O.P., Cardinal-Priest of Gesù Divin Lavoratore, Ordinary of Austria of the Eastern Rite (Austria), President of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion and Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Wien (Austria), reached the age of 80 and became ineligible to vote in a future conclave (Austria)


Poland Msgr. Tomasz Kubiczek, Priest of Częstochowa (Poland), Chaplain of His Holiness and Promoter of Justice of Tribunal of the Roman Rota, was appointed as Prelate Auditor of Tribunal of the Roman Rota


Italy Msgr. Carlo Maria Polvani, Priest of Milano (Italy), Prelate of Honour of His Holiness and Adjunct Undersecretary of Dicastery for Culture and Education, was elected Titular Archbishop of Regiæ and Secretary of Dicastery for Culture and Education

Italy Msgr. Filippo Ciampanelli, Priest of Novara (Italy), Prelate of Honour of His Holiness and Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, was elected Titular Bishop of Aquæ in Mauretania


Italy Fr. Fabio Baggio, C.S., was consecrated as Cardinal-Deacon of S. Filippo Neri in Eurosia and Titular Archbishop emeritus of Urusi


Brazil Cardinal João Bráz de Aviz resigned as Prefect of Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life

Italy Sr. Simona Brambilla, I.S.M.C., Secretary of Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life, was appointed as Prefect of Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life

Spain Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, S.D.B., was appointed as Pro-Prefect of Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life


Italy Dr. Enrico Bartelucci was appointed as Director of Directorate of the Economy of Vatican City State

Italy Dr. Antonio Chiminello resigned as Director of Directorate of the Economy of Vatican City State

Italy Prof. Venerando Marano, Adjunct President of Tribunal of Vatican City State, was appointed as President of Tribunal of Vatican City State


Italy Dr. Giuseppe Pignatone resigned as President of Tribunal of Vatican City State


India Cardinal Oswald Gracias, Cardinal-Priest of S. Paolo della Croce a «Corviale», Metropolitan Archbishop of Bombay (India) and Member of Council of Cardinals, reached the age of 80 and became ineligible to vote in a future conclave (India)


Italy Archbishop-elect Fabio Baggio, C.S., Secretary of Vatican COVID-19 Commission, Undersecretary of Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and Titular Archbishop of Urusi, was created Cardinal-Deacon of S. Filippo Neri in Eurosia

Italy Archbishop Baldassare Reina, Apostolic Administrator of Ostia (Italy), Vicar General for the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy), Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Lateran University, Titular Archbishop of Aquæ in Mauretania and Archpriest of Papal Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, was created Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Assunta e S. Giuseppe a Primavalle

Japan Archbishop Tarcisius Isao Kikuchi (タルチシオ 菊地 功), S.V.D., Metropolitan Archbishop of Tokyo 東京 (Japan), General Secretary of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences, President of Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Japan and President of Caritas Internationalis, was created Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni Leonardi

Lithuania Archbishop Rolandas Makrickas, Titular Archbishop of Tolentino and Coadjutor Archpriest of Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major, was created Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eustachio


Italy Dr. Federico Antellini Russo, Vice-Director of Supervisory and Financial Information Authority, was appointed as Vice-President of Supervisory and Financial Information Authority and Director of Supervisory and Financial Information Authority

Italy Dr. Giuseppe Schlitzer resigned as Director of Supervisory and Financial Information Authority


Spain Cardinal Miguel Ángel Ayuso Guixot, M.C.C.J., Cardinal-Deacon of S. Girolamo della Carità, Prefect of Dicastery for Interreligious Dialogue and Prefect of Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims, passed away at 72


Italy Fr. Enzo Fortunato, O.F.M. Conv., Director of Communication of Papal Basilica of Saint Peter, was appointed as President of Pontifical Committee for World Children’s Day


Italy Cardinal Raniero Cantalamessa, O.F.M. Cap., resigned as Preacher of Prefecture of the Papal Household

Italy Fr. Roberto Pasolini, O.F.M. Cap., was appointed as Preacher of Prefecture of the Papal Household


Philippines Msgr. Erwin José Aserios Balagapo, Priest of Palo (Philippines) and Chaplain of His Holiness, was appointed as Undersecretary for the Section of Evangelisation of Dicastery for Evangelisation


Italy Fr. Fabio Baggio, C.S., Secretary of Vatican COVID-19 Commission and Undersecretary of Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development, was elected Titular Archbishop of Urusi

Italy Bishop Dario Gervasi, Auxiliary Bishop of the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy), was appointed as Adjunct Secretary of Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life


France Cardinal Dominique François Joseph Mamberti, Prefect of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura and President of Commission for Advocates, was appointed as Protodeacon of College of Cardinals

Italy Cardinal Renato Raffaele Martino, Cardinal-Deacon of S. Francesco di Paola ai Monti and President emeritus of Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, passed away at 91


Italy Bishop Baldassare Reina, Titular Bishop of Aquæ in Mauretania, Apostolic Administrator of Ostia (Italy), Vicar General for the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy) and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Lateran University, was promoted as Titular Archbishop of Aquæ in Mauretania and Archpriest of Papal Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran


Spain Archbishop Alejandro Arellano Cedillo, C.O.R.C., Dean of Tribunal of the Roman Rota, President of Appeals Court of Vatican City State and President of Pontifical Commission for the Verification and Application of Mitis Iudex in the Churches of Italy, was appointed as Plenipotentiary Pontifical Commissioner for the complex of Torreciudad of Barbastro–Monzón (Spain)


Italy Bishop Baldassare Reina, Vicegerent for the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy) and Apostolic Administrator of Ostia (Italy), was appointed as Vicar General for the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy) and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Lateran University

Portugal Cardinal José Tolentino Calaça de Mendonça resigned as Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Lateran University


Italy Msgr. Samuele Sangalli, Priest of Milano (Italy), Chaplain of His Holiness and Undersecretary for the Section of Evangelisation of Dicastery for Evangelisation, was appointed as Adjunct Secretary for the Section of Evangelisation of Dicastery for Evangelisation


France Msgr. Philippe Curbelié was consecrated as Titular Bishop of Utica

Ireland Msgr. John Joseph Kennedy was consecrated as Titular Archbishop of Osor


Germany Archabbot Jeremias Schröder, O.S.B., President of Benedictine Congregation of Saint Ottilien (Missionary Benedictines), was appointed as Abbot Primate of Benedictine Confederation of the Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines) and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm

USA Abbot Primate Gregory John Frederick Polan, O.S.B., resigned as Abbot Primate of Benedictine Confederation of the Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines) and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Athenaeum of Saint Anselm


Sweden Cardinal Anders Arborelius, O.C.D., resigned as Vice-President of Scandinavian Episcopal Conference


Italy Dr. Roberto Romano was appointed as Delegate for the Administration of the Chapter of Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major


Peru Cardinal Pedro Ricardo Barreto Jimeno, S.J., resigned as Vice-President of Episcopal Conference of Peru


Spain Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, S.D.B., resigned as Rector Major of Salesians of Saint John Bosco (Salesians), Grand Chancellor of Salesian Pontifical University, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Superior Institute of Latinità and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Faculty of Education Sciences (Auxilium)


Finland Msgr. Tuomo T. Vimpari, Priest of Helsinki (Finland) and Prelate of Honour of His Holiness, was appointed as Undersecretary of Dicastery for Legislative Texts

Germany Msgr. Markus Graulich, S.D.B., resigned as Undersecretary of Dicastery for Legislative Texts


Italy Msgr. Ivan Ricupero, Priest of Siracusa (Italy) and Chaplain of His Holiness, was appointed as Delegate for Pastoral Care of Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major

USA Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., resigned as Metropolitan Archbishop of Boston (USA)


Italy Cardinal Giuseppe Petrocchi resigned as Metropolitan Archbishop of L’Aquila (Italy)


France Msgr. Philippe Curbelié, Priest of Toulouse (France), Chaplain of His Holiness and Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, was elected Titular Bishop of Utica

Ireland Msgr. John Joseph Kennedy, Priest of Dublin (Ireland), Prelate of Honour of His Holiness and Secretary for the Disciplinary Section of Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith, was elected Titular Archbishop of Osor


Italy Dr. Massimiliano Menichetti was appointed as Vice-Director of Editorial Department of Dicastery for Communication

Italy Dr. Francesco Valle was appointed as Vice-Director General of Dicastery for Communication


Italy Bishop Enrico dal Covolo, S.D.B., resigned as Assessor of Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences

Italy Bishop Sergio Pagano, B., Prefect of Vatican Apostolic Archive, was appointed as Assessor of Pontifical Committee for Historical Sciences

Italy Fr. Rocco Ronzani, O.S.A., was appointed as Prefect of Vatican Apostolic Archive


Italy Dr. Elena Beccalli was appointed as Rector Magnificus of Catholic University of the Sacred Heart

USA Cardinal James Michael Harvey, Archpriest of Papal Basilica of Saint Paul Outside-the-Walls and Cardinal-Deacon of S. Pio V a Villa Carpegna, was appointed as Cardinal-Priest of S. Pio V a Villa Carpegna pro hac vice Title


USA Cardinal Seán Patrick O’Malley, O.F.M. Cap., Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Vittoria, Metropolitan Archbishop of Boston (USA), President of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors and Member of Council of Cardinals, reached the age of 80 and became ineligible to vote in a future conclave (USA)


Poland Msgr. Krzysztof Józef Nykiel was consecrated as Titular Bishop of Velia


Lebanon Fr. Michel Jalakh, O.A.M., was consecrated as Titular Archbishop of Nisibis of the Maronites


France Bishop Peter Karam, Bishop of Curia of the Maronites, Member of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors and Apostolic Administrator sede plena of Notre-Dame du Liban de Paris of the Maronites (France), was appointed as Apostolic Administrator of Notre-Dame du Liban de Paris of the Maronites (France)


Italy Dr. Franco Anelli, Rector Magnificus of Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, passed away at 60


Italy Fr. Flavio Pace was consecrated as Titular Archbishop of Dolia


Austria Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, O.P., Metropolitan Archbishop of Wien (Austria), Ordinary of Austria of the Eastern Rite (Austria) and Member of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion, was appointed as President of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion


Poland Msgr. Krzysztof Józef Nykiel, Priest of Łódź (Poland) and Regent of Apostolic Penitentiary, was elected Titular Bishop of Velia


Spain Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, S.D.B., resigned as Titular Archbishop of Ursona


Italy Fr. Giordano Piccinotti, S.D.B., was consecrated as Titular Archbishop of Gradisca

Spain Fr. Ángel Fernández Artime, S.D.B., was consecrated as Titular Archbishop of Ursona and Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria Ausiliatrice in Via Tuscolana


Italy Msgr. Filippo Ciampanelli, Priest of Novara (Italy) and Prelate of Honour of His Holiness, was appointed as Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Eastern Churches


Italy Msgr. Francesco Di Felice, Protonotary Apostolic de numero of Prefecture of the Papal Household, passed away at 89


Italy Cardinal Angelo De Donatis, Vicar General for the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy), Archpriest of Papal Archbasilica of Saint John Lateran, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Lateran University and Apostolic Administrator of Ostia (Italy), was appointed as Major Penitentiary of Apostolic Penitentiary

Italy Cardinal Mauro Piacenza resigned as Major Penitentiary of Apostolic Penitentiary

Italy Bishop Daniele Libanori, S.J., Auxiliary Bishop of the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy), was appointed as Assessor of the Holy Father for Consecrated Life


Portugal Cardinal José Tolentino Calaça de Mendonça, Prefect of Dicastery for Culture and Education, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Gregorian University, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Institute of Christian Archaeology, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Biblical Institute (Biblicum), was appointed as Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Lateran University


Italy Archbishop Piero Marini resigned as Vicar of the Chapter of Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major

Lithuania Archbishop Rolandas Makrickas, Special Commissioner for Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major, was appointed as Coadjutor Archpriest of Papal Basilica of Saint Mary Major


Colombia Bishop Luis Manuel Alí Herrera, Member of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, Auxiliary Bishop of Bogotá (Colombia) and General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of Colombia, was appointed as Secretary of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors

England Fr. Andrew Small, O.M.I., resigned as Secretary pro tempore of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors

USA Dr. Teresa Morris Kettelkamp, Member of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors, was appointed as Adjunct Secretary of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors


Ireland Msgr. Eamonn McLaughlin, Priest of Raphoe (Ireland) and Chaplain of His Holiness, was appointed as Adjunct Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Clergy

Italy Fr. Enrico Massignani, Priest of Vicenza (Italy), was appointed as Adjunct Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Clergy


Switzerland Cardinal Emil Paul Tscherrig resigned as Apostolic Nuncio to Italy and Apostolic Nuncio to San Marino


Lebanon Fr. Michel Jalakh, O.A.M., Secretary of Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, was elected Titular Archbishop of Nisibis of the Maronites


Spain Cardinal Juan José Omella Omella resigned as President of Episcopal Conference of Spain


Spain Cardinal Ángel Fernández Artime, S.D.B., Rector Major of Salesians of Saint John Bosco (Salesians), Grand Chancellor of Salesian Pontifical University, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Superior Institute of Latinità and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Faculty of Education Sciences (Auxilium), was appointed as Titular Archbishop of Ursona

USA Msgr. Shane Lee Kirby, Priest of Scranton (USA) and Chaplain of His Holiness, was appointed as Substitute Promoter of Justice of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura


Spain Fr. Aitor Jiménez Echave, C.M.F., was appointed as Undersecretary of Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life


Italy Fr. Flavio Pace, Priest of Milano (Italy) and Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, was elected Titular Archbishop of Dolia, Secretary of Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity and Vice-President of Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews


Canada Cardinal Michael Czerny, S.J., Prefect of Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development and President of Vatican COVID-19 Commission, was appointed as Member of Council of the Section for Relations with States and International Organisations

Italy Cardinal Claudio Gugerotti, Prefect of Dicastery for the Eastern Churches and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Oriental Institute, was appointed as Member of Council of the Section for Relations with States and International Organisations

Italy Fr. Giulio Albanese, M.C.C.J., was appointed as Member of Council of the Section for Relations with States and International Organisations

Philippines Cardinal Luis Antonio Gokim Tagle, President of Interdicastery Commission for Consecrated Religious, Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Urbaniana University, Member of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion and Pro-Prefect for the Section of Evangelisation of Dicastery for Evangelisation, was appointed as Member of Council of the Section for Relations with States and International Organisations


See Also

Recent Appointments of Pontifical Representatives

Recent Appointments of Cardinals

Recent Appointments in the Eastern Churches

Last updated on 2025.01.26

© 2025
