
who are not Ordinaries


GermanyBishop Franz Josef Gebert (75)Bishop Franz Josef Gebert (75)

Titular Bishop of Vegesela in Byzacena
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Trier (Germany)

Unum spiritum potati

Born:1949.02.21 (Schweich, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1977.10.10
Consecrated Bishop:2017.09.03

Priest of Trier (Germany) (1977.10.10 – 2017.05.31)

Auxiliary Bishop of Trier (Germany) (2017.05.31 – 2024.02.24)

Titular Bishop of Vegesela in Byzacena (2017.05.31 – ...)

PolandBishop Stanisław Gębicki (79)Bishop Stanisław Gębicki (79)

Titular Bishop of Thiges
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Włocławek (Poland)

Veritas in caritate

Born:1945.07.08 (Witkowo, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1969.06.19
Consecrated Bishop:2000.01.06

Priest of Włocławek (Poland) (1969.06.19 – 1999.12.11)

Auxiliary Bishop of Włocławek (Poland) (1999.12.11 – 2020.07.08)

Titular Bishop of Thiges (1999.12.11 – ...)

ScotlandBishop John Geddes

Born:1735.09.09 (Scotland)
Ordained Priest:1759.03.18
Consecrated Bishop:1780.11.30
Died:1799.02.11 († 63)

Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Lowland District of Scotland (Scotland) (1779.09.30 – 1797.10.26)

Titular Bishop of Marocco (1779.09.30 – 1799.02.11)

GermanyBishop Johann Edmund Geduld von Jungenfeld

Born:1652.09.02 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1675.12.09
Consecrated Bishop:1703.04.17
Died:1727.07.31 († 74)

Titular Bishop of Mallus (1703.02.12 – 1727.07.31)

Auxiliary Bishop of Mainz (Germany) (1703.02.12 – 1727.07.31)

GermanyBishop Dieter Geerlings (77)Bishop Dieter Geerlings (77)

Titular Bishop of Tacapæ
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Münster (Germany)

Caritas Dei diffusa in cordibus

Born:1947.07.15 (Emmerich, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1973.05.20
Consecrated Bishop:2010.08.29

Priest of Münster (Germany) (1973.05.20 – 2010.05.31)

Auxiliary Bishop of Münster (Germany) (2010.05.31 – 2017.11.24)

Titular Bishop of Tacapæ (2010.05.31 – ...)

GermanyBishop Johann Baptist Gegg

Ordained Priest:1688.06.12
Consecrated Bishop:1716.07.16
Died:1730.11.09 († 66)

Titular Bishop of Trapezopolis (1716.03.30 – 1730.11.09)

Auxiliary Bishop of Worms (Germany) (1716.03.30 – 1730.11.09)

GermanyBishop Martin Geiger

Died:1669.07.02 († 47)

Titular Bishop of Lampsacus (1668.05.06 – 1669.07.02)

Auxiliary Bishop of Passau (Germany) (1668.05.06 – 1669.07.02)

ItalyArchbishop Johannes Baptist Geisler

Manete in caritate

Born:1882.04.23 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1910.03.13
Consecrated Bishop:1930.05.25
Died:1952.09.05 († 70)

Bishop of Brixen (Italy) (1930.04.02 – 1952.04.23)

Titular Archbishop of Odessus (1952.04.23 – 1952.09.05)

GermanyBishop Ulrich Geislinger, O.F.M.


Titular Bishop of Adramyttium (1474.03.23 – 1493.02.16)

Auxiliary Bishop of Augsburg (Germany) (1474.03.23 – 1493.02.16)

PalestineBishop Vincent Gelat

Ordained Priest:1908.06.21
Consecrated Bishop:1948.06.27
Died:1968.01.19 († 82)

Titular Bishop of Menois (1948.04.30 – 1968.01.19)

Auxiliary Bishop of Jerusalem (Palestine) (1948.04.30 – 1968.01.19)

GermanyBishop Ägidius Gelenius

Ordained Priest:1619.03.16
Consecrated Bishop:1656.03.25
Died:1656.08.24 († 61)

Titular Bishop of Aureliopolis (1655.04.29 – 1656.08.24)

Auxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück (Germany) (1655.04.29 – 1656.08.24)

BoliviaBishop Angelo Gelmi Bertocchi

Born:1938.04.24 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1968.06.28
Consecrated Bishop:1985.06.29
Died:2016.06.17 († 78)

Auxiliary Bishop of Cochabamba (Bolivia) (1985.04.04 – 2013.05.31)

Titular Bishop of Monterano (1985.04.04 – 2016.06.17)

PolandBishop Józef Gabriel Gembart, S.J.

Ordained Priest:1771
Consecrated Bishop:1814.11.20
Died:1821.12.30 († 78)

Titular Bishop of Patara (1814.09.26 – 1821.12.30)

Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno (Poland) (1814.09.26 – 1821.12.30)

Bishop v Genghi

Consecrated Bishop:1798.03.18

Titular Bishop of Dura (1798.01.29 – ?)

ItalyBishop Filippo Genovese

Born:1832.11.13 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1856.09.20
Consecrated Bishop:1901.01.03
Died:1902.12.16 († 70)

Titular Bishop of Sarepta (1900.12.17 – 1902.12.16)

ItalyArchbishop Domenico Genovesi

Born:1765.03.31 (Italy)
Consecrated Bishop:1832.12.30
Died:1835.01.08 († 69)

Titular Archbishop of Mytilene (1832.12.17 – 1835.01.08)

HaitiBishop Pierre-Marie Gentet

Born:1848.12.18 (France)
Ordained Priest:1876.06.29
Consecrated Bishop:1895.12.15
Died:1896.03.06 († 47)

Titular Bishop of Proconnesus (1895.11.16 – 1896.03.06)

Auxiliary Bishop of Port-au-Prince (Haiti) (1895.11.16 – 1896.03.06)

ArgentinaBishop José Antonio Gentico

Born:1931.11.28 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1968.11.30
Consecrated Bishop:2001.04.28
Died:2007.04.05 († 75)

Priest of Morón (Argentina) (1968.11.30 – 2001.03.21)

Titular Bishop of Mizigi (2001.03.21 – 2007.04.05)

Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires (Argentina) (2001.03.21 – 2007.04.05)

ChinaBishop Thomas-Marie Gentili (李宏治), O.P.

Born:1828.02.14 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1850.11.21
Consecrated Bishop:1868.06.07
Died:1888.08.30 († 60)

Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Northern Fo-kien 福建北境 (China) (1868.06.07 – 1883.12.03)

Titular Bishop of Dionysias (1868.06.07 – 1888.08.30)

ItalyArchbishop Francesco Gentilini

Born:1782.10.21 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1805.06.05
Consecrated Bishop:1832.09.23
Died:1856.05.12 († 73)

Titular Bishop of Amyclae (1832.09.15 – 1833.04.15)

Bishop of Rimini (Italy) (1833.04.15 – 1844.12.18)

Titular Archbishop of Tianæ (1845.01.20 – 1856.05.12)

ItalyBishop Romolo Genuardi

Adveniat regnum tuum

Born:1883.05.01 (Italy)
Consecrated Bishop:1931.08.15
Died:1936.01.16 († 52)

Titular Bishop of Pharsalus (1931.07.03 – 1936.01.16)

Auxiliary Bishop of Palermo (Italy) (1931.07.03 – 1936.01.16)

IrelandBishop Eugene Geoghegan


Titular Bishop of Madauros (1771.03.08 – 1778.05.26)

Coadjutor Bishop of Meath (Ireland) (1771.03.08 – 1778.05.26)

TurkiyeBishop Georg, O.F.M.


Coadjutor Bishop of Laodicea (1446 – 1461?)

GermanyBishop Otto Georgens (73)Bishop Otto Georgens (73)

Titular Bishop of Gubaliana
Auxiliary Bishop of Speyer (Germany)

Dominus vobiscum

Born:1950.12.02 (Weisenheim am Berg, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1977.06.26
Consecrated Bishop:1995.03.25

Priest of Speyer (Germany) (1977.06.26 – 1995.01.27)

Titular Bishop of Gubaliana (1995.01.27 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Speyer (Germany) (1995.01.27 – ...)

Bishop Théophile Joseph Georgi (Syriac Rite)

Ordained Priest:1893.05.14
Consecrated Bishop:1922.04.30
Died:1942 († 74)

Titular Bishop of Arethusa of the Syriacs (1921.11.21 – 1942)

MaltaArchbishop Emanuele Gerada

Born:1920.05.18 (Żejtun, Malta)
Ordained Priest:1943.08.01
Consecrated Bishop:1967.06.18
Died:2011.01.21 († 90)

Auxiliary Bishop of Malta (Malta) (1967.02.15 – 1968.04.06)

Titular Bishop of Nomento (1967.02.15 – 1973.11.08)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Malta (Malta) (1968.04.06 – 1973.11.08)

Apostolic Nuncio to El Salvador (1973.11.08 – 1980.10.15)

Apostolic Nuncio to Guatemala (1973.11.08 – 1980.10.15)

Titular Archbishop of Nomento (1973.11.08 – 2011.01.21)

Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Pakistan (1980.10.15 – 1989.02.04)

Apostolic Nuncio to Ireland (1989.02.04 – 1995.10.17)

BrazilBishop Denilson Geraldo, S.A.C. (55)Bishop Denilson Geraldo, S.A.C. (55)

Titular Bishop of Lamsorti
Auxiliary Bishop of Brasília (Brazil)

Beati pacifici

Born:1969.05.31 (Cornélio Procópio, PR, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1997.07.06
Consecrated Bishop:2023.04.15

Titular Bishop of Lamsorti (2023.01.25 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Brasília (Brazil) (2023.01.25 – ...)

USAArchbishop Daniel James Gercke

Born:1874.10.09 (Holmesburg, PA, USA)
Ordained Priest:1901.06.01
Consecrated Bishop:1923.11.06
Died:1964.03.19 († 89)

Bishop of Tucson (USA) (1923.06.21 – 1960.09.28)

Titular Archbishop of Cotyæum (1960.09.28 – 1964.03.19)

GermanyBishop Gerhard, O.F.M.


Titular Bishop of Salona (1429.02.25 – 1456.01.08)

Auxiliary Bishop of Trier (Germany) (1429.02.25 – 1456.01.08)

Bishop Gerolamo

Titular Bishop of Akka (1574? – ?)

USABishop James Joseph Gerrard

Born:1897.06.09 (USA)
Ordained Priest:1923.05.26
Consecrated Bishop:1959.03.19
Died:1991.06.03 († 93)

Auxiliary Bishop of Fall River (USA) (1959.02.02 – 1976.01.12)

Titular Bishop of Forma (1959.02.02 – 1991.06.03)

AustraliaBishop John Joseph Gerry

Born:1927.06.01 (Australia)
Ordained Priest:1950.12.21
Consecrated Bishop:1975.07.29
Died:2017.12.13 († 90)

Auxiliary Bishop of Brisbane (Australia) (1975.06.05 – 2003.02.11)

Titular Bishop of Louth (1975.06.05 – 2017.12.13)

ItalyBishop Dario Gervasi (56)Bishop Dario Gervasi (56)

Titular Bishop of Subaugusta
Auxiliary Bishop of the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy)

Caritas Christi urget nos

Born:1968.05.09 (Roma, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1994.05.22
Consecrated Bishop:2020.10.18

Priest of Roma (Italy) (1994.05.22 – 2020.08.31)

Titular Bishop of Subaugusta (2020.08.31 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of the Vicariate of Rome of Roma (Italy) (2020.08.31 – ...)

LebanonArchbishop Salim Ghazal, B.S. (Greek-Melkite Rite)

Born:1931.07.07 (Syria)
Ordained Priest:1958.06.22
Consecrated Bishop:2001.08.05
Died:2011.04.29 († 79)

Apostolic Administrator of Saïdā of the Greek-Melkites (Lebanon) (1985 – 1987.07.23)

Superior General of Basilian Order of the Most Holy Saviour (Salvatorian Fathers) (1995.07.17 – 2001.06.22)

Bishop of Curia of the Greek-Melkites (2001.06.22 [2001.07.14] – 2006)

Titular Archbishop of Edessa in Osrhoëne of the Greek-Melkites (2001.07.14 – 2011.04.29)

Archbishop Tobias Georg Ghebragzer

Consecrated Bishop:1788.06.24
Died:1801.05.07 († 46)

Titular Archbishop of Adulis (1788.06.06 – 1801.05.07)

ItalyArchbishop Pompeo Ghezzi

Mihi spem dedisti

Born:1869.06.04 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1892.06.11
Consecrated Bishop:1912.01.14
Died:1957.04.17 († 87)

Bishop of Sansepolcro (Italy) (1911.11.27 – 1953.10.25)

Titular Archbishop of Gabula (1953.10.25 – 1957.04.17)

ItalyBishop Giovanni Ghirardi

Consecrated Bishop:1726.03.24

Titular Bishop of Charadrus (1726.03.20 – 1745.10.08)

Coadjutor Bishop of Montemarano (1726.03.20 – 1745.10.08)

BelgiumArchbishop Frédéric-François-Xavier Ghislain de Mérode

Born:1820.03.26 (Belgium)
Ordained Priest:1849.09.22
Consecrated Bishop:1866.07.01
Died:1874.07.11 († 54)

Titular Archbishop of Melitene (1866.06.22 – 1874.07.11)

Almoner of His Holiness of Office of Papal Charities (1866.07.10 – 1874.07.11)

ItalyBishop Antonio Maria Ghislieri

Born:1684.07.30 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1725.03.25
Consecrated Bishop:1729.09.04
Died:1734.05.16 († 49)

Titular Bishop of Azotus (1729.07.06 – 1734.05.16)

ItalyArchbishop Ignazio Ghiurekian (Armenian Rite)

Born:1833.02.14 (Italy)
Consecrated Bishop:1877.05.20
Died:1921.12.03 († 88)

Titular Archbishop of Traianopolis of the Armenians (1877.05.02 – 1921.12.03)

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