Metropolitan Archdiocese of


Brazil Brazil

Continent: South America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Metropolitan Archdiocese Metr. Archdiocese

Name: Brasília / Brasiliapolitan(us) (Latin)

Suffragan Sees: Formosa, Luziânia, Uruaçu

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops



Patron Saint: Nossa Senhora da Conceição Aparecida (October 12), Saint John Bosco (January 31)

Cathedral Dedication Anniversary: May 31 (1970)

Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Papal Visits

Present Prelates

Metropolitan Archbishop (2020.10.21 – ...):Cardinal Paulo Cezar Costa (57)Cardinal Paulo Cezar Costa (57)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio

Auxiliary Bishop (2022.12.21 – ...):Bishop Antônio Aparecido de Marcos Filho (58)Bishop Antônio Aparecido de Marcos Filho (58)

Titular Bishop of Centenaria

Auxiliary Bishop (2023.01.25 – ...):Bishop Denilson Geraldo, S.A.C. (55)Bishop Denilson Geraldo, S.A.C. (55)

Titular Bishop of Lamsorti

Auxiliary Bishop (2023.05.24 – ...):Bishop Ricardo Hoepers (54)Bishop Ricardo Hoepers (54)

Titular Bishop of Thysdrus

General Secretary of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil

Auxiliary Bishop (2024.03.19 – ...):Bishop Vicente de Paula Tavares (53)Bishop Vicente de Paula Tavares (53)

Titular Bishop of Gergis


Metropolitan Archbishops of Brasília (Roman Rite)

Cardinal Paulo Cezar Costa (57)Cardinal Paulo Cezar Costa (57)
(2020.10.21 – ...)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio
Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil)

Omnia sustinet propter electos

Born:1967.07.20 (Valença, RJ, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1992.12.05
Consecrated Bishop:2011.02.05
Created Cardinal:2022.08.27

Priest of Valença (Brazil) (1992.12.05 – 2010.11.24)

Titular Bishop of Œscus (2010.11.24 – 2016.06.22)

Auxiliary Bishop of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) (2010.11.24 – 2016.06.22)

Bishop of São Carlos (Brazil) (2016.06.22 – 2020.10.21)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil) (2020.10.21 – ...)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio (2022.08.27 [2022.10.07] – ...)

Cardinal Sérgio da Rocha (65)Cardinal Sérgio da Rocha (65)
(2011.06.15 – 2020.03.11)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Croce in Via Flaminia
Metropolitan Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia (Brazil)
Member of Council of Cardinals

Omnia in Caritate

Born:1959.10.21 (Dobrada, SP, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1984.12.14
Consecrated Bishop:2001.08.11
Created Cardinal:2016.11.19

Priest of São Carlos (Brazil) (1984.12.14 – 2001.06.13)

Titular Bishop of Alba (2001.06.13 – 2007.01.31)

Auxiliary Bishop of Fortaleza (Brazil) (2001.06.13 – 2007.01.31)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Teresina (Brazil) (2007.01.31 – 2008.09.03)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Teresina (Brazil) (2008.09.03 – 2011.06.15)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil) (2011.06.15 – 2020.03.11)

President of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (2015.04.20 – 2019.05.06)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Croce in Via Flaminia (2016.11.19 [2017.04.23] – ...)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) (2020.03.11 – ...)

Member of Council of Cardinals (2023.03.07 – ...)

Bishop Waldemar Passini Dalbello (58)Bishop Waldemar Passini Dalbello (58)
(Apostolic Administrator 2011.02.17 – 2011.06.15)

Cardinal João Bráz de Aviz (77)Archbishop João Bráz de Aviz (77) (later Cardinal)
(2004.01.28 – 2011.01.04)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Elena fuori Porta Prenestina pro hac vice Title
Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Brasília (Brazil)
Prefect emeritus of Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life

Todos sejam um

Born:1947.04.24 (Mafra, SC, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1972.11.26
Consecrated Bishop:1994.05.31
Created Cardinal:2012.02.18

Priest of Apucarana (Brazil) (1972.11.26 – 1994.04.06)

Titular Bishop of Flenucleta (1994.04.06 – 1998.08.12)

Auxiliary Bishop of Vitória (Brazil) (1994.04.06 – 1998.08.12)

Bishop of Ponta Grossa (Brazil) (1998.08.12 – 2002.07.17)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Maringá (Brazil) (2002.07.17 – 2004.01.28)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil) (2004.01.28 – 2011.01.04)

Prefect of Dicastery for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life (2011.01.04 – 2025.01.06)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Elena fuori Porta Prenestina (2012.02.18 [2012.05.20] – 2022.03.04)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Elena fuori Porta Prenestina pro hac vice Title (2022.03.04 – ...)

Cardinal José Freire Falcão
(1984.02.15 – 2004.01.28)

Servir em humildade

Born:1925.10.23 (Ererê, CE, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1949.06.19
Consecrated Bishop:1967.06.17
Created Cardinal:1988.06.28
Died:2021.09.26 (Brasilia, DF, Brazil † 95)

Priest of Limoeiro do Norte (Brazil) (1949.06.19 – 1967.04.24)

Titular Bishop of Vardimissa (1967.04.24 – 1967.08.19)

Coadjutor Bishop of Limoeiro do Norte (Brazil) (1967.04.24 – 1967.08.19)

Bishop of Limoeiro do Norte (Brazil) (1967.08.19 – 1971.11.25)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Teresina (Brazil) (1971.11.25 – 1984.02.15)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil) (1984.02.15 – 2004.01.28)

Second Vice-President of Latin American Episcopal Council (1987 – 1991)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Luca a Via Prenestina (1988.06.28 – 2021.09.26)

Died of COVID-19.

Archbishop José Newton de Almeida Baptista
(1966.10.11 – 1984.02.15)

Adveniat regnum tuum

Born:1904.10.16 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1928.10.28
Consecrated Bishop:1944.09.03
Died:2001.11.11 († 97)

Bishop of Uruguaiana (Brazil) (1944.06.10 – 1954.01.05)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Diamantina (Brazil) (1954.01.05 – 1960.03.12)

Archbishop-Bishop of Brasília (Brazil) (1960.03.12 – 1966.10.11)

Archbishop Military Vicar of Brazil (Brazil) (1963.11.09 – 1986.07.21)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Brasília (Brazil) (1966.10.11 – 1984.02.15)

Archbishop Military Ordinary of Brazil (Brazil) (1986.07.21 – 1990.10.31)

Bishops of Brasília (Roman Rite)

Archbishop José Newton de Almeida Baptista
(1960.03.12 – 1966.10.11)

(see above)

Former Prelates

Special Churches

Churches by City (151)

Formosa (↗), Paracatu (↘), Luziânia (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 5,814 km²

Population: 2,138,000 Catholics (68.7% of 3,113,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 156 parishes, 241 missions

Personnel: 273 priests (128 diocesan, 145 religious), 93 deacons, 584 religious (266 brothers, 318 sisters), 49 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2025.03.17

© 2025
