

Congo-BrazzavilleFr. Antonio MabialaFr. Antonio Mabiala

General Secretary of Association of Episcopal Conferences of the Central Africa Region

Born: (Congo-Brazzaville)

General Secretary of Association of Episcopal Conferences of the Central Africa Region (2018? – ...)

CanadaFr. Ronald MacDonell, S.F.M. (66)Fr. Ronald MacDonell, S.F.M. (66)

Superior General of Scarboro Foreign Mission Society

Born:1958 (Canada)

Superior General of Scarboro Foreign Mission Society (2022.05.19 – ...)

PolandFr. Jan Maciejowski, O.F.M. Conv. (55)Fr. Jan Maciejowski, O.F.M. Conv. (55)

Vice-Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Theological Faculty of Saint Bonaventure (Seraphicum)

Born:1970.01.25 (Żywiec, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1996.05.25

Vice-Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Theological Faculty of Saint Bonaventure (Seraphicum) (2019.05.27 – ...)

MexicoFr. Marcial Maciel Degollado, L.C.

Born:1920.03.10 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1944.11.26
Died:2008.01.30 († 87)

Founder of Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ (1941.01.03)

Director General of Congregation of the Legionaries of Christ (1948.06.13 – 2005.01)

Founder of Regnum Christi Apostolic Movement (1959)

CanadaSr. Louise Madore, F.d.L.S.

Superior General of Daughters of Wisdom

Born: (Canada)

President of International Union of Superiors General (U.I.S.G.) (2008 – 2009)

Superior General of Daughters of Wisdom (2012 – ...)

ItalySr. Sandra Maggiolo, F.d.C.C.

Superior General of Canossian Daughters of Charity (Canossians)

Born: (Italy)

Superior General of Canossian Daughters of Charity (Canossians) (2022.08.20 – ...)

ItalyFr. Corrado Maggioni, S.M.M. (68)Fr. Corrado Maggioni, S.M.M. (68)

President of Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses

Born:1956.11.06 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1982.03.20

Undersecretary of Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (2014.11.05 – 2021.09.13)

President of Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses (2021.09.13 – 2022.06.05)

President of Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses (2022.06.05 – ...)

ScotlandFr. Gerard MaguinessFr. Gerard Maguiness

Priest of Motherwell (Scotland)
General Secretary of Bishops’ Conference of Scotland

Born: (Scotland)
Ordained Priest:1994.07.04

Priest of Motherwell (Scotland) (1994.07.04 – ...)

General Secretary of Bishops’ Conference of Scotland (2020.02.07 – ...)

ItalyFr. Luciano Mainini, C.S.P. (73)Fr. Luciano Mainini, C.S.P. (73)

President of Society of Saint Paul

Born:1951.09.01 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1977.06.24

President of Society of Saint Paul (2016.09 – ...)

PolandFr. Józef Marian Maj, S.J. (68)Fr. Józef Marian Maj, S.J. (68)

Vice-Director for Administration of Vatican Observatory

Born:1956 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1982

Vice-Director for Administration of Vatican Observatory (2009.09 – ...)

TanzaniaFr. Anthony Makunde (61)Fr. Anthony Makunde (61)

Priest of Mbeya (Tanzania)
General Secretary of Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa

Born:1963 (Moshi, Tanzania)
Ordained Priest:1991

Priest of Mbeya (Tanzania) (1991 – ...)

General Secretary of Tanzania Episcopal Conference (2006 – 2013.07.19)

General Secretary of Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (2018.07.21 – ...)

PolandMsgr. Paweł Malecha (60)Msgr. Paweł Malecha (60)

Priest of Poznań (Poland)
Promoter of Justice of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura
Secretary of Commission for Advocates
Prelate of Honour of His Holiness

Born:1964.06.28 (Ostrów Wielkopolski, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1990

Priest of Poznań (Poland) (1990 – ...)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2008.05.06 – 2018.10.23)

Substitute Promoter of Justice of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (2012.04.30 – 2023.01.20)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (2018.10.23 – ...)

Secretary of Commission for Advocates (2023 – ...)

Promoter of Justice of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (2023.01.20 – ...)

IndiaFr. Joseph Maleparampil, M.C.B.S.Fr. Joseph Maleparampil, M.C.B.S. (Syro-Malabar Rite)

Superior General of Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament

Born: (India)

Superior General of Missionary Congregation of the Blessed Sacrament (2014.03 – ...)

ItalyMr. Gianfranco Mammì (68)

Director General of Institute for Works of Religion

Born:1956 (Italy)

Deputy Director General of Institute for Works of Religion (2015.03.06 – 2015.11.24)

Director General of Institute for Works of Religion (2015.11.24 – ...)

TanzaniaFr. Antonius Mamsery, M.S.C.Fr. Antonius Mamsery, M.S.C.

Superior General of Missionaries of the Holy Cross

Born: (Tanzania)

Superior General of Missionaries of the Holy Cross (? – ...)

ItalyFr. Stefano Maria Pio Manelli, F.F.I.

Born:1933.05.01 (Fiume, Croatia)
Ordained Priest:1955.10.30

Founder of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (1965)

Superior General of Franciscan Friars of the Immaculate (1990.06.23 – 2013.07.11)

Congo-KinshasaMsgr. Cyrille Ikomba Mankelele Mambi (55)Msgr. Cyrille Ikomba Mankelele Mambi (55)

Apostolic Administrator sede plena of Popokabaka (Congo-Kinshasa)
Priest of Popokabaka (Congo-Kinshasa)

Born:1969.10.08 (Kabengi, Ghana)
Ordained Priest:1998.07.05

Priest of Popokabaka (Congo-Kinshasa) (1998.07.05 – ...)

Apostolic Administrator sede plena of Popokabaka (Congo-Kinshasa) (2024.06.09 – ...)

IndiaFr. George Mannara, C.V. (Syro-Malabar Rite)

Born: (India)

Founder of Vincentian Congregation (1927.07.19)

Superior General of Vincentian Congregation (1927.07.19 – ?)

ItalyFr. Mauro Mantovani, S.D.B. (59)Fr. Mauro Mantovani, S.D.B. (59)

Prefect of Vatican Apostolic Library

Born:1966.01.03 (Moncalieri, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1994.09.10

Rector Magnificus of Salesian Pontifical University (2015 – 2021)

Prefect of Vatican Apostolic Library (2023.02.14 – ...)

ItalyProf. Venerando Marano

President of Tribunal of Vatican City State

Born: (Italy)

Judge of Tribunal of Vatican City State (2013.06.20 – 2024.01.01)

Adjunct President of Tribunal of Vatican City State (2024.01.01 – 2025.01.01)

President of Tribunal of Vatican City State (2025.01.01 – ...)

PolandMsgr. Krzysztof Marcjanowicz (48)Msgr. Krzysztof Marcjanowicz (48)

Priest of Kraków (Poland)
Undersecretary of Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
Papal Master of Ceremonies of Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff
Chaplain of His Holiness

Born:1977.03.24 (Krakow, Poland)
Ordained Priest:2002.06.08

Priest of Kraków (Poland) (2002.06.08 – ...)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2016.12.12 – ...)

Papal Master of Ceremonies of Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff (2018.02.09 – ...)

Undersecretary of Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments (2023.01.31 – ...)

Fr. John Marengoni, F.S.C.I.

CroatiaAbbot Jeronim Adam Marin, O.S.B. (49)Abbot Jeronim Adam Marin, O.S.B. (49)

President of Slavonic Benedictine Congregation of Saint Adalbert and Saint Margaret

Born:1975.07.12 (Zadar, Croatia)
Ordained Priest:2011.11.20

President of Slavonic Benedictine Congregation of Saint Adalbert and Saint Margaret (2021.11.21 – ...)

ItalyFr. Silvano Marisa, M.S. (78)Fr. Silvano Marisa, M.S. (78)

Superior General of Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette

Born:1946.09.27 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1973.12.16

Superior General of Missionaries of Our Lady of LaSalette (2012.04.24 – ...)

SpainFr. Miguel de María Márquez Calle, O.C.D. (59)Fr. Miguel de María Márquez Calle, O.C.D. (59)

Superior General of Order of Discalced Carmelites (Teresian Carmelites)
Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Theological Faculty and Pontifical Institute of Spirituality (Teresianum)

Born:1965.10.05 (Plasencia, Spain)
Ordained Priest:1990.06.23

Superior General of Order of Discalced Carmelites (Teresian Carmelites) (2021.09.04 – ...)

Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Theological Faculty and Pontifical Institute of Spirituality (Teresianum) (2021.09.04 – ...)

FranceFr. Gabriel Martin

Born:1873 (France)
Died:1949 († 76)

Founder of Missionaries of the Plain (1928)

SpainFr. Ireneo Martín, F.A.M. (77)Fr. Ireneo Martín, F.A.M. (77)

Superior General of Congregation of the Sons of Merciful Love

Born:1948.01.31 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1976.06.28

Superior General of Congregation of the Sons of Merciful Love (2022.01 – ...)

BurundiFr. Nizigiyimana Martin (60)Fr. Nizigiyimana Martin (60)

General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of Rwanda

Born:1964.06.06 (Cibitoke, Burundi)
Ordained Priest:1995.07.09

General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of Rwanda (2018.03 – ...)

FranceMr. Pierre Martin

Born: (France)

Founder of International Federation of Pueri Cantores (1907)

FranceFr. Henri Martinesche, C.S.B.

Born:1797 (France)
Ordained Priest:1822
Died:1879.02.24 († 81)

Founder of Congregation of Saint Basil (Basilians) (1822.11.21)

MexicoFr. Teodosio Martínez Ramos, M.S.C.

Born:1908 (Mexico)
Died:1978 († 70)

Founder of Missionaries of the Sacred Heart and Saint Mary of Guadalupe (1938.06.03)

GermanyFr. Michael Maß, C.M.M. (44)Fr. Michael Maß, C.M.M. (44)

Superior General of Congregation of Mariannhill Missionaries

Born:1980.05.19 (Rottenburg, Germany)
Ordained Priest:2007.06.30

Superior General of Congregation of Mariannhill Missionaries (2022.10.10 – ...)

ItalyMr. Francesco Masci (46)

Director of Technology Department of Dicastery for Communication

Born:1978 (Italy)

Director of Technology Department of Dicastery for Communication (2016.02.09 – ...)

ItalyDr. Massimo Massella Ducci Teri (75)

Judge of Appeals Court of Vatican City State

Born:1949.06.12 (Bibbiena, Italy)

Judge of Appeals Court of Vatican City State (2021.02.05 – ...)

ItalyFr. Enrico Massignani (49)Fr. Enrico Massignani (49)

Priest of Vicenza (Italy)
Adjunct Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Clergy

Born:1976.02.07 (Valdagno, Italy)
Ordained Priest:2003.06.07

Priest of Vicenza (Italy) (2003.06.07 – ...)

Adjunct Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Clergy (2024.03.12 – ...)

FranceSr. Françoise Massy, F.M.M. (78)

Superior General of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary

Born:1947.03.02 (France)

Superior General of Franciscan Missionaries of Mary (2014.10.01 – ...)

ItalyMsgr. Armando Matteo (54)Msgr. Armando Matteo (54)

Priest of Catanzaro–Squillace (Italy)
Secretary for the Doctrinal Section of Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith
Chaplain of His Holiness

Born:1970.09.21 (Catanzaro, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1997.12.20

Priest of Catanzaro–Squillace (Italy) (1997.12.20 – ...)

Adjunct Undersecretary of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (2021.04.12 – 2022.04.23)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2021.11.30 – ...)

Secretary for the Doctrinal Section of Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith (2022.04.23 – ...)

FranceFr. Bruno Maurel, O.J.J.A.Fr. Bruno Maurel, O.J.J.A.

Superior General of Institute of the Work of Youth

Born: (France)

Superior General of Institute of the Work of Youth (2015 – ...)

ItalyVenerable Fr. Gaetano Francesco Mauro, P.O.C.R.

Born:1888.04.13 (Rogliano, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1912.07.14
Died:1969.12.31 (Montalto Uffugo, Italy † 81)

Founder of Congregation of Rural Catechists (1928.12.08)

Superior General of Pious Workers Rural Catechists (Ardorini Missionaries) (1956 – 1969.12.31)

Priest of Pious Workers Rural Catechists (Ardorini Missionaries).

SloveniaFr. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M. (65)Fr. Tomaž Mavrič, C.M. (65)

Superior General of Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians, Lazarists)

Born:1959.05.09 (Argentina)
Ordained Priest:1983.06.29

Superior General of Congregation of the Mission (Vincentians, Lazarists) (2016.07.05 – ...)

USASr. Theresa Maxis Duchemin, I.H.M.

Born:1810 (USA)
Died:1892 († 82)

Founder of Congregation of the Sisters Servants of the Immaculate Heart of Mary (1845.11.10)

Congo-BrazzavilleFr. Alain Mayama, C.S.Sp. (54)Fr. Alain Mayama, C.S.Sp. (54)

Superior General of Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans, Holy Ghost Fathers)

Born:1971.03.21 (Brazzaville, Congo-Brazzaville)
Ordained Priest:2000.07.15

Superior General of Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans, Holy Ghost Fathers) (2021.10.18 – ...)

BrazilFr. Geraldo Magela de Lima Mayrink, S.D.N. (67)Fr. Geraldo Magela de Lima Mayrink, S.D.N. (67)

Superior General of Missionaries of Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament

Born:1957.10.25 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1982.12.05

Superior General of Missionaries of Our Lady of the Most Blessed Sacrament (2010.01.14 – ...)

MexicoFr. Germán Mazo Mazo, M.X.Y.Fr. Germán Mazo Mazo, M.X.Y.

Superior General of Yarumal Society for the Foreign Missions

Born: (Mexico)

Superior General of Yarumal Society for the Foreign Missions (2020? – ...)

ItalyFr. Francesco Mazzitelli, F.D.P. (57)Fr. Francesco Mazzitelli, F.D.P. (57)

Head of Office of Dicastery for the Service of Charity

Born:1967 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1995.09.16

Head of Office of Dicastery for the Service of Charity (2021.11.27 – ...)

ItalyMsgr. Stefano Mazzotti (58)Msgr. Stefano Mazzotti (馬德範) (58)

Priest of Terni–Narni–Amelia (Italy)
Pro-Chargé d’affaires in China
Prelate of Honour of His Holiness

Born:1966.06.18 (Faenza, RA, Italy)
Ordained Priest:2001.11.24

Priest of Terni–Narni–Amelia (Italy) (2001.11.24 – ...)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2010.04.20 – 2020.07.03)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (2020.07.03 – ...)

Pro-Chargé d’affaires in China (2022.07.19 [2022.08.22] – ...)

IrelandMsgr. Eamonn McLaughlin (47)Msgr. Eamonn McLaughlin (47)

Priest of Raphoe (Ireland)
Adjunct Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Clergy
Chaplain of His Holiness

Born:1977.06.21 (Contea di Donegal, Ireland)
Ordained Priest:2002.06.30

Priest of Raphoe (Ireland) (2002.06.30 – ...)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2023.07.18 – ...)

Adjunct Undersecretary of Dicastery for the Clergy (2024.03.12 – ...)

GermanyFr. Robert Mehlhart, O.P. (42)Fr. Robert Mehlhart, O.P. (42)

President of Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music

Born:1982 (Trostberg, Germany)
Ordained Priest:2010

President of Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music (2023.07.18 [2023.10.01] – ...)

MexicoMsgr. José Fernando Mejía Yáñez, M.G. (69)Msgr. José Fernando Mejía Yáñez, M.G. (69)

Prelate Auditor of Tribunal of the Roman Rota

Born:1955 (Ciudad de México, Mexico)

Prelate Auditor of Tribunal of the Roman Rota (2016.03.22 – ...)

IndiaFr. Benny Mekkatt Varghese, C.F.I.C. (49)Fr. Benny Mekkatt Varghese, C.F.I.C. (49)

Superior General of Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception

Born:1975 (India)
Ordained Priest:2004.10.09

Superior General of Congregation of the Sons of the Immaculate Conception (2022.07.26 – ...)

ItalySr. Mary Melone, S.F.A. (60)

Superior General of Angeline Franciscan Sisters

Born:1964.08.16 (La Spezia, Italy)

Rector Magnificus of Pontifical University Antonianum (2014.07.03 – 2020.05.22)

Superior General of Angeline Franciscan Sisters (2019.07.15 – ...)

ArgentinaAbbot Mamerto Menapace, O.S.B. (83)Abbot Mamerto Menapace, O.S.B. (83)

President of Cono-Sur Benedictine Congregation of the Holy Cross

Born:1942.01.24 (Malabrigo, Argentina)
Ordained Priest:1966

President of Cono-Sur Benedictine Congregation of the Holy Cross (1995.06.14 – ...)

CanadaFr. Eusèbe-Enrique Ménard, O.F.M.

Born:1916.01.06 (Canada)
Ordained Priest:1941
Died:1987.03.26 († 71)

Founder of Society of the Holy Apostles (1956)

MexicoFr. Marco Antonio Mendoza Martínez, O.F.M. (42)Fr. Marco Antonio Mendoza Martínez, O.F.M. (42)

Secretary of Pontifical International Marian Academy

Born:1982 (Celaya, GUA, Mexico)

Secretary of Pontifical International Marian Academy (2022.10.11 – ...)

ItalyDr. Massimiliano Menichetti (53)

Vice-Director of Editorial Department of Dicastery for Communication

Born:1971.04.27 (Roma, Italy)

Vice-Director of Editorial Department of Dicastery for Communication (2024.07.18 – ...)

FranceFr. Pierre-Marie Mermier, M.S.F.S.

Born:1790.08.28 (France)
Ordained Priest:1813
Died:1862.09.30 († 72)

Founder of Missionaries of Saint Francis de Sales (Fransalians) (1838.10.24)

EthiopiaProf. Benyam Dawit Mezmur

Member of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors

Born: (Ethiopia)

Member of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors (2018.02.17 – ...)

ItalySr. Barbara Micarelli, F.M.G.B.

Born:1845.12.03 (Sulmona, Italy)
Died:1909.04.19 (Assisi, Italy † 63)

Founder of Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant Jesus (1879.12.25)

Religious of Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Infant Jesus.

IndiaSr. M. Joseph Michael, M.C. (70)

Superior General of Missionaries of Charity

Born:1954 (India)

Superior General of Missionaries of Charity (2022.03.12 – ...)

PolandFr. Iryney Mariusz Michalik, C.M.S.A.A. (Ukrainian Rite)

Born: (Poland)

Founder of Missionary Congregation of Saint Andrew the Apostle (1997.11.30)

Superior General of Missionary Congregation of Saint Andrew the Apostle (1997.11.30 – 2003.10.21)

FranceFr. François Michon, I.C.N. (58)Fr. François Michon, I.C.N. (58)

Superior General of Chemin Neuf Institute

Born:1966 (France)
Ordained Priest:1994

Superior General of Chemin Neuf Institute (2016.08.17 – ...)

MexicoFr. Elie MikhaelFr. Elie Mikhael (Maronite Rite)

Apostolic Administrator of Nuestra Señora de los Mártires del Líbano en México of the Maronites (Mexico)

Apostolic Administrator of Nuestra Señora de los Mártires del Líbano en México of the Maronites (Mexico) (2024.07.10 – ...)

ItalyMsgr. Pietro Milite (54)Msgr. Pietro Milite (54)

Prelate Auditor of Tribunal of the Roman Rota
Judge of Appeals Court of Vatican City State

Born:1970.11.16 (Nocera Superiore, AV, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1995

Priest of Nocera Inferiore–Sarno (Italy) (1995 – 2015.01.09)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2009.11.11 – 2015.01.09)

Promoter of Justice of Tribunal of the Roman Rota (2013.06.28 – 2015.01.09)

Prelate Auditor of Tribunal of the Roman Rota (2015.01.09 – ...)

Judge of Appeals Court of Vatican City State (2018.03.10 – ...)

USAMsgr. William V. Millea (72)Msgr. William V. Millea (72)

Priest of Bridgeport (USA)
Protonotary Apostolic de numero of Prefecture of the Papal Household

Born:1952.07.29 (USA)
Ordained Priest:1980.06.15

Priest of Bridgeport (USA) (1980.06.15 – ...)

Chaplain of His Holiness (1993.12.21 – 1997.02.24)

Papal Master of Ceremonies of Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff (1997.02.24 – 2009.09.02)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (1997.02.24 – 2018.07.02)

Protonotary Apostolic de numero of Prefecture of the Papal Household (2018.07.02 – ...)

ItalyMr. Alberto Minali (59)

Member of Council for the Economy

Born:1965.08.24 (Verona, Italy)

Member of Council for the Economy (2020.08.06 – ...)

Br. Anil Minj, M.O.P.

Superior General of Missionaries of the Poor

Superior General of Missionaries of the Poor (2017 – ...)

ItalyFr. Vincenzo Molinaro, O.M.D. (84)Fr. Vincenzo Molinaro, O.M.D. (84)

Rector General of Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of Lucca

Born:1940.11.12 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1965.12.18

Rector General of Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of Lucca (1986 – 2004.07.08)

Rector General of Clerics Regular of the Mother of God of Lucca (2016.07 – ...)

GermanyBr. Benedikt Molitor, F.M.M.A. (58)

Superior General of Brothers of the Mercy of Our Lady Help of Christians

Born:1966 (Stuttgart, Germany)

Superior General of Brothers of the Mercy of Our Lady Help of Christians (2015 – ...)

ItalyProf. Andrea Monda (59)

Director Manager of L’Osservatore Romano

Born:1966.03.22 (Roma, Italy)

Director Manager of L’Osservatore Romano (2018.12.18 – ...)

FranceMsgr. Maurice Monier (72)Msgr. Maurice Monier (72)

Prelate Auditor of Tribunal of the Roman Rota

Born:1952.12.21 (Saint-Pal-de-Chalencon, France)
Ordained Priest:1977

Priest of Le Puy-en-Velay (France) (1977 – 1995.01.09)

Prelate Auditor of Tribunal of the Roman Rota (1995.01.09 – ...)

Member of Commission for the Study of the Reform of the Matrimonial Processes in Canon Law (2014.08.27 – 2015)

Pro-Dean of Tribunal of the Roman Rota (2016.12.12 – 2018)

SwitzerlandAbbot Vigeli Monn, O.S.B. (59)Abbot Vigeli Monn, O.S.B. (59)

President of Benedictine Congregation of Switzerland

Born:1965.04.13 (Sedrun, Switzerland)
Ordained Priest:1995.08.26

President of Benedictine Congregation of Switzerland (2021.05.27 – ...)

FranceFr. Philippe Mora, I.C.R.S.S.

Born: (France)
Ordained Priest:1979.06.24

Founder of Institute of Christ the King Sovereign Priest (1990.09.01)

SpainFr. Alejandro Moral Antón, O.S.A. (69)Fr. Alejandro Moral Antón, O.S.A. (69)

Prior General of Order of Saint Augustine (Augustinians)

Born:1955.06.01 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1981.06.20

Prior General of Order of Saint Augustine (Augustinians) (2013.09.04 – ...)

Fr. Heliberto Morales Rios, M.D.R.Fr. Heliberto Morales Rios, M.D.R.

Superior General of Missionaries of the Divine Redeemer

Superior General of Missionaries of the Divine Redeemer (2021.09 – ...)

ItalyFr. Jacopo Antonio Morigia, B.

Born:1497 (Italy)
Died:1546.04.13 († 48)

Founder of Clerics Regular of Saint Paul (Barnabites) (1530)

Superior General of Clerics Regular of Saint Paul (Barnabites) (1536.04.15 – 1542)

GermanyBr. Paulus Moritz, C.M.S.F.

Born: (Germany)

Founder of Franciscan Missionary Brothers (1901.02.21)

Superior General of Franciscan Missionary Brothers (1930 – 1940)

LebanonFr. Maroun Moubarak, L.M. (61)Fr. Maroun Moubarak, L.M. (61) (Maronite Rite)

Superior General of Congregation of the Lebanese Maronite Missionaries

Born:1964.02.11 (Lebanon)
Ordained Priest:1988.07.10

Superior General of Congregation of the Lebanese Maronite Missionaries (2019 – ...)

ZimbabweFr. Tryvis Moyo, C.SS.R. (49)Fr. Tryvis Moyo, C.SS.R. (49)

General Secretary of Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference

Born:1975 (Bulawayo, Zimbabwe)
Ordained Priest:2005.04

General Secretary of Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops’ Conference (2022.11 – ...)

FranceFr. Jean-Baptiste Muard, S.S.E.

Born:1809 (France)
Ordained Priest:1834
Died:1854 († 45)

Founder of Society of Saint Edmund (Edmundites) (1843)

ZambiaFr. Francis Katongo MukosaFr. Francis Katongo Mukosa

Priest of Ndola (Zambia)
General Secretary of Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops

Born: (Cambodia)
Ordained Priest:1999.05.13

Priest of Douala (Cameroon) (1999.05.13 – 2010)

Priest of Ndola (Zambia) (2010 – ...)

General Secretary of Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (2021.08.17 [2021.09.01] – ...)

South AfricaSr. Tshifhiwa Munzhedzi, O.P.

General Secretary of Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference

Born: (South Africa)

General Secretary of Southern African Catholic Bishops’ Conference (2020.10.01 [2021.01.01] – ...)

FranceFr. Philippe Mura, S.C.J.Fr. Philippe Mura, S.C.J.

Superior General of Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Timon David Fathers)

Born: (France)

Superior General of Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Timon David Fathers) (2022 – ...)

IrelandMsgr. Joseph Murphy (56)Msgr. Joseph Murphy (56)

Priest of Cloyne (Ireland)
Undersecretary for Diplomatic Personnel of Secretariat of State
Prelate of Honour of His Holiness

Born:1968.08.16 (Cork, Ireland)
Ordained Priest:1993.07.11

Priest of Cloyne (Ireland) (1993.07.11 – ...)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2003.11.01 – 2018.06.29)

Head of Protocol of Secretariat of State (2018.03.22 – 2023.09.14)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (2018.06.29 – ...)

Undersecretary for Diplomatic Personnel of Secretariat of State (2023.09.14 – ...)

BrazilDr. Cristiane Murray (63)

Deputy Director of Press Office of the Holy See

Born:1962.03.10 (Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brazil)

Deputy Director of Press Office of the Holy See (2019.07.25 – ...)

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