Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, C.S.Sp. (57), Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea della Valle and Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangui (Central African Republic)
 Cardinal Maurice Piat, C.S.Sp. (83), Cardinal-Priest of S. Teresa al Corso d’Italia and Bishop emeritus of Port-Louis (Mauritius)
 Archbishop Gélase Armel Kema, C.S.Sp. (52), Metropolitan Archbishop of Owando (Congo-Brazzaville) and Apostolic Administrator of Ouesso (Congo-Brazzaville)
 Archbishop Joseph Everard Harris, C.S.Sp. (82), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago)
 Archbishop John Bonaventure Kwofie, C.S.Sp. (66), Metropolitan Archbishop of Accra (Ghana)
 Archbishop Gabriel Mbilingi, C.S.Sp. (67), Metropolitan Archbishop of Lubango (Angola)
 Bishop José Altevir da Silva, C.S.Sp. (62), Bishop-Prelate of Tefé (Brazil)
 Bishop Dominique Bonnet, C.S.Sp. (85), Bishop emeritus of Mouila (Gabon)
 Bishop Maurício Agostinho Camuto, C.S.Sp. (61), Bishop of Caxito (Angola) and General Secretary of Episcopal Conference of Angola and São Tomé
 Bishop Belmiro Cuica Chissengueti, C.S.Sp. (55), Bishop of Cabinda (Angola)
 Bishop Gerard Maximin County, C.S.Sp. (64), Bishop of Kingstown (Saint Vincent and Grenadines)
 Bishop Lucien Prosper Ernest Fischer, C.S.Sp. (91), Titular Bishop of Avioccala and Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Îles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
 Bishop Jean Gardin, C.S.Sp. (83), Bishop emeritus of Impfondo (Congo-Brazzaville)
 Bishop Pierre-Marie Gaschy, C.S.Sp. (83), Titular Bishop of Usinaza and Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Îles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (Saint Pierre and Miquelon)
 Bishop Pierre Laurent Jubinville, C.S.Sp. (64), Bishop of San Pedro (Paraguay) and President of Episcopal Conference of Paraguay
 Bishop Rogath Fundimoya Kimaryo, C.S.Sp. (68), Bishop of Same (Tanzania)
 Bishop Joseph Koerber, C.S.Sp. (81), Titular Bishop of Siccenna and Vicar Apostolic emeritus of Makokou (Gabon)
 Bishop John Mbinda, C.S.Sp. (51), Bishop of Lodwar (Kenya)
 Bishop Teodoro Mendes Tavares, C.S.Sp. (61), Bishop of Ponta de Pedras (Brazil)
 Bishop Gabriel Mendy, C.S.Sp. (57), Bishop of Banjul (Gambia)
 Bishop Franz Josef Meinrad Merkel, C.S.Sp. (80), Bishop emeritus of Humaitá (Brazil)
 Bishop Yves Marie Monot, C.S.Sp. (80), Bishop emeritus of Ouesso (Congo-Brazzaville)
 Bishop Toussaint Ngoma Foumanet, C.S.Sp. (49), Bishop of Dolisie (Congo-Brazzaville)
 Bishop Oscar Ngoy wa Mpanga, C.S.Sp. (60), Bishop of Kongolo (Congo-Kinshasa)
 Bishop Severin Nziengui Mangandza, C.S.Sp. (54), Vicar Apostolic of Makokou (Gabon)
 Bishop Mosé João Pontelo, C.S.Sp. (82), Bishop emeritus of Cruzeiro do Sul (Brazil)
 Bishop Augustine Ndeliakyama Shao, C.S.Sp. (73), Bishop of Zanzibar (Tanzania)
 Bishop Denis Wiehe, C.S.Sp. (84), Bishop emeritus of Port Victoria (Seychelles)
2025: Bishop Abílio Rodas de Sousa Ribas, C.S.Sp., Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe (São Tomé and Príncipe) |
2024: Bishop Mário Clemente Neto, C.S.Sp., Bishop-Prelate of Tefé (Brazil) |
2024: Bishop Peter Marzinkowski, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Alindao (Central African Republic) |
2024: Bishop Robert Patrick Ellison, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Banjul (Gambia) |
2023: Archbishop Maurice Lucien Fréchard, C.S.Sp., Archbishop of Auch (France) |
2022: Bishop Malcolm Patrick Galt, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Bridgetown (Barbados) |
2021: Archbishop Sérgio Eduardo Castriani, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Manaus (Brazil) |
2020: Archbishop Benedito Roberto, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Malanje (Angola) |
2020: Bishop Michael Joseph Cleary, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Banjul (Gambia) |
2019: Bishop Paulino do Livramento Évora, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde (Cabo Verde) |
2019: Bishop Athanase Bala, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Bafia (Cameroon) |
2017: Bishop Luís Herbst, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Cruzeiro do Sul (Brazil) |
2016: Bishop Albert Onyembo Lomandjo, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Kindu (Congo-Kinshasa) |
2016: Bishop John C. O’Riordan, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Kenema (Sierra Leone) |
2015: Bishop Vincent Valentine Egwuchukwu Ezeonyia, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Aba (Nigeria) |
2011: Archbishop Raymond-Maria Tchidimbo, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Conakry (Guinea) |
2011: Bishop Robert Marie Jean Victor de Chevigny, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Nouakchott (Mauritania) |
2008: Bishop Pierre Sagna, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Saint-Louis du Sénégal (Senegal) |
2007: Archbishop Gérard-Paul-Louis-Marie de Milleville, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Conakry (Guinea) and Auxiliary Bishop of Fortaleza (Brazil) |
2007: Archbishop Lambertus Johannes van Heygen, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Bertoua (Cameroon) |
2006: Bishop Auguste Delisle, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Lokoja (Nigeria) |
2006: Bishop Heinrich Rüth, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Cruzeiro do Sul (Brazil) |
2005: Bishop Bernard Martin Ngaviliau, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Zanzibar (Tanzania) |
2002: Bishop Dennis Vincent Durning, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Arusha (Tanzania) |
2000: Archbishop Gordon Anthony Pantin, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago) |
2000: Bishop Anthony Gogo Nwedo, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Umuahia (Nigeria) |
2000: Bishop Antoine Marie Maanicus, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Bangassou (Central African Republic) |
2000: Bishop François Joseph Maurer, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Îles Saint-Pierre et Miquelon (Saint Pierre and Miquelon) |
1999: Bishop Donal Joseph Murray, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Makurdi (Nigeria) |
1998: Bishop André Charles Lucien Loucheur, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Bafia (Cameroon) |
1998: Bishop François-Marie Morvan, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Cayenne (French Guiana) |
1997: Bishop Georges-Henri Guibert, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion (Réunion) |
1997: Bishop Raymond-Marie-Joseph de La Moureyre, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Mouila (Gabon) |
1996: Archbishop Thomas Joseph Brosnahan, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Freetown and Bo (Sierra Leone) |
1996: Bishop Michel Marie Joseph Maître, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Bambari (Central African Republic) |
1995: Bishop Jean David, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Majunga (Madagascar) |
1993: Archbishop Michel-Jules-Joseph-Marie Bernard, C.S.Sp., Archbishop-Bishop of Nouakchott (Mauritania) |
1992: Bishop Joaquim de Lange, C.S.Sp., Bishop-Prelate of Tefé (Brazil) |
1992: Bishop Richard Henry Ackerman, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Covington (USA) |
1991: Archbishop Marcel-François Lefebvre, C.S.Sp. ▼, Archbishop-Bishop of Tulle (France) and Superior General of Society of Saint Pius X |
1991: Bishop François-Emile-Marie Cléret de Langavant, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion (Réunion) |
1991: Bishop Peter Kelleter, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Bethlehem (South Africa) |
1991: Bishop Michael Joseph Moloney, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Banjul (Gambia) |
1990: Archbishop Jean Wolff, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Diégo-Suarez (Madagascar) |
1990: Bishop Joseph Brendan Whelan, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Owerri (Nigeria) |
1989: Bishop Gustave Joseph Bouve, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Kongolo (Congo-Kinshasa) |
1989: Bishop Agostinho Joaquim Lopes de Moura, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Portalegre–Castelo Branco (Portugal) |
1987: Bishop Herman Jan van Elswijk, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Morogoro (Tanzania) |
1986: Bishop Daniel Liston, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Port-Louis (Mauritius) |
1984: Bishop Jean-Baptiste Fauret, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Pointe-Noire (Congo-Brazzaville) |
1983: Archbishop John Joseph McCarthy, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Nairobi (Kenya) |
1983: Archbishop Henri-Marie-François Varin de la Brunelière, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Fort-de-France–Saint-Pierre (Martinique) |
1981: Archbishop Jean-Jerôme Adam, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Libreville (Gabon) |
1981: Bishop Eugene Joseph Butler, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Mombasa (Kenya) |
1980: Archbishop Moisés Alves de Pinho, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Luanda (Angola) and Bishop of São Tomé e Príncipe (São Tomé and Príncipe) |
1980: Bishop Auguste Grimault, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Dakar (Senegal) |
1978: Bishop Joseph Kilasara, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Moshi (Tanzania) |
1977: Bishop Jean Gay, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Basse-Terre et Pointe-à-Pitre (Guadeloupe) |
1977: Bishop Emile-Elie Verhille, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Fort-Rousset (Congo-Brazzaville) |
1977: Bishop Godfrey Okoye, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Enugu (Nigeria) |
1976: Bishop James Hagan, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Makurdi (Nigeria) |
1974: Bishop Alfred Aimé Léon Marie, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Cayenne (French Guiana) |
1973: Archbishop John Charles McQuaid, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Dublin (Ireland) |
1973: Bishop José Hascher, C.S.Sp., Bishop-Prelate of Juruá (Brazil) |
1973: Bishop Prosper Dodds, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Saint-Louis du Sénégal (Senegal) |
1973: Bishop Pompeu de Sá Leão y Seabra, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Malanje (Angola) |
1970: Archbishop Joseph Cucherousset, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Bangui (Central African Republic) |
1970: Bishop Daniel Gomes Junqueira, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Nova Lisboa (Angola) |
1967: Archbishop Charles Heerey, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Onitsha (Nigeria) |
1967: Archbishop René Graffin, C.S.Sp., Metropolitan Archbishop of Yaoundé (Cameroon) |
1966: Bishop John Heffernan, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Zanzibar (Tanzania) |
1965: Bishop Jean Fryns, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Kindu (Congo-Kinshasa) |
1961: Bishop Joseph James Byrne, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Moshi (Tanzania) |
1961: Bishop Jacques Teerenstra, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Doumé (Cameroon) |
1960: Bishop Paul Joseph Biéchy, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Brazzaville (Congo-Brazzaville) |
1957: Bishop Giorgio Giuseppe Haezaert, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Northern Katanga (Congo-Kinshasa) |
1957: Bishop Pierre Bonneau, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Douala (Cameroon) |
1956: Bishop Henri Friteau, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Loango (Congo-Brazzaville) |
1955: Bishop Faustino Moreira dos Santos, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Santiago de Cabo Verde (Cabo Verde) |
1954: Archbishop Louis Le Hunsec, C.S.Sp., Prefect Apostolic of Sénégal (Senegal) and Superior General of Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans, Holy Ghost Fathers) |
1954: Bishop Paul-Auguste-Marie Pichot, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Majunga (Madagascar) |
1954: Bishop Bernardo Gerardo Hilhorst, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Morogoro (Tanzania) |
1953: Bishop Jean Batiot, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Majunga (Madagascar) |
1952: Bishop Ambrose Kelly, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Freetown and Bo (Sierra Leone) |
1950: Bishop Léon Klerlein, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Bethlehem (South Africa) |
1949: Archbishop Jacques Leen, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Port-Louis (Mauritius) and Archbishop ad personam |
1949: Bishop Raymond-René Lerouge, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Conakry (Guinea) |
1948: Bishop Auguste Julien Pierre Fortineau, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Diégo-Suarez (Madagascar) |
1947: Bishop Louis-Michel-François Tardy, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Gabon (Gabon) |
1947: Bishop Marcel-Auguste-Marie Grandin, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Bangui (Central African Republic) |
1945: Bishop Pierre-Louis Genoud, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Guadeloupe et Basse-Terre (Guadeloupe) |
1945: Bishop Mathurin-Marie Le Mailloux, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Douala (Cameroon) |
1944: Bishop Pierre-Marie Gourtay, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of French Guiana (French Guiana) |
1943: Bishop François-Xavier Vogt, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Yaoundé (Cameroon) |
1943: Bishop John Gerald Neville, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Zanzibar (Tanzania) |
1943: Bishop Joseph (Ignatius) Shanahan, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Southern Nigeria (Nigeria) |
1942: Bishop Marie-Joseph-Aloys Munsch, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Kilima-Njaro (Tanzania) |
1942: Bishop Heinrich Ritter, C.S.Sp., Bishop-Prelate of Juruá (Brazil) |
1938: Archbishop Alexandre-Louis-Victor-Aimé Le Roy, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Gabon (Gabon) and Superior General of Congregation of the Holy Spirit (Spiritans, Holy Ghost Fathers) |
1938: Bishop Bartholomew Stanley Wilson, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone) |
1936: Bishop Firmin-Jules Guichard, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Brazzaville (Congo-Brazzaville) |
1935: Bishop John Joseph O’Gorman, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Sierra Leone (Sierra Leone) |
1934: Bishop Georges-Marie de Labonninière de Beaumont, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Saint-Denis-de-La Réunion (Réunion) |
1931: Bishop Enrico Gogarty, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Kilima-Njaro (Tanzania) |
1929: Bishop Jean Martin Adam, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Gabon (Gabon) |
1926: Bishop Giovanni Battista Murphy, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Port-Louis (Mauritius) |
1925: Bishop Jean-Marie-Raoul Le Bas de Courmont, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Northern Zanguebar (Tanzania) |
1925: Bishop Louis Jean Martrou, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Gabon (Gabon) |
1924: Bishop Emile-Auguste Allgeyer, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Zanzibar (Tanzania) |
1921: Archbishop Philippe-Prosper Augouard, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Haut-Congo français (Congo-Brazzaville) |
1920: Bishop Hyacinthe-Joseph Jalabert, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia (Senegal) and Prefect Apostolic of Sénégal (Senegal) |
1919: Bishop Léon-Charles-Joseph Girod, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Loango (Congo-Brazzaville) |
1914: Bishop François-Xavier Corbet, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Diégo-Suarez (Madagascar) |
1914: Bishop Louis-Jean-Joseph Derouet, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Loango (Congo-Brazzaville) |
1914: Bishop Joseph Félix François Malleret, C.S.Sp., Bishop of Fort-de-France–Saint-Pierre (Martinique) |
1912: Bishop Magloire-Désiré Barthet, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia (Senegal) |
1908: Bishop François-Nicolas-Alphonse Kunemann, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia (Senegal) and Prefect Apostolic of Sénégal (Senegal) |
1904: Bishop Antoine-Marie-Hippolyte Carrie, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Bas-Congo français (Congo-Brazzaville) |
1900: Bishop Joachim-Pierre Buléon, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia (Senegal) and Prefect Apostolic of Sénégal (Senegal) |
1893: Bishop François-Marie Duboin, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia (Senegal) and Prefect Apostolic of Sénégal (Senegal) |
1891: Bishop Pierre-Marie Le Berre, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Gabon (Gabon) |
1889: Bishop Mathurin Picarda, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia (Senegal) and Prefect Apostolic of Sénégal (Senegal) |
1886: Bishop François-Xavier Riehl, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia (Senegal) and Prefect Apostolic of Sénégal (Senegal) |
1876: Bishop Jean-René Bessieux, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Deux Guinées (Gabon) |
1875: Bishop Jean-Claude Duret, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia (Senegal) |
1872: Bishop Aloyse Kobès, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Senegambia (Senegal) |
1849: Bishop Alexandre-Hippolyte-Xavier Monnet, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Madagascar (Madagascar) |
1847: Bishop Jean-Benoît Truffet, C.S.Sp., Vicar Apostolic of Deux Guinées et Sénégambie (Gabon) |