

HungaryFr. Zsolt Labancz, Sch. P. (50)Fr. Zsolt Labancz, Sch. P. (50)

President of Union of the European Conferences of Major Superiors (U.C.E.S.M.)

Born:1974.09.28 (Hungary)

President of Union of the European Conferences of Major Superiors (U.C.E.S.M.) (2018.03.10 – ...)

ItalyFr. Domenico Labellarte, A.G.C.

Born:1921.05.17 (Italy)

Founder of Apostles of Jesus Crucified (1968.09.23)

FranceMs. Martine Laffitte-Catta (82)

Founder of Emmanuel Community

Born:1942 (France)

Founder of Emmanuel Community (1972)

ItalyVenerable Fr. Pio Brunone Lanteri, O.M.V.

Born:1759.05.12 (Cuneo, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1782
Died:1830.08.05 (Pinerolo, Italy † 71)

Founder of Oblates of the Virgin Mary (1815)

Priest of Oblates of the Virgin Mary.

ItalyFr. Sergio La Pegna, D.C. (52)Fr. Sergio La Pegna, D.C. (52)

Superior General of Congregation of Christian Doctrine (Dottrinari)

Born:1972.10.31 (Italy)

Superior General of Congregation of Christian Doctrine (Dottrinari) (2018.04.13 – ...)

FranceFr. Joseph Bovier Lapierre, C.S.B.

Born:1757 (France)
Died:1838.08.16 († 80)

Founder of Congregation of Saint Basil (Basilians) (1822.11.21)

Superior General of Congregation of Saint Basil (Basilians) (1822.11.21 – 1838.08.16)

USAFr. William J. Larousse, M.M. (72)Fr. William J. Larousse, M.M. (72)

Assistant General Secretary of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences

Born:1952.11.16 (New York City, NY, USA)
Ordained Priest:1980.05.17

Assistant General Secretary of Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (2013.01.01 – ...)

SpainFr. Ignacio Larrañaga, O.F.M. Cap.

Born: (Spain)

Founder of Prayer and Life Workshops (1984)

New ZealandFr. John Larsen, S.M. (69)Fr. John Larsen, S.M. (69)

Superior General of Society of Mary (Marists)

Born:1955 (Auckland, New Zealand)
Ordained Priest:1981

Superior General of Society of Mary (Marists) (2017.09.30 – ...)

ItalySr. Priscilla Latela, R.M.I. (55)

Superior General of Religious of Mary Immaculate (Claretian Missionary Sisters)

Born:1969 (Conversano, Italy)

Superior General of Religious of Mary Immaculate (Claretian Missionary Sisters) (2023.07.21 – ...)

PhilippinesFr. Reginaldo V. Lavilla, M.S.P.Fr. Reginaldo V. Lavilla, M.S.P.

Superior General of Mission Society of the Philippines

Born: (Philippines)

Superior General of Mission Society of the Philippines (2024.01.26 – ...)

BelgiumFr. Frédéric-Vincent Lebbe (雷鳴遠), C.S.J.B.

Born:1877.08.19 (Ghent, Belgium)
Ordained Priest:1901.10.28
Died:1940.06.24 (Chongqing, 四川, China † 62)

Founder of Congregation of Saint John the Baptist (1928)

FranceFr. Armand Jean le Bouthillier de Rancé, O.C.S.O.

Born:1626.01.09 (France)
Ordained Priest:1651
Died:1700.10.27 († 74)

Founder of Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappists) (1664)

Mother Maria Goretti Lee (李貴順), S.P.C.

Superior General of Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Paul of Chartres

FranceAbbot Emmanuel-Marie de Saint-Jean Lefébure du Bus, C.R.M.D.Abbot Emmanuel-Marie de Saint-Jean Lefébure du Bus, C.R.M.D.

Abbot of Canons Regular of the Mother of God

Born: (France)

Abbot of Canons Regular of the Mother of God (2006.11.03 – ...)

Fr. Ricard Lehmann-Dronke, C.R.V.C.Fr. Ricard Lehmann-Dronke, C.R.V.C.

Superior General of Canons Regular of the Congregation of the Brothers of Community Life

KenyaFr. James Bhola Lengarin, I.M.C. (53)Fr. James Bhola Lengarin, I.M.C. (53)

Superior General of Consolata Missionaries

Born:1971.04.15 (Maralal, Kenya)
Ordained Priest:1999.07.18

Superior General of Consolata Missionaries (2023.06.12 – ...)

UkraineFr. Makariy Bohdan Leniv, O.S.B.M. (49)Fr. Makariy Bohdan Leniv, O.S.B.M. (49) (Ukrainian Rite)

Apostolic Administrator of Krym of the Ukrainians (Ukraine)

Born:1975.07.22 (Zavadka, Ukraine)
Ordained Priest:2000.08.06

Apostolic Administrator of Krym of the Ukrainians (Ukraine) (2018.02.28 – ...)

SwitzerlandAbbot Mauro Giorgio Giuseppe Lepori, O. Cist. (65)Abbot Mauro Giorgio Giuseppe Lepori, O. Cist. (65)

Abbot General of Order of Cistercians (Cistercians)
Vice-President of Union of Superiors General (U.S.G.)

Caritas Christi omnia

Born:1959.03.18 (Lugano, Switzerland)
Ordained Priest:1990.06.10

Abbot General of Order of Cistercians (Cistercians) (2010.09.02 – ...)

Vice-President of Union of Superiors General (U.S.G.) (2021.11 – ...)

FranceVenerable Fr. Jean-Léon Le Prévost, R.S.V.

Born:1803.08.10 (Caudebec-en-Caux, France)
Ordained Priest:1860.12.22
Died:1874.10.30 (Chaville, France † 71)

Founder of Religious of Saint Vincent de Paul (1845)

Priest of Religious of Saint Vincent de Paul.

USAFr. Mark Andrew Lewis, S.J. (65)Fr. Mark Andrew Lewis, S.J. (65)

Rector Magnificus of Pontifical Gregorian University

Born:1959.11.05 (Miami, FL, USA)
Ordained Priest:1991.06.08

Rector Magnificus of Pontifical Gregorian University (2022.09.01 – ...)

Fr. Benedict Liang, C.S.J.B.Fr. Benedict Liang (梁本篤), C.S.J.B.

Superior General of Congregation of Saint John the Baptist

Superior General of Congregation of Saint John the Baptist (? – 2014.06.03)

Superior General of Congregation of Saint John the Baptist (2018 – ...)

ItalyFr. Giorgio Licini, P.I.M.E.Fr. Giorgio Licini, P.I.M.E.

General Secretary of Bishops’ Conference of Papua New Guinea and Soloman Islands

Born: (Italy)

General Secretary of Bishops’ Conference of Papua New Guinea and Soloman Islands (2018.05.05 – ...)

BrazilMsgr. Bruno Bastos LinsMsgr. Bruno Bastos Lins

Priest of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil)
Deputy Head of Protocol of Secretariat of State
Chaplain of His Holiness

Born: (Brazil)

Priest of São Sebastião do Rio de Janeiro (Brazil) (? – ...)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2018.04.07 – ...)

Deputy Head of Protocol of Secretariat of State (2021.09.01 – ...)

UkraineFr. Robert Roman Lisseiko, O.S.B.M. (48)Fr. Robert Roman Lisseiko, O.S.B.M. (48) (Ukrainian Rite)

Protoarchimandrite of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat

Born:1976.09.09 (Yavoriv, Ukraine)
Ordained Priest:2001.07.08

Protoarchimandrite of Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat (2022.07.19 – ...)

IndiaSr. Litty, F.C.C. (Syro-Malabar Rite)

Superior General of Franciscan Clarist Congregation

Born: (India)

Superior General of Franciscan Clarist Congregation (2021 – ...)

ItalyFr. Tullio Locatelli, C.S.I. (73)Fr. Tullio Locatelli, C.S.I. (73)

Superior General of Congregation of Saint Joseph

Born:1951.04.06 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1979.03.17

Superior General of Congregation of Saint Joseph (2018.06.12 – ...)

IndiaFr. Francis E. Lonakutty, I.M.S.Fr. Francis E. Lonakutty (Prasen Raj), I.M.S.

Superior General of Indian Missionary Society

Born: (India)

Superior General of Indian Missionary Society (2022 – ...)

EcuadorMr. Mauricio López Oropeza

Second Vice-President of Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon (CEAMA)

Born: (Mexico)

Second Vice-President of Ecclesial Conference of the Amazon (CEAMA) (2022.03.27 – ...)

PortugalProf. Américo Pablo Lopez Ortiz

President of World Apostolate of Fatima

Born: (Portugal)

President of World Apostolate of Fatima (2016 – ...)

Br. Peter Lötschert, F.M.M.

MexicoFr. José Luis Loyola Abogado, M.Sp.S.Fr. José Luis Loyola Abogado, M.Sp.S.

Superior General of Missionaries of the Holy Spirit

Born: (Querétaro, Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1998.07.11

Superior General of Missionaries of the Holy Spirit (2021.05.07 – ...)

ItalyMs. Chiara Lubich

Born:1920.01.22 (Italy)
Died:2008.03.14 († 88)

Founder of Focolare Movement (Work of Mary) (1943.12.07)

President of Focolare Movement (Work of Mary) (1943.12.07 – 2008.03.14)

ZambiaFr. Stanley Lubungo, M. Afr. (57)Fr. Stanley Lubungo, M. Afr. (57)

Superior General of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers)
Vice-Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies

Born:1967.06 (Zambia)
Ordained Priest:1997.08.02

Superior General of Missionaries of Africa (White Fathers) (2016.05.27 – ...)

Vice-Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Institute of Arab and Islamic Studies (2016.05.27 – ...)

Mr. Alfredo Luciani

Founder of European Christian Social Action

KenyaFr. Ferdinand LugonzoFr. Ferdinand Lugonzo

Priest of Kakamega (Kenya)
General Secretary of Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops

Born: (Kenya)
Ordained Priest:1998

Priest of Kakamega (Kenya) (1998 – ...)

General Secretary of Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (2011.07.06 – 2018.07.21)

General Secretary of Kenya Conference of Catholic Bishops (2021.01.01 – ...)

PhilippinesBr. Armin Altamirano Luistro, F.S.C. (63)

Superior General of Brothers of the Christian Schools (Lasalians, De La Salle Brothers)

Born:1961.12.24 (Lipa, Philippines)

Superior General of Brothers of the Christian Schools (Lasalians, De La Salle Brothers) (2022.05.18 – ...)

Fr. Luis Arturo Luna-Barrera, M.S.A.Fr. Luis Arturo Luna-Barrera, M.S.A.

Animator General of Clerical Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles

Animator General of Clerical Society of the Missionaries of the Holy Apostles (2017.08 – ...)

ItalyFr. Emanuele Lupi, C.PP.S. (51)Fr. Emanuele Lupi, C.PP.S. (51)

Moderator General of Missionaries of the Precious Blood

Born:1974.02.05 (Albano Laziale, Italy)
Ordained Priest:2001

Moderator General of Missionaries of the Precious Blood (2019.09 – ...)

ItalyFr. Francisco Luzzo, F.d.C.C.

Born: (Italy)

Founder of Sons of Charity (Canossians) (1831.05.23)

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