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(News on GCatholic will be updated on an infrequent basis until further notice.)



Papal Audiences


  • 2025.01.15: 

Wednesday in the 1Ëąá”— Week in Ordinary Time

Blessed Giacomo Villa, priest and martyr (Perugia–Città della Pieve)

Blessed Pierre de Castelnau, martyr (Carcassonne et Narbonne, Montpellier)

Holy Christ of Esquipulas (Costa Rica, Guatemala)

Our Lady of Banneux (LiĂšge)

Saint Amarus, abbot (São Tomé and Príncipe, Angra, Braga, Viana do Castelo)

Saint Anastasia, martyr (Zadar, Đakovo–Osijek)

Saint Arnold Janssen, priest (Congo-Kinshasa, Roermond, Wien)

Saint Berardus, priest, and companions, martyrs (Sevilla)

Saint Bonitus of Clermont, bishop (Marseille)

Saint Francisco Fernandez de Capillas, priest and martyr (Hong Kong, Taiwan, Palencia, Valladolid)

Saint Ita of Limerick, virgin (Ireland)

Saint Malard of Chartres, bishop (Chartres)

Saint Maurus and Saint Placidus, monks (Montecassino)

Saint Maurus, abbot (Extraordinary Form, Susa)

Saint Paul of Thebes, hermit (Extraordinary Form, Hungary)

Saint Probus of Rieti, bishop (Gaeta, Rieti)

Saint Remigius of Reims, bishop (France, Namur, Tournai)

Saint Romedius of Thaur (Bolzano–Bressanone, Trento)

Saint Secundina of Anagni, virgin and martyr (Anagni–Alatri)

Saints Hadulf, Emebert and Vindician, bishops (Cambrai)

Wednesday in the 1Ëąá”— Week after Epiphany (Ambrosian)

  • 2025.01.16: 

Thursday in the 1Ëąá”— Week in Ordinary Time

Blessed Juana MarĂ­a Condesa, virgin (Valencia)

Blessed Louis-Antoine OrmiĂšres, priest (Carcassonne et Narbonne)

Blessed Paolo Manna, priest (Aversa, Napoli)

Our Lady of Refuge (Paris, Saint-Denis)

Saint Berardus, priest, and companions, martyrs (Rabat)

Saint Bonitus of Clermont, bishop (Clermont)

Saint Fulgentius of Cartagena, bishop (Cartagena, Plasencia, Sevilla)

Saint Fursa, abbot (Ireland, East Anglia)

Saint Honoratus, bishop (Monaco, Aix, FrĂ©jus–Toulon, Marseille, Nice)

Saint Joseph Vaz, priest (India)

Saint Marcellus I, pope and martyr (Extraordinary Form)

Saint Titian of Oderzo, bishop (Vittorio Veneto)

Thursday in the 1Ëąá”— Week after Epiphany (Ambrosian)

  • 2025.01.17: 

Saint Anthony, abbot

Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral (Aire et Dax)

Our Lady off Pontmain (Laval)

Saint Roseline de Villeneuve, virgin (FrĂ©jus–Toulon)

  • 2025.01.18: 

Saturday in the 1Ëąá”— Week in Ordinary Time

The Blessed Virgin Mary on Saturday

Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral (Sweden)

Blessed Andrea of Peschiera, priest (Como)

Blessed Cristina of Lucoli, virgin (L’Aquila)

Blessed Regina Protmann, virgin (Warmia)

Our Lady of Arabia (Southern Arabia)

Our Lady, Mother of Christian Unity (Czechia)

Saint Anthony, abbot (FrĂ©jus–Toulon, Laval)

Saint Facius (Cremona)

Saint Francis de Sales, bishop and doctor of the Church (Toledo)

Saint Ildephonsus, bishop (Tortosa)

Saint Jaime Hilario Barbal, religious and martyr (Urgell)

Saint Liberata and Saint Faustina of Como, virgins (Como)

Saint Libert of Marmoutier, religious (Tours)

Saint Margeret of Hungary (Hungary)

Saint Prisca, virgin and martyr (Extraordinary Form)

Saint Sulpitius the Pious, bishop (Blois, Bourges)

The Chair of Saint Peter, apostle (Ambrosian)

  • 2025.01.19: 

2ⁿᔈ Sunday in Ordinary Time

2ⁿᔈ Sunday after Epiphany (Extraordinary Form, Ambrosian)

Our Lady of Arabia (Northern Arabia)

Saint JĂłzef Sebastian Pelczar, bishop (RzeszĂłw)

Santo Niño (Philippines)

  • 2025.01.20: 

Monday in the 2ⁿᔈ Week in Ordinary Time

Saint Fabian, pope and martyr

Saint Sebastian, martyr

Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral (CopiapĂł, Trivento)

Blessed Cyprian Michael Tansi, priest (Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, Sudan, Uganda, Nottingham)

Blessed Eusebius of Esztergom, priest (Hungary)

Saint Eustochia Smeralda Calafato, virgin (Acireale, Agrigento, Caltagirone, Caltanissetta, Catania, CefalĂč, Mazara del Vallo, Messina–Lipari–Santa Lucia del Mela, Monreale, Nicosia, Noto, Palermo, Patti, Piazza Armerina, Ragusa, Siracusa, Trapani)

Saint Euthymius, abbot (Jerusalem)

Saint Fructuosus, bishop, and Saint Augurius and Saint Eulogius, deacons, martyrs (Spain)

Saint Maria Cristina Brando, virgin (Napoli)

Saint Octavius, Saint Adventor and Saint Solutor, martyrs (Torino)

Saints Fabian, pope, and Sebastian, martyrs (Extraordinary Form)

The Holy Bishops of Poitiers: Gelais, AnthĂšme, Pient, Paixent, Maximin, Guillaume Tempier and Gautier de Bruges (Poitiers)

  • 2025.01.21: 

Saint Agnes, virgin and martyr

Anniversary of the Dedication of the Cathedral (Springfield–Cape Girardeau)

Our Lady of High Grace (Haiti)

Saint Fructuosus, bishop, and Saint Augurius and Saint Eulogius, deacons, martyrs (Barcelona, Girona, Lleida, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Solsona, Tarragona, Terrassa, Tortosa, Urgell, Vic)

Saint Meinrad of Einsiedeln, hermit and martyr (Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Bolzano–Bressanone)

Tuesday in the 2ⁿᔈ Week in Ordinary Time (Austria, Germany, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Bolzano–Bressanone)


  • 2025.01.15: 

Saint Secondina, virgin and martyr at Anagni in Lazio

Saint John Calybite, hermit

Saint Ita, virgin

Saint Probo, bishop of Rieti

Saint Maur, abbot

Saint Tarcice, virgin

Saint Ablebert, bishop of Cambrai

Saint Malard, bishop of Chartres

Saint Romedius, anchorite

Saint Bonnet, bishop of Clermont

Saint Arsenio, Benedictine hermit

Blessed Pierre de Castelnau, priest and martyr

Blessed Giacomo l’Elemosiniere, martyr at Chiusi

Blessed Angelo da Gualdo Tadino, hermit

Saint Francisco FernĂĄndez de Capillas, Dominican priest and martyr of China

Saint Arnold Janssen, priest, founder of the Society of Divine Word

Blessed Nikolaus Groß, father of family and martyr of Germany

  • 2025.01.16: 

Saint Marcellus I, pope and martyr

Saint Danactus, martyr

Saint Melas, bishop of Rhinocorura in Egypt

Saint Honorat, bishop of Arles

Saint Jacques, bishop of Tarentaise

Saint Tiziano, bishop of Oderzo

Saint Lubais, abbot

Saint Trivier, priest, monk and hermit

Saint Fursey, abbot, founder of monastery of Lagny

Blessed Giovanna, Camaldolese virgin

Saints Berardo, Ottone, Pietro, Accursio and Adiuto, first Franciscan martyrs

Saint Joseph Vaz, Oratorian priest

Blessed Giuseppe Tovini, Franciscan tertiary

Blessed Juana MarĂ­a Condesa Lluch, virgin

  • 2025.01.17: 

Saint Anthony the Great, abbot

Saints Speusippus, Eleusippus, Melapsippus and Leonilla, martyrs in Cappadocia

Saint Julian Sabas, hermit

Saint Marcel, bishop of Die

Saint Sulpice le Pieux, bishop of Bourges

Blessed Gamelbert, Benedictine priest, founder of the monastery of Metten

Saint Roseline, abbess of Celle-Roubaud

Saint Jenaro SĂĄnchez Delgadillo, priest and martyr of Mexico

  • 2025.01.18: 

Saints Successus, Paul and Lucius, bishops and martyrs at Carthage

Saints Cosconius, Zeno and Melanippus, martyrs at Nicaea in Bithynia

Saint Volusien, bishop of Tours

Saint Prisca, martyr at Rome

Saint Deicolus, abbot and founder of the monastery of Luxeuil

Blessed Beatrice d’Este, Benedictine nun

Saint Margaret, Dominican virgin

Blessed Facio, pilgrim and penitent

Blessed Andrea da Peschiera Grego, Dominican priest

Blessed Cristina Ciccarelli, Augustinian virgin

Blessed Regina Protmann, virgin, founder of the Sisters of Saint Catherine

Blesseds Félicité Pricet, Monique Pichery, Charlotte Lucas and Victoire Gusteau, martyrs of France

Blessed Maria Teresa Fasce, abbess of the Augustinian monastery of Cascia

  • 2025.01.19: 

Saint Germanicus, martyr at Philadelphia

Saint Pontiano, martyr at Spoleto

Saints Mario, Marta, Audiface and Abaco, martyrs

Saint Macarius, priest and abbot of the monastery of Scete

Saint Macarius of Alexandria, monk

Saint Bassiano, bishop of Lodi

Saints Liberata and Faustina, virgins

Saint Laumer, abbot of Corbion

Saint Giovanni, bishop of Ravenna

Saint Remi, archbishop of Rouen

Saint Arsenio, bishop of CorfĂč

Blessed Marcelo SpĂ­nola y Maestre, archbishop of Seville, cardinal, founder of the Servants of the Divine Heart

  • 2025.01.20: 

Saint Fabian, pope and martyr

Saint Sebastian, martyr at Rome

Saint Ascla, martyr at Antinoe

Saint Neophytos, martyr at Nicaea in Bythinia

Saint Euthymius, abbot

Saint Wulfstan, bishop of Worcester

Blessed Benedetto Ricasoli, hermit

Saint Henrik, bishop of Uppsala and martyr

Saint Eustochia Calafato, virgin and Clarisse abbess

Saint Stephanus Min KĆ­k-ka, catechist and martyr of Korea

Saint Maria Cristina dell’Immacolata Concezione Brando, virgin and founder of the Victims Expiators of Jesus of the Sacrament

Blessed Cipriano Iwene Tansi, Trappist priest

  • 2025.01.21: 

Saint Agnes, virgin and martyr at Rome

Saint Publius, bishop of Malta

Saints Fructuoso, bishop of Tarragona, Augurio and Eulogio, deacons, martyrs at Tarragona

Saint Patrocle, martyr at Troyes

Saint Epifanio, bishop of Pavia

Saint Meinrad, priest and monk at Einsiedeln, martyr

Saint Zaccaria, master of cenobitic life

Blesseds Edward Stransham and Nicholas Wheeler (Woodfen), priests and martyrs of England

Saint Alban Roe, Benedictine priest, and Blessed Richard Reynolds (Green), priest, martyrs of England

Blessed Josefa María de Santa Inés, Discalced Augustinian virgin

Blessed Jean-Baptiste Turpin du Cormier and 13 companions, priests and martyrs of France

Saint Ioannes Yi Yun-il, father of family, martyr of Korea


Jubilee Churches of the Holy Year 2025



Major Papal Documents

Curial Documents

Minor Papal Documents

Papal Speeches