Consistory of 1998.02.21 (22) |
1. Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina Estévez
Oportet illum crescere former Cardinal-Priest of S. Saba pro hac vice Title former Bishop of Valparaíso (Chile) former Prefect of Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
2. Cardinal Alberto Bovone
Fidelis et prudens former Cardinal-Deacon of Ognissanti in Via Appia Nuova former Prefect of Congregation for the Causes of Saints
3. Cardinal Darío Castrillón Hoyos
Christus in vobis spes gloriæ former Cardinal-Priest of SS. Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano pro hac vice Title former Metropolitan Archbishop of Bucaramanga (Colombia) former President of Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”
4. Cardinal Lorenzo Antonetti
Caritas et patientia Christi former Cardinal-Priest of S. Agnese in Agone pro hac vice Title former Pontifical Legate for the Basilica of Saint Francis of Assisi
5. Cardinal James Francis Stafford (92)
In principium erat verbum Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Montorio Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Denver (USA) Major Penitentiary emeritus of Apostolic Penitentiary
6. Cardinal Salvatore De Giorgi (94)
In caritate pax Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Ara Coeli Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Palermo (Italy)
Born: | 1930.09.06 (Vernole, Italy) | Ordained Priest: | 1953.06.28 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1973.12.27 | Created Cardinal: | 1998.02.21 |
| Priest of Lecce (Italy) (1953.06.28 – 1973.11.21) Titular Bishop of Tulana (1973.11.21 – 1975.11.29) Auxiliary Bishop of Oria (Italy) (1973.11.21 – 1975.11.29) Coadjutor Bishop of Oria (Italy) (1975.11.29 – 1978.03.17) Bishop of Oria (Italy) (1978.03.17 – 1981.04.04) Metropolitan Archbishop of Foggia (Italy) (1981.04.04 – 1986.09.30) Bishop of Bovino (Italy) (1981.04.04 – 1986.09.30) Bishop of Troia (Italy) (1981.04.04 – 1986.09.30) Metropolitan Archbishop of Foggia–Bovino (Italy) (1986.09.30 – 1987.10.10) Metropolitan Archbishop of Taranto (Italy) (1987.10.10 – 1990.05.11) General Ecclesiastical Assistant of Italian Catholic Action (1990.02.02 – 1996.04.04) Metropolitan Archbishop of Palermo (Italy) (1996.04.04 – 2006.12.19) Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Ara Coeli (1998.02.21 [1998.05.30] – ...) |
7. Cardinal Serafim Fernandes de Araújo
Seraphim juxta eum former Cardinal-Priest of S. Luigi Maria Grignion de Montfort former Metropolitan Archbishop of Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
8. Cardinal Antonio María Rouco Varela (88)
In ecclesiæ communione Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Damaso Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Madrid (Spain)
9. Cardinal Aloysius Matthew Ambrozic (Alojzij Matej Ambrožič)
Jesus est Dominus former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Marcellino e Pietro former Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto (Canada)
Born: | 1930.01.27 (Gabrje, Slovenia) | Ordained Priest: | 1955.06.04 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1976.05.27 | Created Cardinal: | 1998.02.21 | Died: | 2011.08.26 (Toronto, ON, Canada † 81) |
| Priest of Toronto (Canada) (1955.06.04 – 1976.03.26) Titular Bishop of Valabria (1976.03.26 – 1986.05.22) Auxiliary Bishop of Toronto (Canada) (1976.03.26 – 1986.05.22) Coadjutor Archbishop of Toronto (Canada) (1986.05.22 – 1990.03.17) Metropolitan Archbishop of Toronto (Canada) (1990.03.17 – 2006.12.16) Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Marcellino e Pietro (1998.02.21 [1998.10.04] – 2011.08.26) |
10. Cardinal Jean Balland
Veritatem facientes in caritate former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Vincoli former Metropolitan Archbishop of Lyon (France)
Born: | 1934.07.26 (Bué, France) | Ordained Priest: | 1961.09.03 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1982.12.12 | Created Cardinal: | 1998.02.21 | Died: | 1998.03.01 (Lyon, France † 63) |
| Priest of Bourges (France) (1961.09.03 – 1982.11.06) Bishop of Dijon (France) (1982.11.06 – 1988.08.08) Metropolitan Archbishop of Reims (France) (1988.08.08 – 1995.05.27) Metropolitan Archbishop of Lyon (France) (1995.05.27 – 1998.03.01) Cardinal-Priest of S. Pietro in Vincoli (1998.02.21 – 1998.03.01) |
11. Cardinal Dionigi Tettamanzi
Gaudium et pax former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Ambrogio e Carlo former Metropolitan Archbishop of Milano (Italy)
12. Cardinal Polycarp Pengo (80)
Ecce ego Domine Cardinal-Priest of Nostra Signora de La Salette Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Dar-es-Salaam (Tanzania)
13. Cardinal Christoph Schönborn, O.P. (80)
Vos autem dixi amicos Cardinal-Priest of Gesù Divin Lavoratore Ordinary of Austria of the Eastern Rite (Austria) President of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Wien (Austria)
14. Cardinal Norberto Rivera Carrera (82)
Lumen Gentium Cardinal-Priest of S. Francesco d’Assisi a Ripa Grande Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of México (Mexico)
15. Cardinal Francis Eugene George, O.M.I.
Christo gloria in ecclesia former Cardinal-Priest of S. Bartolomeo all’Isola former Metropolitan Archbishop of Chicago (USA)
16. Cardinal Paul Shan Kuo-hsi (單國璽), S.J.
Instaurare omnia in Christo former Cardinal-Priest of S. Crisogono former Bishop of Kaohsiung 高雄 (Taiwan)
17. Cardinal Adam Kozłowiecki, S.J.
In nomine Domini former Cardinal-Priest of S. Andrea al Quirinale former Metropolitan Archbishop of Lusaka (Zambia)
18. Cardinal Giovanni Cheli
Unitas in caritate former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Cosma e Damiano pro hac vice Title former President of Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
19. Cardinal Francesco Colasuonno (高樂天)
Lætus serviam former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eugenio
Born: | 1925.01.02 (Grumo Appula, Italy) | Ordained Priest: | 1949.09.28 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1975.02.09 | Created Cardinal: | 1998.02.21 | Died: | 2003.05.31 (Bari, Italy † 78) |
| Priest of Bari e Canosa (Italy) (1949.09.28 – 1974.12.06) Privy Chamberlain Supernumerary (1961.12.13 – 1968.03.28) Chaplain of His Holiness (1968.03.28 – 1971.10.17) Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (1971.10.17 – 1974.12.06) Chargé d’affaires in China (1972.08.02 – 1974.12.06) Apostolic Delegate to Mozambique (1974.12.06 – 1985.01.08) Titular Archbishop of Tronto (1974.12.06 – 1998.02.21) Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Zimbabwe (1981.03.07 – 1985.01.08) Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Yugoslavia (1985.01.08 – 1986.04.09) Delegation Chief of Poland (1986.04.09 – 1990.03.15) Apostolic Nuncio to Russian Federation (1990.03.15 – 1994.11.12) Apostolic Nuncio to Italy (1994.11.12 – 1998.02.21) Apostolic Nuncio to San Marino (1995.04.22 – 1998.02.21) Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eugenio (1998.02.21 [1998.11.29] – 2003.05.31) |
20. Cardinal Dino Monduzzi
Patientiam præficere caritati former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Sebastiano al Palatino former Prefect of Prefecture of the Papal Household
[21] Cardinal Marian Jaworski
Mihi vivere Christus est former Cardinal-Priest of S. Sisto former Metropolitan Archbishop of Lviv (Ukraine)
Born: | 1926.08.21 (Lviv, Ukraine) | Ordained Priest: | 1950.06.25 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1984.06.23 | Created Cardinal in pectore: | 1998.02.21 | Revealed as Cardinal: | 2001.02.21 | Died: | 2020.09.05 (Krakow, Poland † 94) |
| Priest of Lviv (Ukraine) (1950.06.25 – 1984.05.21) Chaplain of His Holiness (1971.10.15 – 1976.12.14) Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (1976.12.14 – 1984.05.21) Titular Bishop of Lambæsis (1984.05.21 – 1991.01.16) Apostolic Administrator of Lviv (Ukraine) (1984.05.21 – 1991.01.16) Metropolitan Archbishop of Lviv (Ukraine) (1991.01.16 – 2008.10.21) President of Episcopal Conference of Ukraine (1994 – 2008.10.21) Apostolic Administrator of Lutsk (Ukraine) (1996 – 1998.03.25) Cardinal-Priest of S. Sisto (2001.02.21 [2001.05.20] – 2020.09.05) |
[22] Cardinal Jānis Pujats (94)
Ad Jesum per Mariam Cardinal-Priest of S. Silvia Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Riga (Latvia) former President of Episcopal Conference of Latvia
Born: | 1930.11.14 (Nautrēni, Latvia) | Ordained Priest: | 1951.03.29 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1991.06.01 | Created Cardinal in pectore: | 1998.02.21 | Revealed as Cardinal: | 2001.02.21 |
| Priest of Riga (Latvia) (1951.03.29 – 1991.05.08) Chaplain of His Holiness (1972.11.14 – 1988.02.23) Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (1988.02.23 – 1991.05.08) Metropolitan Archbishop of Riga (Latvia) (1991.05.08 – 2010.06.19) President of Episcopal Conference of Latvia (1998 – 2010.06.19) Cardinal-Priest of S. Silvia (2001.02.21 [2001.10.14] – ...) |