Country | Cities (Lazio) | Churches (644)  |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ascensione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (Parish church)  Church of the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Italy | Roma, RM | Assunzione di Maria (Parish church)  Church of the Assumption of Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | Beato Pino Puglisi  Oratory of Blessed Pino Puglisi |
Italy | Roma, RM | Buono e Perpetuo Soccorso (Annexed)  Church of Our Lady of Good and Perpetual Help |
Italy | Roma, RM | Cor Ecclesiae (Shrine)  Schoenstatt Shrine of the Heart of the Church |
Italy | Roma, RM | Corpus Domini (Annexed church) (Eastern)  Church of the Body of the Lord |
Italy | Tor Tre Teste, RM | Dio Padre Misericordioso (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of the Merciful Father (“Jubilee Church”) |
Italy | Roma, RM | Divino Amore  Chapel of Divine Love |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gesù Adolescente a Via Prenestina (Annexed church)  Church of the Young Jesus |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gesù Bambino a Sacco Pastore (Parish church)  Church of the Infant Jesus a Saccopastore |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gesù Bambino all’Esquilino (Annexed church)  Church of the Infant Jesus all’Esquilino |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gesù Buon Pastore (alla Montagnola) (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of Jesus the Good Shepherd |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gesù di Nazareth (Parish church)  Church of Jesus of Nazareth |
Italy | Tor de’ Cenci, RM | Gesù Divin Salvatore (Parish church)  Parrocchia dei Santi Martino e Antonio Abate a Castel di Decima Church of Jesus the Divine Saviour |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gesù Divino Lavoratore (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Jesus the Divine Worker |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gesù Divino Maestro (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Jesus the Divine Master |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gesù Nazareno all’Argentina (Annexed church)  Church of Jesus of Nazarene |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gesù Risorto (Rectory church)  Cimitero Laurentino Chapel of the Risen Jesus |
Italy | Roma, RM | Gran Madre di Dio (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Great Mother of God |
Italy | Roma, RM | Madonna di Fatima  Chapel of Our Lady of Fatima |
Italy | Roma, RM | Maria Regina  Chapel of Mary Queen |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. de la Salette (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of La Salette |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. del Sacro Cuore di Gesù a Piazza Navona (Cardinal Deaconry, Shrine, Rectory church)  Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. del SS. Sacramento e Ss. Martiri Canadesi (Cardinal Title, Parish church, National church of Canada)  Church of Our Lady of the Most Holy Sacrament and the Canadian Martyrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. del Suffragio e S. Agostino di Canterbury (Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of Suffrages and St. Augustine of Canterbury |
Italy | Lido di Ostia, RM | N.S. di Bonaria (Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of Bonaria |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. di Coromoto (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of Coromoto |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. di Czestochowa (Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of Czestochowa |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. di Fatima (Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of Fatima |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. di Guadalupe a Monte Mario (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of Guadalupe a Monte Mario |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. di Guadalupe e S. Filippo in Via Aurelia (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church, National church of Mexico and Latin America)  Basilica of Our Lady of Guadalupe and St. Philip |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. di Lourdes a Tor Marancia (Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of Lourdes |
Italy | Roma, RM | N.S. di Valme (Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of Valme |
Italy | Roma, RM | Natività di Maria (Parish church)  Church of the Nativity of Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | Natività di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (Annexed church)  Church of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ of the Strugglers |
Italy | Roma, RM | Natività di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo degli Agonizzanti (a Via Gallia) (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Nativity of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Italy | Roma, RM | Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo Divino Maestro  Church of Our Lord Jesus Christ the Divine Teacher |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ognissanti (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of All Saints |
Italy | Roma, RM | Pretestato (Shrine, Catacomb)  Praetextatus Catacombs |
Italy | Roma, RM | Preziosissimo Sangue (Annexed church)  Church of the Most Precious Blood |
Italy | Roma, RM | Preziosissimo Sangue di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (a Via Flamina) (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Italy | Roma, RM | Preziosissimo Sangue di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (al Laterano) (Annexed church)  Church of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ at the Lateran |
Italy | Roma, RM | Priscilla (Shrine, Catacomb)  Catacombs of Priscilla |
Italy | Roma, RM | Regina Angelorum  Chapel of the Queen of Angels |
Italy | Roma, RM | Resurrezione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (Annexed church)  Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Italy | Roma, RM | Resurrezione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo a Torre Nova (Parish church)  Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Achille (Parish church)  Church of St. Achilleus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Adriano al Foro  Former Church of St. Adrian |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Agapito (Parish church)  Church of St. Agapitus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Agata dei Goti (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Agatha of the Goths |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Agata in Trastevere (Rectory church)  Church of St. Agatha in Trastevere |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Agnese fuori le Mura (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Agnes Outside-the-Walls |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Agnese in Agone (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Agnes in Agony |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Agostina Pietrantoni (Parish church)  Church of St. Agostina Pietrantoni |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Agostino in Campo Marzio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Augustine |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Alberto Magno (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Albert the Great |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Alessandro (Parish church)  Church of St. Alexander |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Alessio (Parish church)  Church of St. Alexis |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Alfonso all’Esquilino (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Chiesa di Santissimo Redentore e Sant’Alfonso in Via Merulana Church of St. Alphonsus in Via Merulana |
Italy | Prima Porta, RM | S. Alfonso de’ Liguori (Parish church)  Church of St. Alphonsus Liguori |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ambrogio a Valle Aurelia (Parish church)  Church of St. Ambrose |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ambrogio della Massima (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church, Mission for Nigerians)  Church of St. Ambrose della Massima |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Anastasia al Palatino (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church) (Syro-Malabar)  Basilica of St. Anastasia |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea a Ponte Milvio (Rectory church)  Church of St. Andrew a Ponte Milvio |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea al Celio (Rectory church)  Church of St. Andrew on Celian Hill |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea al Quirinale (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Andrew al Quirinale |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea Apostolo (Parish church)  Church of St. Andrew the Apostle |
Italy | Castel di Decima, RM | S. Andrea Apostolo in Castel di Decima (Annexed church)  Church of St. Andrew the Apostle in Castel di Decima |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea Avellino (Parish church)  Church of St. Andrew Avellino |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea Corsini (Parish church)  Church of St. Andrew Corsini |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea degli Scozzesi  Former Church of St. Andrew of the Scots |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea del Vignola (Rectory church) (Coptic)  Church of St. Andrew del Vignola |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea della Valle (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Andrew della Valle |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Andrea delle Fratte (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Shrine, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Andrew delle Fratte |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Angela Merici (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Angela Merici |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Angelo in Pescheria (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of the Holy Angel in Pescheria |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Anna a Tor Tre Teste (Annexed church)  Church of St. Ann |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Anna al Laterano (Annexed church)  Church of St. Ann at the Lateran |
Italy | Morena, RM | S. Anna in Via di Torre Morena (Parish church)  Church of St. Ann |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Anselmo all’Aventino (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Anselm on Aventino |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Anselmo alla Cecchignola (Parish church)  Church of St. Anselm |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Antonio a Circonvallazione Appia (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Anthony on the Appian Ring-road |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Antonio Abate all’Aventino (Monastery, Abbatial)  Church of St. Anthony Abbot on Aventino |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Antonio Abate all’Esquilino (Annexed church, National church of Russia) (Russian)  Church of St. Anthony the Abbot |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Antonio da Padova a Via Merulana (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Anthony of Padua |
Italy | Settebagni, RM | S. Antonio da Padova a Via Salaria (Parish church)  Church of St. Anthony of Padua |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Antonio da Padova a Via Tuscolana (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Parrocchia di Santi Antonio e Annibale Maria Church of St. Anthony of Padua on Via Tuscolana |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Antonio in Campo Marzio (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of Portugal)  Chiesa di Sant’Antonio dei Portoghesi Church of St. Anthony in Campo Marzio |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Antonio Maria Zaccaria (Annexed church)  Church of St. Anthony Mary Zaccaria |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Apollinare (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Apollinarus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Atanasio (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of Greece) (Greek)  Church of St. Athanasius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Atanasio (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Athanasius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Balbina all’Aventino (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Balbina |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Barbara (Parish church)  Church of St. Barbara |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Barbara dei Librari (Cardinal Title (former), Rectory church)  Church of St. Barbara |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Barnaba (Parish church)  Church of St. Barnabas |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bartolomeo all’Isola (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church) (Eastern)  Basilica of St. Bartholomew on the Island |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bartolomeo Apostolo (Parish church)  Church of St. Bartholomew |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Basilio agli Orti Sallustiani (Rectory church) (Italo-Albanese)  Church of St. Basil |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Basilio in Piazzalle Recanati (Parish church)  Church of St. Basil |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Benedetto fuori Porta San Paolo (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Benedict |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Benedetto Giuseppe Labre (Parish church)  Church of St. Benedict Joseph Labre |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Benedetto in Piscinula (Rectory church)  Church of St. Benedict |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bernadette Soubirous (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Bernadette Soubirous |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bernardino da Siena (Parish church)  Church of St. Bernardin of Siena |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bernardino in Panisperna (Rectory church, Mission for Chinese)  Church of St. Bernardin 聖伯爾納定堂 |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bernardo alle Terme (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Bernard at the Baths |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bernardo da Chiaravalle (Parish church)  Church of St. Bernard of Chiaravalle |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Biagio della Pagnotta (Rectory church, National church of Armenia) (Armenian)  Church of St. Blaise |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bibiana (Parish church)  Church of St. Bibiana |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bonaventura al Palatino (Rectory church)  Church of St. Bonaventure at the Palatine |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bonaventura da Bagnoregio (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Bonaventure of Bagnoregio |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Brigida a Campo de’ Fiori (Annexed church, National church of Sweden)  Church of St. Bridget |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Brigida di Svezia (Parish church)  Church of St. Bridget of Sweden |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Bruno alla Pisana (Parish church)  Church of St. Bruno |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Callisto (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Callistus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Callisto (Shrine, Catacomb)  Catacombs of St. Callixtus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Camillo de Lellis (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Camillus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Carlino alle Quattro Fontane (Annexed church)  Church of St. Charles at the Four Fountains |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Carlo Borromeo (Parish church)  Church of St. Charles Borromeo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Caterina da Siena (Parish church)  Church of St. Catherine of Siena |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Caterina da Siena a Via Giulia (Annexed church, Regional church of Siena)  Church of St. Catherine of Siena |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Caterina dei Funari (Rectory church)  Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Caterina della Rota (Rectory church) (Syro-Malabar)  Church of St. Catherine of Alexandria |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Cecilia in Trastevere (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Cecilia in Trastevere |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Celsino (Annexed church)  Church of St. Celsus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Cesareo in Palatio (Cardinal Deaconry, World Heritage Site, Rectory church)  Chiesa di San Cesareo de Appia Church of St. Caesarius in the Palace |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Chiara (Annexed church)  Church of St. Clare |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Chiara a Vigna Clara (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Clare in Vigna Clara |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Chiara alla Borghesiana (Annexed church)  Church of St. Clare |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Cipriano a Torrevecchia (Parish church)  Church of St. Cyprian |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Cirillo Alessandrino (Parish church)  Church of St. Cyril of Alexandria |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Clemente a Torre Nova (Annexed church)  Church of St. Clement |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Clemente al Laterano (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Clement at the Lateran |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Clemente in Via Val Sillaro (Parish church)  Church of St. Clement |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Cleto (Parish church)  Church of St. Cletus |
Italy | Infernetto, RM | S. Corbiniano (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Corbinian |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Costanza (Annexed church)  Church of St. Constance |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Crisogono (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Chrysogonus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Crispino da Viterbo (Parish church)  Church of St. Crispin of Viterbo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Croce a Via Flaminia (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of the Holy Cross a Via Flaminia |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Croce alla Lungara (Rectory church)  Church of the Holy Cross |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Croce e S. Bonaventura alla Pilotta (Annexed church, Regional church of Lucca)  Church of the Holy Cross and St. Bonaventure |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Croce in Gerusalemme (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Damaso a Monteverde (Parish church)  Church of St. Damasus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Domenico di Guzman (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Dominic of Guzman |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Domenico Savio  Church of St. Dominic Savio |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Domitilla  Basilica of St. Domitilla |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Edith Stein (Parish church)  Church of St. Edith Stein |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Egidio (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Giles |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Elena (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Helen |
Italy | Castelverde di Lunghezza, RM | S. Eligio ad Ovile (Parish church)  Church of St. Eligius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Eligio degli Orefici (Annexed church)  Church of St. Eligius of the Ironworkers |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Eligio dei Ferrari (Rectory church)  Church of St. Eligius |
Italy | Fosso San Giuliano, RM | S. Elisabetta d’Ungheria (Annexed)  Church of St. Elizabeth of Hungary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Emerenziana (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Emerentiana |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Enrico (Parish church)  Church of St. Henry |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Eugenio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Eugene |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Eusebio all’Esquilino (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Eusebius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Eustachio in Campo Marzio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Eustace |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Famiglia (Parish church)  Church of the Holy Family of Divine Love |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Famiglia a Via Portuense (Parish church)  Church of the Holy Family |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Famiglia a Villa Troili (Parish church)  Church of the Holy Family |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Famiglia di Nazareth a Centocelle (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Holy Family of Nazareth |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Faustina Kowalska (Parish church)  Church of St. Faustina Kowalska |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Fedele da Sigmaringa (Parish church)  Church of St. Fidele of Sigmaringa |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Felice da Cantalice (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Felix of Cantalice |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Felicita e Figli Martiri (Parish church)  Church of St. Felicity and Daughter Martyrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ferdinando Re (Parish church)  Church of St. Ferdinand the King |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Filippo Apostolo (Parish church)  Church of St. Philip the Apostle |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Filippo Neri all’Acquedotto Felice (Annexed church)  Church of St. Philip Neri |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Filippo Neri all’Esquilino (Rectory church)  Church of St. Philip Neri |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Filippo Neri alla Pineta Sacchetti (Parish church)  Church of St. Philip Neri |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Filippo Neri in Eurosia (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Philip Neri |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesca Cabrini (Parish church)  Church of St. Frances Cabrini |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesca Romana (Parish church)  Church of St. Frances of Rome |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesco d’Assisi a Monte Mario (Parish church)  Church of St. Francis of Assisi a Monte Mario |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesco d’Assisi a Ripa grande (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Francis of Assisi at Ripa Grande |
Italy | Acilia, RM | S. Francesco d’Assisi ad Acilia (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Francis of Assisi in Acilia |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesco di Paola ai Monti (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church, Regional church of Calabria)  Church of St. Francis of Paola ai Monti |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesco di Sales a Via della Visitazione (Annexed church)  Church of St. Francis de Sales |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesco di Sales a Via Portuense (Rectory church)  Church of St. Francis de Sales |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesco di Sales alla Borgata Alessandrina (Parish church)  Church of St. Francis de Sales |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesco Saverio alla Garbatella (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Francis Xavier |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesco Saverio del Caravita (Rectory church)  Church of St. Francis Xavier |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Francesco Saverio in Via Portuense (Annexed church)  Church of St. Francis Xavier |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Frumenzio ai Prati Fiscali (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Frumentius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Fulgenzio (Parish church)  Church of St. Fulgentius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gabriele Arcangelo all’Acqua Traversa (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Gabriel Archangel |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gabriele dell’Addolorata (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gaetano (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Cajetan |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Galla (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Galla |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gaspare del Bufalo (Parish church)  Church of St. Gaspar del Bufalo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gaudenzio a Torre Nova (Parish church)  Church of St. Gaudentius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gelasio I Papa (Parish church)  Church of St. Gelasius I |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gemma Galgani (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Gemma Galgani |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gerardo Maiella (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Gerard Majella |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giacomo alla Lungara (Annexed church)  Church of St. Jerome |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giacomo in Augusta (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Jerome in Augusta |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gianna Beretta Molla (Annexed)  Church of St. Gianna Molla |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gioacchino in Prati (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Joachim |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giorgio e Martiri Inglesi (Annexed church)  Church of St. George |
Italy | Macchia Palocco, RM | S. Giorgio in Acilia (Parish church)  Church of St. George |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giorgio in Velabro (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. George in Velabro |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giosafat al Gianicolo (Annexed church, National church of Ukraine)  Church of St. Josaphat |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanna Antida Thouret (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Jane Antide Thouret |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanna Antida Thouret (Annexed church)  Church of St. Jane Antide Thouret |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni a Porta Latina (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. John at the Latin Gate |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Battista all’Osteria del Curato (Rectory church)  Church of St. John the Baptist |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Battista de La Salle (Annexed church)  Church of St. John Baptist de la Salle |
Italy | Torrino, RM | S. Giovanni Battista de La Salle (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. John Baptist de la Salle |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Battista de Rossi (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. John the Baptist of Rossi |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Battista Decollato (Cardinal Deaconry (former), Rectory church)  Church of St. John the Baptist Beheaded |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Battista dei Cavalieri di Rodi (Annexed church)  Church of St. John Baptist of the Knights of Rhodes |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Battista dei Fiorentini (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church, Regional church of Firenze)  Basilica of St. John the Baptist of the Florentines |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Battista dei Genovesi (Annexed church, Regional church of Liguria)  Church of St. John Baptist |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Battista in Collatino (Parish church)  Church of St. John Baptist |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Bosco (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Basilica of St. John Bosco |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Calibita (Annexed church)  Church of St. John Calibytis |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Crisostomo (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. John Chrysostom |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni della Croce (Parish church)  Church of St. John of the Cross |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni della Malva in Trastevere (Rectory church, Mission for Albanese)  Church of St. John |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni della Pigna (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. John of the Pinecone |
Italy | Spinaceta, RM | S. Giovanni Evangelista a Spinaceto (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. John the Evangelist a Spinaceto |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni in Fonte (World Heritage Site, Baptistery)  Lateran Baptistery of St. John |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni in Oleo  Oratory of St. John the Evangelist |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Leonardi a Torre Maura (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. John Leonardi |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Maria Vianney (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. John Vianney |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giovanni Nepomuceno Neumann (Parish church)  Church of St. John Neumann |
Italy | Torrino, RM | S. Giovanni XXIII (Parish church)  Church of St. John XXIII |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Girolamo a Corviale (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Jerome |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Girolamo dei Croati a Ripetta (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of Croatia)  Church of St. Jerome of the Croats |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Girolamo della Carità a Via Giulia (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Jerome of Charity |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Girolamo Emiliani (Parish church)  Church of St. Jerome |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuda Taddeo (Annexed church)  Church of St. Jude Thaddeus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuda Taddeo ai Cessati Spiriti (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Jude Thaddeus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giulia Billiart (Parish church)  Church of St. Julie Billiart |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuliano (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Julian |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuliano dei Fiamminghi (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church, National church of Belgium)  Church of St. Julian |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giulio I Papa (Parish church)  Church of Pope St. Julius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe a Capo le Case (Rectory church)  Church of St. Joseph |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe a Via Nomentana (Parish church)  Church of St. Joseph |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe ai Prati (Annexed church)  Church of St. Joseph |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe al Trionfale (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Joseph al Trionfale |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe all’Aurelio (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Joseph at Aurelio |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe alla Lungara (Rectory church)  Church of St. Joseph |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe Artigiano a Via Tiburtina (Parish church)  Church of St. Joseph the Worker |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe Cafasso (Parish church)  Church of St. Joseph Cafasso |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe Cottolengo a Valle Aurelia (Parish church)  Church of St. Joseph Cottolengo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe da Copertino (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Joseph of Copertino |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe dei Falegnami al Foro Romano (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Joseph of the Carpenters |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giuseppe Moscati (Parish church)  Church of St. Joseph Moscati |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Giustino (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Justin |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gregorio a Ponte Quattro Capi (Annexed church)  Church of St. Gregory |
Italy | E.U.R., RM | S. Gregorio Barbarigo (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Gregory Barbarigo at Tre Fontane |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gregorio dei Muratori (Annexed church)  Church of St. Gregory |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gregorio Magno (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Gregory the Great |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gregorio Nazianzeno (Annexed church)  Church of St. Gregory Nazaianzus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Gregorio VII (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Gregory VII |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Igino Papa (Parish church)  Church of St. Hyginus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ignazio d’Antiochia (Parish church)  Church of St. Ignatius of Antioch |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ignazio di Loyola in Campo Marzio (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church, Regional church of Lazio)  Church of St. Ignatius of Loyola |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ilario di Poitiers (Parish church)  Church of St. Hilary of Poitiers |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ildefonso in Via Sistina (Annexed church)  Church of St. Ildefonsus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Innocenzo I Papa e S. Guido Vescovo (Parish church)  Church of St. Innocent I and St. Guido Conforti |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ippolito (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Hippolytus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ireneo a Centocelle (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Irenaeus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Isidoro a Capo le Case (Annexed church, National church of Ireland)  Church of St. Isidore |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ivo alla Sapienza (Rectory church)  Church of St. Ivo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ivo dei Bretoni (Rectory church, National church of France)  Church of St. Ivo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Josemaria Escrivá (Parish church)  Church of St. Josemaria Escriva |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lauro alla Pisana (Annexed church)  Church of St. Laurus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lazzaro (Rectory church)  Church of St. Lazarus |
Italy | Macchia Palocco, RM | S. Leonardo da Porto Maurizio (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Leonard |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Leonardo Murialdo (Parish church)  Church of St. Leonard Murialdo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Leone (Annexed church)  Church of St. Leo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Leone I (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Leo I |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Leopoldo Mandic (Annexed)  Church of St. Leopold Mandic |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Liborio (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Liborius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lino (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Linus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lorenzo de’ Speziali in Miranda (Annexed church)  Church of St. Lawrence |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lorenzo fuori le Mura (Papal Minor Basilica, Parish church)  Papal Basilica of St. Lawrence outside the Walls |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lorenzo in Damaso (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Lawrence in Damaso |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lorenzo in Fonte (Annexed church)  Church of St. Lawrence |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lorenzo in Lucina (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Lawrence in Lucina |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lorenzo in Palatio ad Sancta Sanctorum (Shrine, Rectory church)  Pontificio Santuario della Scala Santa Church of St. Lawrence at the Holy Stairs |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lorenzo in Panisperna (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Lawrence in Panisperna |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lorenzo in Piscibus (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Lawrence in Piscibus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Luca Evangelista (a Via Prenestina) (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Luke the Evangelist |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lucia a Piazza d’Armi (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Lucy at Piazza d’Armi |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lucia del Gonfalone (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Lucy of Gonfalone |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lucia della Tinta (Rectory church)  Church of St. Lucy |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Lucia in Selci (Cardinal Deaconry (former), Annexed church)  Church of St. Lucy |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Luigi dei Francesi in Campo Marzio (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of France)  Church of St. Louis of France |
Italy | Colle Monfortani, RM | S. Luigi di Montfort in Via Prenestina (Annexed church)  Church of St. Louis de Montfort |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Luigi Gonzaga ai Parioli (Parish church)  Church of St. Aloysius Gonzaga |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Luigi Grignon de Montfort (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Macuto (Annexed church)  Church of St. Macutus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maddalena di Canossa (Parish church)  Church of St. Magdalene of Canossa |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Marcella (Parish church)  Church of St. Marcella |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Marcello al Corso (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Marcellus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Marco Evangelista al Campidoglio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church, Regional church of Veneto)  Basilica of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Marco Evangelista in Agro Laurentino (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mark the Evangelist |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Margherita in Trastevere (Rectory church)  Church of St. Margaret |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Margherita Maria Alacoque (Parish church)  Church of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Margherita Maria Alacoque (Annexed church)  Church of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria ad Martyres (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry (former), Rectory church)  Basilica of Our Lady of the Martyrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Addolorata (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Sorrows |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Addolorata a Tor di Quinto (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Sorrows |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Addolorata all’Esquilino (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Sorrows |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Addolorata in Trastevere (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Sorrows in Trastevere |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria ai Monti (Cardinal Title, Shrine, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary ai Monti |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Annunziata a Tor de’ Specchi (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of the Annunciation |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Annunziata del Gonfalone (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of the Annunciation |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Annunziata in Borgo (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of the Annunciation |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Assunta al Gianicolo (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Assunta al Tufello (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of the Assumption |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Assunta e S. Giuseppe a Primavalle (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Joseph |
Italy | Trigoria, RM | S. Maria Assunta e S. Michele a Castel Romano (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of the Assumption and St. Michael |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Ausiliatrice (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Mary Help of Christians |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Causa Nostrae Laetitiae (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Cause of Our Joy |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Causa Nostrae Laetitiae (Annexed church)  Chiesa della Madonna dell’Archetto Church of St. Mary Cause of Our Joy |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Consolatrice (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Consolation |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria degli Angeli e dei Martiri (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Mary of the Angels and Martyrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria dei Miracoli (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of Miracles |
Italy | Casal Palocco, RM | S. Maria dei Pellegrini e S. Aristide (Annexed church, Mission for Sri-Lankans)  Church of St. Mary of the Pilgrims |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria dei Sette Dolori (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Seven Sorrows |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Buon Aiuto nell’Anfiteatro Castrense (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Good Help |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Buon Consiglio a Via Tuscolana (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Good Counsel |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Buon Consiglio ai Monti (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Good Counsel |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Buon Viaggio (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of Good Voyage |
Italy | Torrino, RM | S. Maria del Carmelo a Mostacciano (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Carmel |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Carmelo in Traspontina (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Our Lady of Carmel in Traspontina |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Carmine alle Tre Cannelle (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Carmel |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Carmine e S. Giuseppe al Casaletto (Parish church, Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Carmel and St. Joseph |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Carmine e S. Giuseppe al Casaletto (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of Carmel and St. Joseph |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Divino Amore (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Divine Love |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Divino Amore (Shrine)  Shrine of Our Lady of Divine Love |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Divino Amore (Cardinal Deaconry, Shrine, Parish)  Old Shrine of Our Lady of Divine Love |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Pianto ai Catinari (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of the Weeping |
Italy | Casal Bernocchi, RM | S. Maria del Ponte e S. Giuseppe (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary and St. Joseph |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Popolo (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Mary of the People |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Priorato (Annexed church)  Chiesa di Santa Maria in Aventino Church of St. Mary of the Priory |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Riposo (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of Repose |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Ritiro al Gianicolo (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Withdrawal |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Rosario  Chapel of Our Lady of the Rosary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Rosario a Monte Mario (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of the Rosary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Rosario ai Martiri Portuensi (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of the Rosary and the Holy Martyrs of Portuensi |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Rosario della Divina Provvidenza  Former Church of St. Mary of the Rosary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Rosario di Pompei alla Magliana (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of the Rosary of Pompeii at Magliana |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Rosario in Prati (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of the Rosary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Soccorso (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Help |
Italy | Castel Porziano, RM | S. Maria del Soccorso e S. Filippo Neri a Castelporziano (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Help and St. Philip Neri |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Suffragio (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Suffrage |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria del Terzo Millennio alle Tre Fontane (Shrine, Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of the Third Millennium at the Three Fountains |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria dell’Anima (Rectory church, National church of Germany)  Church of St. Mary of the Souls |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria dell’Olivo a Settecamini (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of the Olive |
Italy | Setteville di Guidonia, RM | S. Maria dell’Olivo a Setteville (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary |
Italy | Setteville di Guidonia, RM | S. Maria dell’Orazione a Setteville (Parish church, Mission for Hungarians)  Church of St. Mary of the Oration |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria dell’Orazione e Morte (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Prayer and Death |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria dell’Orto (Rectory church, National church of Japan)  Church of St. Mary of the Garden |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria dell’Umiltà (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Humility |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Consolazione a Piazza Ottavilla (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Consolation |
Italy | Tor de’ Cenci, RM | S. Maria della Consolazione a Tre Pini Poggio dei Fiori (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Consolation |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Consolazione al Foro Romano (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of Consolation |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Fiducia (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Fidelity |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Mercede e S. Adriano (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Mercy and St. Adrian |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Misericordia (Rectory)  Chapel of Our Lady of Mercy |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Neve al Colosseo (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Snow |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Pace (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of Peace |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Pace ai Parioli  Prelatic Church of Our Lady of Peace |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Perseveranza (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Perseverence |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Pietà al Colosseo (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of Piety at the Colosseum |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Presentazione (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of the Presentation |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Provvidenza (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of Providence |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Quercia a Campo de’ Fiori (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of the Oak |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Salute (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Health |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Scala (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of the Stairs |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Speranza (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Hope |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Visitazione a Collatino (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of the Visitation |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Visitazione all’Aurelio (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary of the Visitation |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria della Vittoria (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of Victory |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria delle Grazie a Casal Boccone (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Graces |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria delle Grazie al Trionfale (Cardinal Title, Shrine, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Graces al Trionfale |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria delle Grazie alle Fornaci (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Graces alle Fornaci |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria delle Piante (World Heritage Site, Rectory church)  Chiesa del Domine Quo Vadis Church of St. Mary of the Plants |
Italy | Castelverde di Lunghezza, RM | S. Maria di Loreto a Castelverde (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary of Loreto |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria di Loreto al Foro Traiano (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary of Loreto |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Domenica Mazzarello (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Goretti (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Maria Goretti |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Immacolata (Annexed church)  Church of the Immaculate Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Immacolata a Grottarossa (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Immaculate Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Immacolata a Via Veneto (Rectory church)  Church of the Immaculate Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Immacolata a Villa Borghese (Rectory church)  Church of the Immaculate Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Immacolata all’Esquilino (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of the Immaculate Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Immacolata alla Cervelletta (Annexed church)  Church of the Immaculate Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Immacolata di Lourdes (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Immaculate Mary of Lourdes |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Immacolata e S. Giovanni Berchmans al Tiburtino (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Immaculate Mary and St. John Berchmans |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Immacolata e S. Giuseppe Benedetto Labre (Annexed church)  Church of the Immaculate Mary and St. Joseph Benedict Labre |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Aquiro (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary in Aquiro |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Ara Coeli al Campidoglio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church, Regional church of Roma)  Basilica of St. Mary in Ara Coeli |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Campo Marzio (Rectory church, National church of Syria) (Syriac)  Church of St. Mary in Campo Marzio |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Cappella (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary in Cappella |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Cosmedin (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church , Greek-Melkite and Latin rite) (Greek-Melkite)  Basilica of St. Mary in Cosmedin |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Domnica alla Navicella (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary in Domnica alla Navicella |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Monserrato degli Spagnoli (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of Spain)  Church of St. Mary in Monserrato |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Monterone (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary in Monterone |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Montesanto (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Mary in Montesanto |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Monticelli (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary in Monticelli |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Portico in Campitelli (Cardinal Deaconry, Shrine, Parish church, Mission for Romanians)  Church of St. Mary in Campitelli |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Publicolis (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary in Publicolis |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Trastevere (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Mary in Trastevere |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Trivio (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary in Trivio |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Vallicella (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Chiesa Nuova Church of St. Mary in Vallicella |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Via (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary in Via |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria in Via Lata (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Mary in Via Lata |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Janua Coeli a Montespaccato (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Gate of Heaven |
Italy | Castelverde, RM | S. Maria Josefa del Cuore di Gesù (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Joseph of the Heart of Jesus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Liberatrice (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Liberatrice |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Maddalena de’ Pazzi (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Magdalene |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Maddalena in Campo Marzio (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, Regional church of Abruzzo)  Church of St. Mary Magdalene |
Italy | Tor Bella Monaca, RM | S. Maria Madre del Redentore (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Mother of the Redeemer |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Madre dell’Ospitalità (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Mother of Hospitality |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Madre della Misericordia (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Mother of Mercy |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Madre della Provvidenza (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Mother of Providence |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Maggiore (Pontifical Church, Papal Major Basilica, World Heritage Site)  Papal Basilica of St. Mary Major (Liberian Basilica) |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Maggiore in S. Vito (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Chiesa di Santi Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia Church of St. Mary Major of St. Vitus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Mater Dei (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Mother of God |
Italy | Torrino, RM | S. Maria Mater Ecclesiae a Torrino (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Mother of the Church |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Mater Ecclesiae a Viale Vaticano (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary Mother of the Church |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Mediatrice (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary Mediatrix |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Mediatrice alla Borgata Gordiani (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Mediatrix |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Nova (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica di Santa Francesca Romana al Palatino Basilica of St. Mary Nova |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Odigitria al Tritone (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church, Regional church of Sicilia)  Church of St. Mary Hodegetria of the Sicilians |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Portae Paradisi (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary Gate of Paradise |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Regina Apostolorum (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Queen of the Apostles |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Regina degli Apostoli alla Montagnola (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Shrine, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Mary Queen of the Apostles |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Regina dei Cuori (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary Queen of Hearts |
Italy | Dragona, RM | S. Maria Regina dei Martiri in Via Ostiense (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Queen of Martyrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Regina dei Minori (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary Queen of Minors |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Regina Mundi (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Queen of the World |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Regina Pacis a Monte Verde (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Queen of Peace |
Italy | Lido di Ostia, RM | S. Maria Regina Pacis a Ostia Lido (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Queen of Peace |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Scala Coeli (Annexed church)  Church of St. Mary Stairs to Heaven |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria sopra Minerva (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Mary above Minerva |
Italy | Torrino, RM | S. Maria Stella dell’Evangelizzazione (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Star of Evangelization |
Italy | Lido di Ostia, RM | S. Maria Stella Maris (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Italy | Lido di Ostia, RM | S. Maria Stella Maris (Rectory church)  Church of St. Mary Star of the Sea |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Stella Matutina (Parish church)  Church of St. Mary Morning Star |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Maria Vergine Addolorata a Piazza Buenos Aires (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of Argentina)  Church of St. Mary the Sorrowful Virgin |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Marone (Annexed church, National church of Lebanon) (Maronite)  Church of St. Maron |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Martino I Papa (Parish church)  Church of St. Martin I |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Massimiliano Kolbe a Via Prenestina (Parish church)  Church of St. Maximilian Kolbe |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Massimo Vescovo a Palmarola (Parish church)  Church of St. Maximus |
Italy | Morena, RM | S. Matteo (Parish church)  Church of St. Matthew |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Mattia (Parish church)  Church of St. Matthias |
Italy | Acilia, RM | S. Maurizio Martire ad Acilia (Parish church)  Church of St. Maurice the Martyr |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Mauro Abate (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Maurus |
Italy | Axa, RM | S. Melania Juniore (Parish church)  Church of St. Melania the Younger |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Melchiade Papa al Labaro (Parish church)  Church of St. Miltiadea |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Michele a Ripa (Rectory church)  Church of St. Michael |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Michele Arcangelo a Pietralata (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Michele Arcangelo al Flaminio (Rectory church)  Church of St. Michael the Archangel |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Monica (Cardinal Deaconry, Annexed church)  Church of St. Monica of the Augustinians |
Italy | Lido di Ostia, RM | S. Monica al Lido di Ostia (Parish church)  Church of St. Monica |
Italy | Lido di Ostia, RM | S. Nicola al Villaggio dei Pescatori (Annexed church)  Church of St. Nicholas |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Nicola da Tolentino agli Orti Sallustiani (Rectory church, National church of Armenia) (Armenian)  Church of St. Nicholas of Tolentino |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Nicola dei Lorenesi (Rectory church)  Church of St. Nicholas of the Lorrains Église Saint-Nicolas-des-Lorrains |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Nicola dei Prefetti (Annexed church)  Church of St. Nicholas |
Italy | Lido di Ostia, RM | S. Nicola di Bari a Lido di Ostia (Parish church)  Church of St. Nicholas of Bari |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Nicola in Carcere (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church, Regional church of Basilicata and Puglia)  Basilica of St. Nicholas in Prison |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Omobono (Rectory church)  Church of St. Homobonus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Onofrio al Gianicolo (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Humphrey on the Janiculum |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Pancrazio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Pancras |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Pantaleo (Rectory church)  Church of St. Pantaleon |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Paola Romana (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Paula of Rome |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Paolo alla Regola (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Paul at Regola |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Paolo alle Tre Fontane (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Chiesa della Martirio di San Paolo Church of St. Paul at the Three Fountains |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Paolo della Croce a Corviale (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Paul of the Cross |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Paolo fuori le Mura (Pontifical Church, Papal Major Basilica, World Heritage Site, Abbatial, Parish church)  Papal Basilica of St. Paul outside the Walls (Ostian Basilica) |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Passera (Annexed church)  Church of St. Passera |
Italy | Colle Prenestino, RM | S. Patrizio a Colle Prenestino (Parish church)  Church of St. Patrick |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Patrizio a Villa Ludovisi (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of Ireland and USA)  Church of St. Patrick |
Italy | Casal Bernocchi, RM | S. Pier Damiani (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Peter Damian |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Pietro Canisio agli Orti Sallustiani (Annexed church)  Church of St. Peter Canisius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Pietro in Montorio (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Peter |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Pietro in Vincoli al Colle Oppio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Peter in Chains |
Italy | Casal Bernocchi, RM | S. Pio da Pietrelcina (Parish church)  Church of St. Pius of Pietrelcina |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Pio V (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Pius V |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Pio X alla Balduina (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Pius X |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Policarpo all’Acquedotto Claudio (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Policarp |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ponziano (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Pontian |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Prassede all’Esquilino (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Praxedes |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Prisca (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Prisca |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Pudenziana al Viminale (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church, Mission for Filipinos)  Basilica of St. Pudentiana |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Raffaele Arcangelo (Parish church)  Church of St. Raphael the Archangel |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Raimondo Nonnato (Parish church)  Church of St. Raymond Nonnatus |
Italy | Guidonia Montecelio, RM | S. Remigio (Parish church)  Church of St. Remigius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Rita a Torre Angela (Parish church)  Church of St. Rita |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Rita da Cascia a Monte Mario (Parish church)  Church of St. Rita of Cascia |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Rita da Cascia alle Vergini (Annexed church)  Church of St. Rita of Cascia |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Rita in Campitelli  Former Church of St. Rita |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Roberto Bellarmino (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Robert Bellarmine |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Rocco all’Augusteo (Rectory church)  Church of St. Roch |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Romano ai Monti  Former Church of St. Romanus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Romano Martire (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Romanus the Martyr |
Italy | Monte Migliore, RM | S. Romualdo Abate (Parish church)  Church of St. Romualdus the Abbot |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Rosa da Viterbo (Parish church)  Church of St. Rose of Viterbo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Rosalia (Annexed church)  Church of St. Rosalia |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Saba (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Sabas |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Sabina all’Aventino (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Sabina |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Salvatore ai Monti (Annexed church)  Church of the Holy Saviour |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Salvatore alle Coppelle (Rectory church, National church of Romania) (Romanian)  Church of the Holy Saviour |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Salvatore della Corte (Rectory church, Mission for Latin Americans)  Chiesa di Santa Maria della Luce Church of the Holy Saviour |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Salvatore in Campo (Annexed church)  Church of the Holy Saviour |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Salvatore in Lauro (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church, Regional church of Marche)  Church of the Holy Saviour at the Laurels |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Salvatore in Onda (Rectory church)  Church of the Holy Saviour |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Saturnino (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Saturnus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Sebastiano al Palatino (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of St. Sebastian at the Palatine |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Sebastiano fuori le Mura (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, World Heritage Site, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Sebastian outside the Walls |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Silvestro al Quirinale (Rectory church)  Church of St. Sylvester |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Silvestro in Capite (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of Great Britain)  Church of St. Sylvester in Prison |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Silvia (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Sylvia |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Sisto Vecchio a Via Appia (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of St. Sixtus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Spirito dei Napoletani (Rectory church, Regional church of Campania)  Church of the Holy Spirit |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Spirito in Sassia (Cardinal Deaconry, Shrine, Rectory church)  Santuario della Divina Misericordia Church of the Holy Spirit in Sassia Shrine of the Divine Mercy |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Stanislao (Parish church)  Church of St. Stanislaus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Stanislao alle Botteghe Oscure (Rectory church, National church of Poland)  Chiesa di San Stanislao dei Polacchi Church of St. Stanislaus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Stefano del Cacco (Rectory church)  Church of St. Stephen |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Stefano Protomartire (Parish church)  Church of St. Stephen Protomartyr |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Stefano Rotondo al Celio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of Hungary)  Basilica of St. Stephen in the Round on Celian Hill |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Susanna alle Terme di Diocleziano (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of St. Susanna at the Baths of Diocletian |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Tarcisio (Parish church)  Church of St. Tarcisius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Teodoro al Palatino (Cardinal Deaconry (former), Rectory church)  Church of St. Theodore |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Teresa d’Avila (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Teresa of Avila |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Teresa del Bambino Gesù in Panfilo (Rectory church)  Church of St. Therese of the Child Jesus |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Teresa di Calcutta (Parish church)  Church of St. Teresa of Calcutta |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Tommaso ai Cenci (Rectory church)  Church of St. Thomas ai Cenci |
Italy | Infernetto, RM | S. Tommaso Apostolo ad Infernetto (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Thomas the Apostle |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Tommaso d’Aquino (Rectory church)  Church of St. Thomas Aquinas |
Italy | Tor Tre Teste, RM | S. Tommaso d’Aquino ad Alessandrino (Parish church)  Church of St. Thomas Aquinas |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Tommaso di Canterbury (Annexed church)  Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Tommaso in Formis all’Arco di Dolabella (Rectory church)  Church of St. Thomas |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Tommaso in Parione (Cardinal Title (former), Rectory church, National church of Ethiopia) (Ethiopic)  Church of St. Thomas at Parione |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Tommaso Moro (Parish church)  Church of St. Thomas More |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Ugo (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Hugo |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Urbano alla Caffarella (Rectory church)  Church of St. Urban |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Valentino al Villaggio Olimpico (Parish church)  Church of St. Valentine |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Vigilio (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Vigilius |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Vincenzo de’ Paoli (Parish church)  Parrocchia di Santa Maria Immacolata e San Vincenzo de’ Paoli Church of St. Vincent de Paul Parish of the Immaculate Mary and St. Vincent de Paul |
Italy | Lido di Ostia, RM | S. Vincenzo de’ Paoli a Lido di Ostia (Parish church)  Church of St. Vincent de Paul |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Vincenzo de’ Paoli all’Aventino (Annexed church)  Church of St. Vincent de Paul all’Aventino |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Vincenzo Pallotti (Parish church)  Church of St. Vincent Pallotti |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Volto di Gesù (Parish church)  Church of the Holy Face of Jesus |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacra Famiglia di Nazareth (Annexed church)  Church of the Holy Family of Nazareth |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacri Cuori di Gesù e Maria (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacro Cuore  Central Church of the Sacred Heart |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacro Cuore di Cristo Re (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Christ the King |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacro Cuore di Gesù a Castro Pretorio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus at the Praetorian Barracks |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacro Cuore di Gesù a Ponte Mammolo (Parish church)  Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus a Ponte Mammolo |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacro Cuore di Gesù a Via Piave (Annexed church)  Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus a Via Piave |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacro Cuore di Gesù a Villa Lante (Annexed church)  Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus a Villa Lante |
Italy | Vitinia, RM | Sacro Cuore di Gesù Agonizzante a Vitinia (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Agony |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacro Cuore di Gesù in Prati (Parish church)  Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Prati |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sacro Cuore Immacolato di Maria ai Parioli (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of the Immaculate Heart of Mary ai Parioli |
Italy | Roma, RM | Santa Chiara (Monastery)  Monastery of St. Clare |
Italy | Roma, RM | Santa Croce  Chapel of the Holy Cross |
Italy | Roma, RM | San Giovanni Battista  Church of St. John the Baptist |
Italy | Roma, RM | San Giovanni XXIII  Chapel of St. John XXIII |
Italy | Roma, RM | Santa Maria Mater Salvatoris  Church of the Mother of the Saviour |
Italy | Roma, RM | Sapienza (Rectory church)  Church of the Wisdom |
Italy | Roma, RM | Spirito Santo alla Ferratella (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Holy Spirit |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Ambrogio e Carlo al Corso (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church, Regional church of Lombardia)  Basilica of Sts. Ambrose and Charles |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Andrea e Gregorio al Celio (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of Sts. Andrew and Gregory on Celian Hill |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Angeli Custodi (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of the Guardian Angels |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Annunziata a Via Ardeatina (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of the Most Holy Annunciation |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Aquila e Priscilla (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Sts. Aquila and Priscilla |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Bartolomeo e Alessandro a Piazza Colonna (Annexed church, Regional church of Bergamo)  Church of Sts. Bartholomew and Alexander |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Benedetto e Scolastica all’Argentina (Annexed church, Regional church of Norcia)  Church of Sts. Benedict and Scholastica |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Biagio e Carlo ai Catinari (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of Sts. Blaise and Charles in Catinari |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Bonifacio ed Alessio all’Aventino (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of Sts. Boniface and Alexis |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Celso e Giuliano (Minor Basilica, Rectory church)  Basilica of Sts. Celsus and Julian |
Italy | Dragoncello, RM | Ss. Cirillo e Metodio (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Sts. Cyril and Methodius |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Claudio e Andrea dei Borgognoni (Rectory church, National church of France)  Church of Sts. Claudius and Andrew of the Burgundians |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Corpo e Sangue di Cristo (Parish church)  Church of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Cosma e Damiano in Via Sacra (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Basilica of Sts. Cosmas and Damian |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Crisante e Daria (Parish church)  Church of Sts. Chrysanthus and Daria |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Crocifisso (Parish church)  Church of the Most Holy Crucifix |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Crocifisso al Corso (Annexed church)  Church of the Most Holy Crucifix |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Crocifisso alla Stazione Termini (Rectory church)  Church of the Most Holy Crucifix |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Domenico e Sisto (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of Sts. Dominic and Sixtus |
Italy | Prima Porta, RM | Ss. Elisabetta e Zaccaria (Parish church)  Church of Sts. Elizabeth and Zachariah |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Fabiano e Venanzio (Cardinal Title, Parish church, Regional church of Camerino)  Church of Sts. Fabian and Venantius |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Francesco e Caterina Patroni d’Italia (Parish church)  Church of St. Francis and St. Catherine Patrons of Italy |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Gioacchino e Anna ai Monti (Rectory church)  Church of Sts. Joachim and Ann |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Gioacchino e Anna alle Quattro Fontane  Former Church of Sts. Joachim and Ann at the Four Fourtains |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Gioacchino ed Anna (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Sts. Joachim and Anne |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Giovanni e Paolo al Celio (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of Sts. John and Paul on Celian Hill |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Giovanni Evangelista e Petronio dei Bolognesi (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, Regional church of Emilia-Romagna)  Church of Sts. John the Evangelist and Petronius |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Isidoro ed Eurosia (Annexed church)  Church of Sts. Isidore and Eurosia |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Luca e Martina al Foro Romano (Rectory church)  Church of Sts. Luke and Martina |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Marcellino e Pietro ad Duas Lauros (Parish church)  Church of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Marcellino e Pietro al Laterano (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Sts. Marcellinus and Peter |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Mario e Compagni Martiri (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of St. Marius and Companion Martyrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Martiri Coreani (Rectory church, National church of Korea)  Church of the Holy Korean Martyrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Martiri dell’Uganda (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Holy Martyrs of Uganda |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Michele e Magno (Annexed church, MIssion for Dutch)  Church of Sts. Michael and Magnus |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo alle Terme di Caracalla (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of Sts. Nereus and Achilleus |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Nome di Gesù all’Argentina (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church, Regional church of Lazio)  Chiesa del Gesù Church of the Most Holy Name of Jesus |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Nome di Maria (in Via Latina) (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Most Holy Name of Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Nome di Maria al Foro Traiano (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of the Most Holy Name of Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Nomi di Gesù e Maria in Via Lata (Cardinal Deaconry, Rectory church)  Church of the Most Holy Names of Jesus and Mary |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Ottavio e Compagni Martiri (Parish church)  Church of St. Octavius and Companion Martyrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Perpetua e Felicita (Parish church)  Church of Sts. Perpetua and Felicity |
Italy | E.U.R., RM | Ss. Pietro e Paolo (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of Sts. Peter and Paul |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Protomartiri Romani (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Holy Roman Protomarytrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Quaranta e Pasquale Baylon (Annexed church)  Church of St. Quaranta and St. Paschal Baylon |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Quattro Coronati al Laterano (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Basilica of the Four Holy Crowned Martyrs |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Quirico e Giulitta (Cardinal Title, Rectory church)  Church of Sts. Cyricus and Julita |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Redentore a Val Melaina (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Most Holy Redeemer |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Redentore e S. Francesca Saverio Cabrini (Annexed church)  Church of the Most Holy Redeemer and St. Frances Xavier Cabrini |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Rufina e Seconda (Annexed church)  Church of Sts. Rufina and Seconda |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Sacramento a Tor de’ Schiavi (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Sacramento al Tritone (Annexed church)  Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Sacramento e Cinque Piaghe (Annexed church)  Church of the Most Blessed Sacrament and the Five Wounds |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Salvatore e Ss. Giovanni Battista ed Evangelista in Laterano (Pontifical Church, Cathedral, Papal Major Basilica, World Heritage Site, Parish church)  Papal Archbasilica of the Most Holy Saviour, St. John Baptist and St. John Evangelist (Lateran Basilica) |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Sette Fondatori (Parish church)  Church of the Seven Holy Founders |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Silvestro e Dorotea in Trastevere (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Parrocchia di Santa Dorotea Church of Sts. Silvester and Dorothy |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Silvestro e Martino ai Monti (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of St. Martin ai Monti |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Simone e Giuda Taddeo a Torre Angela (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of Sts. Simon and Jude Thaddeus at Torre Angela |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Stimmate (Rectory church)  Church of the Most Holy Stigmata |
Italy | Lunghezza, RM | SS. Trinità a Lunghezza (Parish church)  Church of the Most Holy Trinity a Lunghezza |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Trinità a Via Condotti (Annexed church)  Church of the Most Holy Trinity a Via Condotti |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Trinità a Villa Chigi (Parish church)  Church of the Most Holy Trinity a Villa Chigi |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Trinità al Monte Pincio (Cardinal Title, Rectory church, National church of France)  Church of the Most Holy Trinity al Monte Pincio |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Trinità dei Pellegrini ai Catinari (Parish church)  Church of the Most Holy Trinity of the Pilgrims |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Trinità della Missione in Prati (Annexed church)  Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Prati |
Italy | Prima Porta, RM | Ss. Urbano e Lorenzo a Prima Porta (Cardinal Deaconry, Parish church)  Church of St. Urban and St. Lawrence |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Vincenzo e Anastasio a Fontana di Trevi (Rectory church)  Church of Sts. Vincent and Anastasius at the Trevi Fountain |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Vincenzo e Anastasio alle Tre Fontane (Former Cathedral, Annexed church)  Church of Sts. Vincent and Anastasius at the Three Fountains |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Vitale e Compagni Martiri in Fovea (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica di Santi Vitale, Valeria, Gervasio e Protasio Basilica of St. Vitalis and martyr companions |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. XII Apostoli (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles |
Italy | Roma, RM | Trasfigurazione di Nostro Signore Gesù Cristo (Cardinal Title, Parish church)  Church of the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ |
Italy | Roma, RM | Visitazione di Santa Maria (Monastery)  Monastery of the Visitation of St. Mary |
Country | Cities | Churches (9)  |
Vatican City State | | S. Anna in Vaticano (Parish church)  Church of St. Ann in the Vatican |
Vatican City State | | S. Maria della Pietà in Camposanto dei Teutonici (Annexed church)  Church of Our Lady of Mercy in the German Cemetery |
Vatican City State | | S. Maria Regina della Famiglia  Church of St. Mary Queen of Families |
Vatican City State | | S. Marta  Chapel of St. Martha |
Vatican City State | | S. Pellegrino in Vaticano  Church of St. Peregrine in the Vatican |
Vatican City State | | S. Pietro in Vaticano (Pontifical Church, Papal Major Basilica, World Heritage Site, Parish church)  Papal Basilica of St. Peter in the Vatican (Vatican Basilica) |
Vatican City State | | S. Salvatore in Ossibus  Church of the Holy Saviour of the Bones |
Vatican City State | | S. Stefano degli Abissini (National church of Ethiopia) (Ethiopic)  Church of St. Stephen of the Abyssinians |
Vatican City State | | Sistina  Sistine Chapel of Our Lady of the Assumption |
Country | Cities | Other Churches Within the Diocesan Territory (5)  |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Caterina da Siena a Magnanapoli (Cathedral)  Principal Church of St. Catherine of Siena |
Italy | Roma, RM | S. Sofia (Minor Basilica, Cardinal Title, Rectory church) (Ukrainian)  Basilica of the Holy Wisdom |
Italy | Roma, RM | Salus Infirmorum  Church of Health of the Sick |
Italy | Roma, RM | Ss. Sergio e Bacco degli Ucraini (Cathedral, Cardinal Deaconry (former), Parish church) (Ukrainian)  Cathedral of Sts. Sergius and Bacchus of the Ukrainians |
Italy | Roma, RM | SS. Sudario all’Argentina (Rectory church, Regional church of Piemonte and Sardegna)  Church of the Most Holy Shroud |