Bishop (337) | Order | Birth Country | Consecrated | Died | Province | Office |
Abels, Conrad | 葉步司 | C.I.C.M. | Netherlands  | 1897 | 1942 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Rehe 熱河 |
Aguirre Murga, Francisco | 宋金鈴 | O.P. | Spain  | 1912 | 1941 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Fuzhou 福州 |
Albouy, Paulin-Joseph-Justin | 沈士杰 | M.E.P. | France  | 1930 | 1954 | Guangxi | Metropolitan Archbishop of Nanning 南寧 |
Albrand, Étienne-Raymond | 白斯德望 | M.E.P. | France  | 1849 | 1853 | Guizhou | Vicar Apostolic of Guizhou 貴州 |
Albuini, Gerardo | 哲樂篤 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1307 | 1318 | Fujian | Bishop of Citong 刺桐 |
Alfonso Aguilar, Justo | | O.P. | Spain  | 1850 | 1874 | Fujian | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Anouilh, Jean-Baptiste | 董若翰 | C.M. | France  | 1851 | 1869 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Chi-Li 直隸西南 |
Antonio | 張安當 | S.J. | Italy  | ? | 1705 | Shanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shanxi 山西 |
Arámburu Urquiola, Zenón | 蒲廬 | S.J. | Spain  | 1936 | 1969 | Anhui | Bishop of Wuhu 蕪湖 |
Arduino, Michele Alberto | 歐彌格 | S.D.B. | Italy  | 1948 | 1972 | Guangdong | Bishop of Shaoguan 韶關 |
Badía, Tomás | 巴敵亞 | O.P. | Spain  | 1843 | 1844 | Fujian | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Balconi, Lorenzo Maria | 巴明善 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1928 | 1969 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Hanzhongfu 漢中府 |
Baldus, Jean-Henri | 安巴都 | C.M. | France  | 1845 | 1869 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Kiangxi 江西 |
Banci, Ezechias | 南熙 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1872 | 1903 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Hupeh 湖北西北 |
Bassi, Assuero Teogano | 巴友仁 | S.X. | Italy  | 1935 | 1970 | Henan | Bishop of Luoyang 洛陽 |
Baudry, Stanislas-Gabriel-Henri | 包明揚 | M.E.P. | France  | 1927 | 1954 | Sichuan | Bishop of Ningyuan 寧遠 |
Bax, Jacques | 巴耆賢 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1875 | 1895 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Central Mongolia 中蒙古 |
Belotti, Flaminio | 包海容 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1918 | 1945 | Henan | Vicar Apostolic of Nanyangfu 南陽府 |
Benavente, Alvaro | 白萬樂 | O.E.S.A. | Spain  | 1700 | 1709 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Kiangxi 江西 |
Bermyn, Alfonso | 閔玉清 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1902 | 1915 | Inner Mongolia | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Mongolia 西南蒙古 |
Berutti, Tommaso | 柏露梯 | S.J. | Italy  | 1930 | 1975 | Anhui | Vicar Apostolic of Bengbu 蚌埠 |
Besi, Lodovico Maria | 羅類思 / 羅伯濟 | | Italy  | 1841 | 1871 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Shantung 山東 |
Biet, Félix | 畢天榮 | M.E.P. | France  | 1878 | 1901 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Tibet 西藏 |
Bili, Pascal | 畢理 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1877 | 1878 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Hupeh 湖北西北 |
Blois, Jean-Marie-Michel | 衛忠藩 | M.E.P. | France  | 1922 | 1946 | Liaoning | Metropolitan Archbishop of Shenyang 瀋陽 |
Boisguérin, René-Désiré-Romain | 林茂德 | M.E.P. | France  | 1946 | 1998 | Sichuan | Bishop of Suifu 敘府 |
Borgniet, André-Pierre | 年文思 | S.J. | Germany  | 1859 | 1862 | Jiangsu | Vicar Apostolic of Jiangnan 江南 |
Bourgain, Joseph-Fructueux | 卜恩佑 | M.E.P. | France  | 1918 | 1925 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Ningyuanfu 寧遠府 |
Boyer, Joseph-André | 包若瑟 | M.E.P. | France  | 1886 | 1887 | Liaoning | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Liaotung and Manchuria 遼東滿州 |
Bray, Géraud | 白振鐸 | C.M. | France  | 1870 | 1905 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Kiangxi 江西北境 |
Breher, Theodor | 白化東 | O.S.B. | Germany  | 1937 | 1950 | Jilin | Bishop of Yanji 延吉 |
Brellinger, Leopoldo | 凌安瀾 | S.J. | Austria  | 1947 | 1967 | Hebei | Bishop of Jingxian 景縣 |
Brollo, Basilio | 葉宗賢 | O.F.M. | Italy  | ? | 1704 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi 陝西 |
Bruguière, Jules | 包儒略 | C.M. | France  | 1891 | 1906 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Chi-Li 直隸西南 |
Buddenbrock, Theodor | 濮登博 | S.V.D. | Germany  | 1925 | 1959 | Gansu | Metropolitan Archbishop of Lanzhou 蘭州 |
Budes de Guébriant, Jean-Baptiste-Marie | 光若翰 | M.E.P. | France  | 1910 | 1935 | Guangdong | Vicar Apostolic of Guangzhou 廣州 |
Bulté, Henri-Joseph | 步天衢 | C.M. | France  | 1880 | 1900 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Southeastern Chi-Li 直隸東南 |
Buocher, Jean-Antoine | | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1753 | 1765 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Bürger, Nathaniel | 閔達耐 | O.F.M. | Germany  | 1778 | 1780 | Jiangsu | Coadjutor Bishop of Nanjing 南京 |
Calderón, Miguel | 高彌額 | O.P. | Spain  | 1840 | 1883 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Calvo, José | 高若瑟 | O.P. | Spain  | 1790 | 1812 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Calza, Luigi | 賈師誼 | S.X. | Italy  | 1912 | 1944 | Henan | Vicar Apostolic of Zhengzhou 鄭州 |
Canazei, Ignazio | 耿其光 | S.D.B. | Italy  | 1930 | 1946 | Guangdong | Bishop of Shaoguan 韶關 |
Capettini, Antonio Maria | 康道華 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1919 | 1958 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Hanzhongfu 漢中府 |
Capozi, Domenico Luca | 李路加 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1940 | 1991 | Shanxi | Metropolitan Archbishop of Taiyuan 太原 |
Carlassare, Vincenzo Epiphane | 江成德 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1884 | 1909 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Hupeh 湖北東境 |
Carlo, Alexandre-François-Marie | 賈祿 | M.E.P. | France  | 1927 | 1952 | Guizhou | Bishop of Nanlong 南龍 |
Carnevali, Paolo | | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1872 | 1875 | Shanxi | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Shanxi 山西 |
Carpena Díaz, Roque José | 羅羅各 | O.P. | Spain  | 1803 | 1845 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Carreras, Vicente Ferrer | | O.P. | Spain  | 1866 | 1867 | Fujian | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Cassini, Cipriano | 趙信義 | S.J. | Italy  | 1937 | 1951 | Anhui | Bishop of Bengbu 蚌埠 |
Castro e Moura, João de França | 趙若望 | C.M. | Portugal  | 1862 | 1868 | Beijing | Apostolic Administrator of Beijing 北京 |
Cattaneo, Angelo | 何安業 | M.E.M. | Italy  | 1905 | 1910 | Henan | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Honan 河南南境 |
Cazzanelli, Ruggero Raffaele | 佳格理 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1936 | 1960 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Qichun 蘄春 |
Ceól, Horace Ferruccio | 邱先覺 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1948 | 1990 | Hubei | Bishop of Qichun 蘄春 |
Chatagnon, Marc | 沙 | M.E.P. | France  | 1887 | 1920 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Szechwan 南四川 |
Chausse, Augustin | 邵斯 | M.E.P. | France  | 1881 | 1900 | Guangdong | Vicar Apostolic of Guangdong 廣東 |
Chauveau, Joseph-Marie | 丁盛榮 | M.E.P. | France  | 1850 | 1877 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Tibet 西藏 |
Chiais, Ephysius | 高一志 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1848 | 1884 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi 陝西 |
Chinchón, Andrés | 楊真崇 | O.P. | Spain  | 1884 | 1892 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Amoy 廈門 |
Chiolino, Martino | 林棟臣 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1921 | 1948 | Henan | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Honan 河南北境 |
Choulet, Marie-Félix | 蘇裴理斯 | M.E.P. | France  | 1901 | 1923 | Liaoning | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Manchuria 南滿 |
Chouvellon, Célestin-Félix-Joseph | 舒福隆 | M.E.P. | France  | 1891 | 1924 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Szechwan 四川東境 |
Chouzy, Jean-Benoît | 司立修 | M.E.P. | France  | 1891 | 1899 | Guangxi | Prefect Apostolic of Guangxi 廣西 |
Christiaens, Benjamin | 祁棟樑 | O.F.M. | Belgium  | 1889 | 1931 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Hupeh 湖北南境 |
Ciceri, Alessandro | 羅歷山 | S.J. | Italy  | 1696 | 1703 | Jiangsu | Bishop of Nanjing 南京 |
Ciceri, Nicola | 徐則麟 | C.M. | Italy  | 1908 | 1932 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Ji’anfu 吉安府 |
Civelli, Mario | 祁濟眾 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1935 | 1966 | Henan | Bishop of Jixian 級縣 |
Cleary, Patrick | 利伯高 | S.S.C.M.E. | Ireland  | 1939 | 1970 | Jiangxi | Bishop of Nancheng 南城 |
Clerc-Renaud, Jean-Louis | 田 | C.M. | France  | 1912 | 1935 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Yujiang 餘江 |
Coltelli, Clemente | 郭德禮 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1900 | 1901 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shaanxi 陝西北境 |
Coqset, Jules-Auguste | 順其衡 | C.M. | France  | 1887 | 1917 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Chi-Li 直隸西南 |
Cosi, Eligio Pietro | 顧立爵 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1865 | 1885 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Shantung 山東 |
Costantini, Celso Benigno Luigi | 剛恆毅 | | Italy  | 1921 | 1958 | Heilongjiang | Apostolic Administrator of Harbin 哈爾濱 |
Côté, Philip | 郃軼歐 | S.J. | USA  | 1935 | 1970 | Jiangsu | Bishop of Xuzhou 徐州 |
Cotolendi, Ignace | 高多冷提 | M.E.P. | France  | 1660 | 1662 | Jiangsu | Vicar Apostolic of Nanjing 南京 |
Coupat, Eugène-Paul | 顧巴徳 | M.E.P. | France  | 1882 | 1890 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Szechwan 四川東境 |
da Assisi, Andreuccio | 安特留基 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1307 | 1308 | Beijing | Auxiliary Bishop of Khanbalik 汗八里 |
da Banzia, Nicolò | 尼古老 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1307 | 1308 | Beijing | Auxiliary Bishop of Khanbalik 汗八里 |
da Botras, Nicolas | 尼古拉 | O.F.M. | Italy  | ? | 1338 | Beijing | Metropolitan Archbishop of Khanbalik 汗八里 |
da Castello, Pellegrino | 柏萊立 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1307 | 1322 | Fujian | Bishop of Citong 刺桐 |
da Firenze, Giacomo | 雅格柏 | O.F.M. | Italy  | ? | 1370? | Fujian | Bishop of Citong 刺桐 |
da Firenze, Pietro | 白道祿 | O.F.M. | Italy  | ? | 1362 | Fujian | Bishop of Citong 刺桐 |
da Montecorvino, Giovanni | 若望.孟高維諾 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1313 | 1328 | | Patriarch of All the East 遠東, Metropolitan Archbishop of Khanbalik 汗八里 |
da Perugia, Andrea | 安德律 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1307 | 1327 | Fujian | Bishop of Citong 刺桐 |
da Purification, Francisco | 陶來斯 | O.E.S.A. | Spain  | 1725 | 1731 | Beijing | Bishop of Beijing 北京 |
da Seyfridsdorf, Ulrico | 吾珥立克 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1307 | 1308 | Beijing | Auxiliary Bishop of Khanbalik 汗八里 |
da Souza Saraiva, Joaquim | 蘇薩.薩萊瓦 | C.M. | Portugal  | 1805 | 1818 | Beijing | Bishop of Beijing 北京 |
da Villanova, Guglielmo | 古列魯摩 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1307 | ? | Beijing | Metropolitan Archbishop of Khanbalik 汗八里 |
Daguin, Florent | 孔 | C.M. | France  | 1848 | 1859 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Mongolia 蒙古 |
Danicourt, François-Xavier | 顧方濟 | C.M. | France  | 1851 | 1860 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Kiangxi 江西 |
de Gorostarzu, Charles-Marie-Félix | 金夢旦 | M.E.P. | France  | 1908 | 1933 | Yunnan | Vicar Apostolic of Yunnanfu 雲南府 |
de Gouveia, Alexandre | 湯士選 | T.O.R. | Portugal  | 1783 | 1808 | Beijing | Bishop of Beijing 北京 |
de Jesus-Maria-Joseph, Emmanuel | 高斯達 | O.F.M. | Portugal  | 1721 | 1739 | Jiangsu | Bishop of Nanjing 南京 |
de Jonghe d’Ardoye, Georges-Marie-Joseph-Hubert-Ghislain | 雍守正 | M.E.P. | Belgium  | 1933 | 1961 | Yunnan | Vicar Apostolic of Yunnanfu 雲南府 |
De Lionne, Arthus | | M.E.P. | France  | 1700 | 1713 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Szechwan 四川 |
de Marchi, Pietro Paolo | 馬天恩 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1889 | 1901 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shantung 山東北境 |
de Martiliat, Joachim-Enjobert | | M.E.P. | France  | 1741 | 1755 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Szechwan 四川 |
de Nicolais, Giovanni Francesco | 余宜閣 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1700 | 1737 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Hupeh and Hunan 湖廣 |
de Saint Martin, Jean-Didier | | M.E.P. | France  | 1784 | 1801 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Szechwan 四川 |
de Santa Rosa de Viterbo, Francesco | 方 | O.F.M. | Portugal  | 1743 | 1750 | Jiangsu | Bishop of Nanjing 南京 |
de Silva, Antonio | 林安廉 | S.J. | Portugal  | ? | 1726 | Jiangsu | Bishop of Nanjing 南京 |
De Smedt, Leon-Jean-Marie | 石德懋 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1932 | 1951 | Hebei | Bishop of Xiwanzi 西灣子 |
de Sousa, Polycarpo | 索智能 | S.J. | Portugal  | 1743 | 1757 | Beijing | Bishop of Beijing 北京 |
de Vienne de Hautefeuille, Jean | 文貴斌 | C.M. | France  | 1915 | 1957 | Tianjin | Bishop of Tianjin 天津 |
de Voss, Alphonse | 德玉明 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1884 | 1888 | Inner Mongolia | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Mongolia 西南蒙古 |
Defebvre, André-Jean-François | 戴安德 | C.M. | France  | 1927 | 1967 | Zhejiang | Bishop of Ningbo 寧波 |
Delaplace, Louis-Gabriel | 田嘉璧 / 田類斯 | C.M. | France  | 1852 | 1884 | Beijing | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Chi-Li 直隸北境 |
della Chiesa, Bernardino | 伊大仁 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1680 | 1721 | Beijing | Bishop of Beijing 北京 |
Derouineau, Alexandre-Joseph-Charles | 德為能 | M.E.P. | France  | 1944 | 1973 | Yunnan | Metropolitan Archbishop of Kunming 昆明 |
Desflèches, Eugène-Jean-Claude-Joseph | 范若瑟 | M.E.P. | France  | 1844 | 1887 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Szechwan 四川東境 |
Deswazières, Gustave-Joseph | 祝福 | M.E.P. | France  | 1929 | 1959 | Guangxi | Bishop of Beihai 北海 |
Deymier, Jean-Joseph-Georges | 梅占魁 | C.M. | France  | 1937 | 1956 | Zhejiang | Metropolitan Archbishop of Hangzhou 杭州 |
di Donato, Alfonso-Maria | 馮尚仁 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1835 | 1848 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi 陝西 |
di Mandello, Giovanni Battista | 吳若漢 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1794 | 1804 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Diego y Carbajal, Angel | 翟德隆 | O.E.S.A. | Spain  | 1917 | 1940 | Hunan | Vicar Apostolic of Changde 常德 |
Donaghy, Frederic Anthony | 唐汝琪 | M.M. | USA  | 1939 | 1988 | Guangxi | Bishop of Wuzhou 梧州 |
Dubail, Constant | 杜公斯 | M.E.P. | France  | 1879 | 1887 | Liaoning | Vicar Apostolic of Liaotung and Manchuria 遼東滿州 |
Dubar, Edouard-Auguste | 杜巴爾 | S.J. | France  | 1865 | 1878 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Southeastern Chi-Li 直隸東南 |
Ducoeur, Maurice-François | 劉志忠 | M.E.P. | France  | 1911 | 1929 | Guangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Nanning 南寧 |
Dufresse, Jean-Gabriel-Taurin | 徐德新 | M.E.P. | France  | 1800 | 1815 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Szechwan 四川 |
Dumond, Paul-Marie | 杜保祿 | C.M. | France  | 1912 | 1944 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Nanchang 南昌 |
Dunand, Marie-Julien | 杜 | M.E.P. | France  | 1893 | 1915 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Szechwan 四川西北 |
Durand, Louis-Prosper | 杜安坤 | O.F.M. | Canada  | 1938 | 1972 | Shandong | Bishop of Yantai 煙台 |
Espelage, Sylvester Joseph | 艾原道 | O.F.M. | USA  | 1930 | 1940 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Wuchang 武昌 |
Everaerts, Modest | 楊睦多 | O.F.M. | Belgium  | 1905 | 1922 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Hupeh 湖北南境 |
Excoffier, Joseph-Claude | 田 | M.E.P. | France  | 1895 | 1923 | Yunnan | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Yunnan 雲南 |
Fabrègues, Joseph-Sylvain-Marius | 富成功 | C.M. | France  | 1910 | 1928 | Beijing | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Beijing 北京 |
Fantosati, Antonio | 范懷德 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1892 | 1900 | Hunan | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Hunan 湖南南境 |
Fatiguet, Louis-Elisée | 樊體愛 | C.M. | France  | 1911 | 1931 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Nanchang 南昌 |
Faurie, Louis-Simon | 胡縛理 | M.E.P. | France  | 1860 | 1871 | Guizhou | Vicar Apostolic of Guizhou 貴州 |
Faveau, Paul-Albert | 田法服 | C.M. | France  | 1910 | 1949 | Zhejiang | Vicar Apostolic of Hangzhou 杭州 |
Favier, Pierre-Marie-Alphonse | 樊國樑 | C.M. | France  | 1898 | 1905 | Beijing | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Chi-Li 直隸北境 |
Fayolle, Jean-Pierre-Marie | 劉 | M.E.P. | France  | 1909 | 1931 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Suifu 敘府 |
Fenouil, Jean-Joseph | 古若望 | M.E.P. | France  | 1881 | 1907 | Yunnan | Vicar Apostolic of Yunnan 雲南 |
Ferrani, Alfonso Maria Corrado | 費樂理 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1932 | 1966 | Hubei | Bishop of Laohekou 老河口 |
Ferrant, Paul-Léon | 郎守信 | C.M. | France  | 1898 | 1910 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Kiangxi 江西北境 |
Filippi, Alessio Maria | 董文芳 | O.F.M. | Italy  | ? | 1888 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Hupeh 湖北南境 |
Fiorentini, Agapito Augusto | 鳳朝瑞 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1902 | 1941 | Shanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Taiyuanfu 太原府 |
Florens, Jean-Louis | 羅 | M.E.P. | France  | 1810 | 1814 | Sichuan | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Szechwan 四川 |
Focaccia, Pietro Ermenegildo | 富濟才 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1944 | 1953 | Shanxi | Bishop of Yuci 榆次 |
Fogolla, Francesco Antonio Domenico | 富格辣 | O.F.M. Obs. | Italy  | 1898 | 1900 | Shanxi | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shanxi 山西北境 |
Fontana, Giacomo Luigi | 馮雅各伯 | M.E.P. | Italy  | 1820 | 1838 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Hupeh and Hunan 湖廣 |
Ford, Francis Xavier | 福爾德 | M.M. | USA  | 1935 | 1952 | Guangdong | Bishop of Jiaying 嘉應 |
Foucard, Pierre-Noël-Joseph | 富于道 | M.E.P. | France  | 1879 | 1889 | Guangxi | Prefect Apostolic of Guangxi 廣西 |
Fourquet, Antoine-Pierre-Jean | 魏暢茂 | M.E.P. | France  | 1923 | 1952 | Guangdong | Metropolitan Archbishop of Guangzhou 廣州 |
Frederix, Goffredo | 費達德 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1920 | 1938 | Ningxia | Vicar Apostolic of Ningxia 寧夏 |
Galvin, Edward John | 高爾文 | S.S.C.M.E. | Ireland  | 1927 | 1956 | Hubei | Bishop of Hanyang 漢陽 |
Garetto, Francesco Maria | | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1732 | 1738 | Shaanxi | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Garnier, Valentin | 倪懷綸 | S.J. | France  | 1879 | 1898 | Jiangsu | Vicar Apostolic of Jiangnan 江南 |
Gaspais, Auguste-Ernest-Désiré-Marie | 高德惠 | M.E.P. | France  | 1921 | 1952 | Jilin | Bishop of Jilin 吉林 |
Gauthier, Auguste | 俄永垂 | M.E.P. | France  | 1922 | 1927 | Guangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Beihai 北海 |
Génnaro, Graziano | 田瑞玉 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1906 | 1923 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Hankou 漢口 |
Gentili, Thomas-Marie | 李宏治 | O.P. | Italy  | 1868 | 1888 | Fujian | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Northern Fo-kien 福建北境 |
Geremia, Benjamino | 李博明 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1884 | 1888 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shantung 山東北境 |
Geurts, Ernest François | 武致中 | C.M. | Netherlands  | 1900 | 1940 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Yongpingfu 永平府 |
Giesen, Efrem | 申永福 | O.F.M. | Netherlands  | 1902 | 1919 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shantung 山東北境 |
Giraudeau, Pierre-Philippe | 倪德隆 | M.E.P. | France  | 1897 | 1941 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Dajianlu 打箭爐 |
Götte, Athanasius | | O.F.M. | Germany  | 1905 | 1908 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shaanxi 陝西北境 |
Grassi, Gregorio Maria | 艾士傑 | O.F.M. Obs. | Italy  | 1876 | 1900 | Shanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shanxi 山西北境 |
Grimm, Peter Gratian | 甘維德 | O.F.M. Cap. | Germany  | 1949 | 1972 | Gansu | Bishop of Qinzhou 秦州 |
Grioglio, Gabriel | | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1845 | 1891 | Shanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shanxi 山西 |
Gubbels, Pierre-Henri-Noël | 顧學德 | O.F.M. | Belgium  | 1930 | 1950 | Hubei | Bishop of Yichang 宜昌 |
Guichard, François-Mathurin | 方濟各.吉夏爾 | M.E.P. | France  | 1885 | 1913 | Guizhou | Vicar Apostolic of Guizhou 貴州 |
Guierry, Edmond-François | 蘇鳳文 / 蘇發旺 | C.M. | France  | 1865 | 1883 | Zhejiang | Vicar Apostolic of Chekiang 浙江 |
Guillemin, Philippe-François-Zéphirin | 明稽章 | M.E.P. | France  | 1857 | 1886 | Guangdong | Vicar Apostolic of Guangdong 廣東 |
Guillon, Laurent | 紀隆 | M.E.P. | France  | 1890 | 1900 | Liaoning | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Manchuria 南滿 |
Gutiérrez, Isidoro Clemente | 黎克勉 | O.P. | Spain  | 1900 | 1915 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Amoy 廈門 |
Hamer, Ferdinand Hubertus | 韓默理 | C.I.C.M. | Netherlands  | 1878 | 1900 | Inner Mongolia | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Mongolia 西南蒙古 |
Haouisée, Auguste | 惠濟良 | S.J. | France  | 1928 | 1948 | Shanghai | Bishop of Shanghai 上海 |
Häring, Edgar Anton | 俞廣仁 | O.F.M. | Germany  | 1933 | 1971 | Shanxi | Bishop of Shuoxian 朔縣 |
Henninghaus, Augustin | 韓寧鎬 | S.V.D. | Germany  | 1904 | 1939 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Yanzhoufu 兖州府 |
Herrero Garrote, Gerardo Faustino | 王德純 | O.S.A. | Spain  | 1940 | 1965 | Hunan | Bishop of Changde 常德 |
Hofman, Giovanni Antonio | 賀廣才 | O.F.M. | Netherlands  | 1891 | 1917 | Shanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Shanxi 山西南境 |
Hoowaarts, Franz | 何方濟 | S.V.D. | Germany  | 1935 | 1954 | Shandong | Bishop of Caozhou 曹州 |
Hospital de la Puebla, Juvencio Joan | | O.E.S.A. | Spain  | 1912 | 1957 | Hunan | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Hunan 湖南北境 |
Huarte San Martín, Vicente | 胡其昭 | S.J. | Spain  | 1922 | 1935 | Anhui | Vicar Apostolic of Wuhu 蕪湖 |
Ibáñez, Ignacio | 于班略 | O.P. | Spain  | 1893 | 1893 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Amoy 廈門 |
Ibáñez y Aparicio, Celestin | 易興化 | O.F.M. | Spain  | 1911 | 1951 | Shaanxi | Bishop of Yan’an 延安 |
Jans, Trudo Johannes | 鄧炳文 | O.F.M. | Belgium  | 1924 | 1929 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Yichang 宜昌 |
Janssens, Louis | 南阜民 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1922 | 1950 | Hebei | Bishop of Rehe 熱河 |
Jantzen, Louis-Gabriel-Xavier | 尚唯善 | M.E.P. | France  | 1926 | 1953 | Sichuan | Metropolitan Archbishop of Chongqing 重慶 |
Jarlin, Stanislas-François | 林懋德 | C.M. | France  | 1900 | 1933 | Beijing | Vicar Apostolic of Beijing 北京 |
Jarre, Cyrill Rudolph | 楊恩賚 | O.F.M. | Germany  | 1929 | 1952 | Shandong | Metropolitan Archbishop of Jinan 濟南 |
Joosten, Francesco | | C.I.C.M. | Netherlands  | 1932 | 1948 | Shanxi | Bishop of Datong 大同 |
Kowalski, Rombert Casimir | 郭時濟 | O.F.M. | USA  | 1942 | 1970 | Hubei | Bishop of Wuchang 武昌 |
Kramer, Francis Gerard | 康濟民 | O.F.M. | Netherlands  | 1946 | 1998 | Shanxi | Bishop of Lu’an 潞安 |
Krause, Inácio | 葛樂才 | C.M. | Poland  | 1944 | 1984 | Hebei | Bishop of Shunde 順德 |
Kurz, Biagio Sigibaldo | | O.F.M. | Germany  | 1939 | 1973 | Hunan | Prefect Apostolic of Yongzhou 永州 |
Labrador Fraile, Theodore | 趙炳文 | O.P. | Spain  | 1926 | 1980 | Fujian | Metropolitan Archbishop of Fuzhou 福州, Bishop of Funing 福寧 |
Lacchio, Secondino Petronio | 藍澤民 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1940 | 1976 | Hunan | Metropolitan Archbishop of Changsha 長沙 |
Lacoste, Lucien-Bernard | 鄭紹基 | S.C.I. di Béth. | France  | 1949 | 1989 | Yunnan | Bishop of Dali 大理 |
Laghi, Antonio | | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1717 | 1727 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Lalouyer, Pierre-Marie-François | 藍祿葉 | M.E.P. | France  | 1897 | 1923 | Jilin | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Manchuria 北滿 |
Landi, Antonio Luigi | 路類思 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1804 | 1814 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Landi, Fabiano | 畢世修 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1904 | 1920 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Hupeh 湖北西北 |
Lane, Raymond Aloysius | 林化東 | M.M. | USA  | 1940 | 1974 | Liaoning | Bishop of Fushun 撫順 |
Languillat, Adrien-Hyppolyte | 郎懷仁 | S.J. | France  | 1857 | 1878 | Jiangsu | Vicar Apostolic of Jiangnan 江南 |
Lapierre, Joseph-Louis-Adhémar | 石俊聲 | P.M.E. | Canada  | 1932 | 1952 | Jilin | Bishop of Siping 四平 |
Laribe, Bernard-Vincent | 和德廣 | C.M. | France  | 1845 | 1850 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Kiangxi 江西 |
Larrañaga Lasa, Ignacio Gregorio | 高金鏗 | O.F.M. Cap. | Spain  | 1950 | 1975 | Gansu | Bishop of Pingliang 平涼 |
Larrart, Jean | 藍士謙 | M.E.P. | France  | 1933 | 1966 | Guizhou | Metropolitan Archbishop of Guiyang 貴陽 |
Larregain, Jean | 甘有為 | M.E.P. | France  | 1939 | 1942 | Yunnan | Vicar Apostolic of Yunnanfu 雲南府 |
Lavaissière, Pierre | 石伯鐸 | C.M. | France  | 1847 | 1849 | Zhejiang | Vicar Apostolic of Chekiang 浙江 |
Lavest, Joseph-Marie | 羅惠良 | M.E.P. | France  | 1900 | 1910 | Guangxi | Prefect Apostolic of Guangxi 廣西 |
Lebouille, Eugenio | 劉士杰 | C.M. | Germany  | 1928 | 1957 | Hebei | Bishop of Yongping 永平 |
Lécroart, Henri | 劉欽明 | S.J. | France  | 1918 | 1939 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Xianxian 獻縣 |
Lemaire, Charles-Joseph | 惠化民 | M.E.P. | France  | 1939 | 1995 | Jilin | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Jilin 吉林 |
Lepley, Jules | 孟 | M.E.P. | France  | 1872 | 1886 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Szechwan 南四川 |
Lesinski, Johann Werner | 雷新基 | O.P. | Germany  | 1947 | 1963 | Fujian | Bishop of Changting 長汀 |
Lions, François-Eugène | 李萬美 | M.E.P. | France  | 1872 | 1893 | Guizhou | Vicar Apostolic of Guizhou 貴州 |
Maggi, Giuseppe | 孟守道 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1949 | 1963 | Shaanxi | Bishop of Hanzhong 漢中 |
Maggi, Louis Marie | 陸迪仁 | O.P. | Italy  | 1739 | 1743 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Szechwan 四川 |
Magni, François | 方紀谷 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1765 | 1785 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Maigrot, Charles | 顏璫 | M.E.P. | France  | 1700 | 1730 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Maquet, Henri | 馬澤軒 | S.J. | France  | 1901 | 1919 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Southeastern Chi-Li 直隸東南 |
Maresca, Francesco Xavier | 趙方濟 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1847 | 1855 | Jiangsu | Bishop of Nanjing 南京 |
Masot y Gómez, Salvador | 蘇瑪素 | O.P. | Spain  | 1884 | 1911 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Fo-kien 福建北境 |
Massa, Pietro | 梅先春 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1938 | 1978 | Henan | Bishop of Nanyang 南陽 |
Massi, Eugenio | 希賢 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1910 | 1944 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Hankou 漢口 |
Maurice, Auguste-Jean-Gabriel | 穆理思 | O.F.M. | France  | 1908 | 1925 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Central Shaanxi 陝西中境 |
Melendro Gutiérrez, Federico | 梅耿光 | S.J. | Spain  | 1930 | 1978 | Anhui | Metropolitan Archbishop of Anqing 安慶 |
Menicatti, Giovanni | 梅占魁 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1903 | 1943 | Henan | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Honan 河南北境 |
Mérel, Jean-Marie | 梅致遠 | M.E.P. | France  | 1901 | 1932 | Guangdong | Vicar Apostolic of Guangzhou 廣州 |
Mezzafalce, Giovanni Donato | | | | ? | 1720 | Zhejiang | Vicar Apostolic of Chekiang 浙江 |
Mignani, Gaetano | 梅雅誼 | C.M. | Italy  | 1929 | 1973 | Jiangxi | Bishop of Ji’an 吉安 |
Misner, Paul Bergan | 高其志 | C.M. | USA  | 1935 | 1938 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Yujiang 餘江 |
Moccagatta, Luigi | 江類思 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1845 | 1891 | Shanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Shanxi 山西南境 |
Mondaini, Pellegrino Luigi | 翁德明 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1902 | 1934 | Hunan | Vicar Apostolic of Changsha 長沙 |
Montaigne, Paul-Leon-Cornelius | 滿德胎 | C.M. | France  | 1925 | 1962 | Beijing | Vicar Apostolic of Beijing 北京 |
Morel, Louis | 穆清海 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1938 | 1971 | Inner Mongolia | Metropolitan Archbishop of Suiyuan 綏遠 |
Mouly, Joseph-Martial | 孟振生 | C.M. | France  | 1842 | 1868 | Beijing | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Chi-Li 直隸北境 |
Müllener, Johannes | 穆天尺 | C.M. | Germany  | 1716 | 1742 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Szechwan 四川 |
Navarro, Miguel | 方來遠 | O.F.M. | Spain  | 1856 | 1877 | Hunan | Vicar Apostolic of Hunan 湖南 |
Novella, Giuseppe | | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1847 | 1872 | Hunan | Vicar Apostolic of Hunan 湖南 |
O’Gara, Cutbert Martin | 歐克瀾 | C.P. | Canada  | 1934 | 1968 | Hunan | Bishop of Yuanling 沅陵 |
O’Shea, John Andrew | 和若望 | C.M. | USA  | 1928 | 1969 | Jiangxi | Bishop of Ganzhou 贛州 |
Ochoa Ullate, Francisco Javier | 陳明理 | O.A.R. | Spain  | 1937 | 1976 | Henan | Bishop of Shangqiu 商邱 |
Olbert, Augustin | 吳伯祿 | S.V.D. | Germany  | 1948 | 1964 | Shandong | Bishop of Qingdao 青島 |
Oscot y Colombres, Hernando Eusebio | | O.P. | Spain  | 1739 | 1743 | Fujian | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Oste, Joseph Julian | 德化隆 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1948 | 1971 | Hebei | Bishop of Rehe 熱河 |
Otto, Hubert | 陶福音 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1891 | 1938 | Gansu | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Kansu 甘肅北境 |
Pagnucci, Pasquale | 林奇愛 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1867 | 1901 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shaanxi 陝西北境 |
Palazzi, Raffaele Angelo | 柏長青 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1928 | 1961 | Hunan | Bishop of Hengzhou 衡州 |
Pallás y Faro, Francisco | 黃方濟各 | O.P. | Spain  | 1753 | 1778 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Pallu, François | 陸方濟 | M.E.P. | France  | 1658 | 1684 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
París, Próspero | 姚宗李 | S.J. | France  | 1900 | 1931 | Jiangsu | Vicar Apostolic of Nanjing 南京 |
Paschang, Adolph John | 柏增 | M.M. | USA  | 1937 | 1968 | Guangdong | Bishop of Jiangmen 江門 |
Pasini, Ferdinando Fulgenzio | 班錫宜 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1944 | 1985 | Shaanxi | Bishop of Sanyuan 三原 |
Passerini, Pio Giuseppe | 拔士林 | M.E.M. | Italy  | 1895 | 1918 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Shaanxi 陝西南境 |
Pénicaud, Jean-Baptiste-Michel-Marie-Louis | 賁德馨 | M.E.P. | France  | 1930 | 1943 | Guangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Beihai 北海 |
Pérez y Pérez, Luis | 方類斯 | O.E.S.A. | Spain  | 1897 | 1910 | Hunan | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Hunan 湖南北境 |
Pérocheau, Jacques-Léonard | 馬伯樂 | M.E.P. | France  | 1818 | 1861 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Szechwan 四川西北 |
Pichon, Pierre-Julien | 秦 | M.E.P. | France  | 1861 | 1871 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Szechwan 南四川 |
Piloti, Eugenio | 李愛哲 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1741 | 1756 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Pinault, Henri-Marie-Ernest-Désiré | 彭道傳 | M.E.P. | France  | 1949 | 1987 | Sichuan | Bishop of Chengdu 成都 |
Pinchon, Annet-Théophile | 洪廣化 | M.E.P. | France  | 1859 | 1891 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Northwestern Szechwan 四川西北 |
Pinger, Henry Ambrose | 楊光被 | O.F.M. | USA  | 1937 | 1988 | Shandong | Bishop of Zhoucun 周村 |
Pires Pireira, Cayetano | 畢學源 | C.M. | Portugal  | 1806 | 1838 | Jiangsu | Bishop of Nanjing 南京 |
Poell, Martin | 艾定祿 | O.F.M. | Netherlands  | 1890 | 1891 | Shanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Shanxi 山西南境 |
Pollio, Gaetano | 陽霖 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1947 | 1991 | Henan | Metropolitan Archbishop of Kaifeng 開封 |
Pompeiana, Giovanni Antonio | | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1823 | 1828 | Shaanxi | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Ponsot, Joseph | 袁若瑟 | M.E.P. | France  | 1843 | 1880 | Yunnan | Vicar Apostolic of Yunnan 雲南 |
Pottier, François | 梅若翰 | M.E.P. | France  | 1769 | 1792 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Szechwan 四川 |
Prat Pujoldevall, Manuel | 馬守仁 | O.P. | Spain  | 1916 | 1947 | Fujian | Bishop of Xiamen 廈門 |
Prévost-Godard, Joseph-Rolland-Gustave | 趙玉明 | P.M.E. | Canada  | 1957 | 2005 | Inner Mongolia | Prefect Apostolic of Lindong 林東 |
Quinn, William Charles | 光一幸 | C.M. | USA  | 1940 | 1960 | Jiangxi | Bishop of Yujiang 餘江 |
Quintanilla Manzanares del Rosario, Arturo | 貴達義 | O.A.R. | Spain  | 1950 | 1970 | Henan | Bishop of Shangqiu 商邱 |
Raguit, Louis-Hippolyte-Aristide | 祁類思 | M.E.P. | France  | 1888 | 1889 | Liaoning | Vicar Apostolic of Liaotung and Manchuria 遼東滿州 |
Rameaux, François-Alexis | 穆導沅 | C.M. | France  | 1840 | 1845 | Zhejiang | Vicar Apostolic of Chekiang and Kiangsi 浙江江西 |
Rayssac, Adolphe | 實茂芳 | M.E.P. | France  | 1915 | 1941 | Guangdong | Vicar Apostolic of Shantou 汕頭 |
Renault, Louis-Nestor | 唐靄鐸 | M.E.P. | France  | 1924 | 1943 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Suifu 敘府 |
Reynaud, Paul-Marie | 趙保祿 | C.M. | France  | 1884 | 1926 | Zhejiang | Vicar Apostolic of Ningbo 寧波 |
Ricci, Luigi Ermenegildo | 恩禮奇 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1922 | 1931 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Laohekou 老河口 |
Rizzi, Odorico Giuseppe | | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1902 | 1905 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shaanxi 陝西北境 |
Rizzolati, Giovanni Domenico | 李文秀 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1840 | 1862 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Hupeh and Hunan 湖廣 |
Rosà, Giuseppe Ferruccio Maurizio | 羅錦章 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1946 | 1961 | Hubei | Metropolitan Archbishop of Hankou 漢口 |
Rouchouse, Jacques-Victor-Marius | 駱書雅 | M.E.P. | France  | 1916 | 1948 | Sichuan | Bishop of Chengdu 成都 |
Rouger, Adrien-François | 王吾伯 | C.M. | France  | 1884 | 1887 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Kiangsi 江西南境 |
Rutjes, Théodore-Herman | 呂繼賢 | C.I.C.M. | Netherlands  | 1884 | 1896 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Mongolia 東蒙古 |
Sacconi, Antonio Maria | 康安當 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1781 | 1785 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Sage, Vincent-François-Joseph | 善味增爵 | M.E.P. | France  | 1915 | 1917 | Liaoning | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Southern Manchuria 南滿 |
Sala, Tomás | 林查拉 | O.P. | Spain  | 1820 | 1828 | Fujian | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Salutti, Giovanni Damase | 安德義 | O.E.S.A. | Italy  | 1780 | 1781 | Beijing | Bishop of Beijing 北京 |
Salvetti, Joachin | 艾若亞敬 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1817 | 1843 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Sánchez de las Heras, Esteban | 桑傑斯 | O.P. | Spain  | 1895 | 1896 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Amoy 廈門 |
Sans i Jordà, Pedro | 桑實 | O.P. | Spain  | 1730 | 1747 | Fujian | Vicar Apostolic of Fujian 福建 |
Saraceni, Francesco | | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1730 | 1742 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |
Sarthou, Jean-Baptiste-Hippolyte | 郁世良 / 都士良 | C.M. | France  | 1885 | 1899 | Beijing | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Chi-Li 直隸北境 |
Scarella, Stefano | 司德望 | M.E.M. | Italy  | 1884 | 1902 | Henan | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Honan 河南北境 |
Schang, César-Jean | 常明德 | O.F.M. | France  | 1894 | 1911 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Shandong 山東東境 |
Schmücker, Adalberto | 瑞明軒 | O.F.M. | Germany  | 1921 | 1927 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Jinanfu 濟南府 |
Schoppelrey, Hermann | 史赫曼 | S.V.D. | Germany  | 1934 | 1940 | Henan | Vicar Apostolic of Xinyangzhou 信陽州 |
Schotte, Gaspare | 石揚休 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1932 | 1944 | Ningxia | Vicar Apostolic of Ningxia 寧夏 |
Schraven, Franciscus Hubertus | 文致和 | C.M. | Netherlands  | 1921 | 1937 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Zhengdingfu 正定府 |
Schu, Theodore | 舒德祿 | S.V.D. | Germany  | 1937 | 1965 | Shandong | Bishop of Yanzhou 兖州 |
Seguin, François-Lazare | 施恩 | M.E.P. | France  | 1907 | 1942 | Guizhou | Vicar Apostolic of Guiyang 貴陽 |
Semprini, Eusebio Marie | 沈道南 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1876 | 1895 | Hunan | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Hunan 湖南南境 |
Sheehan, Edward Thomas | 徐安慶 | C.M. | USA  | 1929 | 1933 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Yujiang 餘江 |
Simon, Jean-Baptiste | 蘇建章 | S.J. | France  | 1899 | 1899 | Jiangsu | Vicar Apostolic of Jiangnan 江南 |
Spelta, Luigi Celestino | 徐類思 / 徐伯達 | O.F.M. Ref. | Italy  | 1849 | 1862 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Hupeh 湖北 |
Spruit, Fortunato Antonio | 苗其秀 | O.F.M. | Netherlands  | 1928 | 1943 | Shanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Luanfu 潞安府 |
Stanchi, Gaudenzio Giacinto | 石道琪 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1933 | 1939 | Hunan | Vicar Apostolic of Changsha 長沙 |
Tacconi, Noè Giuseppe | 譚維新 | P.I.M.E. | Italy  | 1911 | 1942 | Henan | Vicar Apostolic of Kaifengfu 開封府 |
Tagliabue, François-Ferdinand | 戴世濟 / 戴濟世 | C.M. | France  | 1870 | 1890 | Beijing | Vicar Apostolic of Northern Chi-Li 直隸北境 |
Ter Laak, Everard | 蘭克複 | C.I.C.M. | Netherlands  | 1914 | 1931 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Xiwanzi 西灣子 |
Tessiatore, Fiorenzo Umberto | 戴夏德 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1928 | 1932 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Xi’anfu 西安府 |
Thomine-Desmazures, Jacques-Léon | 杜多明 蘇羅 | M.E.P. | France  | 1857 | 1869 | Sichuan | Vicar Apostolic of Lhassa 拉薩 |
Timmer, Alberto Odorico | 翟宇仁 | O.F.M. | Netherlands  | 1901 | 1943 | Shanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Luanfu 潞安府 |
Tissot, Faustino M. | 丁玉守 | S.X. | Italy  | 1946 | 1991 | Henan | Bishop of Zhengzhou 鄭州 |
Trenchant, Pierre | 黃 | M.E.P. | France  | 1802 | 1806 | Sichuan | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Szechwan 四川 |
Turner, Kenneth Roderick | 譚爾鼐 | S.F.M. | Canada  | 1948 | 1983 | Zhejiang | Bishop of Lishui 麗水 |
Valentin, Pierre-Sylvain | 華朗庭 | M.E.P. | France  | 1927 | 1962 | Sichuan | Bishop of Kangding 康定 |
van Aertselaer, Jerome | 方濟眾 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1898 | 1924 | Hebei | Vicar Apostolic of Chahaer 察哈爾 |
van Dyck, Louis | 葛崇德 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1916 | 1937 | Inner Mongolia | Vicar Apostolic of Suiyuan 綏遠 |
van Melckebeke, Charles Joseph | 王守禮 | C.I.C.M. | Belgium  | 1946 | 1980 | Ningxia | Bishop of Ningxia 寧夏 |
Vanni, Pacifico Giulio | 萬九樓 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1932 | 1967 | Shaanxi | Metropolitan Archbishop of Xi’an 西安 |
Velasco Díaz, Juan Bautista | 茅中砥 | O.P. | Spain  | 1948 | 1985 | Fujian | Bishop of Xiamen 廈門 |
Verhaehen, Théotime Matthieu | 德希聖 | O.F.M. | Belgium  | 1900 | 1904 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Southwestern Hupeh 湖北南境 |
Vérineux, André-Jean | 費聲遠 | M.E.P. | France  | 1949 | 1983 | Liaoning | Bishop of Yingkou 營口 |
Verrolles, Emmanuel-Jean-François | 方若望 | M.E.P. | France  | 1840 | 1878 | Liaoning | Vicar Apostolic of Liaotung and Manchuria 遼東滿州 |
Versiglia, Luigi | 雷鳴道 | S.D.B. | Italy  | 1921 | 1930 | Guangdong | Vicar Apostolic of Shaozhou 韶州 |
Vic, Casimir | 和安當 | C.M. | France  | 1886 | 1912 | Jiangxi | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Kiangsi 江西東境 |
Vidi, Pio | 魏明德 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1887 | 1906 | Shaanxi | Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Northern Shaanxi 陝西北境 |
Visdelou, Claude | 劉聲聞 | S.J. | France  | 1709 | 1737 | Guizhou | Vicar Apostolic of Guizhou 貴州 |
Vogel, Charles | 荷敬謙 | M.E.P. | France  | 1935 | 1958 | Guangdong | Bishop of Shantou 汕頭 |
Volonteri, Simeone | 安西滿 | M.E.M. | Italy  | 1874 | 1904 | Henan | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Honan 河南南境 |
von Anzer, John Baptist | 安治泰 | S.V.D. | Germany  | 1886 | 1903 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Southern Shandong 山東南境 |
von Laimbeckhoven, Gottfried Xaver | 南懷仁 | S.J. | Austria  | 1755 | 1787 | Jiangsu | Bishop of Nanjing 南京 |
Walleser, Salvador-Pierre | 法來善 | O.F.M. Cap. | Germany  | 1912 | 1946 | Gansu | Vicar Apostolic of Qinzhou 秦州 |
Walsh, James Edward | 華理柱 | M.M. | USA  | 1927 | 1981 | Guangdong | Vicar Apostolic of Jiangmen 江門 |
Weber, Charles | 萬賓來 | S.V.D. | Germany  | 1938 | 1970 | Shandong | Bishop of Yizhou 沂州 |
Weig, Georg | 維昌祿 | S.V.D. | Germany  | 1928 | 1941 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Qingdao 青島 |
Wittner, Adéodat-Jean-Roch | 羅漢光 | O.F.M. | France  | 1907 | 1936 | Shandong | Vicar Apostolic of Zhifou 芝罘 |
Zanin, Mario | 蔡寧 | | Italy  | 1934 | 1958 | Heilongjiang | Apostolic Administrator of Harbin 哈爾濱 |
Zanoli, Eustachio Vito Modesto | 明位篤 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1861 | 1883 | Hubei | Vicar Apostolic of Eastern Hupeh 湖北東境 |
Zaralli, Mariano | 經 | O.F.M. | Italy  | 1789 | 1790 | Shaanxi | Vicar Apostolic of Shaanxi and Shanxi 陝西山西 |