Cardinals Created by Pius IX (1853-8)

Consistory of 1853.03.07 (6)

Hungary1. Cardinal János Scitovský

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Croce in Gerusalemme
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Esztergom (Hungary)

Born:1785.11.06 (Kosická Belá, Slovakia)
Ordained Priest:1809.11.05
Consecrated Bishop:1828.03.25
Created Cardinal:1853.03.07
Died:1866.10.19 (Budapest, Hungary † 80)

Bishop of Rožňava (Slovakia) (1828.01.28 – 1839.02.18)

Bishop of Pécs (Hungary) (1839.02.18 – 1849.09.28)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Esztergom (Hungary) (1849.09.28 – 1866.10.19)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Croce in Gerusalemme (1854.11.16 – 1866.10.19)

France2. Cardinal François-Nicholas-Madeleine Morlot

former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Paris (France)

Born:1795.11.28 (Langres, France)
Ordained Priest:1820.05.27
Consecrated Bishop:1839.08.18
Created Cardinal:1853.03.07
Died:1862.12.29 (Paris, France † 67)

Bishop of Orléans (France) ([1839.03.10] 1839.07.08 – 1843.01.27)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Tours (France) ([1842.06.28] 1843.01.27 – 1857.03.19)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Nereo ed Achilleo (1853.06.27 – 1862.12.29)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Paris (France) ([1857.01.24] 1857.03.19 – 1862.12.29)

Italy3. Cardinal Giusto Recanati, O.F.M. Cap.

former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. XII Apostoli

Born:1789.08.09 (Camerino, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1812.02.22
Consecrated Bishop:1848.07.09
Created Cardinal:1853.03.07
Died:1861.11.17 (Roma, Italy † 72)

Titular Bishop of Tripolis (1848.07.03 – 1853.03.07)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. XII Apostoli (1853.03.10 – 1861.11.17)

Italy4. Cardinal Domenico Savelli

former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro
former Vice-Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Reverend Apostolic Camera

Born:1792.09.15 (Speloncato, Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1853.03.07
Died:1864.08.30 (Roma, Italy † 71)

Vice-Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Reverend Apostolic Camera (1848.05.20 – 1853)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Aquiro (1853.03.10 – 1864.08.30)

Italy5. Cardinal Prospero Caterini

former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata
former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria della Scala in commendum
former Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Council
former Secretary of Commission of Roman and Universal Inquisition

Born:1795.10.15 (Onano, Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1853.03.07
Died:1881.10.28 (Roma, Italy † 86)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria della Scala (1853.03.10 – 1876.12.18)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Council (1860.09.26 – 1881.10.28)

Protodeacon of Sacred College of Cardinals (1876.11.06 – 1881.10.28)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata (1876.12.18 – 1881.10.28)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria della Scala in commendum (1876.12.18 – 1881.10.28)

Secretary of Commission of Roman and Universal Inquisition (1876.12.21 – 1881.10.28)

Italy6. Cardinal Vincenzo Santucci

former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria ad Martyres
former Secretary of Sacred Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs

Born:1796.12.18 (Gorga, Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1853.03.07
Died:1861.08.19 (Rocca di Papa, Italy † 64)

Substitute for General Affairs of Apostolic Secretariat (1844.02.26 – 1850.07.11)

Secretary of Sacred Congregation for Extraordinary Ecclesiastical Affairs (1850.07.11 – 1853)

Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia (1853.03.10 – 1854.06.23)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria ad Martyres (1854.06.23 – 1861.08.19)

Consistory of 1853.12.19 (2)

Italy1. Cardinal Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci (later Pope Leo XIII)

former Supreme Pontiff

Born:1810.03.02 (Carpineto Romano, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1837.03.17
Consecrated Bishop:1843.02.19
Created Cardinal:1853.12.19
Elected as Supreme Pontiff:1878.02.20
Installed as Supreme Pontiff:1878.03.03
Died:1903.07.20 (Vatican City State † 93)

Domestic Prelate (1837.02.06 – 1843.01.27)

Titular Archbishop of Tamiathis (1843.01.27 – 1846.01.19)

Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium (1843.01.28 – 1846.01.19)

Archbishop-Bishop of Perugia (Italy) (1846.01.19 – 1878.02.20)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Crisogono (1853.12.22 – 1878.02.20)

Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Reverend Apostolic Camera (1877.09.21 – 1878.02.20)

Supreme Pontiff (1878.02.20 [1878.03.03] – 1903.07.20)

Italy[2] Cardinal Camillo Di Pietro

former Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia–Velletri
former Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Reverend Apostolic Camera

Born:1806.01.10 (Roma, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1839.06.16
Consecrated Bishop:1839.07.14
Created Cardinal in pectore:1853.12.19
Revealed as Cardinal:1856.06.16
Died:1884.03.06 (Roma, Italy † 78)

Titular Archbishop of Beirut (1839.07.08 – 1856.06.16)

Apostolic Nuncio to Portugal (1844.06.29 – 1856.06.16)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Giovanni a Porta Latina (1859.04.15 – 1867.09.20)

Prefect of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (1863.08.29 – 1867)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1866.01.08 – 1867)

Cardinal-Bishop of Albano (1867.09.20 – 1877.03.12)

Cardinal-Bishop of Porto e Santa Rufina (1877.03.12 – 1878.07.15)

Cardinal Vice-Dean of Sacred College of Cardinals (1877.03.12 – 1878.07.15)

Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Reverend Apostolic Camera (1878.03.28 – 1884.03.06)

Cardinal-Bishop of Ostia–Velletri (1878.07.15 – 1884.03.06)

Cardinal Dean of Sacred College of Cardinals (1878.07.15 – 1884.03.06)

Consistory of 1855.12.17 (4)

Austria1. Cardinal Joseph Othmar von Rauscher

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Vittoria
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Wien (Austria)

Born:1797.10.06 (Wien, Austria)
Ordained Priest:1823.03.21
Consecrated Bishop:1849.04.15
Created Cardinal:1855.12.17
Died:1875.11.24 (Wien, Austria † 78)

Apostolic Administrator of Leoben (Austria) (1849.01.29 – 1853.03.20)

Bishop of Seckau (Austria) ([1849.01.29] 1849.04.12 – 1853.06.27)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Wien (Austria) (1853.06.27 – 1875.11.24)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria della Vittoria (1858.12.23 – 1875.11.24)

Germany2. Cardinal Karl August Graf von Reisach

former Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
former Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals

Born:1800.07.06 (Roth, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1828.08.10
Consecrated Bishop:1836.07.17
Created Cardinal:1855.12.17
Died:1869.12.22 (La Contamine-sur-Arve, France † 69)

Bishop of Eichstätt (Germany) ([1836.04.19] 1836.07.11 – 1846.10.01)

Coadjutor Archbishop of München und Freising (Germany) (1841.07.12 – 1846.10.01)

Metropolitan Archbishop of München und Freising (Germany) (1846.10.01 – 1856.06.19)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Anastasia (1855.12.20 – 1861.09.27)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of Studies (1861.09.25 – 1867.02.22?)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Cecilia (1861.09.27 – 1868.06.22)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Anastasia in commendum (1861.09.27 – 1868.06.22)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1867.02.22 – 1868)

Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina (1868.06.22 – 1869.12.22)

France3. Cardinal Clément Villecourt

Absit gloriari nisi in cruce

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Pancrazio
former Bishop of La Rochelle (France)

Born:1787.10.09 (Lyon, France)
Ordained Priest:1811.12.21
Consecrated Bishop:1836.03.13
Created Cardinal:1855.12.17
Died:1867.01.17 (Roma, Italy † 79)

Bishop of La Rochelle (France) (1836.02.01 – 1856.06.07)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Pancrazio (1855.12.20 – 1867.01.17)

Italy4. Cardinal Francesco Gaude, O.P.

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria sopra Minerva

Born:1809.04.05 (Cambiano, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1832.11
Created Cardinal:1855.12.17
Died:1860.12.14 (Roma, Italy † 51)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Ara Coeli (1855.12.20 – 1857.12.21)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria sopra Minerva (1857.12.21 – 1860.12.14)

Consistory of 1856.06.16 (5)

Ukraine1. Cardinal Mihail Lewicki (Ukrainian Rite)

former Metropolitan of Lviv–Halyč–Kamyanets of the Ukrainians (Ukraine)

Born:1774.02.17 (Pokucie, Ukraine)
Ordained Priest:1798
Consecrated Bishop:1813.09.20
Created Cardinal:1856.06.16
Died:1858.01.14 (Univ, Ukraine † 83)

Bishop of Przemyśl of the Ukrainians (Poland) (1813.09.20 – 1816.03.08)

Metropolitan of Lviv–Halyč–Kamyanets of the Ukrainians (Ukraine) (1816.03.08 – 1858.01.14)

Cardinal-Priest with no Title assigned (1856.06.16 – 1858.01.14)

Croatia2. Cardinal Juraj Haulik Váralyai

former Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Quirico e Giulitta
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Zagreb (Croatia)

Born:1788.04.20 (Trnava, Slovakia)
Ordained Priest:1811.04.18
Consecrated Bishop:1837.12.10
Created Cardinal:1856.06.16
Died:1869.05.11 (Zagreb, Croatia † 81)

Bishop of Zagreb (Croatia) (1837.10.02 – 1852.12.11)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Zagreb (Croatia) (1852.12.11 – 1869.05.11)

Cardinal-Priest of Ss. Quirico e Giulitta (1857.03.19 – 1869.05.11)

Italy3. Cardinal Alessandro Barnabó

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Susanna
former Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith

Born:1801.03.02 (Foligno, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1833.03
Created Cardinal:1856.06.16
Died:1874.02.24 (Roma, Italy † 72)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Susanna (1856.06.19 – 1874.02.24)

Prefect of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith (1856.06.20 – 1874.02.24)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1868.03.13 – 1869)

Italy4. Cardinal Gaspare Grassellini, C.O.

former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria ad Martyres
former Vice-Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Reverend Apostolic Camera

Born:1796.01.19 (Palermo, Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1856.06.16
Died:1875.09.16 (Frascati, Italy † 79)

Vice-Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Reverend Apostolic Camera (1846.12.21 – 1847.07.18)

Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Vito, Modesto e Crescenzia (1856.06.19 – 1867.12.20)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria ad Martyres (1867.12.20 – 1875.09.16)

Italy5. Cardinal Francesco de’ Medici di Ottaiano

former Cardinal-Deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro
former Prefect of Prefecture of the Holy Apostolic Palaces

Born:1808.11.28 (Napoli, Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1856.06.16
Died:1857.10.11 (Roma, Italy † 48)

Master of Papal Chamber of Prefecture of the Holy Apostolic Palaces (1842.01.28 – 1850.05.17)

Prefect of Prefecture of the Holy Apostolic Palaces (1850.05.17 – 1856.06.16)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Giorgio in Velabro (1856.06.19 – 1857.10.11)

Consistory of 1858.03.15 (7)

Spain1. Cardinal Cirilo de Alameda y Brea, O.F.M.

former Metropolitan Archbishop of Toledo (Spain)

Born:1781.07.09 (Torrejón de Velasco, Spain)
Ordained Priest:
Consecrated Bishop:1832.03.12
Created Cardinal:1858.03.15
Died:1872.07.01 (Toledo, Spain † 90)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Santiago (Cuba) (1831.09.30 – 1849.04.20)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Burgos (Spain) (1849.04.20 – 1857.08.03)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Toledo (Spain) (1857.08.03 – 1872.07.01)

Cardinal-Priest with no Title assigned (1858.03.15 – 1872.07.01)

Italy2. Cardinal Antonio Benedetto Antonucci

Pax vobis

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Martino ai Monti
former Archbishop-Bishop of Ancona e Umana (Italy)

Born:1798.09.17 (Subiaco, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1821.09.22
Consecrated Bishop:1841.07.18
Created Cardinal:1858.03.15
Died:1879.01.29 (Ancona, Italy † 80)

Ecclesiastical Superior of Batavia (Netherlands) (1831 – 1840.12.17)

Bishop of Montefeltro (Italy) (1840.12.17 – 1842.07.22)

Bishop of Ferentino (Italy) (1842.07.22 – 1844.07.25)

Titular Archbishop of Tarsus (1844.07.25 – 1851.09.05)

Archbishop-Bishop of Ancona e Umana (Italy) (1851.09.05 – 1879.01.29)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Martino ai Monti (1858.03.18 – 1879.01.29)

Spain3. Cardinal Manuel Joaquín Tarancón y Morón

In omnibus caritas

former Metropolitan Archbishop of Sevilla (Spain)

Born:1782.03.20 (Covarrubias, Spain)
Ordained Priest:
Consecrated Bishop:1848.01.02
Created Cardinal:1858.03.15
Died:1862.08.25 (Sevilla, Spain † 80)

Bishop of Córdoba (Spain) (1847.10.04 – 1857.08.03)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Sevilla (Spain) (1857.08.03 – 1862.08.25)

Cardinal-Priest with no Title assigned (1858.03.15 – 1862.08.25)

Italy4. Cardinal Enrico Orfei

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Balbina
former Metropolitan Archbishop of Ravenna (Italy)

Born:1800.10.23 (Orvieto, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1823.12.20
Consecrated Bishop:1848.09.17
Created Cardinal:1858.03.15
Died:1870.12.22 (Ravenna, Italy † 70)

Bishop of Cesena (Italy) (1848.09.11 – 1860.03.23)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Balbina (1858.03.18 – 1870.12.22)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Ravenna (Italy) (1860.03.23 – 1870.12.22)

Italy5. Cardinal Giuseppe Milesi Pironi Ferretti

former Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina
former Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals

Born:1817.03.09 (Ancona, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1842
Created Cardinal:1858.03.15
Consecrated Bishop:1870.04.03
Died:1873.08.02 (Roma, Italy † 56)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Ara Coeli (1858.03.18 – 1870.03.21)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1869.06.25 – 1870)

Cardinal-Bishop of Sabina (1870.03.21 – 1873.08.02)

Italy6. Cardinal Pietro De Silvestri

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Marco
former Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals

Born:1803.02.13 (Rovigo, Italy)
Ordained Priest:
Created Cardinal:1858.03.15
Died:1875.11.19 (Roma, Italy † 72)

Prelate Auditor of Sacred Roman Rota (1836.07.04 – 1853.04.26)

Regent of Sacred Apostolic Penitentiary (1852 – 1858.03.15)

Dean of Sacred Roman Rota (1853.04.26 – 1858.03.15)

Cardinal-Deacon of Ss. Cosma e Damiano (1858.03.18 – 1861.09.27)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Marco (1861.09.27 – 1875.11.19)

Camerlengo of Sacred College of Cardinals (1870.03.21 – 1871.08)

Italy7. Cardinal Teodolfo Mertel

former Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Damaso
former Vice-Chancellor of Apostolic Chancery

Born:1806.02.06 (Allumiere, Italy)
Created Cardinal:1858.03.15
Died:1899.07.11 (Allumiere, Italy † 93)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Eustachio (1858.03.18 – 1881.11.18)

Prefect of Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura (1877.06.02 – 1879.06.29?)

Protodeacon of Sacred College of Cardinals (1881.10.28 – 1884.03.24)

Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Via Lata (1881.11.18 – 1884.03.24)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Lorenzo in Damaso (1884.03.24 – 1899.07.11)

Vice-Chancellor of Apostolic Chancery (1884.03.24 – 1899.07.11)

Protopriest of Sacred College of Cardinals (1885.03.27 – 1899.07.11)

Consistory of 1858.06.25 (1)

Portugal1. Cardinal Manuel Bento Rodrigues da Silva

former Patriarch of Lisboa (Portugal)

Born:1800.12.25 (Vila Nova de Gaia, Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1826.03.11
Consecrated Bishop:1846.02.22
Created Cardinal:1858.06.25
Died:1869.09.26 (Lisboa, Portugal † 68)

Titular Archbishop of Mytilene (1845.11.24 – 1852.03.15)

Auxiliary Bishop of Lisboa (Portugal) (1845.11.24 – 1852.03.15)

Archbishop-Bishop of Coimbra (Portugal) (1852.03.15 – 1858.03.18)

Patriarch of Lisboa (Portugal) (1858.03.18 – 1869.09.26)

Cardinal-Priest with no Title assigned (1858.06.25 – 1869.09.26)

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