
who are not Ordinaries


SpainBishop Juan Benavente, O. Cist.

Born: (Spain)

Titular Bishop of Hippo Regius (1525.06.26 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Astorga (Spain) (1525.06.26 – ?)

SpainArchbishop Cristóbal Bencomo Rodríguez

Born:1758.08.30 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1818.10.11
Died:1835.04.15 († 76)

Titular Archbishop of Heraclea (1817.11.15 – 1835.04.15)

HungaryBishop Benedek

Apostolic Administrator of Vác (Hungary) (1313 – 1317)

ItalyArchbishop Pietro Benedetti

Born:1867.05.19 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1889.12.21
Consecrated Bishop:1921.04.10
Died:1930.09.07 († 63)

Apostolic Delegate to Mexico (1921.03.10 – 1921.07.22)

Titular Archbishop of Tyrus (1921.03.10 – 1930.09.07)

Apostolic Delegate to Cuba and Puerto Rico (1921.07.22 – 1925)

Apostolic Delegate to Puerto Rico (1921.07.22 – 1925)

ItalyBishop Francesco Beneduce, S.J. (68)Bishop Francesco Beneduce, S.J. (68)

Titular Bishop of Gaudiaba
Auxiliary Bishop of Napoli (Italy)

In omnibus Deum quærere et invenire

Born:1956.07.16 (Grumo Nevano, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1985.06.22
Consecrated Bishop:2021.10.31

Titular Bishop of Gaudiaba (2021.09.27 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Napoli (Italy) (2021.09.27 – ...)

AngolaBishop António Lungieki Pedro Bengui (51)Bishop António Lungieki Pedro Bengui (51)

Titular Bishop of Elephantaria in Proconsulari
Auxiliary Bishop of Luanda (Angola)

Vocasti me audit servus tuus

Born:1973.12.12 (Damba, Angola)
Ordained Priest:2001.10.28
Consecrated Bishop:2022.01.23

Priest of Luanda (Angola) (2001.10.28 – 2021.10.28)

Titular Bishop of Elephantaria in Proconsulari (2021.10.28 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Luanda (Angola) (2021.10.28 – ...)

Apostolic Administrator of São Tomé e Príncipe (São Tomé and Príncipe) (2022.07.13 – 2024.01.09)

ItalyBishop Georg Benigni, O.F.M. Conv.


Titular Bishop of Belline (1594.06.06 – 1598)

Auxiliary Bishop of Brixen (Italy) (1594.06.06 – 1598)

Archbishop Julius Benigni

Consecrated Bishop:1623.05.21

Titular Archbishop of Thessalonica (1623.05 – 1628.06.01)

USABishop Pius Anthony Benincasa

Born:1913.07.08 (USA)
Ordained Priest:1937.03.27
Consecrated Bishop:1964.06.29
Died:1986.08.13 († 73)

Titular Bishop of Buruni (1964.05.08 – 1986.08.13)

Auxiliary Bishop of Buffalo (USA) (1964.05.08 – 1986.08.13)

ItalyArchbishop Giovanni Benini

Born:1569.06.26 (Italy)
Consecrated Bishop:1622.12.31
Died:1636.11.02 († 67)

Titular Archbishop of Adrianopolis (1622.10.18 – 1636.11.02)

BelarusBishop Jan Benisławski, S.J.

Ordained Priest:1768
Consecrated Bishop:1784.02.08
Died:1812.03.25 († 76)

Coadjutor Bishop of Mohilev (Belarus) ([1782] 1783 – 1801)

Titular Bishop of Gadaræ (1783 – 1812.03.25)

ArgentinaBishop Horacio Ernesto Benites Astoul

Born:1933.11.03 (Argentina)
Ordained Priest:1962.09.22
Consecrated Bishop:1999.05.01
Died:2016.05.25 († 82)

Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires (Argentina) (1999.03.16 – 2008.12.01)

Titular Bishop of Lamzella (1999.03.16 – 2016.05.25)

MexicoBishop Luis Benitez y Cabañas, S.J.

Born:1863.10.09 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1896.07.27
Consecrated Bishop:1927.10.20
Died:1933.07.03 († 69)

Titular Bishop of Isba (1926.12.23 – 1933.07.03)

Auxiliary Bishop of Tulancingo (Mexico) (1926.12.23 – 1933.07.03)

SpainBishop Angel Benito, O.S.B.

Born:1660 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1720.06.30

Titular Bishop of Titopolis (1720.03.04 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Burgos (Spain) (1720.03.04 – ?)

USABishop Cletus Joseph Benjamin

Born:1909.05.02 (USA)
Ordained Priest:1935.12.08
Consecrated Bishop:1960.12.22
Died:1961.04.15 († 51)

Titular Bishop of Binda (1960.08.17 – 1961.04.15)

Auxiliary Bishop of Philadelphia (USA) (1960.08.17 – 1961.04.15)

VietnamBishop Edmond Bennetat, M.E.P.

Born:1713.04.20 (France)
Ordained Priest:1737.03.25
Consecrated Bishop:1748.05.01
Died:1761.05.22 († 48)

Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Cochin (Vietnam) (1745.09.22 – 1758.07.16)

Titular Bishop of Eucarpia (1745.09.22 – 1761.05.22)

Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Western Tonking (Vietnam) (1758.07.16 – 1761.05.22)

SlovakiaBishop Peter Beňo (52)Bishop Peter Beňo (52)

Titular Bishop of Amudarsa
Auxiliary Bishop of Nitra (Slovakia)

Cognovimus caritatem Dei

Born:1972.09.02 (Bánovce nad Bebravou, Slovakia)
Ordained Priest:1996.09.14
Consecrated Bishop:2021.04.24

Priest of Nitra (Slovakia) (1996.09.14 – 2021.01.29)

Titular Bishop of Amudarsa (2021.01.29 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Nitra (Slovakia) (2021.01.29 – ...)

PolandBishop Teodoro Bensch

Born:1903.03.13 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1932.06.12
Consecrated Bishop:1954.09.21 (clandestinely)
Died:1958.01.07 († 54)

Titular Bishop of Tabuda (1951.04.26 – 1952 not possessed)

Auxiliary Bishop of Wrocław (Poland) (1951.04.26 – 1958.01.07)

Titular Bishop of Tentyris (1956.12.01 – 1958.01.07)

Apostolic Administrator of Piła (Poland) (1956.12.01 – 1958.01.07)

Archbishop Annibale Bentivoglio

Consecrated Bishop:1645.03.19

Titular Archbishop of Thebæ (1645.03.06 – 1663.04.21)

ItalyBishop Giacomo Benuzzi

Titular Bishop of Belline (1572.07.04 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Trento (Italy) (1572.07.04 – ?)

HungaryBishop Giovanni Benyovszky

Ordained Priest:1779.09.08
Consecrated Bishop:1820.11.05
Died:1827.08.25 († 70)

Titular Bishop of Lystra (1820.08.28 – 1827.08.25)

Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom (Hungary) (1820.08.28 – 1827.08.25)

GermanyBishop Ludwig Wilhelm Benz

Consecrated Bishop:1656.04.30
Died:1683.02.11 († 71)

Titular Bishop of Dardanus (1656.01.31 – 1683.02.11)

Auxiliary Bishop of Eichstätt (Germany) (1656.01.31 – 1683.02.11)

FranceArchbishop Charles-Henri-Jean-Willibrord Benzler, O.S.B.

In verbo tuo

Born:1853.10.16 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1876.08.28
Consecrated Bishop:1901.10.28
Died:1921.04.16 († 67)

Bishop of Metz (France) ([1901.09.08] 1901.09.21 – 1919.07.10)

Titular Archbishop of Attalia (1919.07.31 – 1921.04.16)

ItalyBishop Giulio Mariano Carmelo Benzo, O.S.B.

Ordained Priest:1793.04.28
Died:1856.11.18 († 87)

Titular Bishop of Constantina (1828.06.23 – 1856.11.18)

Auxiliary Bishop of Mazara del Vallo (Italy) (1828.06.23 – 1856.11.18)

ItalyArchbishop Giovanni Maria Benzoni

Born:1670.03.06 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1715.06.30
Consecrated Bishop:1733.03.15
Died:1757.01.08 († 86)

Bishop of Chioggia (Italy) (1733.03.02 – 1744.06.15)

Titular Archbishop of Nazianzus (1754.09.11 – 1757.01.08)

ItalyBishop Ludovicus Benzoni, O. Carm.

Born:1677.09.13 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1700.09.18
Consecrated Bishop:1738.07.27

Titular Bishop of Elusa (1738.07.22 – ?)

IndiaArchbishop Marcellino Berardi, O.C.D. (Syro-Malabar Rite)

Born:1829.10.08 (Italy)
Consecrated Bishop:1877.10.21
Died:1892.03.21 († 62)

Titular Bishop of Parium (1877.08.17 – 1892.03.21)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Verapoly (India) (1877.08.17 – 1892.03.21)

Prior General of Carmelites of Mary Immaculate (1885 – 1887)

ItalyArchbishop Fabio Berdini

Fortitudo mea Dominus

Born:1865.10.18 (Italy)
Consecrated Bishop:1915.07.25
Died:1930.03.22 († 64)

Bishop of Cesena (Italy) (1915.06.04 – 1926.06.24)

Titular Bishop of Pergamum (1926.06.24 – 1928.03.02)

Titular Archbishop of Trajanopolis (1928.03.02 – 1930.03.22)

Bishop Georg Berdócz


Titular Bishop of Risinium (1666.01.15 – 1672)

GermanyBishop Hubert Berenbrinker (74)Bishop Hubert Berenbrinker (74)

Titular Bishop of Panatoria
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Paderborn (Germany)

Omne quod spirat, laudet Dominum, Alleluja

Born:1950.06.07 (Verl, Germany)
Ordained Priest:1977.06.11
Consecrated Bishop:2008.06.15

Priest of Paderborn (Germany) (1977.06.11 – 2008.04.19)

Auxiliary Bishop of Paderborn (Germany) (2008.04.19 – 2020.09.21)

Titular Bishop of Panatoria (2008.04.19 – ...)

ItalyArchbishop Francesco Beretti

Born:1877.06.23 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1899.12.17
Consecrated Bishop:1936.07.19
Died:1955.04.27 († 77)

Titular Bishop of Cesarea Philippi (1936.07.04 – 1949.11.25)

Titular Archbishop of Leotopolis in Pamphylia (1949.11.25 – 1955.04.27)

ItalyArchbishop Paolo Emio Bergamaschi

Born:1843.02.15 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1865.12.23
Consecrated Bishop:1893.07.16
Died:1925.02.10 († 81)

Bishop of Terracina (Italy) (1893.06.12 – 1899.06.19)

Bishop of Priverno (Italy) (1893.06.12 – 1899.06.19)

Bishop of Sezze (Italy) (1893.06.12 – 1899.06.19)

Bishop of Troia (Italy) (1899.06.19 – 1910.07.26)

Titular Archbishop of Areopolis (1910.07.26 – 1925.02.10)

GermanyBishop Johannes Berger, O.E.S.A.

Consecrated Bishop:1478

Titular Bishop of Belline (1475.06.07 – 1481.05.26)

Auxiliary Bishop of Freising (Germany) (1475.06.07 – 1481.05.26)

HungaryArchbishop Andreas Berkes

Born:1671 (Hungary)
Ordained Priest:1695.12
Consecrated Bishop:1721.09.01
Died:1729.03.29 († 57)

Titular Archbishop of Heraclea (1721.05.28 – 1729.03.29)

ItalyArchbishop Giacinto Berloco (83)Archbishop Giacinto Berloco (83)

Titular Archbishop of Fidene

Born:1941.08.31 (31 August 1941 (age 78) Altamura, Italy, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1966.03.19
Consecrated Bishop:1990.04.05

Priest of Altamura–Gravina–Acquaviva delle Fonti (Italy) (1966.03.19 – 1990.03.15)

Chaplain of His Holiness (1974.09.05 – 1985.06.24)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (1985.06.24 – 1990.03.15)

Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Zimbabwe (1990.03.15 – 1993.07.17)

Apostolic Delegate to Mozambique (1990.03.15 – 1993.07.17)

Titular Archbishop of Fidene (1990.03.15 – ...)

Apostolic Nuncio to Costa Rica (1993.07.17 – 1998.05.05)

Apostolic Nuncio to Belize (1998.05.05 – 2005.02.24)

Apostolic Nuncio to El Salvador (1998.05.05 – 2005.02.24)

Apostolic Nuncio to Venezuela (2005.02.24 – 2009.06.18)

Apostolic Nuncio to Belgium (2009.06.18 – 2016.09)

Apostolic Nuncio to Luxembourg (2009.07.24 – 2016.09)

ItalyBishop Augustus Berlucca

Born:1841.08.10 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1864.03.26
Consecrated Bishop:1889.06.23
Died:1896.08.01 († 54)

Titular Bishop of Helenopolis (1889.05.24 – 1896.08.01)

VenezuelaBishop Pedro Nicolás Bermúdez Villamizar, C.I.M.

Born:1929.06.08 (Rubio, Venezuela)
Ordained Priest:1953.08.15
Consecrated Bishop:1997.04.19
Died:2022.10.27 (Caracas, Venezuela † 93)

Auxiliary Bishop of Caracas (Venezuela) (1997.02.15 – 2009.01.17)

Titular Bishop of Lamsorti (1997.02.15 – 2022.10.27)

PolandBishop Gerard Bernacki

Quodcumque dixerit vobis facite

Born:1942.11.03 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1967.06.04
Consecrated Bishop:1988.04.16
Died:2018.12.21 († 76)

Auxiliary Bishop of Katowice (Poland) (1988.03.18 – 2012.01.31)

Titular Bishop of Sala Consilina (1988.03.18 – 2018.12.21)

PolandBishop Lucjan Bernacki

Born:1902.07.12 (Poland)
Ordained Priest:1926.05.29
Consecrated Bishop:1946.09.21
Died:1975.09.28 († 73)

Titular Bishop of Mela (1946.09.04 – 1975.09.28)

Auxiliary Bishop of Gniezno (Poland) (1946.09.04 – 1975.09.28)

PortugalBishop Antonio Bernardez, O.P.

Titular Bishop of Martiria (1576.11.17 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Coimbra (Portugal) (1576.11.17 – ?)

ItalyArchbishop Adriano Bernardini (82)Archbishop Adriano Bernardini (裴納德) (82)

Titular Archbishop of Faleri

Pax in fortitudine

Born:1942.08.13 (Piandimeleto, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1968.03.31
Consecrated Bishop:1992.11.15

Priest of Pesaro (Italy) (1968.03.31 – 1992.08.20)

Chaplain of His Holiness (1976.02.10 – 1987.05.27)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (1987.05.27 – 1992.08.20)

Chargé d’affaires in China (1988.01.22 – 1992.08.20)

Apostolic Nuncio to Bangladesh (1992.08.20 – 1996.06.15)

Titular Archbishop of Faleri (1992.08.20 – ...)

Apostolic Nuncio to Madagascar (1996.06.15 – 1999.07.24)

Apostolic Nuncio to Mauritius (1996.06.15 – 1999.07.24)

Apostolic Nuncio to Seychelles (1996.06.15 – 1999.07.24)

Apostolic Nuncio to Cambodia (1999.07.24 – 2003.04.26)

Apostolic Nuncio to Singapore (1999.07.24 – 2003.04.26)

Apostolic Nuncio to Thailand (1999.07.24 – 2003.04.26)

Apostolic Delegate to Brunei (1999.07.24 – 2003.04.26)

Apostolic Delegate to Laos (1999.07.24 – 2003.04.26)

Apostolic Delegate to Malaysia (1999.07.24 – 2003.04.26)

Apostolic Delegate to Myanmar (1999.07.24 – 2003.04.26)

Apostolic Nuncio to Argentina (2003.04.26 – 2011.11.15)

Apostolic Nuncio to Italy (2011.11.15 – 2017.09.12)

Apostolic Nuncio to San Marino (2011.11.15 – 2017.09.12)

ItalyArchbishop Filippo Bernardini

Born:1884.11.11 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1910.03.12
Consecrated Bishop:1933.05.21
Died:1954.08.26 († 69)

Apostolic Delegate to Australasia (1933.03.13 – 1935.10.10)

Titular Archbishop of Antiochia in Pisidia (1933.03.13 – 1954.08.26)

Apostolic Nuncio to Switzerland (1935.10.10 – 1953.01.15)

Secretary of Sacred Congregation of the Propagation of the Faith (1953.01.15 – 1954.08.26)

Bishop Laurentius Bernardini, O.P.

Consecrated Bishop:1572.09.28

Titular Bishop of Corone (1572.08.27 – ?)

ItalyBishop Bernardo

Titular Bishop of Tripolis (1483.09.12 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Genova (Italy) (1483.09.12 – ?)

ItalyArchbishop Adriano Bernareggi

Born:1884.11.09 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1907.07.21
Consecrated Bishop:1932.01.24
Died:1953.06.28 († 68)

Titular Bishop of Nyssa (1931.12.16 – 1936.04.14)

Coadjutor Bishop of Bergamo (Italy) (1931.12.16 – 1936.04.14)

Bishop of Bergamo (Italy) (1936.04.14 – 1953.06.28)

Archbishop ad personam (1953 – 1953.06.28)

ItalyBishop Domenico Bernareggi

Born:1877.09.05 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1900.04.14
Consecrated Bishop:1945.07.29
Died:1962.10.22 († 85)

Titular Bishop of Famagusta (1945.06.16 – 1962.10.22)

Auxiliary Bishop of Milano (Italy) (1945.06.16 – 1962.10.22)

GermanyBishop Adam Ernst Joseph Bernclau von Schönreith

Ordained Priest:1735.05.01
Consecrated Bishop:1767.02.22
Died:1779.07.24 († 66)

Titular Bishop of Abila in Palæstina (1766.12.22 – 1779.07.24)

Auxiliary Bishop of Regensburg (Germany) (1766.12.22 – 1779.07.24)

GermanyArchbishop Hermann Wilhelm Berning

Caritas Christi urget

Born:1877.03.26 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1900.03.10
Consecrated Bishop:1914.09.29
Died:1955.11.23 († 78)

Bishop of Osnabrück (Germany) (1914.07.14 – 1955.11.23)

Pro-Vicar Apostolic of North German Missions (Germany) (1914.09.15 – 1921.11.22)

Apostolic Administrator of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) (1914.09.15 – 1921.11.22)

Vicar Apostolic of North German Missions (Germany) (1921.11.22 – 1930.08.13)

Prefect Apostolic of Schleswig-Holstein (Germany) (1921.11.22 – 1930.08.13)

Archbishop ad personam (1950 – 1955.11.23)

Bishop Giovanni Berratino

Titular Bishop of Bethlehem (1462.09.19 – ?)

ItalyBishop Francesco di Paola Berretta

Born:1761.06.14 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1785.09.24
Consecrated Bishop:1828.04.13

Titular Bishop of Hippo Regius (1828.01.28 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Catania (Italy) (1828.01.28 – ?)

USABishop Reynaldo B. Bersabal (62)Bishop Reynaldo B. Bersabal (62)

Titular Bishop of Balecium
Auxiliary Bishop of Sacramento (USA)

In autem verbo tuo

Born:1962.10.15 (Magsaysay, Misamis Oriental, Philippines)
Ordained Priest:1991.04.29
Consecrated Bishop:2024.05.31

Priest of Cagayan de Oro (Philippines) (1991.04.29 – 2004)

Priest of Sacramento (USA) (2004 – 2024.04.20)

Titular Bishop of Balecium (2024.04.20 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Sacramento (USA) (2024.04.20 – ...)

ItalyBishop Angelo Bersani-Dossena

Born:1835.04.23 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1857.09.19
Consecrated Bishop:1875.04.11
Died:1887.06.12 († 52)

Titular Bishop of Patara (1875.03.30 – 1887.06.12)

Coadjutor Bishop of Lodi (Italy) (1875.03.30 – 1887.06.12)

ItalyArchbishop Bruno Bertagna

Born:1935.10.12 (Borgo Val di Taro, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1959.05.23
Consecrated Bishop:1991.01.06
Died:2013.10.31 (Parma, Italy † 78)

Priest of Piacenza–Bobbio (Italy) (1959.05.23 – 1990.12.15)

Chaplain of His Holiness (1973.05.28 – 1983.05.18)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (1983.05.18 – 1990.12.15)

Cleric Prelate of Apostolic Camera (1989.02.28 – 1990.12.15)

Secretary of Pontifical Commission for Vatican City State (1990.12.15 – 1994)

Titular Bishop of Drivastum (1990.12.15 – 2007.02.15)

Secretary of Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts (1994 – 2007.02.15)

Auditor General of Apostolic Camera (2006.12.18 – 2010.10.12)

Vice-President of Pontifical Council for Legislative Texts (2007.02.15 – 2010.10.12)

Titular Archbishop of Drivastum (2007.02.15 – 2013.10.31)

ItalyArchbishop Giovanni Battista Bertagna

Born:1828.10.26 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1851.06.14
Consecrated Bishop:1884.05.01
Died:1905.02.11 († 76)

Titular Bishop of Capharnaum (1884.03.24 – 1901.03.26)

Auxiliary Bishop of Torino (Italy) (1884.03.24 – 1905.02.11)

Titular Archbishop of Claudiopolis (1901.03.26 – 1905.02.11)

ItalyVenerable Archbishop Augusto Bertazzoni

Born:1876.01.10 (Mantova, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1899.02.23
Consecrated Bishop:1930.08.15
Died:1972.08.30 (Potenza, Italy † 96)

Bishop of Marsico Nuovo (Italy) (1930.06.30 – 1966.11.30)

Bishop of Potenza (Italy) (1930.06.30 – 1966.11.30)

Archbishop ad personam (1950.11.30 – 1966.11.30)

Titular Archbishop of Temuniana (1966.11.30 – 1972.08.30)


ItalyBishop Francesco Bertoglio

Born:1900.02.15 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1923.03.31
Consecrated Bishop:1960.10.28
Died:1977.07.06 († 77)

Titular Bishop of Paros (1960.09.01 – 1977.07.06)

Auxiliary Bishop of Milano (Italy) (1964 – 1977.07.06)

Bishop Erasmus Bertone

Ordained Priest:1719.04.11
Consecrated Bishop:1730.03.25

Titular Bishop of Eumenia (1730.02.08 – ?)

ItalyArchbishop Carlo Bertuzzi

Born:1826.07.16 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1849.01.21
Consecrated Bishop:1889.02.17
Died:1914.01.04 († 87)

Bishop of Rieti (Italy) (1889.02.11 – 1895.03.18)

Bishop of Foligno (Italy) (1895.03.18 – 1910.04.15)

Titular Archbishop of Dioclea (1910.05.10 – 1914.01.04)

FranceBishop Yves-Marie-Henri Bescond

Born:1924.05.19 (France)
Ordained Priest:1949.06.29
Consecrated Bishop:1971.03.28
Died:2018.08.23 († 94)

Auxiliary Bishop of Corbeil (France) (1971.01.26 – 1979.07.12)

Titular Bishop of Aquæ Thibilitanæ (1971.01.26 – 2018.08.23)

Auxiliary Bishop of Meaux (France) (1979.07.12 – 1986.10.20)

PortugalBishop António Maria Bessa Taipa (82)Bishop António Maria Bessa Taipa (82)

Titular Bishop of Tabbora
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Porto (Portugal)

E Jesus caminhava com eles

Born:1942.11.11 (Freamunde, Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1966.08.15
Consecrated Bishop:1999.04.18

Priest of Porto (Portugal) (1966.08.15 – 1999.02.22)

Auxiliary Bishop of Porto (Portugal) (1999.02.22 – 2018.10.27)

Titular Bishop of Tabbora (1999.02.22 – ...)

USABishop Juan Miguel Betancourt Torres, S.E.M.V. (54)Bishop Juan Miguel Betancourt Torres, S.E.M.V. (54)

Titular Bishop of Korčula
Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford (USA)

Ecce agnus Dei

Born:1970.06.01 (Ponce, Puerto Rico)
Ordained Priest:2001.04.21
Consecrated Bishop:2018.10.18

Titular Bishop of Korčula (2018.09.18 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Hartford (USA) (2018.09.18 – ...)

LebanonBishop Jean Elliot Bet Etme (Syriac Rite)

Consecrated Bishop:1853.05.25 (no papal mandate)

Auxiliary Bishop of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon) (1864.08.03 – ?)

Bishop Marcantonio Bettoni

Consecrated Bishop:1655.09.12

Titular Bishop of Corone (1655.08.30 – ?)

PeruBishop Augusto Beuzeville Ferro

Born:1932.03.07 (Peru)
Ordained Priest:1956.12.22
Consecrated Bishop:1973.07.15
Died:2004.08.12 († 72)

Auxiliary Bishop of Lima (Peru) (1973.04.12 – 1990.08.31)

Titular Bishop of Passo Corese (1973.04.12 – 2004.08.12)

Auxiliary Bishop of Piura (Peru) (1990.08.31 – 2004.06.15)

ItalyArchbishop Americo Bevilacqua

Born:1862.11.21 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1885.04.04
Consecrated Bishop:1909.05.02
Died:1926.03.20 († 63)

Bishop of Alatri (Italy) (1909.04.29 – 1915.01.22)

Titular Bishop of Rhithymna (1915.01.22 – 1918.02.02)

Titular Archbishop of Scythopolis (1918.02.02 – 1926.03.20)

GermanyBishop Peter Cornelius Beyweg

Born:1670.07.08 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1693
Consecrated Bishop:1701.04.03
Died:1744.10.12 († 74)

Titular Bishop of Modon (1701.01.24 – 1744.10.12)

Auxiliary Bishop of Speyer (Germany) (1701.01.24 – 1744.10.12)

BrazilBishop Josivaldo José Bezerra (57)Bishop Josivaldo José Bezerra (57)

Titular Bishop of Patara
Auxiliary Bishop of Olinda e Recife (Brazil)

Secundum verbum tuum

Born:1967.02.26 (Gravatá, PE, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1998.03.20
Consecrated Bishop:2025.01.06

Priest of Olinda e Recife (Brazil) (1998.03.20 – 2024.11.08)

Titular Bishop of Patara (2024.11.08 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Olinda e Recife (Brazil) (2024.11.08 – ...)

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