Bishops and Ordinaries of England (67) |
Cardinals (4) |
Fitzgerald, Michael Louis, M. Afr. (87), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Maria in Portico, President emeritus of Pontifical Council for Inter-Religious Dialogue and Prefect emeritus of Commission for Religious Relations with Muslims |
Nichols, Vincent Gerard (79), Cardinal-Priest of SS. Redentore e S. Alfonso in Via Merulana, Metropolitan Archbishop of Westminster (England) and President of Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales |
Radcliffe, Timothy Peter Joseph, O.P. (79), Cardinal-Deacon of SS. Nomi di Gesù e Maria in Via Lata and Master of the Order emeritus of Order of Preachers (Dominicans) |
Roche, Arthur (75), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Saba, Prefect of Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments and Bishop emeritus of Leeds (England) |
Archbishops (8) |
Gallagher, Paul Richard (71), Titular Archbishop of Hodelm, Secretary for Relations with States of Secretariat of State and Secretary of Interdicastery Commission for the Church in Eastern Europe |
Kelly, Patrick Altham (86), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Liverpool (England) |
Longley, Bernard (69), Metropolitan Archbishop of Birmingham (England) |
McDonald, Kevin John Patrick (77), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Southwark (England) |
McMahon, Malcolm Patrick, O.P. (75), Metropolitan Archbishop of Liverpool (England) and Vice-President of Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales |
O’Toole, Mark (61), Metropolitan Archbishop of Cardiff–Menevia (Wales) |
Stack, George (78), Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of Cardiff (Wales) and former Apostolic Administrator of Menevia (Wales) |
Wilson, John (56), Metropolitan Archbishop of Southwark (England) |
Bishops (46) |
Arnold, John Stanley Kenneth (71), Bishop of Salford (England) |
Brain, Terence John (86), Bishop emeritus of Salford (England) |
Byrne, Robert, C.O. (68), Bishop emeritus of Hexham and Newcastle (England) |
Campbell, Michael Gregory, O.S.A. (83), Bishop emeritus of Lancaster (England) |
Collins, Peter Gwilym (66), Bishop of East Anglia (England) |
Conry, Kieran Thomas (75), Bishop emeritus of Arundel and Brighton (England) |
Crowley, John Patrick (83), Bishop emeritus of Middlesbrough (England) |
Cunningham, Séamus (82), Bishop emeritus of Hexham and Newcastle (England) |
Curry, Paul James (64), Titular Bishop of Ramsbury and Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster (England) |
Davies, Mark (65), Bishop of Shrewsbury (England) |
Doyle, Peter John Haworth (80), Bishop emeritus of Northampton (England) |
Drainey, Terence Patrick (75), Bishop of Middlesbrough (England) |
Egan, Philip Anthony (69), Bishop of Portsmouth (England) |
Evans, David Ernest Charles (71), Titular Bishop of Cunecaster and Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham (England) |
Gemayel, Maroun-Nasser (74) (Maronite Rite), Bishop emeritus of Notre-Dame du Liban de Paris of the Maronites (France) and former Apostolic Visitator in Western and Northern Europe of the Maronites |
Hendricks, Paul Joseph (68), Titular Bishop of Rosemarkie and Auxiliary Bishop of Southwark (England) |
Heskett, Ralph, C.SS.R. (72), Bishop of Hallam (England) |
Hollis, Roger Francis Crispian (88), Bishop emeritus of Portsmouth (England) |
Hopes, Alan Stephen (80), Bishop emeritus of East Anglia (England) |
Hudson, Nicholas Gilbert (66), Titular Bishop of Saint German’s and Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster (England) |
Kenney, Leonard William, C.P. (78), Titular Bishop of Midica and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Birmingham (England) |
Lang, Declan Ronan (74), Bishop emeritus of Clifton (England) |
Lonchyna, Hlib Borys Sviatoslav, M.S.U. (71) (Ukrainian Rite), Apostolic Administrator of Saint-Vladimir-le-Grand de Paris of the Ukrainians (France) and Bishop emeritus of Holy Family of London of the Ukrainians (England) |
Lynch, Patrick Kieran, SS.CC. (77), Titular Bishop of Castro and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Southwark (England) |
MacDonald, John Bosco (61), Bishop of Clifton (England) |
Mason, Paul James (62), Military Ordinary of Great Britain (England) |
McAleenan, Paul (73), Titular Bishop of Mercia and Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster (England) |
McKinney, Patrick Joseph (70), Bishop of Nottingham (England) |
McMahon, Thomas (88), Bishop emeritus of Brentwood (England) |
Menezes, Timothy Francis (54), Titular Bishop of Thugga and Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham (England) |
Moger, Philip (69), Bishop emeritus of Plymouth (England) |
Moth, Charles Phillip Richard (66), Bishop of Arundel and Brighton (England) |
Neylon, Thomas (67), Titular Bishop of Plestia and Auxiliary Bishop of Liverpool (England) |
Nowakowski, Kenneth Anthony Adam (66) (Ukrainian Rite), Bishop of Holy Family of London of the Ukrainians (England) and Apostolic Visitator in Ireland of the Ukrainians |
Oakley, David James (69), Bishop of Northampton (England) |
Pargeter, Philip (91), Titular Bishop of Valentiniana and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Birmingham (England) |
Rawsthorne, John Anthony (88), Bishop emeritus of Hallam (England) |
Sherrington, John Francis (67), Titular Bishop of Hilta and Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster (England) |
Srampickal, Joseph (Benny Mathew) (57) (Syro-Malabar Rite), Bishop of Great Britain of the Syro-Malabars (England) |
Stock, Marcus Nigel (63), Bishop of Leeds (England) |
Swarbrick, Paul (66), Bishop of Lancaster (England) |
Walker, Richard Adrian (64), Titular Bishop of Mortlach and Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham (England) |
Waller, David Arthur (63), Bishop-Ordinary of Our Lady of Walsingham (England) |
Williams, Alan, S.M. (73), Bishop of Brentwood (England) |
Williams, Thomas Anthony (77), Titular Bishop of Mayo and Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Liverpool (England) |
Wright, Stephen James Lawrence (54), Bishop of Hexham and Newcastle (England) |
Other Prelates (9) |
Alford, Helen, O.P. (60), President of Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences |
Bruni, Matteo (48), Director of Press Office of the Holy See |
Ferme, Brian Edwin (69), Priest of Portsmouth (England), Prelate Secretary of Council for the Economy and Protonotary Apostolic de numero of Prefecture of the Papal Household |
Ferrar, Lesile Jane, Member of Council for the Economy |
Giertych, Wojciech, O.P. (73), Theologian of Prefecture of the Papal Household |
Kelly, Ruth Mary, Member of Council for the Economy |
Newton, Keith (72), Protonotary Apostolic Supernumerary and Ordinary emeritus of Our Lady of Walsingham (England) |
Pope, Gregory, General Secretary of Bishops’ Conference of England and Wales |
Small, Andrew, O.M.I. (56), Secretary pro tempore emeritus of Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors |
Other Prelates born in England (8) |
 Brignall, Peter Malcolm (71), Bishop of Wrexham (Wales) |
 Burnette, Kurt Richard (69) (Ruthenian Rite), Bishop of Passaic of the Ruthenians (USA) and Apostolic Administrator of Saints Cyril and Methodius of Toronto of the Ruthenians (Canada) |
 Dunn, Patrick James (75), Bishop emeritus of Auckland (New Zealand) |
 Entwistle, Harry (84), Priest of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (Australia), Protonotary Apostolic Supernumerary and Ordinary emeritus of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (Australia) |
 Fortunato, Enzo, O.F.M. Conv. (58), President of Pontifical Committee for World Children’s Day and Director of Communication of Papal Basilica of Saint Peter |
 Gilbert, Hugh Edward, O.S.B. (72), Bishop of Aberdeen (Scotland) |
 MacWilliam, John Gordon, M. Afr. (76), Bishop emeritus of Laghouat (Algeria) |
 Robson, Stephen (73), Bishop emeritus of Dunkeld (Scotland) |
Other Prelates related to England (7) |
 Adams, Edward Joseph (80), Titular Archbishop of Scala |
 Burns, Thomas Matthew, S.M. (80), Bishop emeritus of Menevia (Wales) |
 Chomnycky, Paul Patrick, O.S.B.M. (70) (Ukrainian Rite), Bishop of Stamford of the Ukrainians (USA) |
 Gugerotti, Claudio (69), Cardinal-Deacon of S. Ambrogio della Massima, Prefect of Dicastery for the Eastern Churches, Member of Council of the Section for Relations with States and International Organisations and Grand Chancellor of Pontifical Oriental Institute |
 Maury Buendía, Miguel (69), Titular Archbishop of Italica and Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain |
 Mennini, Antonio (77), Titular Archbishop of Ferento |
 Regan, Edwin (89), Bishop emeritus of Wrexham (Wales) |