Personal Ordinariate of

Our Lady of Walsingham

England England, Scotland Scotland, Wales Wales

Continent: West Europe

Rite: Anglican (Latin)

Type: Personal Ordinariate Personal Ordinariate

Name: Our Lady of Walsingham (English) / Nostra Signora di Walsingham (Italiano) / ウオルシンガムの聖母 (日本語) / Dominæ Nostræ Valsinghamen(sis) in Anglia et Cambria (Latin)

Immediately subject to the Holy See

Depends on: Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith



Patron Saint: Saint John Henry Newman (October 9)


Contact Info

Address: The Prebytery, 24 Golden Square, London, W1F 9JR, Great Britain, England

Present Prelates

Bishop-Ordinary (2024.04.29 – ...):Bishop David Arthur Waller (63)Bishop David Arthur Waller (63)


Ordinaries of Our Lady of Walsingham (Anglican Rite)

Bishop David Arthur Waller (63)Bishop David Arthur Waller (63)
(2024.04.29 – ...)

Bishop-Ordinary of Our Lady of Walsingham (England)

Born:1961.06.10 (London, England)
Ordained Priest:2011.06.11
Consecrated Bishop:2024.06.22

Priest of Our Lady of Walsingham (England) (2011.06.11 – 2024.04.29)

Bishop-Ordinary of Our Lady of Walsingham (England) (2024.04.29 – ...)

Received as Catholic 2011.04.24.

Msgr. Keith Newton (72)Msgr. Keith Newton (72)
(2011.01.15 – 2024.04.29)

Protonotary Apostolic Supernumerary
Ordinary emeritus of Our Lady of Walsingham (England)

Born:1952.04.10 (Liverpool, England)
Ordained Priest:2011.01.15

Priest of Our Lady of Walsingham (England) (2011.01.15 – 2011.01.15)

Ordinary of Our Lady of Walsingham (England) (2011.01.15 – 2024.04.29)

Protonotary Apostolic Supernumerary (2011.02.18 – ...)

Consecrated as Anglican bishop 2002.03.07. Received as Catholic 2011.01.01.

Special Churches

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Population: 1,950 Catholics

Pastoral Centres: 35 parishes

Personnel: 90 priests (diocesan), 8 religious (8 sisters), 1 seminarian


Pastoral Centres




Last updated on 2025.01.27

© 2025
