
who are not Ordinaries


AustraliaBishop Daniel Joseph Meagher (63)Bishop Daniel Joseph Meagher (63)

Titular Bishop of Pocofeltus
Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney (Australia)

God, only God

Born:1961.11.10 (Sydney, New South Wales, Australia)
Ordained Priest:1995.07.22
Consecrated Bishop:2021.12.08

Priest of Sydney (Australia) (1995.07.22 – 2021.11.18)

Titular Bishop of Pocofeltus (2021.11.18 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Sydney (Australia) (2021.11.18 – ...)

SyriaArchbishop Pierre Kamel Medawar, M.S.P. (Greek-Melkite Rite)

Born:1887.12.26 (Israel)
Ordained Priest:1938.08.15
Consecrated Bishop:1943.06.06
Died:1985.04.27 († 97)

Auxiliary Bishop of Antioch of the Greek-Melkites (Syria) (1943.03.13 – 1969)

Titular Archbishop of Pelusium of the Greek-Melkites (1943.03.13 – 1985.04.27)

ColombiaArchbishop Leonida Medina

Ordained Priest:1876.10.15
Consecrated Bishop:1912.06.29
Died:1953.12.25 († 99)

Bishop of Pasto (Colombia) (1912.01.22 – 1916.03.27)

Titular Bishop of Chamacus (1916.03.27 – 1923.03.07)

Auxiliary Bishop of Bogotá in Colombia (Colombia) (1916.03.27 – 1923.03.07)

Bishop of Socorro (Colombia) (1923.03.07 – 1928.01.19)

Bishop of Socorro y San Gil (Colombia) (1928.01.19 – 1947.07.19)

Titular Archbishop of Novæ Patræ (1947.07.19 – 1953.12.25)

MexicoBishop Mario Medina Balam (61)Bishop Mario Medina Balam (61)

Titular Bishop of Pupiana
Auxiliary Bishop of Yucatán (Mexico)

Officium boni pastoris est charitas

Born:1963.01.19 (Abalá, YUC, Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1987.06.17
Consecrated Bishop:2023.04.14

Priest of Yucatán (Mexico) (1987.06.17 – 2023.02.11)

Titular Bishop of Pupiana (2023.02.11 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Yucatán (Mexico) (2023.02.11 – ...)

Bishop Ignatius Franciscus Ladislaus Mednyánszky

Consecrated Bishop:1731.12.02
Died:1733.12.06 († 55)

Titular Bishop of Leuca (1731.09.03 – 1733.12.06)

UkraineBishop Wasyl Ihor Medwit, O.S.B.M. (Ukrainian Rite)

Born:1949.07.23 (Przemysl, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1984.05.31
Consecrated Bishop:1994.07.12
Died:2024.09.12 (Warszawa, Poland † 75)

Auxiliary Bishop of Lviv–Halyč–Kamyanets of the Ukrainians (Ukraine) (1994.03.30 – 1996.09.30)

Apostolic Visitator in Kazakhstan and Central Asia of the Ukrainians (1996.09.30 – 2002.10)

Archiepiscopal Exarch of Kyiv–Vyshhorod of the Ukrainians (Ukraine) (1997.09.20 – 2004.12.06)

Secretary of Synod of the Ukrainian Catholic Church (2001 – 2005)

Bishop of Curia of the Ukrainians (2004.12.06 – 2009.03.17)

Auxiliary Bishop of Donets’k–Kharkiv of the Ukrainians (Ukraine) (2009.03.17 – 2013.10.25)

BelgiumArchbishop Joseph Mees

Born:1923.04.18 (Belgium)
Ordained Priest:1948.04.04
Consecrated Bishop:1969.06.30
Died:2001.12.09 († 78)

Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Indonesia (1969.06.14 – 1973.07.10)

Titular Archbishop of Ieper (1969.06.14 – 2001.12.09)

Apostolic Nuncio to Paraguay (1973.07.10 – 1985.01.19)

Apostolic Pro-Nuncio to Lesotho (1985.01.19 – 1987.10)

Apostolic Delegate to Southern Africa (1985.01.19 – 1987.10)

SpainBishop Francisco Mejía de Molina, O.P.


Auxiliary Bishop of Sassari (Italy) (1533.09.03 – 1534)

Titular Bishop of Fez (1533.09.03 – 1573.10.16)

Auxiliary Bishop of Valencia (Spain) (1534 – 1567)

Auxiliary Bishop of Sigüenza (Spain) (1567 – 1573.10.16)

ColombiaBishop Edgar Jesús Mejía Orozco (48)Bishop Edgar Jesús Mejía Orozco (48)

Titular Bishop of Zattara
Auxiliary Bishop of Barranquilla (Colombia)

Totus tuus Domine Jesu

Born:1976.01.13 (Barranquilla, Colombia)
Ordained Priest:2007.11.17
Consecrated Bishop:2024.07.27

Priest of Barranquilla (Colombia) (2007.11.17 – 2024.05.15)

Titular Bishop of Zattara (2024.05.15 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Barranquilla (Colombia) (2024.05.15 – ...)

GermanyBishop Franz Arnold Melchers

Ordained Priest:1789.04.08
Consecrated Bishop:1837.05.06
Died:1851.02.18 († 85)

Titular Bishop of Hebron (1836.11.21 – 1851.02.18)

Auxiliary Bishop of Münster (Germany) (1836.11.21 – 1851.02.18)

ItalyArchbishop Egisto Domenico Melchiori

Born:1879.02.15 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1901.08.25
Consecrated Bishop:1924.06.15
Died:1963.03.02 († 84)

Bishop of Nola (Italy) (1924.05.02 – 1934.12.05)

Bishop of Tortona (Italy) (1934.12.05 – 1963.03.02)

Archbishop ad personam (1949.02.26 – 1963.03.02)

ItalyBishop Giovanni Antonio Melegnano

Titular Bishop of Laodicea (1534.02.06 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Milano (Italy) (1534.02.06 – ?)

RussiaBishop Paolo Meletijew

Born:1880.11.02 (Russia)
Ordained Priest:1908.09.24
Consecrated Bishop:1943.07.12
Died:1962.05.19 († 81)

Titular Bishop of Heracleopolis magna (1946.10.26 – 1962.05.19)

FranceArchbishop Alfred-Jules Mélisson

Born:1842.09.21 (France)
Ordained Priest:1865.04.15
Consecrated Bishop:1907.11.30
Died:1927.06.06 († 84)

Bishop of Blois (France) (1907.10.10 – 1925.02.09)

Titular Bishop of Irenopolis (1925.02.09 – 1925.07.11)

Titular Archbishop of Viminacium (1925.07.11 – 1927.06.06)

LebanonArchbishop Flavien Joseph Melki (93)Archbishop Flavien Joseph Melki (93) (Syriac Rite)

Titular Archbishop of Dara Syrorum of the Syriacs
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon)

Born:1931.10.10 (Hassaké, Lebanon)
Ordained Priest:1954.10.17
Consecrated Bishop:1995.12.30

Titular Bishop of Arethusa of the Syriacs (1995.06.24 – 1996.05.25)

Auxiliary Bishop of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon) (1995.06.24 – 1997)

Titular Archbishop of Dara Syrorum of the Syriacs (1996.05.25 – ...)

Bishop of Curia of the Syriacs (1997 – 2011.03.01)

LebanonArchbishop Flavien Zacharie Melki (Syriac Rite)

Ordained Priest:1925.05.03
Consecrated Bishop:1963.08.15
Died:1989.11.30 († 90)

Patriarchal Vicar of Lebanon of the Syriacs (Lebanon) (1963.07.06 – 1983)

Titular Archbishop of Amida of the Syriacs (1963.07.06 – 1989.11.30)

PalestineBishop Grégoire Pierre Melki (84)Bishop Grégoire Pierre Melki (84) (Syriac Rite)

Titular Bishop of Batnæ of the Syriacs
Patriarchal Exarch emeritus of Jerusalem (Palestine and Jordan) of the Syriacs (Palestine)

Born:1939.12.12 (Hassaké, Lebanon)
Ordained Priest:1965.08.08
Consecrated Bishop:2002.05.18

Priest of Antioch of the Syriacs (Lebanon) (1965.08.08 – 2002.02.25)

Patriarchal Exarch of Jerusalem (Palestine and Jordan) of the Syriacs (Palestine) (2002.02.25 – 2019.11.20)

Titular Bishop of Batnæ of the Syriacs (2002.02.25 – ...)

SpainBishop Dionisio Francisco Mellado Eguíluz

Born:1672.12.10 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1716.11.30

Titular Bishop of Lares (1716.03.30 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo (Spain) (1716.03.30 – ?)

ItalyBishop Marco Mellino (58)Bishop Marco Mellino (58)

Titular Bishop of Cresima
Secretary of Interdicastery Commission for the Revision of the General Regulations of the Roman Curia
Secretary of Council of Cardinals

Mihi vivere Christus

Born:1966.08.03 (Canale, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1991.06.29
Consecrated Bishop:2018.12.15

Priest of Alba (Italy) (1991.06.29 – 2018.10.27)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2009.12.22 – 2018.10.27)

Adjunct Secretary of Council of Cardinals to assist in the governance of the Universal Church and to reform the Roman Curia (2018.10.27 – 2020.10.15)

Titular Bishop of Cresima (2018.10.27 – ...)

Secretary of Council of Cardinals (2020.10.15 – ...)

Secretary of Interdicastery Commission for the Revision of the General Regulations of the Roman Curia (2022.04.12 – ...)

GermanyBishop Manfred Melzer

Deum diligendo cognoscere

Born:1944.02.28 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1972.02.01
Consecrated Bishop:1995.09.10
Died:2018.08.09 († 74)

Auxiliary Bishop of Köln (Germany) (1995.06.09 – 2015.06.05)

Titular Bishop of Carinola (1995.06.09 – 2018.08.09)

MexicoArchbishop Luis Mena Arroyo

Born:1920.04.27 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1944.04.08
Consecrated Bishop:1961.09.21
Died:2009.03.03 († 88)

Titular Bishop of Danaba (1961.07.13 – 1964.09.01)

Auxiliary Bishop of México (Mexico) (1961.07.13 – 1964.09.01)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Chihuahua (Mexico) (1964.09.01 – 1969.08.24)

Titular Archbishop of Sinitis (1964.09.01 – 2009.03.03)

Auxiliary Bishop of México (Mexico) (1979.07.27 – 1995.09.09)

MexicoBishop Pedro Sergio de Jesús Mena Díaz (69)Bishop Pedro Sergio de Jesús Mena Díaz (69)

Titular Bishop of Zuglio
Auxiliary Bishop of Yucatán (Mexico)

Born:1955.05.04 (Colonia Yucatán, Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1986.10.07
Consecrated Bishop:2017.07.18

Priest of Yucatán (Mexico) (1986.10.07 – 2017.05.27)

Titular Bishop of Zuglio (2017.05.27 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Yucatán (Mexico) (2017.05.27 – ...)

Trinidad and TobagoBishop John Mendes

Born:1926.11.25 (Trinidad and Tobago)
Ordained Priest:1953.11.01
Consecrated Bishop:1989.01.06
Died:2005.06.24 († 78)

Auxiliary Bishop of Port of Spain (Trinidad and Tobago) (1988.10.25 – 2002.01.16)

Titular Bishop of Elephantaria in Proconsulari (1988.10.25 – 2005.06.24)

PortugalBishop Sebastiao Mendes Fonseca

Titular Bishop of Targa (1573.10.26 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Lisboa (Portugal) (1573.10.26 – ?)

Bishop Luis Méndez, O.S.B.


Titular Bishop of Sidon (1513.09.01 – 1529)

ItalyBishop Giuseppe Menditto

Ordained Priest:1782.09.21
Consecrated Bishop:1828.09.14

Titular Bishop of Callipolis (1828.06.23 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Capua (Italy) (1828.06.23 – ?)

MexicoBishop José Luis Mendoza Corzo (64)Bishop José Luis Mendoza Corzo (64)

Titular Bishop of Lamiggiga
Auxiliary Bishop of Tuxtla Gutiérrez (Mexico)

Pro eis ego sanctifico me ipsum

Born:1960.01.04 (Cristóbal Obregón, Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1988.02.17
Consecrated Bishop:2007.05.08

Priest of Tuxtla Gutiérrez (Mexico) (1988.02.17 – 2007.03.23)

Titular Bishop of Lamiggiga (2007.03.23 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Tuxtla Gutiérrez (Mexico) (2007.03.23 – ...)

GuatemalaBishop Gustavo Rodolfo Mendoza Hernández (90)Bishop Gustavo Rodolfo Mendoza Hernández (90)

Titular Bishop of Selemselæ
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Santiago de Guatemala (Guatemala)

Born:1934.10.19 (Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala)
Ordained Priest:1958.09.21
Consecrated Bishop:2004.09.25

Priest of Guatemala (Guatemala) (1958.09.21 – 2004.07.09)

Auxiliary Bishop of Santiago de Guatemala (Guatemala) (2004.07.09 – 2016.11.11)

Titular Bishop of Selemselæ (2004.07.09 – ...)

ItalyArchbishop Gherardo Sante Menegazzi, O.F.M. Cap.

Born:1866.10.14 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1897
Consecrated Bishop:1921.01.23
Died:1945.01.21 († 78)

Bishop of Comacchio (Italy) (1920.12.16 – 1938.07.01)

Titular Bishop of Dorylaëum (1938.07.01 – 1938.10.20)

Titular Archbishop of Pompeiopolis in Paphlagonia (1938.10.20 – 1945.01.21)

SudanBishop Antonio Menegazzo, M.C.C.J.

Born:1931.09.13 (Cittadella, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1956.06.15
Consecrated Bishop:1996.03.03
Died:2019.03.20 (Cittadella, Italy † 87)

Apostolic Administrator sede plena of El Obeid (Sudan) (1995.12.15 – 2010.08.15)

Titular Bishop of Mesarfelta (1995.12.15 – 2019.03.20)

Bishop Gonzalo Menendi, O.P.

Titular Bishop of Hippo Regius (1445.04.26 – ?)

EnglandBishop Timothy Francis Menezes (54)Bishop Timothy Francis Menezes (54)

Titular Bishop of Thugga
Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham (England)

Born:1970.07.18 (Birmingham, England)
Ordained Priest:1995.07.22
Consecrated Bishop:2024.07.16

Priest of Birmingham (England) (1995.07.22 – 2024.04.25)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (2011.12.19 – 2024.04.25)

Titular Bishop of Thugga (2024.04.25 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Birmingham (England) (2024.04.25 – ...)

IndiaBishop Winnibald Joseph Menezes

Born:1916.09.25 (India)
Ordained Priest:1942.12.20
Consecrated Bishop:1968.02.03
Died:2002.05.27 († 85)

Auxiliary Bishop of Bombay (India) (1967.11.29 – 1976.07.10)

Titular Bishop of Thubursicum-Bure (1967.11.29 – 2002.05.27)

BulgariaArchbishop Roberto Menini, O.F.M. Cap.

Born:1837.10.18 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1863.07.05
Consecrated Bishop:1880.02.02
Died:1916.10.14 († 78)

Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Sofia–Plovdiv (Bulgaria) (1880.01.30 – 1885.05.05)

Titular Bishop of Metellopolis (1880.01.30 – 1885.05.19)

Vicar Apostolic of Sofia–Plovdiv (Bulgaria) (1885.05.05 – 1916.10.14)

Titular Archbishop of Gangra (1885.05.19 – 1916.10.14)

UkraineBishop Stephan Meniok, C.SS.R. (75)Bishop Stephan Meniok, C.SS.R. (75) (Ukrainian Rite)

Titular Bishop of Acarassus
Archiepiscopal Exarch emeritus of Donets’k of the Ukrainians (Ukraine)

Да вси едино будутъ

Born:1949.08.19 (Nakonechne, Ukraine)
Ordained Priest:1981.07.08
Consecrated Bishop:2002.02.15

Archiepiscopal Exarch of Donets’k–Kharkiv of the Ukrainians (Ukraine) ([2001.07.05] 2002.01.11 – 2014.04.02)

Titular Bishop of Acarassus (2002.01.11 – ...)

Archiepiscopal Exarch of Donets’k of the Ukrainians (Ukraine) (2014.04.02 – 2024.10.17)

USABishop Evelio Menjivar-Ayala (54)Bishop Evelio Menjivar-Ayala (54)

Titular Bishop of Aëtus
Auxiliary Bishop of Washington (USA)

Ibat cum illis

Born:1970.08.14 (Chalatenango, El Salvador)
Ordained Priest:2004.05.29
Consecrated Bishop:2023.02.21

Priest of Washington (USA) (2004.05.29 – 2022.12.19)

Titular Bishop of Aëtus (2022.12.19 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Washington (USA) (2022.12.19 – ...)

ItalyArchbishop Domenico Menna

Born:1875.11.15 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1898.08.14
Consecrated Bishop:1929.01.06
Died:1957.10.08 († 81)

Bishop of Mantova (Italy) (1928.11.16 – 1954.09.08)

Titular Archbishop of Novæ Patræ (1954.09.08 – 1957.10.08)

ItalyBishop Carlo Mennella

Born:1834.06.29 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1857.09.19
Consecrated Bishop:1882.01.22
Died:1883.07.30 († 49)

Titular Bishop of Mennith (1881.11.18 – 1883.07.30)

Auxiliary Bishop of Ischia (Italy) (1881.11.18 – 1883.07.30)

ItalyArchbishop Antonio Mennini (77)Archbishop Antonio Mennini (77)

Titular Archbishop of Ferento

Christus domus nos

Born:1947.09.02 (Roma, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1974.12.14
Consecrated Bishop:2000.09.12

Priest of Roma (Italy) (1974.12.14 – 2000.07.08)

Chaplain of His Holiness (1982.10.09 – 1996.02.02)

Prelate of Honour of His Holiness (1996.02.02 – 2000.07.08)

Apostolic Nuncio to Bulgaria (2000.07.08 – 2002.11.06)

Titular Archbishop of Ferento (2000.07.08 – ...)

Apostolic Nuncio to Russian Federation (2002.11.06 – 2010.12.18)

Apostolic Nuncio to Uzbekistan (2008.07.26 – 2010.12.18)

Apostolic Nuncio to Great Britain (2010.12.18 – 2017.02)

Bishop Giuseppe Bartolomeo Menocchio, O.E.S.A.

Ordained Priest:1764.02.25
Consecrated Bishop:1796.05.22
Died:1823.03.25 († 82)

Titular Bishop of Hippo Regius (1795.12.18 – 1800.04.02)

Titular Bishop of Porphyreon (1800.04.02 – 1823.03.25)

Sacristan of His Holiness of Prefecture of the Holy Apostolic Palaces (1800.04.02 – 1823.03.25)

ItalyArchbishop Ersilio Menzani

Born:1872.12.28 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1895.06.29
Consecrated Bishop:1921.01.25
Died:1961.06.30 († 88)

Bishop of Piacenza (Italy) (1920.12.08 – 1961.06.30)

Archbishop ad personam (1945.11.17 – 1961.06.30)

ItalyBishop Salvatore Meo

Born:1855.08.27 (Italy)
Consecrated Bishop:1926.04.18
Died:1936.11.15 († 81)

Titular Bishop of Methone (1926.02.19 – 1936.11.15)

GermanyBishop Johannes Meppen, O.E.S.A.

Consecrated Bishop:1477.02.09

Auxiliary Bishop of Osnabrück (Germany) (1477.01.24 – 1495)

Titular Bishop of Larissa (1477.01.24 – 1496.11.15)

Auxiliary Bishop of Münster (Germany) (1495 – 1496.11.15)

ItalyBishop Silvestro Merani, O.E.S.A.

Born:1688.06.25 (Italy)
Consecrated Bishop:1742.03.04
Died:1764.01.22 († 75)

Titular Bishop of Porphyreon (1742.02.28 – 1764.01.22)

Sacristan of His Holiness of Prefecture of the Holy Apostolic Palaces (1742.02.28 – 1764.01.22)

ItalyBishop Angelo Maria Meraviglia Mantegazza

Born:1837.04.01 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1860.06.02
Consecrated Bishop:1894.05.24
Died:1902.09.26 († 65)

Titular Bishop of Samos (1894.05.21 – 1897.04.24)

Auxiliary Bishop of Milano (Italy) (1894.05.21 – 1902.09.26)

Titular Bishop of Famagosta (1897.04.24 – 1902.09.26)

MexicoBishop José Refugio Mercado Díaz

Born:1942.07.28 (Mexico)
Ordained Priest:1972.04.02
Consecrated Bishop:2003.11.15
Died:2014.10.15 († 72)

Priest of Guadalajara (Mexico) (1972.04.02 – 2003.09.16)

Auxiliary Bishop of Tehuantepec (Mexico) (2003.09.16 – 2009.06.10)

Titular Bishop of Turuzi (2003.09.16 – 2014.10.15)

SpainBishop Alfonso Merchante de Valeria

Born:1513 (Spain)
Died:1581 († 68)

Titular Bishop of Sidon (1563.10.15 – 1581)

Auxiliary Bishop of Burgos (Spain) (1563.10.15 – 1581)

Archbishop Antonius Merciai, O.P.

Consecrated Bishop:1849.01.28
Died:1850.10.22 († 39)

Titular Archbishop of Theodosiopolis (1848.12.11 – 1850.10.22)

FranceArchbishop Joël Mercier (79)Archbishop Joël Mercier (79)

Titular Archbishop of Rota
Secretary emeritus of Congregation for Clergy

Born:1945.01.05 (Chaudefonds-sur-Layon, France)
Ordained Priest:1970.06.27
Consecrated Bishop:2015.03.19

Priest of Angers (France) (1970.06.27 – 2015.01.08)

Chaplain of His Holiness (2005.10.31 – 2015.01.08)

Secretary of Congregation for Clergy (2015.01.08 – 2021.10.01)

Titular Archbishop of Rota (2015.01.08 – ...)

BelgiumArchbishop Charles Joseph Mercy-d’Argenteau

Born:1787.03.17? (Belgium)
Ordained Priest:1825.08.10
Consecrated Bishop:1826.10.08
Died:1879.11.16 († 92)

Titular Archbishop of Tyrus (1826.10.02 – 1879.11.16)

Apostolic Nuncio to Bavaria (1826.10.03 – 1838)

ItalyBishop Gallicano Mergè

Born:1843.01.05 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1869.05.22
Consecrated Bishop:1894.05.27
Died:1897.07.07 († 54)

Titular Bishop of Arethusus (1894.05.18 – 1897.07.07)

Auxiliary Bishop of Palestrina (Italy) (1894.05.18 – 1897.07.07)

ItalyArchbishop Giacomo Merizzi

Born:1834.08.15 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1857.03.28
Consecrated Bishop:1891.12.20
Died:1916.03.22 († 81)

Bishop of Vigevano (Italy) (1891.12.14 – 1898.11.28)

Titular Archbishop of Ancyra (1898.11.28 – 1902.08.21)

Titular Archbishop of Mocissus (1902.08.21 – 1916.03.22)

SpainBishop Juan Merton, O.E.S.A.


Titular Bishop of Beirut (1508.09.06 – 1534)

Auxiliary Bishop of Zaragoza (Spain) (1508.09.06 – 1534)

ChileArchbishop Arturo Mery Beckdorf

Born:1903.10.01 (Chile)
Ordained Priest:1926.10.28
Consecrated Bishop:1941.05.11
Died:1976.05.28 († 72)

Titular Bishop of Parnassus (1941.03.22 – 1944.07.29)

Auxiliary Bishop of Antofagasta (Chile) (1941.03.22 – 1944.07.29)

Coadjutor Bishop of Valdivia (Chile) (1944.07.29 – 1955.04.20)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Santiago (Chile) (1955.04.20 – 1961.05.14)

Titular Archbishop of Phasis (1955.04.20 – 1976.05.28)

Auxiliary Bishop of La Serena (Chile) (1961.05.14 – 1963)

Coadjutor Archbishop of La Serena (Chile) (1963 – 1976.05.28)

KyrgyzstanBishop Nikolaus Messmer, S.J.

Born:1954.12.19 (Kazakhstan)
Ordained Priest:1989.05.28
Consecrated Bishop:2006.06.02
Died:2016.07.18 († 61)

Titular Bishop of Carmeiano (2006.03.18 – 2016.07.18)

Apostolic Administrator of Kyrgyzstan (Kyrgyzstan) (2006.03.18 – 2016.07.18)

USABishop Anthony Francis Mestice

Born:1923.12.06 (New York, NY, USA)
Ordained Priest:1949.06.04
Consecrated Bishop:1973.04.27
Died:2011.04.29 († 87)

Auxiliary Bishop of New York (USA) (1973.03.05 – 2001.10.30)

Titular Bishop of Villa nova (1973.03.05 – 2011.04.29)

BoliviaArchbishop Alejandro Mestre Descals, S.J.

Born:1912.12.12 (Spain)
Ordained Priest:1943.07.30
Consecrated Bishop:1976.05.01
Died:1988.06.26 († 75)

Titular Bishop of Tigisi in Mauretania (1976.03.06 – 1982.06.28)

Auxiliary Bishop of Sucre (Bolivia) (1976.03.06 – 1982.06.28)

Coadjutor Archbishop of La Paz (Bolivia) (1982.06.28 – 1987.02.24)

Titular Archbishop of Tigisi in Mauretania (1982.06.28 – 1988.06.26)

ArgentinaBishop José María Mestres

Born:1912.12.05 (Argentina)
Ordained Priest:1934.07.29
Consecrated Bishop:1974.04.21
Died:1990.06.07 († 77)

Auxiliary Bishop of Paraná (Argentina) (1974.03.07 – 1987.10.31)

Titular Bishop of Dardanus (1974.03.07 – 1990.06.07)

SyriaBishop Macaire Methode (Greek-Melkite Rite)

GermanyBishop Heinrich Metzroth

In veritate et caritate

Born:1893.12.17 (Germany)
Ordained Priest:1916.08.12
Consecrated Bishop:1941.06.08
Died:1951.01.19 († 57)

Titular Bishop of Thyatira (1941.05.12 – 1951.01.19)

Auxiliary Bishop of Trier (Germany) (1941.05.12 – 1951.01.19)

FranceBishop Martinus Meurisse, O.F.M.


Titular Bishop of Madauros (1628.06.19 – 1644.08.22)

Auxiliary Bishop of Metz (France) (1628.06.19 – 1644.08.22)

FranceBishop Jacobus Meutravee, O.F.M.

Titular Bishop of Rosmen (1543.09.24 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Noyon (France) (1543.09.24 – ?)

BrazilBishop Ângelo Ademir Mezzari, R.C.J. (67)Bishop Ângelo Ademir Mezzari, R.C.J. (67)

Titular Bishop of Fiorentino
Auxiliary Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil)

Rogate ergo

Born:1957.04.02 (Forquilhinha, SC, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1984.12.22
Consecrated Bishop:2020.09.19

Superior General of Rogationists of the Heart of Jesus (Rogationists) (2010.08.02 – 2016.07.21)

Titular Bishop of Fiorentino (2020.07.08 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (2020.07.08 – ...)

Bishop Elias Mhasseb (Maronite Rite)

Consecrated Bishop:1717.09.14

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