Roman Martyrology 2004

March 1

Saint Felix III, pope

At Rome at Saint Paul’s on Via Ostiense, Saint Felix III (II), pope, who was the ancestor of Pope Saint Gregory the Great.

Saint Aubin, bishop of Angers

At Angers in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Aubin, bishop, who strongly blamed the proud customs of the powerful and with commitment promoted the Third Council of Orléans for the renewal of the Church.

Saint David, bishop of Saint David

At Saint David in Wales, Saint David, bishop, who, imitating the model and customs of the Eastern Fathers, founded a monastery, from which many monks left to evangelise Wales, Ireland, Cornwall and Brittany.

Saint Siviard, abbot

At Le Mans in Neustria, now in France, Saint Siviard, abbot of Saint-Calais.

Saint Suitbert, bishop on the island of Kaiserswerth

On the island of Kaiserswerth on the Rhine in Saxony, Germany, Saint Suitbert, bishop, who, at first as a monk in Northumbria, England, later becoming a companion of Saint Willibrord and ordained bishop by Saint Wilfred, proclaimed the Gospel to the Batavians, Frisians and to other peoples of Germany and died piously in a monastery he founded at an advanced age.

Saint Léon, bishop of Bayonne and martyr

In Gascony, France, Saint Léon, bishop and martyr.

Saint Leoluca, abbot

In the monastery of Avena on the slopes of Mount Mercury in Calabria, Saint Leoluca, abbot of Monte Mula, who shone in the hermitic life as well as in the cenobitic one following the rules of the oriental monks.

Saint Rosendo, bishop abbot of Celanova

At Cellanova in Galicia in Spain, Saint Rosendo, first bishop of Mondoñedo, who worked to promote and renew monastic life in that province and, once having deposed the episcopal office, took the monastic habit in the monastery of Cellanova, which then he ruled as abbot.

Blessed Cristoforo da Milano, Dominican priest

At Taggia in Liguria, commemoration of Blessed Cristoforo da Milano, priest of the Order of Preachers, dedicated to divine worship and sacred doctrine.

Blessed Giovanna Maria Bonomo, Benedictine abbess

At Bassano in Veneto, Blessed Giovanna Maria Bonomo, abbess of the Order of Saint Benedict, who, rich in mystical gifts, shared in body and soul the pains of the Passion of the Lord.

Saint Agnes Cao Guiying, catechist and martyr of China

At the city of Xilinxian in the province of Guangxi in China, Saint Agnes Cao Guiying, martyr, who, already married to a violent husband, after his death dedicated herself by mandate of the bishop to the teaching of Christian doctrine and, for this reason, in prison and suffering cruel torments, always trusting in God, migrated to the eternal banquet.

March 2

Saint Troadius, martyr

At Neocaesarea in Pontus, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Troadius, martyr during the persecution of Emperor Decius, whose fight was attested by Saint Gregory the Wonderworker.

Saint Chad, bishop of Lichfield

At Lichfield in England, Saint Chad, bishop, who held the episcopal office in the then poor provinces of Mercia, Lindsey and southern Anglia, undertaking to administer according to the example of the ancient Fathers in great perfection of life.

Saint Luca Casali da Nicosia, monk

At Agíra in Sicily, Saint Luca Casali da Nicosia, monk, full of humility and virtue.

Saint Agnes of Bohemia, princess of Bohemia, founder and first abbess of the Clarisse monastery of Prague

At Prague in Bohemia, now Czechia, Saint Agnes of Bohemia, abbess, who, as daughter of King Ottokar, refused a royal marriage to be the bride only of Christ, embraced the rule of Saint Clare in the monastery she herself built, in which she wanted to observe with poverty severity.

Blessed Charles the Good, martyr from Denmark

At Bruges in Flanders, in present-day Belgium, Blessed Charles the Good, martyr, who, as prince of Denmark and then count of Flanders, was the guardian of justice and defender of the poor, until he was killed by the soldiers whom he tried in vain to induce to peace.

Saint Angela of the Cross Guerrero y González, founder of the Sisters of the Company of the Cross

At Seville in Spain, Saint Angela of the Cross Guerrero y González, who, as founder of the Institute of the Sisters of the Cross, did not keep for herself any privilege that she did not also reserve for the poor, whom she used to call her masters and serve in everything.

March 3

Saints Marinus, soldier, and Asterius, senator, martyrs

At Caesarea in Palestina, Saints Marinus, soldier, and Asterius, senator, martyrs under the emperor Gallienus: the former, denounced as a Christian by a hostile fellow soldier, professed his faith in a clear voice before the judge, receiving the martyr’s crown with the decapitation; it is handed down that Asterius, spreading his garment on the ground, picked up the martyr’s body and immediately received the same honour he paid to the martyr.

Saints Emeterio and Celedonio, brothers, martyrs

At Calahorra in northern Spain, Saints Emeterio and Celedonio, who, both as soldiers near León in Galicia, at the outbreak of persecution, were taken to Calahorra for having confessed the name of Christ, and received the crown of martyrdom there.

Saints Cleonicus and Eutropius, martyrs

At Amasea in Pontus, in present-day Türkiye, Saints Cleonicus and Eutropius, martyrs during the persecution of Emperor Maximian under the governor Asclepiodatus.

Saint Tiziano, bishop of Brescia

At Brescia, Saint Tiziano, bishop.

Saint Guénolé, first abbot of Landévennec

At Cornwall in England, Saint Guénolé, first abbot of Landévennec, who is said to have been a disciple of Saint Budoc on the island of Lavret and brought prestige to monastic life.

Saint Artelaide, virgin

At Benevento, Saint Artelaide, virgin.

Saint Anselmo, founder and first abbot of Nonantola

At Nonantola in Emilia, Saint Anselmo, founder and first abbot of the local monastery, who for fifty years promoted monastic discipline both with teaching and with the exercise of virtues.

Saint Cunigunde of Luxembourg, empress of the Holy Roman Empire

At Oberkaufungen in Hesse in Germany, Saint Cunigunde of Luxembourg: she brought many benefits to the Church together with her husband Saint Henry the Emperor, and, after his death, she herself migrated to the Lord in the convent where she had retired as a nun, making Christ her inheritance. Her body was placed with full honours next to the remains of Saint Henry in Bamberg.

Blessed Frederik, Premonstratensian priest

In Friesland, in the territory of the present-day Netherlands, Blessed Frederik, priest, at first parish priest in the town of Hallum, then abbot of the Premonstratensian monastery of Mariengaarde.

Blessed Pietro Geremia, Dominican priest

At Palermo, Blessed Pietro Geremia, priest of the Order of Preachers, who, confirmed by Saint Vincent Ferrer in the ministry of the word of God, dedicated himself entirely to the salvation of souls.

Blessed Giacomino de’ Canepacci, Carmelite religious

At Vercelli, Blessed Giacomino de’ Canepacci, religious of the Carmelite Order, distinguished for his dedication to prayer and penance.

Blesseds Liberat Weiss, Samuele Marzorati and Michele Pio Fasoli, Franciscan religious, martyrs of Ethiopia

Near Gondar in Ethiopia, Blesseds Liberat Weiss, Samuele Marzorati and Michele Pio Fasoli, priests of the Order of Friars Minor and martyrs, who died by stoning for the Catholic faith.

Blessed Pierre-René Rogue, Lazarist priest and martyr of France

At Vannes in Brittany, France, Blessed Pierre-René Rogue, priest of the Congregation of the Mission and martyr: during the French Revolution, having refused to take the impious oath imposed on the clergy, he remained in the city to secretly serve the faithful and, condemned to death, reached the mercy of the Lord in the same church in which he celebrated the sacred mysteries.

Saint Teresa Eustochio Verzeri, founder of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart

At Brescia, Saint Teresa Eustochio Verzeri, virgin, founder of the Institute of the Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Blessed Innocenzo da Berzo Scalvinoni, Capuchin priest

At Bergamo, Blessed Innocenzo da Berzo Scalvinoni, priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, who shone for his extraordinary love in spreading the word of God and in hearing confessions.

Saint Katharine Drexel, virgin, founder of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament

At Philadelphia in Pennsylvania in the United States of America, Saint Katharine Drexel, virgin, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament, who generously and charitably used the assets she inherited for the education and redemption of Indians and blacks.

March 4

Saint Casimir, prince of Poland

Saint Casimir, son of the King of Poland, who, as a prince, shone through zeal in faith, chastity, penance, generosity towards the poor and devotion to the Eucharist and the Blessed Virgin Mary and still young, worn out by consumption, fell asleep in the grace of the Lord at the city of Grodno near Vilnius in Lithuania.

Saints Photius, Archelaus, Quirinus and 17 companions, martyrs

At Nicomedia in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Saints Photius, Archelaus, Quirinus and seventeen others, martyrs.

Saint Basinus, bishop of Trier

At Trier in the Rhineland in Austrasia, now Germany, Saint Basinus, bishop, who, born to the dukes of the kingdom of Austrasia, first became a monk, then abbot of Saint Maximin of Trier and, finally elevated to the episcopal see of the city, allowed the foundation of the monastery of Saint Irmina in Echternach in Luxembourg.

Saint Appiano, monk

At Comacchio in Romagna, Saint Appiano, monk, who, sent by the monastery of Pavia, led a hermitic life in this town.

Saint Pietro, abbot of Cava and bishop of Policastro

In the monastery of Cava de’ Tirreni in Campania, Saint Pietro, who, after following the monastic life from a young age, was elected bishop of Policastro, but, tired of the clamour of worldly life, returned to the monastery, where, having become abbot, he renewed discipline admirably.

Blessed Humbert III, count of Savoy

At Chambéry in Savoy, in present-day France, Blessed Humbert III, third count of Savoy, who, although forced to leave the cloister to deal with public affairs, practised the monastic life with great dedication, to which he later returned.

Blesseds Christopher Bales, priest, Alexander Blake and Nicholas Horner, martyrs of England

At London in England, Blesseds Christopher Bales, priest, Alexander Blake and Nicholas Horner, martyrs, who during the persecution in the time of Queen Elizabeth I jointly received the crown of glory.

Blessed Placide Viel, virgin, superior of the Sisters of the Christian Schools of Mercy

In the cenoby of Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte in Normandy in France, Blessed Placide Viel, virgin, who distinguished herself in holding the Congregation of the Christian Schools of Mercy with commitment and humility.

Saint Giovanni Antonio Farina, bishop of Vicenza, founder of the Teaching Sisters of Saint Dorothy Daughters of the Sacred Heart

At Vicenza, Saint Giovanni Antonio Farina, bishop, who in various ways worked in pastoral action and founded the Institute of the Teaching Sisters of Saint Dorothy Daughters of the Sacred Hearts to provide for the education of poor girls and all the afflicted and marginalised.

Blesseds Mieczysław Bohatkiewicz, Władysław Maćkowiak and Stanisław Pyrtek, priests and martyrs

At the town of Berezwecz near the city of Głębokie in Poland, Blesseds Mieczysław Bohatkiewicz, Władysław Maćkowiak and Stanisław Pyrtek, priests and martyrs, who, in time of war, for their faith in Christ were thrown into prison and shot.

March 5

Saint Theophilus, bishop of Cesarea in Palæstina

Commemoration of Saint Theophilus, bishop of Caesarea in Palestine, who, under the emperor Septimius Severus, shone for wisdom and integrity of life.

Saint Cono the Gardener, martyr

In Pamphylia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Cono the Gardener, martyr, who, as gardener, under Emperor Decius, was forced to run with his feet pierced by nails, in front of a chariot and, having fallen on his knees, praying, gave up his spirit to God.

Saint Lucius I, pope and martyr

At Rome on Via Appia in the cemetery of Callixtus, deposition of Saint Lucius I, pope, who, as the successor of Saint Cornelius, was exiled for his faith in Christ and, as an outstanding witness of the faith, faced the difficulties of his time with moderation and prudence.

Saint Phocas, martyr

At Sinop in Pontus, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Phocas, martyr, who was a gardener and suffered many torments for the name of the Redeemer.

Saint Adrian, martyr

At Caesarea in Palestine, Saint Adrian, martyr, who, during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, on the day in which the inhabitants used to celebrate the feast of Fortune, by order of the governor Firmilian, was first for his faith in Christ thrown to a lion and then slaughtered with the sword.

Saint Gerasimus, anchorite

In Palestine on the banks of the Jordan, Saint Gerasimus, anchorite, who, at the time of Emperor Zeno, brought back to the right faith by Saint Euthymius, did a great work of penance, offering to all those who practised monastic life under his guidance, an irreproachable model of discipline and life.

Saint Ciarán, bishop of Ossory and abbot

At Saighir in the Ossory region of Ireland, Saint Ciarán, bishop and abbot.

Saint Virgile, bishop of Arles

At Arles in Provence in France, Saint Virgile, bishop, who hosted Saint Augustine and the monks who, on the mandate of Pope Saint Gregory the Great, were travelling to England.

Blessed Cristoforo Macassoli, Franciscan priest

At Vigevano in Lombardy, Blessed Cristoforo Macassoli, priest of the Order of Friars Minor, famous for his preaching and charity towards the poor.

Blessed Jeremiah of Wallachia, Capuchin religious

At Naples, Blessed Jeremiah of Wallachia, who, religious of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, continuously assisted the sick with charity and joy for forty years.

Saint Giovan Giuseppe della Croce Calosirto, Discalced Franciscan priest

Also at Naples, Saint Giovan Giuseppe della Croce Calosirto, priest of the Order of Friars Minor, who, in the footsteps of Saint Peter of Alcántara, restored religious discipline in many convents of the Neapolitan province.

March 6

Saint Marziano, bishop of Tortona and martyr

At Tortona in Piedmont, Saint Marziano, venerated as bishop and martyr.

Saint Victor, martyr at Nicomedia in Bythinia

At Nicomedia in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Victor, martyr.

Saint Quiriacus, priest

At Trier in Gallia Belgica, now in Germany, Saint Quiriacus, priest.

Saint Evagrius, bishop of Constantinople

Commemoration of Saint Evagrius, bishop of Constantinople, who, sent into exile by Emperor Valens, returned to the Lord as an outstanding witness of the faith.

Saint Julián, bishop of Toledo

At Toledo in Spain, Saint Julián, bishop, who called three councils in this city, set out correct doctrine in his writings and was a diligent model of justice, charity and commitment for souls.

Saint Fridolin, abbot of Säckingen

At Säckingen in the territory of present-day Switzerland, Saint Fridolin, abbot, who, originally from Ireland, wandered as a pilgrim through France, until he founded two monasteries in Säckingen in honour of Saint Hilary.

Saint Chrodegang, bishop of Metz

At Metz in Austrasia, in present-day France, Saint Chrodegang, bishop, who arranged that the clergy should live as if within the walls of a cloister under an exemplary rule of life, and significantly promoted liturgical singing.

42 holy martyrs of Amorium in Phrygia of Syria

In Syria, the passion of forty-two holy martyrs, who, arrested at Amorium in Phrygia and taken to the Euphrates river, obtained the palm of martyrdom with an illustrious test.

Blessed Olegario, bishop of Barcelona and Tarragona

At Barcelona in Catalonia in Spain, Blessed Olegario, bishop, who also held the chair of Tarragona, when this very ancient see was liberated from the domination of the Moors.

Blessed Rosa da Viterbo, virgin of Third Order Franciscans

At Viterbo, Blessed Rosa, virgin, of the Third Order of Saint Francis, who was assiduous in charitable works and at the age of only eighteen ended her short existence prematurely.

Saint Colette de Corbie Boilet, virgin, reformer of many Clarisse monasteries

At Ghent in Flanders, in present-day Belgium, Saint Colette de Corbie Boilet, virgin, who, after three years of a very austere life locked up in a small house next to the church, became professed under the rule of Saint Francis, led many Poor Clare monasteries back to primitive model of life, re-establishing in a special way the spirit of poverty and penance.

March 7

Saints Perpetua and Felicity, martyrs

Memorial of the holy martyrs Perpetua and Felicity, arrested at Carthage under the emperor Septimius Severus together with other young catechumens. Perpetua, a matron of about twenty-two, was the mother of a still suckling child, while Felicity, her servant, spared by the laws because she was pregnant so that she could give birth, showed herself serene in front of the fairs, despite the travails of the imminent birth. They both advanced from the prison into the amphitheatre with a happy face, as if they were going to heaven.

Saints Saturus, Saturninus, Revocatus and Secundulus, martyrs at Carthage

Also at Carthage, in present-day Tunisia, passion of Saints Saturus, Saturninus, Revocatus and Secundulus, of which, during the same persecution, the last died in prison, the others, after being tortured by various beasts, instead died having their throats slaughtered with the sword as they exchanged the holy kiss.

Saint Eubulus, martyr

At Caesarea in Palestine, the passion of Saint Eubulus, who, as companion of Saint Adrian, was torn to pieces by lions and pierced with a sword two days after him.

Saints Basil, Eugene, Agathodorus, Elpidius, Aetherius, Capiton and Ephraim, bishops of Chersonesus, martyrs

In the Chersonese in Greece, holy bishops Basil, Eugene, Agathodorus, Elpidius, Aetherius, Capiton and Ephraim, martyrs.

Saint Paul the Simple, hermit

In the Thebaid in Egypt, Saint Paul, known as the Simple, disciple of Saint Anthony.

Saint Gaudioso, bishop of Brescia

At Brescia, Saint Gaudioso, bishop.

Saint Ardo Smaragdus, priest, monk of Aniane

In the monastery of Aniane in the territory of Septimania, in present-day France, Saint Ardo Smaragdus, priest, who was the companion of Saint Benedict of Aniane in the cenobitic life.

Saint Paul, bishop of Prusa in Bythinia

At Prusa in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Paul, bishop, who, expelled from his homeland for defending the cult of sacred images, died in exile.

Transitus of Saint Thomas Aquinas

In the Cistercian monastery of Fossanova in Lazio, transitus of Saint Thomas Aquinas, whose memorial is celebrated on January 28.

Blesseds John Larke and John Ireland, priests, and German Gardiner, martyrs of England

At London in England, blessed martyrs John Larke and John Ireland, priests, and German Gardiner, who for their loyalty to the Roman Pontiff died by hanging at Tyburn, under King Henry VIII.

Saint Teresa Margherita Redi, Carmelite virgin

At Florence, Saint Teresa Margherita Redi, virgin, who, having entered the Order of the Discalced Carmelites, followed an arduous path to perfection and was struck by a premature death.

Saint Ioannes Baptista Nam Chong-sam, martyr of Korea

At Seoul in Korea, Saint Ioannes Baptista Nam Chong-sam, martyr.

Saints Siméon-François Berneux, bishop and apostolic vicar of Korea, Simon-Marie-Just Ranfer de Bretenières, Bernard-Louis Beaulieu and Pierre-Henri Dorie, priests of Paris Foreign Missions Society, martyrs of Korea

At Saenamteo also in Korea, the holy martyrs Siméon-François Berneux, bishop, Simon-Marie-Just Ranfer de Bretenières, Bernard-Louis Beaulieu and Pierre-Henri Dorie, priests of the Society for Foreign Missions of Paris, who, for having responded confidently to their persecutors of having come to Korea to save souls in the name of Christ, died beheaded.

Blessed Leonid F’odorov, studite, apostolic excharate of Russia, martyr of Russia

At the city of Kirov in Russia, Blessed Leonid F’odorov, bishop and martyr, who held the position of apostolic exarch of the Russian Catholics of the Byzantine Rite and, under a regime hostile to religion, deserved to be a faithful disciple of Christ until his death.

March 8

Saint John of God, religious, founder of the Hospitallers

Saint John of God, religious: of Portuguese origin, eager for greater goals after a life as a soldier spent among dangers, with tireless charity he committed himself to the service of the needy and the sick in a hospital he had built and united to himself some companions, who later formed the Hospitaller Order of Saint John of God. On this day at Granada in Spain he passed to eternal rest.

Saint Pontius, deacon of Carthage

Commemoration of Saint Pontius, who was at Carthage deacon of Saint Cyprian, of whom he was a companion in exile until his death, leaving an admirable account of his life and martyrdom.

Saints Apollonius and Philemon, martyrs

Near Antinoe in Egypt, Saints Apollonius and Philemon, martyrs.

Saint Probino, bishop of Como

At Como, Saint Probino, bishop, who, as a faithful disciple of Saint Ambrose, preserved the Church entrusted to him from the Arian heresy.

Saint Senán, abbot

On Scattery Island in Ireland, Saint Senán, abbot.

Saint Felix, bishop of Dunwich

At Dunwich in England, Saint Felix, bishop, who, originally from Burgundy, evangelised the East Angles at the time of King Sigebert.

Saint Theophylact, archbishop of Nicomedia

At Nicomedia in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Theophylact, bishop, who, struck by exile due to the cult of sacred images, died in Stróbilon in Caria.

Saint Humphroy, bishop of Thérouanne

In the territory of Thérouanne in France, Saint Humphroy, bishop, who, after the destruction of the city by the Normans, tirelessly took care of gathering and comforting his flock.

Saint Litifredo, bishop of Pavia

At Pavia, Saint Litifredo, bishop.

Saint Duthac, bishop of Ross

At the town of Tayne in Scotland, deposition of Saint Duthac, bishop of Ross.

Saint Veremundo, abbot of Hirache

Near Estella in Navarre, Spain, Saint Veremundo, abbot of Irache, who, as a monk from an early age, driven by a desire for perfection, encouraged his monks by example, dedicating themselves to fasting and vigils.

Saint Étienne, abbot of Obazine

At Obazine near Limoges in Aquitaine, France, Saint Étienne, first abbot of the local monastery, who, in search of God, associated the three monasteries he founded in the Cistercian Order.

Blessed Wincenty, bishop of Krakow

In the monastery of Jedrzejów in Poland, the transitus of Blessed Wincenty Kadłubek, bishop of Krakow, who, having resigned his office, practised the monastic life in this place.

Saint Faustino de la Encarnación Míguez González, Piarist priest, founder of the Calasanctian Institute of the Daughters of the Divine Shepherdess

At the city of Getafe near Madrid in Spain, Saint Faustino de la Encarnación Míguez González, religious of the Order of Clerics Regular of the Pious Schools, who, having been ordained a priest, dedicated himself fully to teaching and, having achieved a great reputation as a teacher and naturalist scientist, was nevertheless always diligent in her pastoral commitment and founded the Congregation of the Daughters of the Divine Shepherd.

March 9

Saint Frances of Rome, widow, founder of the Oblates of Tor de’ Specchi

Saint Frances of Rome, religious, who married at a young age and lived in marriage for forty years, was a wife and mother of mirrored virtue, admirable for her piety, humility and patience. In times of difficulty, she distributed her possessions to the poor, served the sick and, on the death of her husband, withdrew among the oblates that she herself had gathered at Rome under the rule of Saint Benedict.

40 holy soldiers of Cappadocia, martyrs

Near Sivas in ancient Armenia, passion of the forty holy soldiers of Cappadocia, who, as companions not by blood, but by faith and obedience to the will of the heavenly Father, at the time of Emperor Licinius, after having suffered imprisonment and cruel tortures, during the very harsh winter were forced to remain naked outdoors on a frozen pond at night and, having broken their legs, thus completed their martyrdom.

Saint Paciano, bishop of Barcelona

At Barcelona in northern Spain, Saint Paciano, bishop, who, in preaching the faith, stated that his name was Christian and his surname was Catholic.

Saint Vitale di Castronovo, monk

In the territory of Rapolla in Basilicata, Saint Vitale di Castronovo, monk.

Saint Bruno, bishop of Querfurt and martyr

In Eastern Moravia, Saint Bruno, bishop of Querfurt and martyr, who, while accompanying Emperor Otto III to Italy, fascinated by the charisma of Saint Romuald, embraced monastic life taking the name of Boniface and, returning to Germany and made bishop by Pope John X, during an apostolic mission was massacred by idolaters together with eighteen other companions.

Saint Caterina, virign, founder and first abbess of the Clarisse monastery of Corpus Domini at Bologna

At Bologna, Saint Caterina, virgin of the Order of Saint Clare, who, illustrious in the liberal arts but even more illustrious for her mystical virtues and the path to perfection in penance and humility, was teacher of sacred virgins.

Saint Dominic Savio, Salesian pupil

At Mondonio in Piedmont, Saint Dominic Savio, who, from childhood with a sweet and happy soul, while still an adolescent, quickly followed the path of Christian perfection.

Saints Petrus Ch’oe Hyŏng and Ioannes Baptista Chŏn Chang-un, martyrs of Korea

At the village of In-Ko-Ri in Korea, Saints Petrus Ch’oe Hyŏng and Ioannes Baptista Chŏn Chang-un, martyrs: as family fathers, administered baptism and printed Christian books; subjected to torture for this, they persisted with constancy in the faith to the point of arousing the admiration of their persecutors.

March 10

Saints Caius and Alexander, martyrs

At Hisarlik on the Meander River in Phrygia, in present-day Türkiye, commemoration of the Saints Caius and Alexander, martyrs, who received the crown of glorious martyrdom during the persecution of the emperors Marcus Antoninus and Lucius Verus.

Saint Victor, martyr in Africa

In Africa, commemoration of Saint Victor, martyr: on his feast day, Saint Augustine gave a homily to the people about him.

Saint Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem

On the same day, commemoration of Saint Macarius, bishop of Jerusalem, at whose exhortation the holy places were brought to light by Constantine the Great and his mother Saint Helena and ennobled with the construction of sacred basilicas.

Saint Simplicius, pope

At Rome at Saint Peter’s, Saint Simplicius, pope, who, at the time of barbarian invasions of Italy and the City, comforted the afflicted, encouraged the unity of the Church and strengthened the faith.

Saint Droctovée, abbot of Saint-Germain-des-Prés

At Paris in France, Saint Droctovée, abbot, whom Saint Germanus of Autun, his teacher, placed at the head of a monastery of monks established in this city.

Saint Attala, abbot of Bobbio

In the monastery of Bobbio, Saint Attala, abbot, who, as a lover of cenobitic life, retired first to the monastery of Lérins and then to that of Luxeuil, in which he succeeded Saint Columbanus, distinguishing himself in particular for his zeal and virtue of discernment.

Saint John Ogilvie, Jesuit priest and martyr at Glasgow

At Glasgow in Scotland, Saint John Ogilvie, priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr: having spent many years in the study of sacred theology in exile for the kingdoms of Europe, ordained as a priest, secretly returned to his homeland, where with great diligence he dedicated himself to pastoral care of his fellow citizens, until, put in prison under King James VI and condemned to death, he received the glorious palm of martyrdom on the scaffold.

Saint Marie-Eugénie de Jésus Milleret de Brou, virgin and founder of the Sisters of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

At Paris in France, Saint Marie-Eugénie de Jésus Milleret de Brou, virgin, founder of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Assumption for the Christian education of young people.

Blessed Elias del Socorro Nieves Castillo, Augustinian priest and martyr of Mexico

Near the city of Cortázar in Mexico, Blessed Elias del Socorro Nieves Castillo, priest of the Order of Friars of Saint Augustine and martyr, who, while the persecution raged, was arrested for secretly exercising his ministry and died by firing squad out of hatred for the priesthood.

See Also

Moveable Feasts in Roman Martyrology

Upcoming Feasts in Roman Martyrology

Saints by Date of Death

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