Day![]() | Eulogies |
March 11 | Saint Pionius of Smyrna, priest and martyr At Smyrna in present-day Türkiye, Saint Pionius, priest and martyr, who, as it is said, for having publicly held an apologia in defence of the Christian faith, after having suffered the bitterness of prison, during which he comforted with his encouragement many brothers to face martyrdom, cruelly tortured, obtained a happy end in Christ in fire. Saints Trophimus and Thalus, martyrs At Laodicea in Syria, Saints Trophimus and Thalus, martyrs, who, during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, after many cruel torments obtained the crown of glory. Saint Constantine, king and martyr In Scotland, Saint Constantine, king, disciple of Saint Columba and martyr. Saint Sophronius, bishop of Jerusalem At Jerusalem, Saint Sophronius, bishop, who had John Moschus as his teacher and friend, with whom he visited the places of monasticism; elected bishop of this see after Modestus, when the Holy City fell into the hands of the Saracens, he vigorously defended the faith and safety of the people. Saint Vindicien, bishop of Cambrai and Arras In the Hainault region of Neustria, in present-day France, Saint Vindicien, bishop of Cambrai and Arras, who invited Theodoric III to atone with penance for the crime committed with the killing of Saint Leodegar. Saint Benedetto, bishop of Milano At Milan, deposition of Saint Benedetto, bishop. Saint Aengus, monk In the monastery of Tallaght in Ireland, Saint Aengus, known as the Culdee, monk, who took care of composing a martyrology of the saints of Ireland. Saint Eulogio, priest and martyr At Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, Saint Eulogio, priest and martyr, beheaded by the sword for having openly proclaimed faith in Christ. Blessed Giovanni Righi, Franciscan priest At Cupramontana in the Marches, Blessed Giovanni Righi, priest of the Order of Friars Minor. Blessed Thomas Atkinson, priest and martyr of England At York in England, Blessed Thomas Atkinson, priest and martyr, who, during the reign of James I, suffered martyrdom just for being a priest. Blessed John Kearney, Franciscan priest and martyr of Ireland At Clonmel in Ireland, Blessed John Kearney, priest of the Order of Friars Minor and martyr: sentenced to death because he crossed England as a priest, he managed to avoid the sentence by fleeing, but later, under the government of Oliver Cromwell, accused a second time of having exercised the priesthood in his homeland, he was sentenced to hanging. Saint Ðaminh Nguyễn Văn Cẩm, priest and martyr of Vietnam At the city of Hung Yên in Tonkin, now Vietnam, Saint Ðaminh Nguyễn Văn Cẩm, priest and martyr, who for many years exercised his ministry clandestinely with danger of his life, even after ending up in prison, and, sentenced to death by order of the emperor Tu Duc, embraced the cross of the Lord which he had steadfastly refused to trample on. Saints Marcus Chŏng Ŭi-bae, catechist, and Alexius U Se-yŏng, martyrs of Korea At Saenamteo in Korea, Saints Marcus Chŏng Ŭi-bae, catechist, and Alexius U Se-yŏng, martyrs, who were insulted and beaten by their own relatives for their Christian faith. |
March 12 | Saint Maximilian, martyr at Tebessa At Tebessa in Numidia, in present-day Algeria, Saint Maximilian, martyr, who, as son of the veteran Victor and also enlisted in the militia, replied to the proconsul Dion that it was not lawful for a faithful Christian to serve in the army and, refusing to lend military oath, was executed by sword. Saints Migdonus, priest, Eugene, Maximus, Domna, Mardonius, Esmaragdus and Hilary, martyrs at Numidia At Nicomedia in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, commemoration of the holy martyrs Migdonus, priest, Eugene, Maximus, Domna, Mardonius, Esmaragdus and Hilary, one of whom was suffocated each day, to instil terror in the other companions. Saints Peter, Dorotheus and Gorgonius, martyrs At the same place, passion of Saint Peter, martyr, who, assigned to the rooms of Emperor Diocletian, fearlessly complaining of the tortures inflicted on the martyrs, was by order of the emperor himself taken to a public place and was first hung and tortured for a very long time, whipped, then burned on a fiery grill. Then Dorotheus and Gorgonius, also in charge of the king’s rooms, having protested, were punished with similar tortures and finally hanged. Saint Innocent I, pope At Rome in the Pontian cemetery, deposition of Saint Innocent I, pope, who defended Saint John Chrysostom, consoled Jerome and approved Augustine. Saint Pol Aurélien, first bishop of Saint-Pol-de-Léon At Saint-Pol-de-Léon in Brittany, Saint Pol Aurélien, first bishop of this city. Birth of Saint Gregory I, pope and doctor of the Church At Rome at Saint Peter’s, deposition of Saint Gregory I, pope, known as the Great, whose memorial is celebrated on September 3, the day of his ordination. Saint Theophanes the Chronicler, monk At Sigriana in Bithynia in the monastery of Campogrande, in present-day Türkiye, deposition of Saint Theophanes the Chronicler, known as the Chronograph, who, from being very rich to poor monk, as a lover of sacred images was kept in prison for two years by the emperor Leo the Armenian and then deported to Samothrace, where he died of starvation. Saint Ælfheah, bishop of Winchester At Winchester in England, Saint Ælfheah, bishop, who, already as a monk, worked hard for the renewal of cenobitic life. Blessed Fina At the city of San Gimignano in Tuscany, Blessed Fina, virgin, who from an early age endured a long and serious illness with unconquered patience, trusting only in God. Blessed Giustina Francucci Bezzoli, Benedictine virgin At Arezzo, Blessed Giustina Francucci Bezzoli, virgin of the Order of Saint Benedict and recluse. Blessed Girolamo da Recanati Gherarducci, Augustinian priest At Recanati in the Marches, Blessed Girolamo da Recanati Gherarducci, priest of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine, who worked for peace and harmony between peoples. Saint Iosephus Zhang Dapeng, martyr of China At the city of Guiyang in the province of Guangxi in China, Saint Iosephus Zhang Dapeng, martyr, who, having received the light of faith, opened his home to missionaries and catechists as soon as he was baptised and helped the poor, the sick and children in every way; led to the torment of the cross, he shed tears of joy at having been made worthy of dying for Christ. Blessed Aniela Salawa, virgin of Third Order Franciscans At Krakow in Poland, Blessed Aniela Salawa, virgin of the Third Order of Saint Francis, who chose to spend her whole life working as a servant: she lived humbly among the servants and migrated to the Lord in absolute poverty. Saint Luigi Orione, priest, founder of the Sons of Divine Providence At Sanremo in Liguria, Saint Luigi Orione, priest, founder of the Little Work of Divine Providence for the good of young people and all the marginalised. |
March 13 | Saints Macedonius, priest, his wife Patricia, and their daughter Modesta, martyrs at Nicomedia At Nicomedia in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, the holy martyrs Macedonius, priest, Patricia, his wife, and Modesta, his daughter. Saint Sabinus, martyr at Minya At Minya in Egypt, Saint Sabinus, martyr, who, after having suffered much, finally died by being thrown into the river. Saint Christina, martyr In Persia, Saint Christina, martyr, who, beaten with rods, received the crown of martyrdom under the reign of Khosrow I of Persia. Saint Pient, bishop of Poitiers At Poitiers in Aquitaine, in present-day France, Saint Pient, bishop, who was of immense help to Saint Radegund in founding monasteries. Saint Leandro, bishop of Seville At Seville in Spain, Saint Leandro, bishop, who, as brother of Saints Isidore, Fulgentius and Florentina, with his preaching and his active commitment converted the Visigoths from the Arian heresy to the Catholic faith, with the help of their king Reccared. Saint Eldrado, abbot of Novalesa In the monastery of Novalesa at the foot of Moncenisio in Val di Susa, Saint Eldrado, abbot, who, passionate about divine worship, reformed the psalter and promoted the construction of new churches. Saints Rodrigo, priest, and Salomón, martyrs at Codoba At Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, passion of Saints Rodrigo, priest, and Salomón, martyrs: the first, refusing to believe that Mohammed was a true prophet sent by the Almighty, was thrown into prison, where he met Solomon, who previously had for some time adhered to the Mohammedan religion, and together they gloriously completed their ordeal by beheading. Saint Ansovino, bishop of Camerino At Camerino in the Marches, Saint Ansovino, bishop. Blessed Pietro, abbot In the monastery of Cava de’ Tirreni in Campania, Blessed Pietro, abbot. Blessed Agnellus of Pisa, Franciscan priest At Oxford in England, Blessed Agnellus of Pisa, priest, who, sent by Saint Francis first to France and then to England, established the Order of Minors there and promoted the study of the sacred sciences. Blessed Françoise Tréhet, virgin of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady of Evron, martyr of France At Ernée in the territory of Mayenne in France, Blessed Françoise Tréhet, virgin of the Congregation of Charity and martyr, who worked in every way for the education of children and the care of the sick and, during the French revolution, was pierced with the sword martyrdom for Christ. |
March 14 | Saint Alexander, martyr at Pydna At Pydna in Macedonia, Saint Alexander, martyr. Saint Lazzaro, archbishop of Milan At Milan, Saint Lazzaro, bishop. Saint Lubin, bishop of Chartres At Chartres in France, Saint Lubin, bishop. Saint Mathilde, queen of East Francia At Quedlinburg in Saxony, Germany, Saint Mathilde, who, as a very faithful wife of King Henry, was notable for her humility and patience and did her utmost generously in assisting the poor and in founding hospitals and monasteries. Saint Paulina, religious In the territory of Fulda in Germany, Saint Paulina, religious. Saint Ève, religious At Liège in Lotharingia, in present-day Belgium, Saint Ève, cloistered nun in the monastery of Saint Martin, who together with Saint Juliana, prioress of the same monastery, worked to ensure that Pope Urban IV instituted the solemnity of the Body of Christ. Blessed Giacomo Cusmano, founder of the Missionary Servants of the Poor and the Sister Servants of the Poor At Palermo, Blessed Giacomo Cusmano, priest, who founded the Missionary Institute of the Servants of the Poor, famous for his extraordinary love for the needy and the sick. |
March 15 | Saint Menignus, martyr At Parius in the Hellespont, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Menignus, dyer, who, as is handed down, suffered martyrdom under Emperor Decius. Saint Zachary, pope At Rome, Saint Zachary, pope, who stemmed the vehemence of the Lombard invasion, showed the Franks what was right government, endowed the Germanic peoples with churches and kept firm the union with the Church of the East, governing the Church of God with utmost care and prudence. Saint Leocricia, virgin and martyr At Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, Saint Leocricia, virgin and martyr, who, born of a Moorish family, secretly progressed in the faith of Christ and, arrested at home together with Saint Eulogius, was beheaded four days after his martyrdom, thus passing to eternal glory. Saint Sisebuto, abbot of Cardeña Near Burgos in Castile in Spain, Saint Sisebuto, abbot of Caradeña. Blessed William Hart, priest and martyr of England At York in England, Blessed William Hart, priest and martyr, who, ordained in the English College of Rome, was hanged and disembowelled during the reign of Elizabeth I for having convinced some to embrace the Catholic faith. Saint Louise, widow, founder of the Daughters of Charity At Paris in France, Saint Louise, widow, who led with her example the Institute of the Daughters of Charity in assisting the needy, bringing to full fruition the work begun by Saint Vincent de Paul. Saint Klemens Maria Hofbauer, Redemptorist priest At Vienna in Austria, Saint Klemens Maria Hofbauer, priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer, who admirably worked to spread the faith in distant lands and to renew ecclesiastical life and, distinguished for his ingenuity and virtue, induced many illustrious scientists and artists to approach to the Church. Blessed Jan Wojciech Balicki, priest At Przemyśl in Poland, Blessed Jan Wojciech Balicki, priest, who exercised his ministry in various ways for all the people of God, with particular care for the preaching of the Gospel and the assistance of young people in difficulty. Saint Artémides Zatti, Salesian cooperator At Viedma in Argentina, Saint Artémides Zatti, religious of the Society of Saint Francis de Sales, who shone for his missionary zeal and, having left for the inaccessible regions of Patagonia, dedicated himself all his life to the hospital of that city with great generosity, in all patience and humility, to the needs of the needy. |
March 16 | Saints Ilario, bishop of Aquileia, and Taziano, deacon, martyrs At Aquileia, now in Friuli, Saints Ilario, bishop, and Taziano, martyrs. Saint Papa, martyr At Seleucia in Persia, Saint Papa, originally from Lycaonia, in present-day Türkiye, for his faith in Christ, after many tortures, ended his life in martyrdom. Saint Julian, martyr in Cilicia At Ainvarza in Cilicia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Julian, martyr, who, after being tortured for a long time under the governor Marciano, was closed in a sack full of snakes and plunged into the sea. Saint Eusébie, abbess of Hamage In the Artois region in Neustria, in the territory of present-day France, Saint Eusébie, abbess of Hamay-sur-la-Scarpe, who, after the death of her father, gave herself together with her holy mother Rictrude to monastic life and while still young was elected abbess, succeeding her grandmother Saint Geltrude. Saint Heribert, bishop of Cologne At Cologne in Germany, Saint Heribert, bishop, who, as chancellor of Emperor Otto III, elected against his will to the episcopal see, incessantly enlightened the clergy and the people with the example of his virtues, which he exhorted in preaching. Blessed Giovanni Cacciafronte, bishop of Vicenza and martyr At Vicenza, Blessed Giovanni Cacciafronte, bishop and martyr, who, at first as abbot, was condemned to exile for his loyalty to the pope; later elected bishop of Mantua and finally transferred to the see of Vicenza, he died for the freedom of the Church, pierced with a sword by an assassin. Blesseds John Amias and Robert Dalby, priests and martyrs of England At York in England, Blesseds John Amias and Robert Dalby, priests and martyrs, who, under Queen Elizabeth I, were condemned to death for the sole fact of being priests and happily went to be hanged. Passion of Saint Jean de Brébeuf, Jesuit priest and martyr of Canada In the territory of the Hurons in Canada, passion of Saint Jean de Brébeuf, priest of the Society of Jesus, who, sent from France on a mission to the Hurons, after having accomplished many hardships, died for Christ under the cruel tortures of some local pagans. His memorial together with that of his companions is celebrated on October 19. |
March 17 | Saint Patrick, bishop Saint Patrick, bishop: as a young man he was taken prisoner from Britain to Ireland; after recovering his freedom, he wanted to enter among the clerics; elected bishop upon returning to the same island, he announced the Gospel with commitment to the people and directed his Church with rigour, until at the city of Down in Ireland he fell asleep in the Lord. Holy martyrs of Alexandria of Egypt during the time of Emperor Theodosius Commemoration of many holy martyrs in Alexandria of Egypt, who, at the time of Emperor Theodosius, with the growing number of Christians, were captured by the faithful of Serapis and, firmly refusing to adore their idol, were cruelly killed. Saint Agricole, bishop of Châlon-sur-Saône At Châlon-sur-Saône in Burgundy, in present-day France, Saint Agricole, bishop, who ruled this Church for about ten decades, consolidating it with various councils. Saint Gertrude, abbess of Nivelles At Nivelles in Brabant, in present-day Belgium, Saint Gertrude, abbess, who, born of a noble family, took the sacred veil of virgins from the bishop Saint Amandus and wisely ruled the monastery built by her mother, was assiduous in reading the Scriptures and was consumed in the austere practice of vigils and fasting. Saint Paul, monk and martyr On the island of Cyprus, Saint Paul, monk, who, for having defended the cult of sacred images, was burned in the fire. Saint Konrad, hermit At Modugno near Bari in Puglia, Saint Konrad, who led a hermitic life in Palestine, living until his death in a miserable cave. Saint Jan Sarkander, priest and martyr at Olomouc At Olomouc in Moravia, in present-day Czechia, Saint Jan Sarkander, priest and martyr, who, as parish priest of Holesov, refused to violate the secrecy of confession, was subjected to the torture of the wheel and, thrown into prison at the end of his life, died a month later. Passion of Saint Gabriel Lalemant, Jesuit priest and martyr of Canada In the territory of the Hurons in Canada, the passion of Saint Gabriel Lalemant, priest of the Society of Jesus, who with strenuous dedication spread the announcement of the glory of God in the language of the local populations, before being taken by some hostile idolaters to very cruel tortures. His memorial is celebrated together with that of his companions on October 19. Blessed Juan Nepomuceno Zegrí y Moreno, priest, founder of the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Mercy At Málaga in Spain, Blessed Juan Nepomuceno Zegrí y Moreno, priest, who consecrated his ministry to the service of the Church and the good of souls and, to better glorify God the Father in Christ, founded the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity of Blessed Mary Virgin of Mercy. |
March 18 | Saint Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem and doctor of the Church Saint Cyril, bishop of Jerusalem and doctor of the Church, who, after having suffered many outrages from the Arians because of the faith and having been expelled from his see several times, admirably explained to the faithful the right doctrine, the Scriptures and the sacred mysteries with homilies and catechesis. Saint Alexander, bishop of Jerusalem and martyr Commemoration of Saint Alexander, bishop and martyr, who, having come to Jerusalem from Cappadocia, accepted the pastoral care of the Holy City, where he founded a precious library and set up a school; later, having reached an advanced age after a long life, taken to Caesarea during the persecution of Emperor Decius, he suffered martyrdom for his faith in Christ. Saint Frediano, bishop of Lucca At Lucca, Saint Frediano, bishop, who, originally from Ireland, gathered clerics into a monastery, for the good of the people diverted the course of the Serchio river, making the territory fertile and converted the Lombards who had invaded the region to the Catholic faith. Saint Libert, hermit at Tours At Tours in the territory of Neustria, in France, Saint Libert, who, living secluded in a small cell next to the Marmoutier monastery, shone with a spirit of penance and humility. Saint Braulio, bishop of Saragossa At Zaragoza in Spain, Saint Braulio, bishop, who gave help to Saint Isidore, of whom he was a great friend, in renewing ecclesiastical discipline throughout Spain and was his worthy successor for eloquence and doctrine. Saint Edward, king of England and martyr Near the town of Wareham in England, Saint Edward, who, as king of the Angles, was killed while still young with evil deception by his stepmother’s assassins. Saint Anselm, bishop of Lucca At Mantua, transitus of Saint Anselm, bishop of Lucca: very faithful to the Roman See, during the investiture controversy he placed in the hands of Pope Saint Gregory VII the ring and crosier, which he had reluctantly received from Emperor Henry IV; expelled from his seat by the canons who refused to live in common with him, he was sent as legate to Lombardy by the pope, to whom he was of great help. Saint Salvador de Horta Pladevall i Bien, Franciscan religious At Cagliari, Saint Salvador de Horta Pladevall i Bien, religious of the Order of Friars Minor, who became a humble instrument of Christ for the salvation of bodies and souls. Blesseds John Thules, priest, and Roger Wrenno, martyrs of England At Lancaster in England, Blesseds John Thules, priest, and Roger Wrenno, who, originally from the same county, became martyrs of Christ during the reign of James I. Blessed Marthe Le Bouteiller, virgin of Christian Teachers of Mercy In the cenoby of Saint-Sauveur-le-Vicomte in Normandy in France, Blessed Marthe Le Bouteiller, virgin of the Sisters of the Christian Schools of Mercy, who, trusting strongly in God, always devoted herself with patience to the most humble services. |
March 19 | Saint Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Solemnity of Saint Joseph, spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary: as a just man, born of the lineage of David, he acted as a father to the Son of God Jesus Christ, who willed to be called the son of Joseph, and to whom he submitted, as to a father. The Church venerates him with special honour as a patron, placed by the Lord in custody of his family. Saint Giovanni, abbot Near Spoleto in Umbria, Saint Giovanni, abbot of Parrano, who was the father of many servants of God. Blessed Isnardo da Chiampo, Dominican priest At Pavia, Blessed Isnardo da Chiampo, priest of the Order of Preachers, who founded a convent of his Order in this city. Blessed Andrea Gallerani, founder of the Confraternity of Mercy At Siena, Blessed Andrea Gallerani, who attentively visited and consoled the sick and afflicted and gathered the Brothers of Mercy so that, as laymen without vows, they could serve the poor and the sick. Blessed Giovanni Buralli da Parma, Franciscan priest At Camerino in the Marches, Blessed Giovanni Buralli da Parma, priest of the Order of Minor, whom Pope Innocent IV sent as legate to the Greeks, to try to re-establish their communion with the Latins. Blessed Sibillina Biscossi, virgin At Pavia, Blessed Sibillina Biscossi, virgin, who, having been blind from the age of twelve, lived for sixty-five years in seclusion at the church of the Order of Preachers, illuminating with her interior light the many who turned to her. Blessed Marco da Montegallo, Franciscan priest At Vicenza, Blessed Marco da Montegallo, priest of the Order of Minor, who created the work called Monte di Pietà to assist the needs of the poor. Blessed Narcyz Turchan, Franciscan priest and martyr at Dachau Near Munich in Germany, Blessed Narcyz Turchan, priest of the Order of Friars Minor and martyr, who, from Poland, oppressed by a nefarious regime, was deported for his faith to the Dachau detention camp, where he died under the torture. Blessed Marcel Callo, martyr at Mauthausen At Mauthausen in Austria, Blessed Marcel Callo, martyr, who, as a young man originally from Rennes in France, during the war comforted his fellow prisoners exhausted by forced labour with a Christian spirit in the faith and was killed for this in the extermination camp. |
March 20 | Saint Archippus, companion of Saint Paul the apostle Commemoration of Saint Archippus, companion of the blessed Apostle Paul, who remembers him in the Letters to Philemon and the Colossians. Saints Paul, Cyril, Eugene and 4 companions, martyrs At Antioch of Syria, today in Türkiye, Saints Paul, Cyril and others, martyrs. Saint Urbice, bishop of Metz At Metz in Gallia Belgica, in present-day France, Saint Urbice, bishop. Saint Martinho, bishop of Braga At Braga in Portugal, Saint Martinho, bishop, who, originally from Pannonia, first had the see of Dume and then that of Braga; due to his zeal and his preaching the Swabians, having abandoned the Arian heresy, embraced the Catholic faith. Saint Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne On the island of Farne in Northumbria, in present-day England, transitus of Saint Cuthbert, bishop of Lindisfarne, who shone in his pastoral ministry for the same diligence previously shown in the monastery and in the hermitage, and peacefully harmonised austerity and lifestyle of the Celts with Roman customs. Saint Wulfran, bishop of Sens In the monastery of Fontenelle in Neustria, France, deposition of Saint Wulfran, who, at first as a monk and then bishop of Sens, dedicated himself to giving the Frisian people the announcement of the Gospel; finally returning to the monastery of Fontenelle, he rested there in peace. Saint Nicetas, bishop of Apollonias Commemoration of Saint Nicetas, bishop of Pojani in Macedonia, who was sent into exile by Emperor Leo the Armenian because of the cult of sacred images. 20 holy martyrs of Mar Saba Monastery in Palestine In the monastery of Mar Saba in Palestine, martyrdom of the twenty holy monks, who during an incursion by the Saracens died suffocated by smoke in the church of the Mother of God. Blessed Ambrogio Sansedoni, Dominican priest At Siena, Blessed Ambrogio Sansedoni, priest of the Order of Preachers, who was a disciple of Saint Albert the Great and, although a man versed in doctrine and preaching, showed himself at the same time simple towards everyone. Saint John of Nepomuk, priest and martyr at Prague At Prague in Bohemia, Saint John of Nepomuk, priest and martyr, who in defending the Church suffered many insults from King Wenceslas IV and, subjected to torture and torture, was finally thrown while still alive into the Vltava river. Blessed Battista Spagnoli, Carmelite priest At Mantua, Blessed Battista Spagnoli, priest of the Carmelite Order, who promoted peace between the princes and reformed the Order of which, against his will, he was placed at the head by will of Pope Leo X. Blessed Ippolito Galantini, founder of the Congregation of Saint Francis of Christian Doctrine At Florence, Blessed Ippolito Galantini, who founded the Society of Christian Doctrine and worked assiduously for the catechetical education of children and simple people. Blessed Jeanne Veron, virgin of the Sisters of Charity of Our Lady, martyr of France At Ernée in the territory of Mayenne in France, Blessed Jeanne Veron, virgin and martyr, who dedicated herself to the care of children and the sick and was pierced with the sword during the French Revolution for having hidden priests from the persecutors. Blessed Francisco de Jesús María y José Palau y Quer, Discalced Carmelite priest, founder of the Institute of the Sisters of Missionary Carmelites At Tarragona in Spain, Blessed Francisco de Jesús María y José Palau y Quer, priest of the Order of Discalced Carmelites, who during his ministry suffered atrocious harassment and, unjustly accused, was relegated to the island of Ibiza, where he died abandoned to himself. Saint María Josefa del Corazón de Jesús Sancho de Guerra, virgin, founder of the Servants of Jesus of Charity At Bilbao in Gascony in Spain, Saint María Josefa del Corazón de Jesús Sancho de Guerra, virgin, founder of the Congregation of the Sister Servants of Jesus, whom she trained above all to care for the sick and the poor. Saint Józef Bilczewski, archbishop of Lviv At Lviv in Ukraine, Saint Józef Bilczewski, bishop, who with great ardour of charity worked for the building of customs and the doctrinal training of the clergy and people of the Latin rite and, in times of war, supported with every means and care to the needs of the poor and needy. |
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