Day | Eulogies |
May 1 | Saint Joseph the Worker Saint Joseph the Worker, who, as a carpenter from Nazareth, provided with his work for the needs of Mary and Jesus and initiated the Son of God to work among men. Thus, on the day when the feast of labour is celebrated in many parts of the earth, Christian workers venerate him as an example and patron. Saint Jeremiah, prophet Commemoration of Saint Jeremiah, prophet, who, in the time of Joiakim and Zedekiah, kings of Judah, foretelling the destruction of the Holy City and the deportation of the people, suffered many persecutions; for this reason the Church saw in him the figure of the suffering Christ. He also foretold the fulfilment of the new and everlasting Covenant in Jesus Christ, by which the almighty Father would write his law in the depths of the hearts of the children of Israel, so that he would be their God and they would be his people. Saint Andéol, martyr at Viviers In the territory of Viviers in France, Saint Andéol, martyr. Saints Torcuato, bishop of Guadix, Tesifonte, bishop of Verja, Segundo, bishop of Ávila, Indaletio, bishop of Torre de Villaricos, Cecilio, bishop of Elvira, Hesiquio, bishop of Rocadillo, and Eufrasio, bishop of Andujar del Vejo, the Seven Apostolic Men of Spain, martyrs In southern Spain, commemoration of the Saints Torcuato, bishop of Guadix and six other bishops of different cities: Tesifonte, Segundo, Indaletio, Cecilio, Hesiquio and Eufrasio. Saint Amâtre, bishop of Auxerre At Auxerre in France, Saint Amâtre, bishop, who worked to eradicate pagan superstitions from his city and established the cult of the holy martyrs there. Saint Orens, bishop of Auch and martyr At Auch in the region of Aquitaine, France, Saint Orens, bishop, who tried to eradicate pagan customs from his city and pacify the Romans with the Visigothic king of Toulouse. Saint Brieuc, bishop and abbot of Bretagne in France In Brittany, in France, Saint Brieuc, bishop and abbot, who, born in Wales, founded a monastery on the Breton coast, which was later granted the dignity of an episcopal seat. Saint Sigismund, king of Burgundy, martyr At Saint-Maurice-en-Valais in Rhaetia, in present-day Switzerland, deposition of Saint Sigismund, who, as king of the Burgundians, converted from the Arian heresy to the Catholic faith, established in this place a choir of monks who continuously sang hymns before the tomb of the martyrs, atoned for the crime committed with penance, tears and fasting, and died in the territory of Orléans, drowned by his adversaries in a well. Saint Marcoul, hermit On the island of Nanteuil in Brittany, Saint Marcoul, hermit, later monk and abbot of that monastery. Saint Asaph, bishop abbot of Llanelwy At Llanelwy in Wales, Saint Asaph, abbot and bishop of the see later named after him. Saint Arey, bishop of Gap At Gap in Provence in France, Saint Arey, bishop, famous for his patience in adversity, for his zeal against the simoniacs and for his charity towards the Roman monks sent to England. Saint Théodard, bishop of Narbonne In the territory of Montauban in Gallia Narbonensis, in present-day France, transitus of Saint Théodard, bishop of Narbonne, who restored his cathedral and distinguished himself for his fervour in discipline; falling ill, he retired to a monastery, where he surrendered his soul to God. Saint Aldebrando, bishop of Fossombrone At Fossombrone in the Marches, Saint Aldebrando, bishop, distinguished for his austerity of life and apostolic spirit. Blessed Mafalda, virgin At Arouca in Portugal, Blessed Mafalda, virgin, who, as daughter of King Sancho I, having rejected her marriage due to invalidity, became a nun and introduced the Cistercian reform into her monastery. Saint Vivaldo da San Gimignano Stricchi, hermit of the Third Order of Saint Francis Near Montaione in Tuscany, Saint Vivaldo da San Gimignano Stricchi, hermit of the Third Order of Saint Francis, distinguished for his austerity of life, patience and charity in caring for the sick. Blessed Julijan iz Bala Cesarello, Franciscan priest At Castello di Valle d’Istria, Blessed Julijan iz Bala Cesarello, priest of the Order of Minor, who went around villages and squares, sowing the word of God and trying to pacify the city factions. Saint Pellegrino Laziosi, Servite religious At Forlì, Saint Pellegrino Laziosi, religious of the Order of the Servants of Mary, who, in line with his condition as a servant of the Mother of God, shone in his devotion towards her Son Jesus and in his concern for the poor. Blessed Pétronille, virgin, Clarisse abbess At Moncel in the territory of Beauvais in France, Blessed Pétronille, virgin, first abbess of the local Poor Clares monastery. Birth of Saint Pius V, pope At Rome, the anniversary of the death of Saint Pius V, pope, whose memorial is celebrated the day before this. Saint Augustin Schoeffler, Paris Foriegn Missions priest and martyr of Vietnam Near the fortress of Son-Tâi in Tonkin, now Vietnam, Saint Augustin Schoeffler, priest of the Society for Foreign Missions of Paris and martyr, who, thrown into prison after having exercised his ministry for three years, on the order of Emperor Tu Duc, in the field of Nam Mu, obtained by beheading the grace of martyrdom, which he had asked God every day. Saint Jean-Louis Bonnard, priest of Paris Foreign Missions, martyr of Vietnam Near the city of Nam Định, also in Tonkin, Saint Jean-Louis Bonnard, priest of the same Society and martyr, who, condemned to death for having baptised twenty-five children, also received the crown of martyrdom by beheading. Saint Richard Pampuri, Hospitaller religious At Milan, Saint Richard Pampuri, who at first practised the profession of doctor with generosity around the world and then entered the Order of Saint John of God, after about two years rested in peace in the Lord. Blessed Klymentii Sheptyts’kyi, priest and martyr in Russia At the city of Vladimir in Russia, Blessed Klymentii Sheptyts’kyi, priest and martyr, who was prior of the Studite monastery at the town of Univ and, in the time when a regime hostile to God was in force, by persevering in faith deserved to reach the heavenly abode. |
May 2 | Saint Athanasius, bishop of Alexandria of Egypt and doctor of the Church Memorial of Saint Athanasius, bishop and doctor of the Church, of outstanding holiness and doctrine, who at Alexandria of Egypt from the time of Constantine to Emperor Valens fought strenuously for the right faith and suffered many conspiracies by the Arians, was repeatedly sent into exile; finally returning to the Church entrusted to him, after having struggled and suffered much with heroic patience, in the forty-sixth year of his priesthood he rested in the peace of Christ. Saints Exuperius and Zoe, husband and wife, and their children Cyriac and Theodulus, martyrs At Antalya in Pamphylia, in present-day Türkiye, the holy martyrs Exuperius and Zoe, married couple, and their sons Cyriac and Theodulus, who, as it is related, under the emperor Hadrian, being slaves of a pagan, by order of their own master, all were first beaten and cruelly tortured for having openly professed the Christian faith; at last, thrown into a fiery oven, they surrendered their souls to God. Saint Félix, deacon and martyr in Spain At Seville in Andalusia in Spain, Saint Félix, deacon and martyr. Saints Vindemialis and Longinus, bishops and martyrs Commemoration of the holy martyrs Vindemialis, bishop of Gafsa in Numidia, in present-day Tunisia, and Longinus in Mauritania, now in Algeria, who, for having opposed the Arians in the Council of Carthage, were condemned by the Vandal king Hunneric to beheading. Saint Valbert, abbot At Luxeuil in Burgundy, France, Saint Valbert, abbot. Saint Wiborada, virgin and martyr at Sankt Gallen In the territory of San Gallo in present-day Switzerland, Saint Wiborada, virgin and martyr, who, having retired to a small cell near the church of San Magnus, provided for the needs of the people, and for her faith and her condition as a religious died at the hands of the invading Hungarians. Blessed Nils Hermansson, bishop of Linköping At Linköping in Sweden, Blessed Nils Hermansson, bishop, who, severe with himself, dedicated himself entirely to his Church and to the poor and welcomed the relics of Saint Bridget with honour. Saint Antonino, Dominican, bishop of Florence At Florence, Saint Antonino, bishop, who, after having worked for the reform of the Order of Preachers, committed himself to vigilant pastoral care, shining for holiness, rigour and goodness of doctrine. Blessed William Tirry, Augustinian priest and martyr of Ireland At Clonmel in Ireland, Blessed William Tirry, priest of the Order of Friars of Saint Augustine and martyr under the regime of Oliver Cromwell for his loyalty to the Church of Rome. Saint Giuse Nguyễn Văn Lựu, catechist and martyr of Vietnam At the city of Vinh Long in Conchinchina, now Vietnam, Saint Giuse Nguyễn Văn Lựu, martyr, who, as farmer and catechist, offered himself spontaneously in exchange for the priest Peter Luu wanted by the soldiers and died in prison under Emperor Tu Duc. Saint José María Rubio y Peralta, Jesuit priest At the city of Aranjuez in New Castile in Spain, Saint José María Rubio y Peralta, priest of the Society of Jesus, who distinguished himself in listening to penitents, preaching spiritual exercises and visiting the poor in the Madrid area. Blessed Bolesław Strzelecki, priest and martyr at Auschwitz In the prison camp of Auschwitz near Krakow in Poland, Blessed Bolesław Strzelecki, priest and martyr, who, while the war was raging, was put in prison for his faith, where under torture he received the crown of glory. |
May 3 | Saints Philip and James, apostles Feast of Saints Philip and James, apostles. Philip, born in Bethsaida like Peter and Andrew and being a disciple of John the Baptist, was called by the Lord to follow him; James, son of Alphaeus, called the Just, considered by the Latins to be the brother of the Lord, was the first to rule the Church of Jerusalem and, during the controversy over circumcision, he adhered to Peter’s proposal not to impose that ancient yoke on the disciples converted from paganism, finally crowning his apostolate with martyrdom. Saints Timothy and Maura, martyrs At Antinoe in the Thebaid in Egypt, Saints Timothy and Maura, martyrs. Saints Evenzio, Alessandro and Teodulo, martyrs At Rome, on the seventh mile of Via Nomentana, Saints Evenzio, Alessandro and Teodulo, martyrs. Saint Giovenale, first bishop of Narni At Narni in Umbria, Saint Giovenale, venerated as the first bishop of this city. Saint Conleth, bishop of Kildare At Kildare in Ireland, Saint Conleth, bishop, who was Saint Bridget’s companion in the spiritual care of her monastery and of the others placed under her jurisdiction and had great authority with the local prelates. Saint Pietro, bishop of Argos At Argos in Greece, Saint Pietro, bishop, who worked with great charity for the poor and slaves and for the faith incessantly provided for the settlement of every disagreement. Saint Ansfried, bishop of Utrecht In the monastery of Fohorst in Flanders, in the territory of present-day Belgium, transitus of Saint Ansfried, bishop of Utrecht, who, struck by blindness, retired to this place. Saint Theodosius, abbot of Kyiv At Kyiv in present-day Ukraine, Saint Theodosius, abbot, who founded the Monastery of the Caves, in which, as is said, he began the cenobitic life in this region. Blessed Emilia Bicchieri, Dominican virgin At Vercelli, Blessed Emilia Bicchieri, virgin of the Order of Saint Dominic, who, although appointed prioress several times, carried out the humblest domestic services with joy of spirit among her sisters. Saint Stanisław Kazimierczyk, priest and canon regular At Kazimierz in Poland, Saint Stanisław Kazimierczyk, priest and canon regular, who, moved by pastoral charity, was a diligent minister of the word of God, teacher of spiritual life and sought-after confessor. Blessed Edoardo Giuseppe Rosaz, bishop of Susa, founder of the Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Susa At Susa in Piedmont, Blessed Edoardo Giuseppe Rosaz, bishop, who for twenty-five years held the apostolic care of the people entrusted to him, and above all of the poor, and founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Third Order of Saint Francis. Saint Marie-Léonie Paradis, virgin, founder of the Poor Sisters of the Holy Family At the city of Sherbrooke in Quebec, Canada, Saint Marie-Léonie Paradis, virgin, who founded the Congregation of the Little Sisters of the Holy Family to assist priests in their work and ordinary life. |
May 4 | Saints Agapius and Secondinus, bishops, Emilian, Tertulla and Antonia, martyrs At Constantine in Numidia, in present-day Algeria, commemoration of the holy martyrs Agapius and Secondinus, bishops, who, during the persecution of the emperor Valerian, in which the ferocity of the pagans was unleashed, testing the faith of the just, after a long exile in this city from distinguished priests became glorious martyrs. Together with them, the saints Emilian, soldier, Tertulla and Antonia, sacred virgins, and a woman with her twins also suffered martyrdom. Saint Antonina, martyr At Nicaea in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Antonina, martyr, who, cruelly tortured and subjected to various tortures, after being hung for three days and locked up in prison for two years, was finally burnt in the fire by the governor Priscillian while professed her faith in the Lord. Saint Florian, martyr at Lorch At Lorch in Noricum, in present-day Germany, Saint Florian, martyr, who under Emperor Diocletian, by order of the governor Aquilinus, was thrown from a bridge into the river Ens with a stone tied around his neck. Saint Silvanus, bishop of Gaza, and 39 companions, martyrs In the mines of Phaeno in Palestine, passion of the holy martyrs Silvanus, bishop of Gaza, and thirty-nine companions, who, condemned to forced labour, in the same persecution, by mandate of Caesar Maximinus Daia, received the crown of martyrdom with decapitation. Blessed Władysław z Gielniowa, Franciscan priest At Warsaw in Poland, Blessed Władysław z Gielniowa, priest of the Order of Minor, who preached the Passion of the Lord with extraordinary zeal and celebrated it with pious hymns. Saints John Houghton, Robert Lawrence and Augustine Webster, Carthusian priors, Richard Reynolds, Bridgettine, and Blessed John Haile, priests and martyrs of England At London in England, holy martyr priests John Houghton, Robert Lawrence and Augustine Webster, priors of the London, Bellavalle and Haxholmie charterhouses, and Richard Reynolds, of the Order of Saint Bridget, who, having fearlessly professed the faith of the fathers, under King Henry VIII were dragged to Tyburn to be quartered. Together with them, Blessed John Haile, priest, parish priest of Isleworth, a suburb of the city, was hanged on the same gallows. Blessed Jean-Martin Moyë, Paris Foreign Missions priest, founder of the Sisters of Providence At Trier in Germany, Blessed Jean-Martin Moyë, priest of the Society for Foreign Missions in Paris, who instituted the Sisters of Providence in Lorraine and the virgin teachers in China and, expelled from his homeland during the French Revolution, always showed himself animated by true zeal for souls. |
May 5 | Saint Jovinien, lector and martyr At Auxerre in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Jovinien, lector and martyr. Saint Euthymius, deacon and martyr At Alexandria of Egypt, Saint Euthymius, deacon and martyr. Saint Maximus, bishop of Jerusalem Commemoration of Saint Maximus, bishop of Jerusalem, who, after having had his eye gouged out and his foot burned with a burning iron, was condemned by Caesar Maximinus Daia to forced labour; then left free, he was placed at the head of the Church of Jerusalem, where, having become famous for his glorious confession of faith, he rested in peace. Saint Britto, bishop of Trier At Trier in Gallia Belgica, in present-day Germany, Saint Britto, bishop, who defended his flock from the Priscillianist heresy, but tried in vain together with Saints Ambrose of Milan and Martin of Tours to oppose the ferocity of those who wanted the death of Priscillian and his followers. Saint Hilaire, bishop of Arles At Arles in Provence, Saint Hilaire, bishop, who, promoted against his will from the hermitage of Lérins to the episcopate, working with his hands, wearing a single tunic both in summer and winter and always going on foot, made visible to all his love for poverty; dedicated to prayer, fasting and vigils, he worked tirelessly in the ministry of the word, revealed God’s mercy to sinners, welcomed orphans and promptly allocated all the money collected from the city’s basilicas to the ransom of prisoners. Saint Nicétas, bishop of Vienne At Vienne in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Nicétas, bishop. Saint Geronzio, bishop of Milan At Milan, Saint Geronzio, bishop. Saint Maurand, deacon and abbot At Marchiennes in Gallia Belgica, now in France, Saint Maurand, abbot and deacon, disciple of Saint Amandus. Saint Sacerdos, abbot and later bishop of Limoges At Limoges in the region of Aquitaine, France, Saint Sacerdos, who was at first a monk and abbot, then a bishop, and finally chose to lead a monastic life. Saint Gottardo, bishop of Hildesheim At Hildesheim in Saxony in Germany, Saint Gottardo, bishop, who, as the first abbot of the monastery of Niederaltaich, visited and established other monasteries; then, having succeeded Saint Bernard in this episcopal see, he worked for the good of his Church, re-established the observance of religious discipline among the clergy and opened schools. Saint Leo, hermit in Calabria In Calabria, Saint Leo, hermit, who dedicated himself to contemplation and good works for the poor and died in Áfrico near Reggio in the monastery he himself founded. Saint Avertin, deacon At Vençay near Tours in France, Saint Avertin, deacon, who, having followed Saint Thomas Becket into exile, who returned after his killing in Vençais, led a hermitic life there. Saint Angelo, Carmelite priest and martyr At Licata in Sicily, Saint Angelo, priest of the Carmelite Order and martyr. Blessed Benvenuto Mareni da Recanati, Franciscan religious At Recanati in the Marches, Blessed Benvenuto Mareni da Recanati, religious of the Order of Minor. Saint Nunzio Sulprizio, orphan At Naples, Saint Nunzio Sulprizio, who, orphaned, suffering from gangrene in one leg and weak in body, endured everything with a serene and joyful spirit; he took care of everyone, benevolently consoled his fellow sufferers and, despite his poverty, tried to alleviate the misery of the poor in every way. Blessed Caterina Cittadini, virgin, founder of the Ursuline Religious of Somasca At Somasca near Bergamo, Blessed Caterina Cittadini, virgin, who, orphaned from childhood, was a humble and wise educator; she dedicated herself with commitment to the education of poor girls and the teaching of Christian doctrine, for this reason founding the Institute of the Ursuline Sisters of Somasca. Blessed Grzegorz Frąckowiak, Verbite religious and martyr of Germany At Dresden in Germany, Blessed Grzegorz Frąckowiak, religious of the Society of the Divine Word and martyr, who, thrown into prison during the war, died for Christ with a blow of the axe. |
May 6 | Saint Lucius, prophet and doctor of Antioch Commemoration of Saint Lucius of Cyrene, who in the Acts of the Apostles is counted among the prophets and doctors of the Church in Antioch. Saints Marianus, lector, and James, deacon, martyrs At Lambaesis in Numidia, in present-day Algeria, the holy martyrs Marianus, lector, and James, deacon: the first had already for some time survived the vexations of the persecution of Decius unscathed for confessing faith in Christ; arrested again together with his beloved companion, both, after cruel tortures, comforted by divine grace, died together with many others pierced with the sword. Saint Venerio, bishop of Milan At Milan, Saint Venerio, bishop, who, as disciple and deacon of Saint Ambrose, sent clerics to aid the bishops of Africa and took care of Saint John Chrysostom while he was in exile. Saint Benedetta, virgin at Rome At Rome, Saint Benedetta, virgin, who, as a nun, as Pope Gregory the Great tells us, found peace in God, as she herself had asked for, thirty days after the death of Saint Galla, by whom she was loved more than all the others. Saint Eadberht, bishop of Lindisfarne At Lindisfarne in Northumbria, in present-day England, Saint Eadberht, bishop, who succeeded Saint Cuthbert and shone for his knowledge of the Scriptures, his observance of divine precepts and above all his generosity in almsgiving. Saint Peter Nolasco, priest At Barcelona in Spain, Saint Peter Nolasco Nolasque, priest, who, together with Saint Raymond of Penyafort and James I, king of Aragon, is believed to have founded the Order of the Blessed Mary of Mercy for the redemption of slaves; during the domination of the infidels he worked hard with effort and dedication to re-establish peace and free Christians from the yoke of slavery. Blessed Bartolomeo Pucci-Franceschi, Franciscan priest At Montepulciano in Tuscany, Blessed Bartolomeo Pucci-Franceschi, priest of the Order of Minor, who, having left his wife, children and all his possessions for the love of God, became a poor man of Christ. Blesseds Edward Jones and Anthony Middleton, priests and martyrs of England At London in England, Blesseds Edward Jones and Anthony Middleton, priests and martyrs, who under Queen Elizabeth I for their priesthood were hanged on the gallows at the doors of their homes and then cut to pieces with the sword. Saint François de Laval de Montmorency, first bishop of Québec At Quebec City in Canada, Saint François de Laval de Montmorency, bishop, who established the episcopal see in this city and for about fifty years dedicated himself wholeheartedly to consolidating and growing the Church in a large area of North America up to to the Gulf of Mexico. Blessed Maria Caterina di Santa Rosa da Viterbo, virgin, founder of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Heart of Mary At Cairo in Egypt, Blessed Maria Caterina di Santa Rosa da Viterbo Troiani, virgin of the Third Order of Saint Francis, who, sent from Italy to Egypt, founded the new family of the Franciscan Missionary Sisters there. Blessed Anna Rosa Gattorno Custo, widow, founder of the Daughters of Saint Anne At Rome, Blessed Anna Rosa Gattorno Custo, religious, who, as mother of family, remaining a widow, consecrated herself entirely to the Lord and to her neighbour and established the Daughters of Saint Anne Mother of Mary Immaculate, working in every way for the sick, the infirm and abandoned childhood, in whose faces she contemplated the poor Christ. Blesseds Henryk Kaczorowski and Kazimierz Witold Gostyński, priests and martyrs at Dachau Near Munich in Germany, Blesseds Henryk Kaczorowski and Kazimierz Witold Gostyński, priests and martyrs, who, deported during the military occupation of Poland by persecutors of human dignity, in the prison camp of Dachau in a gas chamber lost their lives for faith in Christ. |
May 7 | Saint Domitilla, martyr At Rome, commemoration of Saint Domitilla, martyr, who, as nephew of the consul Flavio Clemente, accused during the persecution of Domitian of having denied the pagan gods, was deported together with some others to the island of Ponza for her testimony of faith in Christ where she consumed a long martyrdom. Saints Flavius and 4 companions, martyrs At Nicomedia in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Saints Flavius and four companions, martyrs. Saint Céneri, deacon and monk Near Le Mans in France, Saint Céneri, monk and deacon, who, after visiting the tombs of Saints Martin of Tours and Julian of Le Mans, spent his life in solitude and austerity. Saint John, first bishop of Hexham and later York At Beverley in Northumbria, in present-day England, transitus of Saint John, bishop of Hexham and then of York, who associated his pastoral commitment to personal prayer and, having resigned his office, lived for the rest of his life as a monk in monastery which he himself founded in this place. Blessed Gisela of Hungary, widow In the monastery of Niedernburg in Bavaria, Germany, Blessed Gisela of Hungary, who, married to Saint Stephen, king of Hungary, helped her husband in the work of propagating the faith and, after his death, stripped herself of all her possessions and went into exile from the kingdom, retiring to this monastery, of which she was later abbess. Saint Anthony, hermit of Ukraine At Kyiv in present-day Ukraine, Saint Anthony, hermit, who continued in the Monastery of the Caves the monastic life that he had learned on Mount Athos. Blessed Alberto di Villa d’Ogna, Dominican tertiary At Cremona, Blessed Alberto di Villa d’Ogna, farmer, who patiently endured his wife’s reproaches for his excessive generosity towards the poor and, having left the fields, lived in poverty as a friar of the Penance of Saint Dominic. Saint Rosa Venerini, virgin, founder of Maestre Pie Venerini At Rome, Saint Rosa Venerini, virgin of Viterbo, who together with her Religious Teachers opened the first schools in Italy for the education of female youth. Saint Agostino Roscelli, priest, founder of the Sisters of Mary Immaculate of Genova At Genoa, Saint Agostino Roscelli, priest, who established the Congregation of the Sisters of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary for the education of girls. |
May 8 | Saint Victor Maurus, martyr at Milan At Milan, commemoration of Saint Victor Maurus, martyr, who, of Moorish origin, while being a soldier in the imperial army, when forced by Maximian to sacrifice to idols, laid down his weapons and, taken to Lodi, died beheaded by the sword. Saint Agathius, soldier and martyr At Byzantium, Saint Agathius, soldier, martyr. Saint Hellade, bishop of Auxerre At Auxerre in Gallia Lugdunensis, France, Saint Hellade, bishop. Saint Arsenius, hermit Near Mount Scete in Egypt, Saint Arsenius, who was, according to tradition, deacon of the Church of Rome; having retired to a solitary life in the time of Emperor Theodosius, full of every virtue he gave up his spirit to God. Saint Gibrian, priest and pilgrim In the territory of Châlons in France, Saint Gibrian, priest, who, coming from Ireland, was a pilgrim for Christ in France. Saint Désiré, bishop of Bourges At Bourges in the region of Aquitaine, France, Saint Désiré, bishop, who was at first keeper of the king’s seals and endowed this Church with relics of the martyrs. Saint Martin, priest and abbot at Saujon At Saujon in the territory of Saintes also in France, Saint Martin, priest and abbot. Saint Boniface IV, pope At Rome at Saint Peter’s, Saint Boniface IV, pope, who transformed the temple of the Pantheon obtained from the emperor Phocas into a church and dedicated it to God in honour of the Blessed Mary and all the martyrs; he was full of merits also with regard to the monastic life. Saint Benedict II, pope Also at Rome, Saint Benedict II, pope, who was a lover of poverty, humble and meek and shone with patience and almsgiving. Saint Metrone, hermit at Verona At Verona, Saint Metrone, hermit, who is said to have led an austere life of penance. Saint Wiro, missionary At Roermond on the Meuse in Brabant in Austrasia, in the territory of the present-day Netherlands, Saint Wiro, who together with his companions Plechelm and Otger is believed to have worked for the evangelisation of this region. Saint Amato Ronconi, Hospitaller religious At Saludecio, today in Romagna, Saint Amato Ronconi, famous for his spirit of hospitality and assistance to pilgrims. Blessed Angelo da Massaccio, Camaldolese priest and martyr in Italy In the monastery of Santa Maria della Serra in the Marches, Blessed Angelo da Massaccio, priest of the Camaldolese Order and martyr, staunch defender of the observance of the Lord’s Day. Blessed Luigi Rabatà, Carmelite priest At Randazzo in Sicily, Blessed Luigi Rabatà, priest of the Carmelite Order, very faithful in obedience to the rule and a shining example of charity towards enemies. Blessed Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin de Simon de Longpré, virgin of the Hospitallers of Mercy of Saint Augustine In Quebec in Canada, Blessed Marie-Catherine de Saint-Augustin de Simon de Longpré, virgin of the Hospitaller Sisters of Mercy of the Order of Saint Augustine, who, dedicated to the care of the sick, distinguished herself in giving them hope and consolation. Blessed Ulrika Nisch, virgin of the Sisters of Charity of the Holy Cross In the territory of Hegne in Baden in Germany, Blessed Ulrika Nisch, virgin, of the Sisters of Charity of the Holy Cross, who in the humblest services, especially in the duties of assistant cook, proved to be a tireless handmaid of the Lord. Blessed Antonin Bajewski, Conventual Franciscan priest and martyr at Auschwitz In the extermination camp of Auschwitz near Krakow in Poland, Blessed Antonin Bajewski, priest of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual and martyr, who, during the raging war, cruelly tortured in prison for his faith attained the glory of God. |
May 9 | Saint Isaiah, prophet Commemoration of Saint Isaiah, prophet, who, in the days of Uzziah, Jotam, Ahaz and Hezekiah, Kings of Judah, was sent to reveal the faithfulness and salvation of the Lord to the unfaithful and sinful people in fulfilment of God’s promise to David. Among the Jews it is said that he died a martyr under King Manasseh. Saint Hermes, disciple of Saint Paul Commemoration of Saint Hermes, mentioned by Saint Paul the Apostle in the Letter to the Romans. Saint Pachomius, abbot In the Thebaid in Egypt, Saint Pachomius, abbot, who, still as a pagan, driven by a gesture of Christian charity towards his fellow soldiers detained with him, converted to Christianity, receiving the monastic habit from the anchorite Palaemon; after seven years, by divine inspiration, he established many monasteries to welcome brothers and wrote a rule for the monks that became famous. 310 holy martyrs of Persia In Persia, three hundred and ten holy martyrs. Saint Denys, bishop of Vienne At Vienne in Gallia Lugdunensis, France, Saint Denys, bishop. Saint Geronzio, bishop of Cervia At Cagli in the Marches on Via Flaminia, transitus of Saint Geronzio, bishop of Cervia, who is said to have been cruelly killed in this place on his return from a synod celebrated at Rome. Saint Bienheuré, priest and hermit At Vendôme along the Loire in France, Saint Bienheuré, priest, who led a hermitic life. Blessed Forte Gabrielli, hermit In the Camaldolese monastery of Fonte Avellana, today in the Marches, Blessed Forte Gabrielli, hermit. Blessed Benincasa da Montepulciano, Servite religious Near the town of Monticchiello in Tuscany, Blessed Benincasa da Montepulciano, religious of the Order of the Servants of Mary, who retired to the cave of Monte Amiata in the Sienese territory, where he led a life of penance. Blessed Thomas Pickering, Benedictine monk, martyr of England At London in England, Blessed Thomas Pickering, martyr, monk of the Order of Saint Benedict, who was a man of sincere simplicity and a very innocent life and, falsely accused of having conspired against King Charles II, climbed the Tyburn gallows with a serene soul to Christ. Saint Giuse Hiên, Dominican priest and martyr of Vietnam At the city of Nam-Dinh in Tonkin, now Vietnam, Saint Giuse Hiên, priest of the Order of Preachers and martyr, who, thrown into prison, continued to convert pagans to Christ and comfort Christians in the faith, until for decree of Emperor Thiệu Trị was beheaded. Blessed Maria Theresia von Jesus Gerhardinger, virgin, founder of the Poor Sisters of Our Lord the Teacher At Munich in Germany, Blessed Maria Theresia von Jesus Gerhardinger, virgin, who founded, with great foresight, the Congregation of the Poor School Sisters of Our Lady. Blessed Stefan Grelewski, priest and martyr at Dachau In the prison camp of Dachau near Munich, Blessed Stefan Grelewski, priest and martyr, who, during the military occupation of Poland in war, exhausted by the cruel tortures inflicted on him in prison by the persecutors of the Church, received the glorious crown of martyrdom. |
May 10 | Saint John of Avila, priest, doctor of the Church Saint John of Avila, priest and doctor of the Church, who wandered all over the Baltic region in Spain preaching Christ and, unjustly suspected of heresy, was thrown into prison, where he wrote the most important part of his spiritual doctrine. Saint Job, prophet Commemoration of Saint Job, a man of admirable patience in the land of Hus. Saint Dioscorides, martyr at Smyrna At Myra in Lycia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Dioscorides, martyr. Saints Alphius, Cyrinus and Philadelphus, martyrs at Lentini At Lentini in Sicily, Saints Alphius, Cyrinus and Philadelphus, martyrs. Saint Gordiano, martyr at Rome At Rome on Via Latina, Saint Gordiano, martyr, who was buried in the crypt, where the relics of Saint Epimachius the martyr had been venerated for some time. Saints Quarto and Quinto, martyrs at Rome At the same place, commemoration of Saints Quarto and Quinto, martyrs. Saint Comgall, founder and the abbot of the monastery of Bangor In Ireland, Saint Comgall, abbot, who founded the famous monastery of Bangor and was a wise father and prudent guide of a large group of monks. Saint Cataldo, bishop of Taranto Near Taranto, Saint Cataldo, bishop and pilgrim, who is believed to have come from Scotland. Saint Solange, virgin and martyr Near Bourges in the Aquitaine region in France, Saint Solange, virgin, is said to have faced her martyrdom to preserve her chastity. Saint William of Æbelholt, priest At Pontoise near Paris in France, Saint William of Æbelholt, priest, who, English by birth, became a parish priest, shone for his zeal towards souls and his spirit of piety. Blessed Beatrice d’Este, virgin At Padua, Blessed Beatrice d’Este, virgin, who founded the monastery of Gemmola on the Euganean hills and, in the short space of her life, followed an arduous path of holiness as a nun. Blessed Niccola Albergati, Carthusian bishop of Bologna, cardinal At Siena, transitus of Blessed Niccola Albergati, bishop of Bologna, who entered the Order of Carthusians as a young man and, having been ordained bishop, greatly benefited the Church with his pastoral commitment and with his apostolic missions. Blessed Ivan Merz, educator At Zagreb in Croatia, Blessed Ivan Merz, who, dedicated to humanistic studies and teaching, gave young people a shining example of an educator rooted in faith in Christ and a lay Christian committed to the progress of society. Blessed Enrico Rebuschini, Camillian priest At Cremona, Blessed Enrico Rebuschini, priest of the Order of Clerics Regular of the Ministers of the Sick, who served the sick in hospitals in simplicity. |
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