Day | Eulogies |
December 1 | Saint Nahum, prophet Commemoration of Saint Nahum, prophet, who preached that God rules the course of time and judges the people in righteousness. Saint Castriziano, bishop of Milan At Milan, Saint Castriziano, bishop. Saint Florence, virgin at Poitiers At Poitiers in Aquitaine, now in France, Saint Florence, virgin, who, converted to the true God by the bishop Saint Hilary exiled in the province of Asia, followed him on his return to his homeland. Saint Léonce, bishop of Fréjus At Fréjus in Provence also in France, Saint Léonce, bishop, who supported the monastic institution of Saint Honoratus on the island of Lérins; to him Saint John Cassian, his friend, dedicated his first ten Conferences. Saint Domnole, bishop of Le Mans At Le Mans in Neustria, now in France, Saint Domnole, bishop, former abbot of the monastery of Saint Lawrence in Paris, famous for his miracles. Saint Airy, bishop of Verdun Near Verdun in Austrasia, in the territory of present-day France, Saint Airy, bishop, who built churches and baptisteries and suffered greatly from King Theodoric for having made his church a place of asylum for fugitives. Saint Éloi, bishop of Noyon At Noyon in Neustria, now in France, Saint Éloi, bishop, who, as goldsmith and adviser to King Dagobert, after having contributed to the foundation of many monasteries and built sepulchral buildings of outstanding art and beauty in honour of the saints, was elevated to the see of Noyon and Tournai, where he devoted himself zealously to apostolic work. Blessed Antonio Bonfadini, Franciscan priest At the town of Cotignola in Emilia, Blessed Antonio Bonfadini, priest of the Order of Friars Minor, who travelled for a long time in many regions of Italy and places in the Holy Land attending the preaching of the word of God. Blessed John Beche, Benedictine priest and martyr of England At Colchester in England, Blessed John Beche, priest of the Order of Saint Benedict and martyr, who, as abbot of the monastery of Saint John, was sentenced to death and delivered to the gallows under King Henry VIII under the pretext of the crime of treason, but in fact for having maintained fidelity to the Roman Pontiff. Saints Edmund Campion, Ralph Sherwin and Alexander Briant, priests and martyrs of England At London also in England, Saints Edmund Campion, Ralph Sherwin and Alexander Briant, priests and martyrs under Queen Elizabeth I, renowned for their talent and fortitude in the faith. Saint Edmund, who had made a profession of Catholic faith from a young age, was admitted to Rome in the Society of Jesus and ordained a priest in Prague, returned to his homeland, where, having worked to comfort the souls of the faithful with his words and his writings, was killed, after much torment, at Tyburn. Together with him, Saints Rudolph and Alexander underwent the same tortures, the second of whom obtained admission to the Society of Jesus in prison. Blessed Richard Langley, martyr of England At York also in England, Blessed Richard Langley, martyr, who, under Queen Elizabeth herself, was sentenced to death and hanged for having given hospitality to some priests. Blessed Kazimierz Tomasz Sykulski, martyr at Auschwitz In the extermination camp of Auschwitz near Krakow in Poland, Blessed Kazimierz Tomasz Sykulski, priest and martyr, who was shot during the war in front of the persecutors of the Church of God for having firmly guarded his faith. Blessed Liduina Meneguzzi, virgin of the Sisters of Saint Francis de Sales At the city of Dire Dawa in Ethiopia, Blessed Liduina Meneguzzi, virgin of the Institute of Saint Francis de Sales, who, having become an authentic mirror of humility and Christian charity, made manifest God’s mercy among the the poor, the sick and the prisoners. Blessed Maria Clementina Anuarite Nengapeta, virgin and martyr of Congo At Isiro in the interior region of the People’s Republic of Congo, Blessed Maria Clementina Anuarite Nengapeta, virgin of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Holy Family and martyr, who, arrested during persecution during the civil war together with other religious, urged them to vigils and prayer and, strongly rejecting the lascivious wishes of the commander of the soldiers, was killed by him for Christ the Bridegroom in an excess of anger. |
December 2 | Saint Habakkuk, prophet Commemoration of Saint Habakkuk, prophet, who before the iniquity and violence of men foretold the judgement of God, but also his mercy, proclaiming: “The just shall live by faith.” Saint Bibiana, martyr at Rome At Rome, Saint Bibiana, martyr, after whose name Pope Saint Simplicius a basilica is named on the Esquiline hill. Saint Pimenio, priest and martyr at Rome Also at Rome in the cemetery of Pontian on Via Portuense, Saint Pimenio, priest and martyr. Saint Cromazio, bishop of Aquileia At Aquileia in Friuli, Saint Cromazio, bishop, who, as a true builder of peace, remedied the condition of the cloisters of Italy destroyed by Alaric and the suffering of the people and, as a wise interpreter of the mysteries of the divine Word, raised minds to higher realities. Saint Silverius, pope and martyr On the island of Palmarola in Liguria, transitus of Saint Silverius, pope and martyr, who, not having wanted to re-establish Anthimus, heretic bishop of Constantinople deposed by his predecessor Saint Agapítus, was deprived of his see and mandate by order of Empress Theodora into exile, where he died after much tribulation. Blessed Jan van Ruusbroec, canon regular In the monastery of Groenendaal near Brussels in Belgium, Blessed Jan van Ruusbroec, priest and canon regular, who expounded admirable teachings on the various degrees of the spiritual life. Blessed María Ángela Astorch Cortey, Clarisse abbess At Murcia in Spain, Blessed María Ángela Astorch Cortey, abbess of the Order of the Poor Clares, who, as a woman of great humility and dedicated to penance, offered both nuns and laypeople benign comfort and advice. Blessed Raffaele Chyliński, Conventual Franciscan priest At Logiewniki in Poland, Blessed Raffaele Chyliński, priest of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual, who in Krakow during the plague visited the sick to assist them piously and prepare them for an honourable and Christian death. Blessed Ivan Sleziuk, bishop eparch of Stanislaviv and martyr of Russia At Ivano-Frankivsk in the Ukraine, Blessed Ivan Sleziuk, bishop and martyr, to whom the Lord gave the palm of eternal life for having tirelessly carried out his ministry among the faithful of the Byzantine Rite in clandestinity under an atheist regime and having courageously maintained to the persecutors firm his faith in Christ. |
December 3 | Saint Francis Xavier, Jesuit priest, apostle of the Indies Memorial of Saint Francis Xavier, priest of the Society of Jesus, evangeliser of the Indies, who, born in Navarre, was among the first companions of Saint Ignatius. Driven by an ardent desire to spread the Gospel, he eagerly announced Christ to countless peoples in India, the Moluccas and others, then in Japan converted many to the faith, and finally died on Shangchuan Island in China, exhausted by disease and fatigue. Saint Zephaniah, prophet Commemoration of Saint Zephaniah, prophet, who in the days of Josiah, king of Judah, foretold the ruin of the wicked in the day of the Lord’s wrath and comforted the poor and the needy in the hope of salvation. Saint Cassian, martyr at Mauritania At Tangier in Mauritania, in present-day Morocco, Saint Cassian, martyr. Saint Birinus, apostle of Wessex, first bishop of Dorchester At Winchester in England, deposition of Saint Birinus, who, sent to lower Britain by Pope Honorius, was the first to hold the seat of Dorchester and divulged the message of salvation among the Western Saxons. Saint Lucius, hermit At Chur in present-day Switzerland, Saint Lucius, hermit. Blessed Edward Coleman, martyr of England At London in England, Blessed Edward Coleman, martyr, who, for accepting the Catholic faith, falsely accused of conspiring against King Charles II, was hanged at Tyburn and disembowelled with the sword while still alive. Blessed Johann Nepomuk von Tschiderer zu Gleitheim, bishop of Trent At Trent, Blessed Johann Nepomuk von Tschiderer zu Gleitheim, bishop, who governed this Church with evangelical ardour of faith and sense of humanity, and in times of misfortune offered an admirable testimony of love for his flock. |
December 4 | Saint John of Damascus, priest and doctor of the Church Saint John of Damascus, priest and doctor of the Church, who shone for holiness and doctrine and fought strenuously with words and writings against Emperor Leo the Isaurian in defence of the cult of sacred images. Becoming a monk in the monastery of Mar Saba near Jerusalem, he devoted himself here to the composition of sacred hymns until his death. His body was deposed on this day. Saint Barbara, virgin and martyr At Nicomedia, commemoration of Saint Barbara, who was, according to tradition, virgin and martyr. Saint Heraclas, bishop of Alexandria of Egypt At Alexandria of Egypt, Saint Heraclas, bishop, who, as a disciple of Origen, as well as his companion and successor in the school, shone with great fame and was elected to lead this see. Saint Meletius, bishop of Sanaklar At Sanaklar in Pontus, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Meletius, bishop, who, already famous for his cultural gifts, was even more famous for his virtues of soul and for his integrity of life. Saint Felice, bishop of Bologna At Bologna, Saint Felice, bishop, who had been deacon of the Church of Milan under Saint Ambrose. Saint Aprus, priest and hermit Near Vienne in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Aprus, priest, who, having left his homeland, built a cell for himself and retired to a life of solitude and penance. Saint Cyran, abbot of Lonrey In the territory of Bourges also in France, Saint Cyran, monk, pilgrim and abbot of Lonrai. Saint Ada, abbess of the monastery of Saint-Marie at Le Mans At Le Mans in Neustria, now in France, Saint Ada, abbess of the monastery of Saint Mary. Saint Sola, priest and hermit In the monastery of Ellwangen in Bavaria, Germany, Saint Sola, priest and hermit. Saint John the Thaumaturgus, bishop of Polybotus At Polybotus in Phrygia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint John the Thaumaturgus, known as the Wonderworker, bishop, who worked a lot, against the opinion of Emperor Leo the Armenian, in favour of the cult of sacred images. Saint Anno, bishop of Cologne In the monastery of Siegburg in the Rhineland, in Germany, Saint Anno, bishop of Cologne, who, as a man of valiant talent, was held in great honour, in the time of Emperor Henry IV, both in the Church and in civil affairs and set his hand to the foundation of many churches and monasteries to increase faith and piety. Saint Osmund, bishop of Salisbury At Salisbury in England, Saint Osmund, bishop, who, having passed together with King William from Normandy to England and then promoted to the episcopate, celebrated the dedication of the cathedral and provided for the administration of his see and the decorum of divine worship. Saint Bernardo degli Uberti, Vallombrosian abbot, cardinal and bishop of Parma At Parma, Saint Bernardo, bishop, who as a monk always dedicated himself to the perfection of life, as a cardinal to the good of the Church and as a bishop to the salvation of souls. Blessed Pier Pettinario, Franciscan tertiary At Siena, Blessed Pier Pettinario, religious of the Third Order of Saint Francis, distinguished for his particular charity towards the needy and the sick and for his life of humility and silence. Blesseds Francisco Gálvez Iranzo, Franciscan priest, Girolamo de Angelis and Simon Enpō, Jesuit religious, martyrs of Japan At Edo in Japan, blessed martyrs Francisco Gálvez Iranzo, priest of the Order of Friars Minor, Girolamo de Angelis, priest, and Simon Enpō, religious, both of the Society of Jesus, burned at the stake in hatred of the faith. Blessed Adolph Kolping, priest At Cologne in Germany, Blessed Adolph Kolping, priest, who, moved by fervent charity for the problems of factory workers and for issues of social justice, founded an association of young workers and spread it to many places. Saint John Calabria, priest, founder of the Poor Servants of Divine Providence At Verona, Saint John Calabria, priest, who founded the Congregation of the Poor Servants and the Poor Sisters Servants of Divine Providence. |
December 5 | Saint Crispina, mother of family and martyr in Numidia At Tebessa in Numidia, in present-day Algeria, the passion of Saint Crispina, mother of family, who, at the time of Diocletian and Maximian, was beheaded by order of the proconsul Anulinus for refusing to sacrifice to idols. Saint Sabas, abbot of Saint Saba Near Jerusalem, Saint Sabas, abbot, who, born in Cappadocia, reached the desert of Judah in Palestine, where he instituted a new form of hermitic life in seven monasteries, which had the name of lavra, in which hermits gathered under the guidance of a single superior; he spent many years in the Great Lavra, later given his name, shining forth as a model of holiness and fighting strenuously in defence of the Chalcedonian faith. Saint Lucido, first abbot of Aquara In the cenoby of Saint Peter of Aquara in Campania, Saint Lucido, monk. Saint Geraldo, bishop of Braga At Braga in Portugal, commemoration of Saint Geraldo, bishop, who shone in the activity of renewal of divine worship, restoration of churches and promotion of ecclesial discipline and died at the locality called Bornos, while carrying out his pastoral visits in a remote region. Blessed Bartolomeo Fanti, Carmelite priest At Mantua, Blessed Bartolomeo Fanti, priest of the Order of Carmelites, who with his words and example kindled in the hearts of the faithful a holy love for God and a filial devotion to Mary his Mother. Saint John Almond, priest and martyr of England At London in England, Saint John Almond, priest and martyr, who for over ten years clandestinely cared for the souls entrusted to him, until under King James I he was hanged at Tyburn as a priest, without even stopping from the gallows to bestow alms. Blessed Niels Stensen, bishop and vicar apostolic of Nordic Missions At Schwerin in the Mecklenburg region in Germany, transitus of Blessed Niels Stensen, bishop of Dindebol, who, of Danish origin, was among the most illustrious researchers of natural sciences of his time; embracing the Catholic faith, eager to serve God in defence of the truth, he became priest and, later ordained bishop, devoted himself zealously to the evangelisation of northern Europe. Blessed Filippo Rinaldi, Salesian priest At Turin, Blessed Filippo Rinaldi, priest of the Salesian Society, who worked to spread the faith in mission lands. Blessed Narcyz Putz, priest and martyr at Dachau Near Munich in Germany, Blessed Narcyz Putz, priest and martyr, who, during the wartime occupation of Poland by a foreign regime, for his perseverance in the faith was imprisoned in the prison camp of Dachau, where he died in atrocious tortures. |
December 6 | Saint Nicholas, archbishop of Myra Saint Nicholas, bishop of Myra in Lycia in present-day Türkiye, famous for his holiness and his intercession at the throne of divine grace. Saint Asella, virgin At Rome, commemoration of Saint Asella, virgin, who, as Saint Jerome writes, spent her life fasting and praying until she was old. Saints Denise, Majoricus and companions, martyrs in Africa In North Africa, commemoration of the holy martyrs of the Vandal persecution, who, under the Arian king Huneric, were subjected to atrocious and innumerable tortures for having defended the Catholic faith; to their group belong the martyrs Denise and Majoricus, her son, who, still as a child, frightened by the tortures, but comforted by the look and words of his mother, became even more courageous than the other companions and made his soul suffer torments. Saint Obizio, penitent At Brescia, Saint Obizio, who, as knight, having converted to God and given himself to a life of penance, distributed his possessions for the good of all. Saint Pedro Pascual, Mercedarian, bishop of Jaén and martyr At Granada in Spain, holy martyr Pedro Pascual, bishop of Jaén, of the Order of Mercy, who, arrested by the Moors while visiting his flock, exhorting the people to defend the faith, died in prison. Saint Giuse Nguyễn Duy Khang, catechist and martyr of Vietnam At the city of Hai Duong in Tonkin, now Vietnam, Saint Giuse Nguyễn Duy Khang, martyr, who, as catechist and travelling companion of the holy bishop Jerónimo Hermosilla, was captured, scourged and kept in prison together with him during the persecution of Emperor Tu Duc and finally beheaded. Blessed Luisa María Frías Cañizares, virgin and martyr of Spain At Picadero de Paterna in the territory of Valencia in Spain, Blessed Luisa María Frías Cañizares, virgin and martyr, who during the persecution against the faith brought back the eternal reward in the fight for the faith. |
December 7 | Saint Ambrose, archbishop of Milan and doctor of the Church Memorial of Saint Ambrose, bishop of Milan and doctor of the Church, who fell asleep in the Lord on April 4, but is venerated in particular on this day on which he received, as a catechumen, the episcopate of this famous see while he was prefect of the city. As a true pastor and teacher of the faithful, he was full of charity towards all, strenuously defended the freedom of the Church and the right doctrine of the faith against Arianism and instructed the people in devotion with commentaries and hymns for singing. Saint Sabino, bishop of Spoleto and martyr At Spoleto in Umbria, Saint Sabino, venerated as bishop and martyr. Saint Athenodorus, martyr in Syria In Syria, Saint Athenodorus, martyr, who, as is handed down, after being tortured by fire and other tortures under Emperor Diocletian and the governor Eleusius, was finally condemned to death, but when his executioner collapsed to the ground and no one else dared to strike him with a sword, fell asleep in the Lord while praying. Saint Urbano, bishop of Teano At Teano in Campania, Saint Urbano, bishop. Saint John the Hesychast, bishop of Colonia in Armenia and hermit In Palestine, Saint John the Hesychast, who, having left the episcopate of Cologne to ancient Armenia, led a monastic life of humble service to his brothers, rigorous solitude and silence in the laurel of Saint Sabas. Saint Burgundofara, abbess At Faremoutiers in the territory of Meaux in France, Saint Burgundofara, abbess, who, after having ruled the monastery for many years, joined the assembly of virgins who follow the Lamb of God. Saint Charles Garnier, Jesuit priest and martyr of Canada In the province of Ontario in Canada, the passion of Saint Charles Garnier, priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr, who, seriously injured during a raid by some pagans while pouring the water of baptism on the catechumens, died with an axe blow. His memorial is celebrated on October 19 together with that of his companions. Saint Maria Giuseppa Rossello, virgin, founder of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy At Savona, Saint Maria Giuseppa Rossello, virgin, who founded the Institute of the Daughters of Our Lady of Mercy and devoted herself fervently to the salvation of souls, trusting only in God. |
December 8 | The Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, who, truly full of grace and blessed among women, in view of the saving birth and death of the Son of God, from the first moment of her conception, by the singular privilege of God, was preserved immune from any stain of original guilt, as solemnly defined by Pope Pius IX as a dogma of faith on the basis of a doctrine of ancient tradition, precisely on the day that occurs today. Saint Macarius, martyr at Alexandria of Egypt At Alexandria of Egypt, commemoration of Saint Macarius, martyr, who, in the time of Emperor Decius, was long invited with words by the judge to deny Christ, but, having professed his faith with even greater firmness, was for his own order burned alive. Saint Eutychian, pope At Rome in the cemetery of Callixtus on Via Appia, the deposition of Saint Eutychian, pope. Saint Eucharius, first bishop of Trier At Trier in Gallia Belgica, in present-day Germany, Saint Eucharius, believed to be the first bishop of this city. Saint Patapios, hermit Commemoration of Saint Patapios, hermit, who, originally from the Thebaid, lived at Constantinople in the Blacherne quarter and was buried in the Egyptian monastery. Saint Romaric, abbot of Remiremont On the Vosges Mountains in ancient Burgundia in France, Saint Romaric, abbot, who, as adviser to King Theudebert, retired to the monastery of Luxeuil and then built a cenoby on its foundations, of which he was himself superior. Saint Thibaut, Cistercian abbot Near Vaux-de-Cernay near Paris, Saint Thibaut, abbot of the Cistercian Order, who served his brothers by carrying out the humblest tasks. Saint Noël Chabanel, Jesuit priest and martyr of Canada In the province of Ontario in Canada, the passion of Saint Noël Chabanel, priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr, who had made a vow to God to remain in his beloved mission among the Hurons until his death and, while walking in the forest together with an apostate, was killed by them in hatred of the faith. His memorial is celebrated on October 19 together with that of his companions. Saint Narcisa de Jesús Martillo Morán, virgin At Lima in Peru, Saint Narcisa de Jesús Martillo Morán, virgin, who, orphaned and deprived of means of subsistence, after many difficulties found acceptance in a cenoby, where she lived in continuous prayer and in harsh penance. Blessed José María Zabal Blasco, father of family and martyr of Spain At the village of Picadero Paterna in the territory of Valencia in Spain, Blessed José María Zabal Blasco, martyr, who, as father of family, during the persecution against the faith won the tortures of martyrdom with fortitude in Christ. Blessed Alojzy Liguda, Verbite priest and martyr at Dachau In the prison camp of Dachau near Munich in Germany, Blessed Alojzy Liguda, priest of the Society of the Divine Word and martyr, who, during the wartime invasion of Poland, slain by prison guards, bore witness to Christ Lord until death. |
December 9 | Saint Juan Diego, visionary of Our Lady of Guadalupe Saint Juan Diego Cuauhtlatoatzin, who, of indigenous origin, endowed with pure faith, with his humility and fervour caused the shrine to be built in honour of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Guadalupe on the Tepeyac Hill near Mexico City, where she appeared to him and he fell asleep in the Lord. Saint Leocadia, virgin and martyr at Toledo At Toledo in Spain, Saint Leocadia, virgin and martyr, famous for her testimony of faith in Christ. Saint Siro, first bishop of Pavia At Pavia, Saint Siro, the first bishop of the city. Saint Gorgonia, mother of family At Nazianzus in Cappadocia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Gorgonia, mother of family, who was the daughter of Saint Nonna and sister of Saints Gregory the Theologian and Caesarius, whose virtues Gregory himself celebrated. Saint Cyprien, abbot of Genouillac In the monastery of Genouillac near Périgueux in France, Saint Cyprien, abbot, distinguished for his dedication to the sick. Blessed Liborius Wagner, priest and martyr in Germany Near the Main River in Bavaria in Germany, Blessed Liborius Wagner, priest and martyr, who, as a man of outstanding charity, crowned with the shedding of blood his pastoral care rendered at the service of both Catholics and separated brethren. Saint Pierre Fourier, priest, founder of the Congregation of Notre Dame of Canonesses Regular of Saint Augustine At Gray in Burgundy, now in France, where he had taken refuge as an exile, transitus of Saint Pierre Fourier, priest, who chose the very poor parish of Mattincourt in Lorraine and took care of it admirably, instituted the Canons Regular of Our Saviour and founded the Institute of the Canonesses Regular of Our Lady to impart a free education to the girls. Blessed Bernardo Maria di Gesù, Passionist priest At Moricone in Sabina in Lazio, Blessed Bernardo Maria di Gesù, priest of the Congregation of the Passion, who, after being elected provost general, worked hard for the growth and diffusion of the Order. Blessed José Ferrer Esteve, Piarist priest and martyr of Spain At the town of Llombay in the territory of Valencia in Spain, Blessed José Ferrer Esteve, priest of the Order of Clerics Regular of the Pious Schools and martyr, shot in hatred of his priesthood. Blesseds Recaredo de los Ríos Fabregat, Julián Rodríguez Sánchez and José Giménez López, Salesian priests and martyrs of Spain At the village of Picadero de Paterna, also in the Valencian area, Blesseds Recaredo de los Ríos Fabregat, Julián Rodríguez Sánchez and José Giménez López, priests of the Salesian Society and martyrs, who, during the persecution against the faith, completed the glorious trial for Christ. |
December 10 | Our Lady of Loreto The Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto, in Italy, whose veneration leads us to contemplate the mystery of the Incarnation of the Word of God for our salvation, teaching us to assent to the Christian vocation with equal spirit. Saint Eulalia, virgin and martyr in Spain At Mérida in Spain, Saint Eulalia, virgin and martyr, who, as is handed down, while still young, did not hesitate to offer her life to bear witness to her faith in Christ. Saint Mauro, child martyr at Rome At Rome in the cemetery of Trasone on Via Salaria Nuova, Saint Mauro, martyr, whom Pope Saint Damasus celebrates as an innocent child, whom no torture could remove from the faith. Saint Gemellus, martyr at Ancyra At Ankara in Galatia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Gemellus, martyr. Saint Gregory III, pope At Rome at Saint Peter’s, Saint Gregory III, pope, who worked to preach the Gospel to the Germans and decorated the churches of the city with sacred images against the iconoclasts. Saint Luca, bishop of Isola In the monastery of Saint Nicholas of Vittorito in Calabria, Saint Luca, bishop of Isola di Capo Rizzuto, who worked tirelessly for the good of the poor and the education of the monks. Saints Edmund Gennings, priest, and Swithun Wells, martyrs of England At London in England, holy martyrs Edmund Gennings, priest, and Swithun Wells, who, sentenced to death during the persecution of Queen Elizabeth I, the former for being a priest, the latter for having given him hospitality, were hanged in front of their houses and tortured to death. Saints Polydore Plasden and Eustace White, priests, Blesseds Brian Lacey, John Mason and Sidney Hodgson, martyrs of England Also at London, Saints Polydore Plasden and Eustace White, priests, and Blesseds Brian Lacey, John Mason and Sidney Hodgson, martyrs, who in the same year suffered the same tortures at Tyburn, some because they entered England as priests, others for having lent them help. Saint John Roberts, Benedictine, and Blessed Thomas Somers (Wilson), priests and martyrs of England Also at Tyburn, nineteen years later, Saint John Roberts, of the Order of Saint Benedict, and Blessed Thomas Somers (Wilson), priests and martyrs, who, being condemned under King James I for their priesthood, were hung on the same gallows together with sixteen criminals. Blessed Marcantonio Durando, Vincentian priest, founder of Nazarean Sisters At Turin, Blessed Marcantonio Durando, priest of the Congregation of the Missions, who in turn founded the Congregation of the Sisters of Jesus of Nazareth for assistance to the sick and abandoned youth. Blessed Gonzalo Viñes Masip, priest and martyrs of Spain At the village of Vallés in the territory of Valencia in Spain, Blessed Gonzalo Viñes Masip, priest and martyr, who, during the persecution, completed the glorious test for Christ. Blesseds Antonio Martín Hernández and Agustín García Calvo, Salesian religious and martyrs of Spain At the village of Picadero de Paterna in the same territory, blessed martyrs Antonio Martín Hernández, priest, and Agustín García Calvo, religious, of the Salesian Society, who in the same persecution received the glorious stole for their faith in Christ. |
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