Day![]() | Eulogies |
March 21 | Saint Serapion the Sindonite, anchorite In Egypt, Saint Serapion the Sindonite, anchorite. Holy martyrs of Alexandria of Egypt on the day of Pentecost Commemoration of the holy martyrs of Alexandria, who, under the emperor Constantius and the prefect Philagrius, while the Arians and pagans burst into the church, were killed on the Friday of the Lord’s Passion. Saint Lupicin, abbot At Lauconne in the territory of Lyon, France, anniversary of Saint Lupicin, abbot, who together with his brother Saint Romanus gave impetus to monastic life on the slopes of the Jura. Saint Enda, abbot In Ireland, Saint Enda, abbot, who founded a monastery on the island of Aran, whose fame was such that it gave the place the name of the Island of the Saints. Birth of Saint Benedict of Norcia, abbot At Montecassino, anniversary of the death of Saint Benedict, abbot, whose memorial is celebrated on July 11. Saint James the Confessor, martyr At Constantinople, passion of Saint James the Confessor, who fought strenuously for the cult of sacred images and ended his life with a glorious martyrdom. Saint Jean, bishop of Valence At Valence in the territory of Vienne in France, Saint Jean, bishop, who, at first as abbot of Bonnevaux, suffered many adversities for the defence of justice and with charity took care of farmers, the poor and merchants ruined by debt. Saint Nicholas of Flüe, hermit On the mountain cliff of Ranft near Sachseln in Switzerland, Saint Nicholas of Flüe: called by divine inspiration to greater works, leaving his wife and ten children, he retired to the mountains to lead a hermitic life; famous for strict rigour of penance and contempt for the world, he left his small cell only once, under the threat of civil war, to reconcile the opposing parties with a brief exhortation. Blesseds Thomas Pilcher, priest, and William Pike, martyrs of England At Dorchester in England, Blessed Thomas Pilcher, priest and martyr: as a cultured and gentle man, during the reign of Elizabeth I he was handed over to the gallows for his priesthood. Together with him we also commemorate Blessed William Pike, martyr, who, as a carpenter, on an unknown date, in the same place and under the same queen was cruelly torn to shreds for having reconciled with the Roman Church. Blessed Matthew Flathers, priest and martyr of England At York also in England, Blessed Matthew Flathers, priest and martyr, who, as a student of the English College of Douai, was torn alive for Christ during the reign of James I. Saint Augustinus Zhao Rong, priest and martyr of China In the province of Sichuan in China, commemoration of Saint Augustinus Zhao Rong, priest and martyr, who, during the persecution, was thrown into prison as a Christian and died on an unspecified day in spring. Saint Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello, founder of the Benedictine Sisters of Providence At Ronco Scrivia in Liguria, Saint Benedetta Cambiagio Frassinello, who spontaneously renounced married life together with her husband and founded the Institute of the Benedictine Sisters of Providence for the Christian education of poor and abandoned young people. |
March 22 | Saint Epaphroditus, disciple of Saint Paul the apostle Commemoration of Saint Epaphroditus, whom Saint Paul the Apostle calls brother and companion in work and struggle. Saint Paul, bishop of Narbonne and martyr At Narbonne on the coast of southern France along Via Domitia, deposition of Saint Paul, bishop and martyr. Saints Callinica and Basilissa, martyrs In Galatia, in present-day Türkiye, Saints Callinica and Basilissa, martyrs. Saint Basil, priest and martyr At Ankara also in Galatia, Saint Basil, priest and martyr, who, throughout the reign of Constantius, forcefully opposed the Arians and later, under Emperor Julian, having prayed to God so that no Christian would fail to faith, was arrested and brought before the governor of the province and, after many torments, achieved his martyrdom. Saint Lea, widow Commemoration of Saint Lea, Roman widow, whose virtues and whose death received the praise of Saint Jerome. Saint Benvenuto degli Scottivoli, bishop of Osimo At Osimo in the Marches, Saint Benvenuto degli Scottivoli, bishop, who, appointed here by Pope Urban IV, promoted peace among the citizens and, in the spirit of the Friars Minor, wanted to die on the bare ground. Saint Nicholas Owen, Jesuit priest and martyr of England At London in England, Saint Nicholas Owen, religious of the Society of Jesus and martyr, who for many years built shelters to hide priests and for this under King James I was imprisoned and cruelly tortured and, finally placed on the stand, died following gloriously the example of Christ the Lord. Blessed François Chartier, priest and martyr of France At Angers in France, Blessed François Chartier, priest and martyr, who died by guillotine during the French Revolution for his priesthood. Blesseds Marian Górecki and Bronisław Komorowski, priests and martyrs of Poland In the prison camp of Stutthof near Gdansk in Poland, Blesseds Marian Górecki and Bronisław Komorowski, priests and martyrs, who, during the military occupation of their homeland by the followers of a doctrine hostile to religion, died by shooting out of hatred for their faith. |
March 23 | Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo, archbishop of Lima Saint Turibius of Mongrovejo, bishop of Lima: as a layman from Spain and expert in law, he went to America after election to this see; moved by ardent apostolic zeal, he visited his vast diocese several times, often on foot, assiduously providing for the flock entrusted to him; he defeated abuses and scandals in the clergy with synods; he catechised and converted the natives, until at Sanna in Peru finding the ultimate rest. Saint Gwinear, martyr In Cornwall, Saint Gwinear, martyr. Saints Victorian, proconsular, Frumentius and Frumentius, martyrs Commemoration of the holy martyrs Victorian, proconsul of Carthage, in present-day Tunisia, of two brothers from present-day Henchir-Baboucha and of two merchants both named Frumentius, who, during the persecution of the Vandals, under the Arian king Hunneric, for having persevered in the Christian faith, were tortured with immense tortures and thus received the glorious crown. Saint Gautier, first abbot of Saint-Martin at Pontoise At Pontoise near Paris in France, Saint Gautier, first abbot of the local monastery, who, putting aside his love for solitary life, taught the monks by his own example the observance of the rule and fought against the widespread simoniac customs in the clergy. Saint Ottone, hermit at Ariano Irpino At Ariano Irpino in Campania, Saint Ottone, hermit. Blessed Pietro da Gubbio, Augustinian priest At Gubbio in Umbria, Blessed Pietro, priest of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine. Blessed Edmund Sykes, priest and martyr of England At York in England, Blessed Edmund Sykes, priest and martyr, who under the reign of Elizabeth I was forced into exile for his priesthood; after returning to England again, he was handed over to the extreme torture of the gallows. Blessed Peter Higgins, Dominican priest and martyr of Ireland At Naas near Dublin in Ireland, Blessed Peter Higgins, priest of the Order of Preachers and martyr, who, under the reign of Charles I, was hanged without trial for his loyalty to the Roman Church. Saint José Oriol, priest At Barcelona in Spain, Saint José Oriol, priest, who with mortification of the body, a life of poverty and continuous prayer had his soul constantly turned to God and was filled with heavenly joy. Blessed Annunciata Astoria Cocchetti, virgin, founder of the Sisters of Saint Dorothy At the village of Cemmo in Lombardy, Blessed Annunciata Astoria Cocchetti, virgin, who ruled with wisdom, fortitude and humility the recently founded Institute of the Sisters of Saint Dorothy. Saint Rafqa Choboq Ar-Rayès, virgin of the Maronite Lebanese Order Near ad-Dahr in Lebanon, Saint Rafqa Choboq Ar-Rayès, virgin of the Congregation of the Lebanese Maronite Sisters, who, blind for thirty years and suffering from other infirmities throughout her body, persevered in continuous prayer trusting only in God. Blessed Metod Trčka, Redemptorist priest, martyr of Slovakia At Leopoldov in Slovakia, Blessed Metod Trčka, priest of the Congregation of the Most Holy Redeemer and martyr, whose earthly pilgrimage, in a time of persecution of the faith, was transformed with his glorious martyrdom into eternal life. |
March 24 | Saints Timolaus, Denis, Pausides, Alexander, Romulus, Alexander, Agapius and Denis martyrs At Caesarea in Palestine, the holy martyrs Timolaus, Denis, Pausides, Alexander, Romulus and another Alexander, who, during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, led with their hands tied before the prefect Urban, confessed to being Christians and a few days later, together with their companions Agapius and another Denis, with the decapitation they deserved the crown of eternal life. Saint Secundulus, martyr In Mauritania, in the lands of present-day Algeria, Saint Secundulus, who underwent the passion for faith in Christ. Saint Macartan, bishop of Clogher At Clogher in Ireland, Saint Macartan, bishop, believed to be a disciple of Saint Patrick. Saint Severo, bishop of Catania At Catania, Saint Severo, bishop. Blessed Giovanni del Bastone, priest and monk At Fabriano in the Marches, Blessed Giovanni del Bastone, priest and monk, companion of the abbot Saint Sylvester. Saint Catherine of Vadstena, virgin At Vadstena in Sweden, Saint Catherine of Vadstena, virgin: daughter of Saint Bridget, married against her will, she preserved her virginity by mutual agreement with her husband, and, after his death, led a pious life; she was a pilgrim at Rome and in the Holy Land, transferred the relics of her mother to Sweden and placed them in the monastery of Vadstena, where she herself wore the monastic habit. Blessed Diego José da Cadice López-Caamaño García-Pérez, Capuchin priest At Ronda in Andalusia in Spain, Blessed Diego José da Cadice López-Caamaño García-Pérez, priest of the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, distinguished preacher and intrepid defender of the freedom of the Church. Blessed Maria od Jezusa Ukrzyżowanego Karłowska, virgin, founder of the Sisters of the Holy Shepherd of Divine Providence At the town of Pniewite near Gdańsk in Poland, Blessed Maria od Jezusa Ukrzyżowanego Karłowska, virgin, who, to recover poor girls and women with corrupt customs to the dignity of daughters of God, founded the Congregation of the Sisters of the Divine Shepherd of Divine Providence. |
March 25 | The Annunciation of the Lord Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, when, in the town of Nazareth, the angel of the Lord announced to Mary: “Behold, you will conceive and bear a son, and he will be called Son of the Most High.” And Mary replied: “Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it done to me according to your word.” And thus, in the fullness of time, he who was the only begotten Son of God before all time became incarnate for us men and for our salvation, by the Holy Spirit of the Virgin Mary, and was made man. The Good Thief Commemoration of the Good Thief, who, having professed faith in Christ on the cross, deserved to hear from him: “Today you will be with me in paradise.” Saint Dulas, martyr At Nicomedia, Saint Dulas, martyr. Saint Quirino, martyr at Rome At Rome in the cemetery of Pontian on Via Portuense, Saint Quirino, martyr. Saint Matrona, martyr at Thessalonica At Thessalonica in Macedonia, now in Greece, Saint Matrona, martyr, who, as servant of a Judean, while secretly adoring Christ, was discovered by her mistress and punished with various tortures; she was finally beaten to death and, professing her faith in Christ, made her spirit uncorrupted to God. Saint Mona, bishop of Milan At Milan, Saint Mona, bishop. Saint Hermeland, monk at Fontanelle On the island of Indre near Nantes in France, Saint Hermeland, who left the king’s court to become a monk at Fontenelle and was later the first abbot of the local monastery. Saint Nicodemo, hermit At Mammola near Gerace in Calabria, Saint Nicodemo, hermit, who shone for his austerity of life and virtue and was a true master of monastic life. Saint Procopius, hermit At Sázava in Bohemia, Saint Procopius, who, having left his wife and son, dedicated himself to the life of a hermit, then ruled the monastery at this place which he himself founded and celebrated divine praises according to the Greek rite and in the Slavic language. Blessed Eberhard, monk At Schaffhausen in Swabia, Blessed Eberhard, who, as Count of Nellenburg, embraced monastic life in the Monastery of All Saints that he built. Blessed Tommaso, hermit Near Costacciaro in Umbria, Blessed Tommaso, hermit, who for sixty-five years practised the life of an anchorite and taught it to others. Saint Margaret Clitherow, martyr of England At York in England, Saint Margaret Clitherow, martyr, who, with the consent of her spouse, adhered to the Catholic faith, in which she also educated her children and took steps to hide wanted priests in her home; for this reason she was arrested several times during the reign of Elizabeth I and, refusing to hear her case before the tribunal so as not to burden the soul of the judge’s advisors with the burden of a death sentence, was crushed to death for Christ under a huge weight. Blessed James Bird, martyr of England At Winchester also in England, Blessed James Bird, martyr: under the same queen at nineteen, having recently become Catholic, he refused to participate in a liturgy that he felt was foreign and thus deserved to come to the celebration of the celestial liturgy. Saint Lucia Filippini, founder of Maestre Pie Near Montefiascone in Lazio, Saint Lucia Filippini, founder of the Institute of the Pious Teachers for the promotion of Christian education for girls and women, especially poor ones. Blessed Placido Riccardi, priest At Rome, near Saint Paul on Via Ostiense, Blessed Placido Riccardi, priest of the Order of Saint Benedict, who, although suffering from constant fevers, illnesses and paralysis, cultivated observance of the rule and prayer with tireless dedication, also teaching others to practise them. Blessed Yosafata Hordashevs’ka, virgin, founder of the Handmaids of Mary Immaculate, martyr of Ukraine At the town of Chervonohrad near Lviv in Ukraine, Blessed Yosafata Hordashevs’ka, virgin, who, in the Institute of the Sisters of the Handmaids of Mary Immaculate she founded, served wherever there was greatest need. Blessed Omeljan Kovč, priest and martyr of Poland At the town of Majdanek near Lublin in Poland, Blessed Omeljan Kovč, priest and martyr, who, in wartime, deported to a prison camp, achieved eternal life by fighting for the faith. Blessed Hilary Januszewski, Discalced Carmelite priest and martyr at Dachau In the prison camp of Dachau near Munich in Germany, Blessed Hilary Januszewski, priest of the Order of Discalced Friars of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and martyr: in wartime, he was deported because of his faith in Christ from Poland to this foreign prison; having fallen ill with typhus while caring for the sick, he died distinguished for his faith and charity. |
March 26 | Saint Castulo, martyr at Rome on Via Labicana At Rome on Via Labicana, Saint Castulo, martyr. Saints Emmanuel, Sabinus, Quadratus and Theodosius, martyrs In Anatolia, in present-day Türkiye, Saints Emmanuel, Sabinus, Quadratus and Theodosius, martyrs. Saints Montanus, priest, and Maxima, wife, martyrs At Srijem in Pannonia, in present-day Croatia, holy martyrs Montanus, priest, and Maxima, spouses, who, for having professed their faith in Christ the Lord, were thrown into the sea by some infidels. Saint Eutychius, subdeacon of Alexandria and martyr Commemoration of the passion of Saint Eutychius, subdeacon of Alexandria, who, at the time of Emperor Constantius, under the Arian bishop George was killed for his Catholic faith. Saint Peter, bishop of Sebastea At Sivas in ancient Armenia, Saint Peter, bishop, who, as younger brother of Saint Basil the Great, was an illustrious defender of the right faith against the Arian heresy. Saint Bercaire, first abbot of Hautvilliers In the monastery of Montier-en-Der in Champagne in France, Saint Bercaire, first abbot of Hautvillers and of this place, who, violently stabbed with a dagger by a bad monk on Holy Thursday, passed into heaven on the day of the Resurrection. Saints Baronzio and Desiderio, hermits Near Montalbano in Tuscany, Saints Baronzio and Desiderio, hermits. Saint Liudger, bishop of Münster In the monastery of Werden in Saxony, in Germany, transitus of Saint Liudger, bishop, who, instructed by Alcuin, preached the Gospel in the lands of Holland, Denmark and Saxony, constituted the episcopal see of Münster and founded many monasteries, true centres of propagation of faith. Blessed Maddalena Caterina Morano, Salesian virgin At Catania, Blessed Maddalena Caterina Morano, virgin of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, who dedicated herself to catechetical education, travelling far and wide without stopping throughout the region. |
March 27 | Saint Rupert, bishop of Salzburg At Salzburg in Bavaria, in present-day Austria, Saint Rupert, bishop, who, living first in Worms, at the request of Duke Theodone came to Bavaria and built a church and monastery at Salzburg, which he governed as bishop and abbot, spreading from there the Christian faith. Blessed Pellegrino da Falerone, Franciscan priest At San Severino Marche, Blessed Pellegrino da Falerone, priest, who was among the first disciples of Saint Francis and, having gone on pilgrimage to the Holy Land, aroused the admiration of the Saracens themselves. Blessed Panacea De’ Muzzi, virgin and martyr At Quarona near Novara, Blessed Panacea De’ Muzzi, virgin and martyr, who, at the age of fifteen, while praying in church, was killed by her stepmother, from whom she had always suffered harassment. Blessed Francesco Faà di Bruno, priest, founder of the Sisters of Our Lady of Suffrage and Saint Zita At Turin, Blessed Francesco Faà di Bruno, priest, who always combined his competence as a mathematician and physicist with his commitment to works of charity. |
March 28 | Saint Castor, martyr at Tarsus At Tarsus in Cilicia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Castor, martyr. Saints Priscus, Malchus and Alexander, martyrs Commemoration of the holy martyrs Priscus, Malchus and Alexander: at the time of the persecution of the emperor Valerian, they lived on a farm on the outskirts of Caesarea in Palestine, a city where numerous crowns of celestial martyrdom were offered to the gaze; moved by divine ardour, they spontaneously presented themselves before the judge and, having blamed him because he only raged against the blood of the pious, they were immediately given to the fairs by him as Christians. Saint Cyril, deacon and martyr At Heliopolis in Phoenicia, in present-day Lebanon, Saint Cyril, deacon and martyr, cruelly killed under Emperor Julian the Apostate. Saint Proterius, bishop of Alexandria of Egypt At Alexandria of Egypt, Saint Proterius, bishop, who among the tumult of the people was cruelly killed on Holy Thursday by the Monophysites, followers of his predecessor Dioscorus. Saint Gontran, king of the Franks At Châlon-sur-Saône in Burgundy in France, deposition of Saint Gontran, king of the Franks, who distributed his treasures to the churches and the poor. Saint Hilarion, hegumen in Bithynia and martyr Near Mount Olympus in Bithynia, in present-day Greece, Saint Hilarion, hegumen of the monastery of Pelecetes, who strenuously defended the cult of sacred images. Saint Stephen Harding, abbot At Cîteaux in Burgundy, in present-day France, Saint Stephen Harding, abbot: having arrived from Molesme together with other monks, ruled this famous monastery, establishing lay brothers and welcoming the famous Bernard with thirty of his companions; he founded twelve monasteries, which he bound together with the Charter of Charity, so that no discord existed among the monks and they all lived under the same dictate of charity, under the same rule and according to similar customs. Saint Cono, monk At Naso in Sicily, Saint Cono, monk according to the discipline of the Eastern Fathers, who, returning from a pilgrimage to the holy places, having found his parents deceased, distributed all his assets to the poor and embraced the hermitic life. Blessed Antonio da Monticiano Patrizi, Augustinian priest At Monticiano near Siena, Blessed Antonio da Monticiano Patrizi, priest of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine, who was a true lover of his brothers and others. Blessed Jeanne-Marie de Maillé, widow At Tours in France, Blessed Jeanne-Marie de Maillé, who, after losing her husband in the war, reduced to poverty and driven out of her home by her family, abandoned by everyone, lived almost secluded in a small cell at the convent of the Minors, begging for bread, but full of trust in the Lord. Blessed Christopher Wharton, priest and martyr of England At York in England, Blessed Christopher Wharton, priest and martyr, who for his priesthood was consigned to the gallows during the reign of Elizabeth I. Blessed Renée-Marie Feillatreau épouse Dumont, martyr of France At Angers in France, Blessed Renée-Marie Feillatreau épouse Dumont, martyr, who, having married during the French Revolution, died by guillotine for her loyalty to the Catholic Church. Saint Józef Sebastian Pelczar, bishop of Przemyśl, founder of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus At Przemyśl in Poland, Saint Józef Sebastian Pelczar, bishop, founder of the Congregation of the Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and illustrious master of spiritual life. |
March 29 | Saint Eustasio, bishop of Naples At Naples, commemoration of Saint Eustasio, bishop. Saint Mark, bishop of Aretusa Commemoration of Saint Mark, bishop of Arethusa in Syria, who at the time of the Arian controversy never deviated from the right faith, and under the emperor Julian the Apostate suffered violent harassment; he was greeted by Saint Gregory of Nazianzus as a distinguished personality and an elder of a very holy life. Saints Armogastes, Archinimus and Saturus, martyrs Commemoration of Saints Armogastes, Archinimus and Saturus, martyrs, who in Africa, at the time of the Vandal persecution, under the Arian king Genseric, suffered many atrocious tortures and infamy for having professed the true faith. Saint Berthold, founder of the Carmelites On Mount Carmel in Palestine, Saint Berthold, who, as a soldier, was admitted among the brothers who had embraced monastic life on this mountain and, later elected prior, entrusted the pious community to the Mother of God. Saint Guillaume Tempier, bishop of Poitiers At Poitiers in Aquitaine, France, Saint Guillaume Tempier, bishop, prudent and resolute man; he defended the Church entrusted to him from the abuses of the nobles and reformed customs, himself offering the example of an upright life. Saint Ludolf, bishop of Ratzeburg and martyr At Wismar in Holstein in Germany, Saint Ludolf, bishop of Ratzeburg and martyr, who for having defended the freedom of the Church was thrown, by order of Duke Albert, into a squalid prison and was so physically prostrated that, as soon as he was freed from strains, migrated from this world. Blessed John Hambley, priest and martyr of England At Salisbury in England, commemoration of Blessed John Hambley, priest and martyr, who, during the reign of Elizabeth I, because of his priesthood, on an unspecified day of this month around Easter of the Lord, in the execution of the gallows conformed to the passion of Christ. |
March 30 | Saint Secondo, martyr in Lombardia At Asti, Saint Secondo, martyr. Saint Domninus, martyr in Macedonia At Thessalonica in Macedonia, now in Greece, Saint Domninus, martyr. Saint Regulus, bishop of Arles At Senlis in Gallia Lugdunensis, in present-day France, Saint Regulus, bishop. Holy martyrs of Constantinople during the time of Emperor Constantius Commemoration of many holy martyrs, who at Constantinople, at the time of Emperor Constantius, by order of the Arian bishop Macedonius, were sent into exile or tortured with unprecedented kinds of torture. Saint John Climacus, abbot On Mount Sinai, Saint John, abbot, who wrote for the instruction of monks the famous book entitled “The Ladder of Paradise”, in which he presented a path of spiritual perfection in the form of a climb of thirty steps towards God, meriting for this the nickname of Climacus. Saint Zosimo, bishop of Syracuse At Syracuse, Saint Zosimo, bishop, who was first the humble guardian of the tomb of Saint Lucy, and later became abbot of the local monastery. Saint Osburh, first abbess of Coventry At Coventry in England, Saint Osburh, first abbess of the local monastery. Saint Clinio, abbot Near Aquino in Lazio, Saint Clinio, abbot of the monastery of San Pietro della Foresta. Saint Pietro Regalado, Franciscan priest At Aguilera in Castile in Spain, Saint Pietro Regalado, priest of the Order of Minor, who was distinguished for his humility and rigour of penance and built two cells, in which only twelve friars could live in solitude. Blessed Amédée IX, duke of Savoy At Vercelli, Blessed Amédée IX, Duke of Savoy, who, during his government, promoted peace in every way and incessantly supported the causes of the poor, widows and orphans with material means and personal commitment. Saints Antoine-Marie-Nicolas Daveluy, bishop and apostolic vicar of Korea, Pierre Aumaître and Martin-Luc Huin, priests, Iosephus Chang Chu-gi, Thomas Son Cha-sŏn and Lucas Hwang Sŏk-tu, catechists, martyrs of Korea At the town of Su-Ryong in Korea, holy martyrs Antoine-Marie-Nicolas Daveluy, bishop, Pierre Aumaître, Martin-Luc Huin, priests, Iosephus Chang Chu-gi, Thomas Son Cha-sŏn and Lucas Hwang Sŏk-tu, catechist, who for the faith in Christ died beheaded. Saint Ludovico da Casoria Palmentieri, Franciscan priest, founder of Congregation of the Brothers of Charity At Naples, Saint Ludovico da Casoria Palmentieri, priest of the Order of Friars Minor, who, driven by the ardour of charity towards the poor of Christ, established the two Congregations of the Brothers of Charity and the Franciscan Sisters of Saint Elizabeth. Saint Leonardo Murialdo, priest, founder of the Congregation of Saint Joseph At Turin, Saint Leonardo Murialdo, priest, who founded the Pious Society of Saint Joseph, so that abandoned children could experience Christian faith and charity. Saint Julio Álvarez Mendoza, priest and martyr of Mexico In the territory of San Julián in the Guadalajara region of Mexico, Saint Julio Álvarez Mendoza, priest and martyr, who, during the persecution against religion, testified to his loyalty to Christ the Lord and to his Church with the shedding of his blood. Blessed Maria Restituta Kafka, virgin of the Third Order of Saint Francis of Christian Charity and martyr at Vienna At Vienna in Austria, Blessed Maria Restituta Kafka, virgin of the Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity and martyr, who, originally from Moravia, worked as a nurse and, arrested during the war by enemies of the faith, died beheaded. |
March 31 | Saint Benjamin, deacon and martyr in Persia At Argol in Persia, Saint Benjamin, deacon, who did not give up preaching the word of God and, under the reign of Vararane V, suffered martyrdom with sharp rods stuck in his nails. Saint Balbina, martyr at Rome At Rome, commemoration of Saint Balbina, whose basilica founded on the Aventine bears her venerable name. Saint Agilolf, bishop of Cologne At Cologne in Austrasia, now in Germany, Saint Agilolf, bishop, illustrious for his holiness of life and preaching. Saint Guido, abbot of Pomposa At Borgo San Donnino near Parma, Saint Guido, abbot of the monastery of Pomposa, who, after having gathered many disciples and rebuilt sacred buildings, devoted himself fervently to prayer, contemplation and divine worship and in the hermitage wanted to have his mind turned only to God. Blessed Jeanne, Third Order Carmelite virgin At Toulouse in France, Blessed Jeanne, virgin of the Carmelite Order. Blessed Bonaventura da Forlì Tornielli, Servite priest At Udine, Blessed Bonaventura da Forlì Tornielli, priest of the Order of the Servants of Mary, who in various regions of Italy exhorted the people to penance with his preaching and died in his octogenarian while he was busy preaching a Lenten celebration. Blessed Christopher Robinson, priest and martyr of England At Carlisle in England, commemoration of Blessed Christopher Robinson, priest and martyr, who witnessed the martyrdom of Saint John Boste and finally, led to the gallows on an unspecified day during the reign of Elizabeth I, again for the sole fact of being a priest, received himself the palm of martyrdom. Blessed Natalia Tułasiewicz, martyr of Germany At the town of Ravensbrück in Germany, Blessed Natalia Tułasiewicz, martyr, who, during the military occupation of Poland, her homeland, locked up in a detention camp by the followers of a nefarious doctrine hostile to the dignity of man and faith, in a gas chamber gave her soul to the Lord. |
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