Roman Martyrology 2004

February 11

Our Lady of Lourdes

The Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes, whom, four years after the proclamation of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin, the humble girl Saint Mary Bernardette Soubirous had seen several times in the Massabielle grotto in the Pyrenees mountains on the bank of the Gave near the town of Lourdes, where countless crowds of faithful flock with devotion.

Saint Sotere, virgin and martyr

At Rome on Via Appia in the cemetery that today bears her name, Saint Sotere, virgin and martyr, who, as Saint Ambrose attests, disdaining noble lineage and honours by faith, did not obey the order to sacrifice to idols, did not bend her head under the blows of servile outrages and, condemned to die pierced with a sword, did not abhor death.

Holy martyrs in Numidia

Commemoration of many holy martyrs, who in Numidia, in present-day Algeria, during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, were arrested and, having refused to hand over the divine Scriptures against the imperial edict, died torn part by cruel tortures.

Saint Castrese, martyr

At Volturno in Campania, Saint Castrese, martyr.

Saint Secondino, bishop of Eca

In Puglia, Saint Secondino, bishop.

Saint Séverin, abbot of Agaune

At Château-Landon in France, Saint Séverin, abbot of Saint-Maurice-en-Valais.

Saint Gregory II, pope

At Rome at Saint Peter’s, deposition of Saint Gregory II, pope, who, in the fatal times of Emperor Leo the Isaurian, defended the Church and the cult of sacred images and sent Saint Boniface to Germany to preach the Gospel.

Saint Paschal I, pope

Also at Rome, deposition of Saint Paschal I, pope, who removed many bodies of holy martyrs from the catacombs, which he wanted to transfer in the desire to have them venerated, placing them with all honours in various churches at Rome.

Saint Ardaing, abbot of the monastery of Tournus

In Burgundy, in modern-day France, Saint Ardaing, abbot of Tournus.

Saint Pedro de Jesús Maldonado Lucero, priest and martyr of Mexico

At Chihuahua in Mexico, Saint Pedro de Jesús Maldonado Lucero, priest and martyr, who, in the fury of persecution, venerating the mystery of the Eucharist to the last, deserved to obtain the glorious triumph when struck to death in the head.

Blessed Francisco Borrás Román, Hospitaller religious and martyr of Spain

At Vinaroz in Castile in Spain, Blessed Francisco Borrás Román, religious of the Order of the Hospitallers of Saint John of God and martyr, who during the persecution out of hatred against the faith brought his fight to completion.

February 12

Holy martyrs of Abitinae

At Carthage, commemoration of the holy martyrs of Abitinae, in Tunisia: during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, having gathered as usual against the imperial ban on celebrating the Sunday Eucharist, they were arrested by the magistrates of the colony and by the military garrison; led to Carthage and interrogated by the proconsul Anulinus, even amidst the tortures all professed themselves Christians, declaring that they could not neglect the celebration of the Lord’s sacrifice; for this they shed their most blessed blood in different places and times.

Saint Meletius, patriarch of Antioch

Commemoration of Saint Meletius, bishop of Antioch, who for his Nicene faith was repeatedly sent from exile and then, while he presided over the First Ecumenical Council of Constantinopole, passed over to the Lord; Saint Gregory of Nyssa and Saint John Chrysostom celebrated his virtues with great praise.

Saint Benedikt, abbot of Kornelimünster

At Kornelimünster in Germany, transitus of Saint Benedikt, abbot of Aniane, who propagated the rule of Saint Benedict, entrusted the monks with the customs to be observed and worked hard for the renewal of the Roman liturgy.

Saint Antony Kauleas, bishop of Constantinople

At Constantinople, Saint Antony Kauleas, bishop, who at the time of Emperor Leo VI strongly worked to strengthen peace and unity in the Church.

Blessed Ombeline, prior of Jully-les-Nonnains

In the monastery of Juilly in the territory of Troyes in France, Blessed Ombeline, prioress of the same monastery, who, happily converted from the pleasures of the world by her brother Saint Bernard Abbot of Clairvaux, with the consent of her spouse, gave herself to monastic life.

Saint Ludan, pilgrim

At the village of Northeim on the bank of the Ill in Alsace, Saint Ludan, who, of Scottish origin, passed to the Lord while travelling to visit the basilicas of the Apostles.

Blesseds Thomas Hemerford, James Fenn, John Nutter, John Munden and George Haydock, priests and martyrs of England

At London in England, blessed martyrs Thomas Hemerford, James Fenn, John Nutter, John Munden and George Haydock, priests, who, with Queen Elizabeth I having claimed the primacy in spiritual matters, for having maintained fidelity to the Church of Rome, were condemned to death and at Tyburn disembowelled while still alive.

February 13

Saint Martinian, hermit of Athens

At Athens in Greece, Saint Martinian, who had previously led a hermitic life near Caesarea in Palestine.

Saint Kastor von Karden, priest and hermit

At Karden along the Moselle in the territory of Trier, Germany, Saint Kastor von Karden, priest and hermit.

Saint Benigno, priest and martyr at Todi

At Todi in Umbria, Saint Benigno, priest and martyr.

Saint Étienne, bishop of Lyons

At Lyons in France, Saint Étienne, bishop.

Saint Stefano, abbot of Rieti

At Rieti, commemoration of Saint Stefano, abbot, man of admirable patience, as Pope Saint Gregory the Great attests about him.

Saint Gauzbert, bishop of Osnabrück

At Osnabrück in Saxony in Germany, Saint Gauzbert, bishop of the Swabians, who, driven from his see during the persecution of the pagans, accepted the government of the Church of Osnabrück.

Saint Gimer, bishop of Carcassonne

At Carcassonne in Gallia Narbonensis, in present-day France, Saint Gimer, bishop.

Saint Fulcran, bishop of Lodève

At Lodève also in Gallia Narbonensis, in present-day France, Saint Fulcran, bishop, distinguished in his love for the poor and in his zeal for divine worship.

Saint Gilbert, bishop of Meaux

At Meaux in the territory of Brie in France, Saint Gilbert, bishop.

Blessed Jordan von Sachsen, Dominican priest

Near Ptolemais, today Akko, in Palestine, transitus of Blessed Jordan von Sachsen, priest of the Order of Preachers, who, as successor of Saint Dominic and his imitator, propagated the Order with great commitment and died in a shipwreck.

Blessed Cristina, widow, Augustinian tertiary

At Spoleto in Umbria, Blessed Cristina Semenzi da Calvisano, who, after the death of her husband, indulged for some time in the concupiscence of the flesh, to then embrace in the secular Order of Saint Augustine a life of penance, dedicated to prayer and service of the sick and the poor.

Blessed Eustochio Bellini, Benedictine virgin

At Padua, Blessed Eustochio Bellini, virgin of the Order of Saint Benedict.

Saint Paulus Liu Hanzuo, priest and martyr of China

At Dongjiaochang near the city of Lezhi in the province of Sichuan in China, Saint Paulus Liu Hanzuo, priest and martyr, strangled for the name of Christ.

Saint Phaolô Lê Văn Lộc, priest and martyr of Vietnam

At the city of Thi-Nghè in Cochinchina, now Vietnam, Saint Phaolô Lê Văn Lộc, priest and martyr, who under the emperor Tu Duc was beheaded for Christ at the city gates.

February 14

Saints Cyril, monk, and Methodius, bishop, apostles of the Slavs

Memorial of Saints Cyril, monk, and Methodius, bishop. These two brothers from Thessalonica, sent to Moravia by Bishop Photius of Constantinople, preached the Christian faith there and created an alphabet to translate the sacred books from Greek into the Slavic language. When they came to Rome, Cyril, whose first name was Constantine, struck by an illness, became a monk and on this day fell asleep in the Lord. Methodius, on the other hand, ordained bishop of Srijem by Pope Adrian II, in present-day Croatia, evangelised Pannonia without sparing any effort, having to endure many disputes directed against him, but always being supported by the Roman Pontiffs; in Staré Mesto in Moravia, on April 6, he received the compensation for his labours.

Saint Valentino, martyr at Rome

At Rome on Via Flaminia near the Milvian bridge, Saint Valentino, martyr.

Saint Vitale, martyr near Spoleto

Near Spoleto in Umbria, Saint Vitale, martyr, whom the observance of the faith and the imitation of Christ made holy.

Saint Zenone, martyr at Rome

At Rome in the cemetery of Praetextatus on Via Appia, Saint Zenone, martyr.

Saints Bassian, Tonionus, Protus, Lucius, Kyrion, Agathon, Moses, Dionysius and Ammonius, martyrs

At Alexandria of Egypt, commemoration of the holy martyrs Bassian, Tonionus, Protus and Lucius, who were thrown into the sea, Kyrion, priest, Agathon, exorcist, and Moses, who were burned at the stake, Dionysius and Ammonius, who were pierced with the sword and achieved eternal glory.

Saint Eleucadio, bishop of Ravenna

At Ravenna, Saint Eleucadio, bishop.

Saint Auxentius, priest and archimandrite

On Mount Scopa in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, Auxentius, priest and archimandrite, who, living on a hill as on a chair, defended the Chalcedonian faith with a powerful voice.

Saint Nostriano, bishop of Napoli

Commemoration of Saint Nostriano, bishop of Naples.

Saint Antonino, abbot at Sorrento

Near Sorrento in Campania, Saint Antonino, abbot, who retired into solitude after his monastery was destroyed by the Lombards.

Saint Juan Bautista de la Concepción, priest, reformer of the Trinitarians

At Cordoba in Spain, Saint Juan Bautista de la Concepción, priest of the Order of the Most Holy Trinity, who initiated the renewal of his Order, supporting it with great commitment amidst serious difficulties and bitter tribulations.

Blessed Vicente Vilar David, martyr

At Valencia in Spain, Blessed Vicente Vilar David, martyr, who during the persecution against religion welcomed priests and nuns into his home and preferred to die rather than deny the faith.

February 15

Blessed Onesimus, slave welcomed by Saint Paul

Commemoration of Blessed Onesimus, whom Saint Paul the Apostle welcomed as a fugitive slave and begat in chains as a son in the faith of Christ, as he himself wrote to his master Philemon.

Saints Faustinus and Jovita, martyrs

At Brescia, Saints Faustinus and Jovita, martyrs, who, after many struggles sustained for the faith of Christ, received the victorious crown of martyrdom.

Saints Isicus, priest, Joseph, Zosimus, Baralus and Agapis, martyrs

At Antioch in Syria, holy martyrs Isicus, priest, Joseph, deacon of Rome, Zosimus, Baralus and Agapis, virgin.

Saint Georgette, virgin

At Clermont-Ferrand in Aquitaine, France, Saint Georgette, virgin.

Saint Quenin, bishop of Vaison

At Vaison in Gallia Lugdunensis, in present-day France, Saint Quenin, bishop.

Saint Severo, priest

In the valley of Antrodoco, today in Lazio, Saint Severo, priest, remembered by Pope Saint Gregory the Great.

Saint Decoroso, bishop of Capua

At Capua in Campania, Saint Decoroso, bishop.

Saint Valfredo, abbot

At Palazzolo in Tuscany, Saint Valfredo, abbot, who, after having fathered five children, decided to lead a monastic life with his wife.

Saint Sigfrid, bishop of Växjö, apostle of Sweden

At Växjö in Sweden, Saint Sigfrid, bishop: of English origin, he evangelised the people of this region with great zeal and baptised King Olaf himself in Christ.

Blessed Angelo Scarpetti, Augustinian priest

At Borgo Sansepolcro, today in Tuscany, Blessed Angelo Scarpetti, priest of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Augustine.

Saint Claude La Colombière, Jesuit priest

At Paray-le-Monial in Burgundy, in modern-day France, Saint Claude La Colombière, priest of the Society of Jesus: a man very dedicated to prayer, with his firm and righteous advice he led many to the love of God.

February 16

Saint Juliana, virgin and martyr

In Campania, Saint Juliana, virgin and martyr.

Saints Elias, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel, Daniel and companions, martyrs

At Caesarea in Palestine, the holy martyrs Elias, Jeremiah, Isaiah, Samuel and Daniel: Christians of Egypt, for having spontaneously taken care of the confessors of the faith condemned to the mines in Cilicia, they were arrested and by the governor Firmilian, under the emperor Galerius Maximian, cruelly tortured and finally pierced with the sword. After them the crown of martyrdom was also received by Pamphilus, priest, Valens, deacon of Jerusalem, and Paul, a native of the city of Jamnia, who had already spent two years in prison, and also Porphyry, servant of Pamphilus, Seleucus of Cappadocia of advanced rank in the army, Theodulus, an elderly servant of the governor Firmilian, and finally Julian of Cappadocia who, having just returned from a journey, after having kissed the bodies of the martyrs, revealed himself as a Christian and by order of the governor was burned on fire slow.

Saint Maruthas, archbishop of Martyropolis

In the kingdom of Persia, Saint Maruthas, bishop, who, having re-established peace for the Church, presided over the Council of Seleucia, restored the Churches of God which collapsed during the persecution of King Sabor and placed the relics of the martyrs of Persia in the city where the bishop was located, since then called Martyropolis.

Blessed Filippa Mareri, founder of the Franciscan monastery of Borgo San Pietro

At Borgo San Pietro in Abruzzo, Blessed Filippa Mareri, virgin, who, rejecting the riches and splendour of the world, embraced the recently introduced model of life of Saint Clare within a property of her family.

Blessed Nicola Paglia, Dominican priest

At Perugia, commemoration of Blessed Nicola Paglia, priest of the Order of Preachers, who received the habit and task of preaching from Saint Dominic.

Saint Giuseppe Allamano, priest, founder of the Consolata Missionaries

At Turin, Saint Giuseppe Allamano, priest, who, animated by tireless zeal, founded two Congregations of the Consolata Missionaries, one male and the other female, for the spread of the faith.

February 17

7 holy founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary

Seven holy founders of the Order of the Servants of Mary: Bonfilio, Bartolomeo, Giovanni, Benedetto, Gerardino, Ricovero and Alessio. Having been merchants at Florence before, by mutual agreement, they handed themselves over to the hands of Blessed Mary on Mount Senario, establishing the Order under the rule of Saint Augustine. They are commemorated together on the day in which it is said that Alessio, the longest-lived, died as a centenarian.

Saint Theodore, martyr at Amasea

At Amasea in the Hellespont, in present-day Türkiye, the passion of Saint Theodore, who, at the time of Emperor Maximian, was violently beaten for confessing his Christian faith and thrown into prison and finally set to burn at the stake. Saint Gregory of Nyssa celebrated his praises in a celebrated encomium.

Saint Bonosus, bishop of Trier

At Trier in Gallia Belgica, today in Germany, Saint Bonosus, bishop, who, together with Saint Hilary of Poitiers, strove with promptness and doctrine, so that the faith would be kept intact in Gaul.

Saint Mesrop, monk in Armenia

In Armenia, Saint Mesrop, doctor of the Armenians: disciple of Saint Narses and scribe in the royal palace, became a monk, created an alphabet so that the people could be introduced to the Holy Scriptures, translated the two Testaments and composed hymns and other songs in the Armenian language.

Saint Fintan, founder and abbot of the monastery of Cluain Ednech

In the monastery of Clúain Ednech in Ireland, Saint Fintan, abbot, founder of that monastery and famous for his austerity of life.

Saint Flavian, bishop of Constantinople

Commemoration of Saint Flavian, bishop of Constantinople, who, for having defended the Catholic faith in Ephesus, was beaten with fists and kicks by the followers of the wicked Dióscoro and, condemned to exile, ended shortly after his life.

Saint Finan, bishop abbot of Lindisfarne

At Lindisfarne in Northumbria, in present-day England, Saint Finan, bishop and abbot, rich in extraordinary doctrine and zeal for evangelisation.

Saint Silvin, bishop of Thérouanne

At Auxy-aux-Moines in the territory of Thérouanne, France, deposition of Saint Silvin, bishop.

Saint Costabile, abbot of Cava

In the monastery of Cava de’ Tirreni in Campania, Saint Costabile, abbot: due to his extraordinary meekness and charity towards everyone, he was commonly called “blanket” of the brothers.

Saint Evermod, Premonstratensian, bishop of Ratzeburg

At Ratzeburg in Alsace, now in Germany, Saint Evermod, bishop, who, as a disciple of Saint Norbert in the Premonstratensian Order, worked for the conversion of the people of the Wends.

Blessed Luca Belludi, Franciscan priest

At Padua, Blessed Luca Belludi, priest of the Order of Friars Minor, disciple and companion of Saint Anthony.

Saint Petrus Yu Chŏng-nyul, martyr of Korea

At Pyongyang in Korea, Saint Petrus Yu Chŏng-nyul, martyr: as father of family, while reading the Gospel at night to the faithful gathered in the catechist’s house, he was arrested and, whipped to death, died for Christ.

Blessed Antoni Leszczewicz, Marian priest and martyr

At Rosica in Poland, Blessed Antoni Leszczewicz, priest of the Congregation of Marian Clerics and martyr, who, during the military occupation of that land in time of war, was burned by the persecutors of the Church for his faith in Christ.

February 18

Saints Shahdost and 128 companions, martyrs of Persia

At Beth Lapat in the kingdom of Persia, the passion of Saint Shahdost, bishop of Seleucia, and one hundred and twenty-eight companions, martyrs: priests, clerics and consecrated virgins, who refused to adore the sun, were put in prison, subjected for a very long time to cruel tortures and finally slain by order of the king.

Saint Eladio, bishop of Toledo

At Toledo in Spain, Saint Eladio, who, at first being administrator of the royal court and of the state, then becoming abbot of Agalia and, finally elevated to the episcopal see of Toledo, gave an excellent example of his charity.

Saint Tarasius, bishop of Constantinople

At Constantinople, Saint Tarasius, bishop, who, distinguished for his piety and doctrine, opened the Second Council of Nicaea, in which the Fathers defended the cult of sacred images.

Saint Angilbert, abbot of Saint-Riquier

In the monastery of Centule in the territory of Amiens in France, Saint Angilbert, abbot, who, having abandoned his palace and military duties, with the consent of his wife Berta, who also took the sacred veil, retired to monastic life and happily ruled the monastery of Centule.

Saint Teotónio, founder of the Canons Regular of the Holy Cross

At Coimbra in Portugal, Saint Teotónio, who went on pilgrimage to Jerusalem twice and, having refused custody of the Holy Sepulchre, returned to his homeland and founded the Congregation of Canons Regular of the Holy Cross.

Blessed John of Fiesole, Dominican priest

At Rome, Blessed John of Fiesole, known as Fra Angelico, priest of the Order of Preachers, who, always united with Christ, expressed in his paintings what he contemplated in his depths, in such a way as to elevate the minds of men to celestial realities.

Blessed William Harrington, priest and martyr of England

At London in England, Blessed William Harrington, priest and martyr, who, originally from the county of York, condemned to death under Queen Elizabeth I for having received the priesthood and exercised it in England, obtained the crown of martyrdom in Tyburn.

Blessed John Pibush, priest and martyr of England

Also at London, Blessed John Pibush, priest and martyr, who, several times and for a long time put in prison and finally condemned to death for his priesthood under the same queen, was hanged in Southwark and disembowelled with the sword.

Saint Jean-François-Régis Clet, Lazarist priest and martyr of China

At the city of Wuchang in the province of Hubei in China, Saint Jean-François-Régis Clet, priest of the Congregation of the Mission and martyr, who for thirty years proclaimed the Gospel amidst great difficulties and for this reason, after a harsh imprisonment, deceived by an apostate, was strangled for the name of Christ.

Saints Jean-Pierre Néel, Paris Foreign Missions priest, Martinus Wu Xuesheng, catechist, Ioannes Zhang Tianshen, neophyte, and Ioannes Chen Xianheng, martyrs of China

At the city of Guizhou also in China, the holy martyr Jean-Pierre Néel, priest of the Society for Foreign Missions of Paris, who, accused of having preached the faith, tied to the tail of a horse and dragged in a violent race, beaten with all kinds of ridicule and torture, died in the end beheaded. The holy martyrs Martinus Wu Xuesheng, catechist, Ioannes Zhang Tianshen, neophyte, and Ioannes Chen Xianheng also suffered the torture with him.

Saint Geltrude Comensoli, virgin, founder of the Sisters of the Most Holy Sacrament

At Bergamo, Saint Geltrude Comensoli, virgin, who founded a Congregation of religious women for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and the formation of youth.

Blessed Jerzy Kaszyra, Marian priest and martyr

At Rosica in Poland, Blessed Jerzy Kaszyra, priest of the Congregation of Marian Clerics and martyr, who, in the rage of the war, set on fire by the persecutors of the faith, died for Christ the Lord.

February 19

Saint Quodvultdeus, bishop of Carthage

At Naples, deposition of Saint Quodvultdeus, bishop of Carthage, who was sent into exile together with his clergy by the Arian king Genseric and placed on disused ships without sails or oars, landed at Naples against all hope, where he died a confessor of the faith.

Holy martyrs of Palestine

Commemoration of the holy monks and other martyrs who for the faith of Christ were cruelly killed in Palestine by the Saracens led by Mundhir III.

Saint Mansueto, bishop of Milan

At Milan, Saint Mansueto, bishop, who fought strenuously against the Monothelite heresy.

Saint Barbato, bishop of Benevento

Near Benevento, Saint Barbato, bishop, who is said to have converted the Lombards and their leader to Christ.

Saint Georges, monk

In the monastery of Vabres in the territory of Rodez in Aquitaine, France, Saint Georges, monk.

Saint Proclo, monk

At Bisignano near Cosenza, Saint Proclo, monk, who, full of excellent doctrine, was a herald of monastic life.

Deposition of Saint Boniface, bishop of Lausanne

At La Chambre near Brussels in Brabant, in present-day Belgium, deposition of Saint Boniface, former bishop of Lausanne, who led an ascetic life among the local Cistercian monks.

Saint Corrado Confalonieri, Franciscan tertiary hermit

At Noto in Sicily, Saint Corrado Confalonieri, hermit of the Third Order of Saint Francis, who, putting aside worldly leisure, practised a very severe lifestyle in continuous prayer and penance for about forty years.

Blessed Alvaro da Cordova, Dominican priest

At Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, commemoration of Blessed Alvaro, priest of the Order of Preachers, famous for his preaching and contemplation of the Passion of Christ.

Blessed Elisabetta Picenardi, Servite virgin

At Mantua, Blessed Elisabetta Picenardi, virgin, who, wearing the habit of the Order of the Servants of Mary, led a life consecrated to God in her father’s house, assiduously receiving Holy Communion and attending with commitment to the Liturgy of the Hours and the meditation of Scriptures, very devoted to the Virgin Mary.

Saint Lucia Yi Zhenmei, virgin and martyr of China

At Kaiyang near Mianyang in the province of Sichuan in China, Saint Lucia Yi Zhenmei, virgin and martyr, who was condemned to beheading for having confessed the Catholic faith.

Blessed Józef Zapłata, religious of the Brothers of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, martyr at Dachau

In the prison camp of Dachau near Munich in Germany, Blessed Józef Zapłata, religious of the Congregation of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and martyr, who, for his faith translated with violence from Poland, his homeland, to a cruel imprisonment, struck by illness, completed his martyrdom.

February 20

Saints Serapion and companions, martyrs

At Alexandria of Egypt, commemoration of Saint Serapion, martyr, who, under Emperor Decius, was subjected to such cruel tortures that at first all the joints of his limbs were broken and then he was thrown down from the upper floors of his house.

Saints Zenobius, Tyrannio, Silvanus, Peleus and Nilus, martyrs of Tyre

Commemoration of the five blessed martyrs, who, under Emperor Diocletian, were killed in Tyre in Phoenicia, today in Lebanon: first torn all over the body with scourges, then stripped naked and put in the arena and exposed to beasts of various kinds, they showed in their youthful bodies a firm and unshakable constancy; one of them in particular, not even twenty years old, not bound by chains, opened his arms in the shape of a cross, addressed prayers to God; all, at first not touched by the beasts even if instigated, were finally pierced with the sword.

Saint Tirannion, bishop of Tyre and martyr

At Antioch in Syria, commemoration of Saint Tirannion, bishop of Tire and martyr, who, educated from an early age in the Christian faith, torn by iron hooks together with the priest Zenobius, obtained the crown of victory.

Saint Éleuthère, bishop of Tournai

At Tournai in the territory of present-day Belgium, Saint Éleuthère, bishop.

Saint Eucher, bishop of Orléans

At Sint-Truiden in Brabant in Austrasia, in present-day Belgium, transitus of Saint Eucher, bishop of Orléans, who, forced into exile by King Charles Martel for the slanders directed against him by envious men, found pious refuge among the monks.

Saint Leone, bishop of Catania

At Catania, Saint Leone, bishop, who provided with singular commitment to the care of the poor.

Saint Jacinta de Jesus Marto, seer of Fatima

At Aljustrel near Fatima in Portugal, Saint Jacinta de Jesus Marto, who, although still a young girl, patiently endured the torment of the illness from which she was suffering and fervently testified to her devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Blessed Maria Julia Rodzińska, Dominican virgin and martyr of Poland

At Stutthof near Gdansk in Poland, Blessed Maria Julia Rodzińska, virgin of the Congregation of the Sisters of Saint Dominic and martyr, who, having her homeland devastated by war, was thrown into a prison camp, where, becoming seriously ill, she achieved the glory of heaven.

See Also

Moveable Feasts in Roman Martyrology

Upcoming Feasts in Roman Martyrology

Saints by Date of Death

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