Day![]() | Eulogies |
February 21 | Saint Peter Damian, cardinal bishop of Ostia and doctor of the Church Saint Peter Damian, cardinal bishop of Ostia and doctor of the Church: he entered the hermitage of Fonte Avellana, vigorously promoted regular discipline and, in difficult times to favour the reform of the Church, firmly reminded the monks to holiness of contemplation, the clerics to the integrity of life, and the people to communion with the Apostolic See. Saint Eustathius, bishop of Antioch Commemoration of Saint Eustathius, bishop of Antioch, who, illustrious for doctrine, under the Arian emperor Constantius was sent into exile at Tuzla in Thrace for defending the Catholic faith and here he rested in the Lord. Saint Germanus, abbot of Grandfelt, and Saint Randoald, martyrs In the monastery of Grandfelt in present-day Switzerland, Saint Germanus, abbot, who, having wanted to defend with words of peace the inhabitants of the surroundings of the monastery attacked by a band of predators, died together with the holy monk Randoald, stripped of his clothes and pierced by a spear. Blessed Thomas Pormort, priest and martyr of England At London in England, Blessed Thomas Pormort, priest and martyr, who, cruelly tortured in prison under Queen Elizabeth I because of his priesthood, then completed his martyrdom at Saint Paul’s by hanging. Saint Robert Southwell, Jesuit priest and martyr of England Also at London, Saint Robert Southwell, priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr, who carried out his ministry for many years in this city and the neighbouring region and composed spiritual hymns; arrested for his priesthood, by order of the queen herself he was tortured with great cruelty and at Tyburn crowned his martyrdom with hanging. Blessed Noël Pinot, priest and martyr of France At Angers in France, Blessed Noël Pinot, priest and martyr: as pastor, during the French Revolution, while preparing to celebrate Mass, he was arrested and, mockingly dressed in sacred vestments, was led to the gallows as if to the altar of sacrifice. Blessed Maria Enrichetta Dominici, superior of the Sisters of Saint Anne At Turin, Blessed Maria Enrichetta Dominici, of the Sisters of Saint Anne of Providence, who governed the Institute with wisdom for thirty years until her death and grew it. |
February 22 | Chair of Saint Peter Feast of the Chair of Saint Peter the Apostle, to whom the Lord said: “You are Peter, and on this rock I will build my Church.” On the day on which the Roman people were accustomed to remember their dead, the seat of the birth in heaven of that Apostle is venerated, who draws glory from his victory on the Vatican hill and is called to preside over the universal communion of charity. Saint Papias, bishop of Hierapolis in Phrygia At Hierapolis in Phrygia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Papias, bishop, who, hearing John the Presbyter and friend of Polycarp, explained the words of the Lord. Saint Paschase, bishop of Vienne At Vienne in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Paschase, bishop, distinguished for culture and holiness of customs. Saint Massimiano, bishop of Ravenna At Ravenna, Saint Massimiano, bishop, who faithfully carried out his pastoral office and defended the unity of the Church against heresy. Birth of Saint Peter Damian, bishop and cardinal, doctor of the Church At Faenza in Romagna, anniversary of the death of Saint Peter Damian, whose memorial is celebrated the day before this. Blessed Isabelle, virgin, founder of Sisters minor At Longchamp on the outskirts of Paris in France, Blessed Isabelle, virgin, who, as sister of King Saint Louis IX, having renounced royal marriage and the pleasures of the world, founded the convent of the Minor Sisters, with whom she served God in humility and poverty. Saint Margherita da Cortona, Franciscan tertiary, penitent At Cortona in Tuscany, Saint Margherita, who, strongly shaken by the death of her lover, washed away the stains of her youth with a healthy life of penance and welcomed into the Third Order of Saint Francis, retreated into the wonderful contemplation of celestial realities, filled by God with superior charisms. Blessed Diogo Carvalho, Jesuit priest and martyr of Japan At the city of Sendai in Japan, Blessed Diogo Carvalho, priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr, who, after the outrages, the imprisonment and the tiring journeys made in the middle of winter, finally subjected to the torture of icy water, with intrepid faith confessed Christ to many comrades together. Blessed Marie de Jésus d’Oultremont, widow, founder of the Society of Mary Reparator At Florence, Blessed Marie de Jésus d’Oultremont, who in Belgium, as a widowed mother of four children, without in any way neglecting her maternal duties, dedicated herself to founding and guiding the Congregation of the Sisters of Mary Reparatrix and, trusting in divine help, having overcome many difficulties, piously concluded her earthly pilgrimage as she returned to her homeland. |
February 23 | Saint Polycarp, bishop of Smyrna and martyr Memorial of Saint Polycarp, bishop and martyr, who is venerated as a disciple of the blessed apostle John and the last witness of the apostolic age; under the emperors Marcus Antoninus and Lucius Aurelius Commodus, at Smyrna in Asia, in present-day Türkiye, in the amphitheatre in the presence of the proconsul and all the people, almost nonagenarian, he was burned at the stake, while giving thanks to God the Father for having considered him worthy to be counted among the martyrs and to take part in the chalice of Christ. Saint Sirenus, monk and martyr At Sirmium in Pannonia, today in Serbia, Saint Sirenus, martyr, who, as a gardener, denounced by a woman whom he had reproached for her lasciviousness and taken prisoner by the judge, professed himself a Christian and, refusing to sacrifice to the gods, died beheaded. Saint Mildburh, virgin and abbess At Wenlock in England, Saint Mildburh, virgin and abbess of the local monastery, of the lineage of the kings of Mercia. Saint Willigis, bishop of Mainz At Mainz in Franconia in Germany, Saint Willigis, bishop, distinguished for his pastoral zeal. Saint Giovanni, monk at Stilo At Stilo in Calabria, Saint Giovanni, who, having become a monk according to the rules of the Eastern Fathers, deserved to be called Theristis, Harvester, because, moved by supreme charity towards the needy, he used to lend help to the harvesters. Blessed Rafaela Ybarra de Vilallonga, founder of the Sisters of Guardian Angels At Bilbao in Gascony in Spain, Blessed Rafaela Ybarra de Vilallonga, who, as mother of seven children, with the consent of her spouse, took religious vows and founded the Institute of the Sisters of the Guardian Angels to protect girls and guide them on the path of the precepts of the Lord. Blessed Nicolas Tabouillot, priest and martyr of France On a prison ship on the French coast in front of Rochefort, Blessed Nicolas Tabouillot, priest and martyr: parish priest, in the rage of the French Revolution, was detained for his priesthood and finally died consumed by illness in a sanatorium in the city. Saint Giuseppina Vannini, virgin, founder of the Daughters of Saint Camillus At Rome, Saint Giuseppina Vannini, virgin, founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of Saint Camillus for the care of the sick. Blessed Ludwik Mzyk, Verbite priest and martyr of Poland At Poznán in Poland, Blessed Ludwik Mzyk, priest of the Society of the Divine Word and martyr, who, having militarily invaded his homeland by the followers of an impious doctrine hostile to men and to faith, was murdered by the guards of the fortress and bore witness to Christ until his death. Blessed Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski, priest and martyr at Dachau In the prison camp of Dachau near Munich in Germany, Blessed Stefan Wincenty Frelichowski, priest, who, during the same war, was deported to various prisons, never lost his faith or his pastoral ministry and was struck by illness while providing assistance to the sick, after long suffering reaching the vision of eternal peace. |
February 24 | Saint Evetius, martyr At Nicomedia in Bithynia, in present-day Türkiye, the passion of Saint Evetius, who, under Emperor Diocletian, as soon as he saw the edicts exposed in the forum against the worshippers of God, enkindled by ardent faith, under the eyes of the people, tore up publicly the pamphlet of the unjust law, suffering for this all kinds of cruelty. Saint Modestus, bishop of Trier At Trier in Gallia Belgica, in present-day Germany, Saint Modestus, bishop. Saint Æthelberht, king of Kent At Canterbury in England, Saint Æthelberht, king of Kent, whom the bishop Saint Augustine converted, first among the English princes, to the faith of Christ. Blessed Costanzo da Fabriano Servoli, Dominican priest At Ascoli Piceno, Blessed Costanzo da Fabriano Servoli, priest of the Order of Preachers, who distinguished himself for his austerity of life and commitment to promoting peace. Blessed Marco de’ Marconi, religious of the Poor Hermits of Saint Jerome At Mantua, Blessed Marco de’ Marconi, religious of the Order of the Hermits of Saint Jerome. Blessed Josefa Naval Girbés, virgin At the city of Algemesí in the territory of Valencia in Spain, Blessed Josefa Naval Girbés, virgin consecrated to God in the world, dedicated to teaching catechism to children. Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco, priest, founder of the Daughters of Charity of the Most Previous Blood At Nocera Inferiore in Campania, Blessed Tommaso Maria Fusco, priest, who with special love took care of the poor and the sick and established the Daughters of Charity of the Precious Blood, which he dedicated to the promotion of various works of social commitment, especially among young people and the sick. |
February 25 | Saint Nestor, bishop of Magyddus and martyr At Perge in Pamphylia, in present-day Türkiye, the passion of Saint Nestor, bishop of Magyddus and martyr, who, arrested during the persecution of Emperor Decius, was condemned by the governor of the province to the cross, so that he who had confessed the Crucifix would suffer the same torture. Saint Caesarius, doctor At Nazianzus in Cappadocia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Caesarius, physician, brother of Saint Gregory of Nazianzus. Saint Aldetrude, virgin and abbess of Maubeuge At Maubeuge in Gallia Belgica, in present-day France, Saint Aldetrude, virgin and abbess. Saint Walpurga, virgin and abbess of Heidenheim In the monastery of Heidenheim in Franconia in Germany, Saint Walpurga, abbess, who, at the request of Saint Boniface and his brothers Saints Willibald and Winibald, came from England to Germany, where she wisely ruled two monasteries, of monks and nuns. Saint Gerlando, bishop of Agrigento At Agrigento, Saint Gerlando, bishop, who reorganised the Church freed from the power of the Saracens. Blessed Robert d’Arbrissel, priest In the priory of Orsan in the territory of Bourges in Aquitaine, France, transitus of Blessed Robert d’Arbrissel, priest, who, preaching the conversion of customs in the streets, gathered men and women in two monasteries in Fontevrault under the government of an abbess. Blessed Avertano, pilgrim and Carmelite religious At Lucca, Blessed Avertano, pilgrim and religious of the Carmelite Order. Blessed Sebastián de Aparicio Prado, Franciscan religious At Puebla de los Ángeles in Mexico, Blessed Sebastián de Aparicio Prado, who, as a shepherd of sheep, emigrated from Spain to Mexico, where he benefited the poor with the many goods that he had accumulated through his work; then twice widowed, he was welcomed as a lay brother into the Order of Friars Minor and died almost a hundred years old. Blessed Domenico Lentini, priest At Lauría in Basilicata, Blessed Domenico Lentini, priest, who carried out a fruitful and multiple ministry in his land until his death, made fruitful by a life of humility, prayer and penance. Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani, Benedicine virgin, abbess of Saint Peter at Medina At the town of Mdina on the island of Malta, Blessed Maria Adeodata Pisani, virgin of the Order of Saint Benedict, who, as abbess of the monastery of Saint Peter, in the wise balance of the times, carried out her office with wisdom, taking care for assistance to the poor and needy for the spiritual good of the community. Saint Laurentius Bai Xiaoman, martyr of China At the city of Xilinxian in the province of Guangxi in China, Saint Laurentius Bai Xiaoman, martyr, who, as a craftsman and neophyte, preferred to suffer beatings and beheading rather than deny Christ. Saint Toribio Romo González, priest and martyr of Mexico At Tequila in the territory of Guadalajara in Mexico, Saint Toribio Romo González, priest and martyr, who was killed during the raging persecution in hatred of his priesthood. Saints Luigi Versiglia, Salesian bishop and vicar apostolic of Shaozhou, and Callisto Caravario, Salesian priest, martyrs of China On the banks of the Beijang River near the city of Shaoguan in the Guandong province in China, holy martyrs Luigi Versiglia, bishop, and Callisto Caravario, priest of the Salesian Society, who suffered martyrdom for having given Christian assistance to the souls entrusted to them. |
February 26 | Saint Alexander, bishop of Alexandria Commemoration of Saint Alexander, bishop: as a glorious old man with fervent zeal for the faith, who later became head of the Church of Alexandria, he separated from ecclesial communion his priest Arius, perverted by his insane heresy and refuted by the divine truth, whom he then condemned when he became part of the three hundred and eighteen Fathers of the First Council of Nicaea. Saint Faustiniano, bishop of Bologna At Bologna, Saint Faustiniano, bishop, who strengthened the Church and made the Church oppressed by persecution grow with the word of preaching. Saint Porfirius, bishop of Gaza in Palestine At Gaza in Palestine, Saint Porfirius, bishop, who, born at Thessalonica, lived five years as an anchorite at Scetis and the same length of time beyond the Jordan, distinguishing himself for his benevolence towards the poor; later having been ordained bishop of Gaza, he demolished many temples dedicated to idols, by whose followers he had long been oppressed, until worthy of veneration he found rest in the peace of the saints. Saint Agricole, bishop of Nevers At Nevers in ancient Neustria, now in France, Saint Agricole, bishop. Saint Victor, hermit at Arcis-sur-Aube At Arcis-sur-Aube in Champagne in France, Saint Victor, hermit, of whom Saint Bernard sang the praises. Saint Andrea, bishop of Florence At Florence, Saint Andrea, bishop. Blessed Robert Drury, priest and martyr of England At London in England, Blessed Robert Drury, priest and martyr, who, unjustly accused of conspiracy against King James I, in Tyburn, wearing the ecclesiastical habit to demonstrate his priestly dignity, suffered the torture of the gallows for Christ. Saint Paula de San José de Calasanz Montal Fornés, virgin, founder of the Sisters of Pious Schools At Olésa of Montserrat near Barcelona in Spain, Saint Paula de San José de Calasanz Montal Fornés, virgin, founder of the Congregation of the Daughters of Mary of the Pious Schools. Blessed Piedad de la Cruz Ortiz Real, founder of the Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Heart At Alcantarilla near Murcia in Spain, Blessed Piedad de la Cruz Ortiz Real, virgin, who for the love of God dedicated herself zealously to the education and catechesis of the poor and founded the Congregation of the Salesian Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. |
February 27 | Saint Gregory of Narek, monk and doctor of the Church Saint Gregory of Narek, abbot, doctor of the Armenians and doctor of the Church, renowned for his doctrine, writings and mystical science. Saints Julian and Eunus, martyrs At Alexandria of Egypt, commemoration of Saints Julian and Eunus, martyrs. Julian, forced by podagra to the point of not being able to walk or stand, presented himself to the judges together with two servants who carried him on a chair; of the two servants one denied the faith, while the other, named Eunus, persevered together with his master in confessing Christ. It was then ordered that they, put on camels, be carried around the whole city and, in the presence of the people, flogged to death, under Emperor Decius. Saint Besa, soldier and martyr At the same place, Saint Besa, martyr, who, as a soldier, trying to hold back those who insulted the previous martyrs, was denounced to the judge and, remaining steadfast in the faith, was beheaded. Saint Honorine, virgin and martyr at Rouen In the territory of Rouen in France, Saint Honorine, virgin and martyr. Saint Baldomer, subdeacon At Lyons in France, Saint Baldomer, subdeacon, man consecrated to God. Saints Basil and Procopius, monks At Constantinople, Saints Basil and Procopius, monks, who, at the time of Emperor Leo III the Isaurian, fought strenuously to defend the cult of sacred images. Saint Luca, abbot of the monastery of Santissimo Salvatore At Messina, Saint Luca, abbot of the monastery of the Most Holy Saviour, under the rule of the monks of the East. Saint Anne Line, widow, Blesseds Mark Barkworth (Lambert), Benedictine priest, and Roger Filcock (Nayler), Jesuit priest, martyrs of England At London in England, Saint Anne Line, widow and martyr, who, after her husband died in exile for the Catholic faith, provided a house for the priests in this city and for this, under Queen Elizabeth I, was hanged in Tyburn. Together with her, the blessed priests and martyrs Mark Barkworth (Lambert), of the Order of Saint Benedict, and Roger Filcock (Nayler), of the Society of Jesus also suffered, torn to pieces by the sword while they were still alive. Blessed William Richardson (Anderson), priest and martyr of England Also at London, Blessed William Richardson (Anderson), priest and martyr, who, ordained at Seville in Spain, was hanged at Tyburn for his priesthood, as the last martyr under Queen Elizabeth I. Blessed Franciscana de la Virgen de los Dolores Cirer Carbonell, founder of the Sisters of Charity At the town of Sencelles on the island of Majorca, Blessed Franciscana de la Virgen de los Dolores Cirer Carbonell, virgin, who, illiterate but animated by divine zeal, dedicated herself to works of apostolate and charity and established the community of the Sisters of Charity. Saint Gabriele dell’Addolorata Possenti, Passionist acolyte At Isola del Gran Sasso in Abruzzo, Saint Gabriele dell’Addolorata Possenti, acolyte, who, rejecting all worldly vanity, entered the Congregation of the Passion as a teenager, where he ended his brief existence. Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny, founder of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus At Marseille in France, Blessed Marie de Jésus Deluil-Martiny, virgin, who founded the Congregation of the Daughters of the Heart of Jesus and, mortally wounded by a violent man, concluded with the shedding of blood a life intimately united to the Passion of Christ. Blessed María Caridad del Espíritu Santo Brader Zahner, founder of the Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate At Pasto in Colombia, Blessed María Caridad del Espíritu Santo Brader Zahner, virgin, who with every effort tried to unite the contemplative life with missionary commitment and established the Franciscan Sisters of Mary Immaculate for the progress of the people through Christian education. |
February 28 | Holy priests, deacons and many others of Alexandria of Egypt, martyrs killed by disease Commemoration of the holy priests, deacons and many others in Alexandria, who, at the time of the emperor Gallienus, while a terrible plague was raging, gladly went towards their death assisting the people affected by the disease: the devout faith of the pious began to venerate them as martyrs. Saint Romain, abbot of Condat On the Jura Mountains in France, deposition of Saint Romain, abbot, who, following the model of the ancient monks, was the first to lead a hermitic life there, later becoming the father of many monks. Saints Marana and Cyra, virgins Commemoration of Saints Marana and Cyra, virgins, who near Beréa in Syria lived in a narrow and fenced place, exposed to the elements, without even a modest shelter, observing the silence and receiving the food they needed from a small window. Blessed Daniel Brottier, Spiritan priest Near Paris in France, Blessed Daniel Brottier, priest of the Congregation of the Holy Spirit, who dedicated himself to the creation of a work for orphans. Blessed Tymoteusz Trojanowski, Conventual Franciscan brother and martyr at Auschwitz In the extermination camp of Auschwitz near Krakow in Poland, Blessed Tymoteusz Trojanowski, priest of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual and martyr, who, during the domination of his homeland under a regime hostile to men and to religion, exhausted by the tortures suffered for having confessed his Christian faith, completed his martyrdom. |
February 29 | Saint Hilarius, pope At Rome on Via Tiburtina, deposition of Saint Hilarius, pope, who wrote letters on the Catholic faith, with which he confirmed the Councils of Nicaea, Ephesus and Chalcedon, highlighting the primacy of the Roman see. Saint Oswald, bishop of Worcester At Worcester in England, Saint Oswald, bishop, who, at first as a canon, then becoming a monk, was finally placed at the head of the Churches of York and Worcester and, as an affable, joyful and learned teacher, introduced the rule of Saint Benedict in many monasteries. Blessed Antonia da Firenze, widow, founder and first abbess of the monastery of Corpus Domini At L’Aquila, Blessed Antonia da Firenze, widow, later founder and first abbess of the monastery of the Body of Christ under the first rule of Saint Clare. Saint Auguste Chapdelaine, priest of Paris Foreign Missions and martyr of China At the city of Xilinxian in the province of Guangxi, China, Saint Auguste Chapdelaine, priest of the Paris Foreign Missions Society and martyr, who, arrested by soldiers together with many neophytes for having first sowed the Christian faith in this region, struck by three hundred lashes and forced into a small cage, finally died beheaded. |
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