Bishops |
Bishop Alfonso de Talavera, O.S.H.
Bishop Ludovico de Taragni, O.S.B.
Born: | 1559.05 | Died: | 1643.08.07 († 84) |
| Titular Bishop of Christopolis (1612.03.21 – 1643.08.07) Auxiliary Bishop of Toul (France) (1612.03.21 – 1643.08.07) |
Bishop Louis de Tartre, O. Cist.
Bishop Giovanni de Theltoniciis Titular Bishop of Verissa (1544.08.08 – ?) |
Saint Bishop Silvin de Thérouanne
Bishop Jerónimo de Toro, O.E.S.A.
Bishop Gaspar de Torres, O. de M.
Born: | 1510 (Spain) | Died: | 1584.01.05 († 73) |
| Titular Bishop of Medaurus (1570.06.09 – 1584.01.05) Auxiliary Bishop of Sevilla (Spain) (1570.06.09 – 1584.01.05) |
Archbishop Gabriel de Torres y Navarra Born: | 1681 | Died: | 1757.07.20 († 75) |
| Titular Archbishop of Melitene (1741.09.18 – 1757.07.20) |
Bishop Nicolas de Troja, O.F.M. Consecrated Bishop: | 1425.08.19 |
| Titular Bishop of Tanis (1425.07.27 – ?) |
Bishop Johann Deublinger
Bishop Peter de Ürményi
Born: | 1768.06.19? | Ordained Priest: | 1791.06.19 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1820.11.05 | Died: | 1839.11.15 († 71) |
| Titular Bishop of Corycus (1820.08.28 – 1839.11.15) Auxiliary Bishop of Esztergom (Hungary) (1820.08.28 – 1839.11.15) |
Bishop Felipe de Urríes
Bishop Gonzalo de Valbuena, O.F.M. Titular Bishop of Granada (1437.09.13 – 1442) |
Bishop Sebastián de Valladolid, O. Cist.
Bishop Nicolaus de Valle, O.F.M.
Bishop Valerien de Varsovie, O.P.
Bishop Louis-Marie Deveaux, M.E.P.
Born: | 1711 (France) | Consecrated Bishop: | 1746.05.01 | Died: | 1756.01.01 († 44) |
| Titular Bishop of Leros (1745.02.15 – 1756.01.01) Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Western Tonking (Vietnam) (1745.02.15 – 1756.01.01) |
Archbishop Carlo de’ Vecchi
Born: | 1611 (Italy) | Ordained Priest: | 1647.12 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1648.03.15 | Died: | 1673.03.13 († 61) |
| Bishop of Chiusi (Italy) (1648.03.02 – 1657.03.12) Titular Archbishop of Athenæ (1667.04.27 – 1673.03.13) |
Bishop Michael de Vehe, O.P. | Titular Bishop of Akka (1539.02.21 – 1539.04) |
Bishop Gerardus de Vera |
Bishop Petrus de Vespa, O. Carm.
| Titular Bishop of Paphos (1629.07.16 – 1653) |
Bishop Blasius de Vicariis Born: | 1660.02.03 | Ordained Priest: | 1684.02.26 | Died: | 1733 († 73) |
| Titular Bishop of Capharnaum (1728.11.15 – 1733) |
Bishop Francesco de Vico
Born: | 1660.03.08 (Italy) | Ordained Priest: | 1722.09.19 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1723.09.29 | Died: | 1735.01.15 († 74) |
| Titular Bishop of Elusa (1723.03.30 – 1735.01.15) |
Bishop Jean-Denis de Vienne
Born: | 1739.06.16 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1776.01.14 | Died: | 1800 († 61) |
| Titular Bishop of Sarepta (1775.12.18 – 1800) Auxiliary Bishop of Lyon (France) (1775.12.18 – 1800) |
Bishop Claudio de Villagómez
Born: | 1630 (Spain) | Ordained Priest: | 1658 | Died: | 1685.11.04? († 54) |
| Titular Bishop of Traianopolis (1684.04.24 – 1685.11.04?) |
Bishop Pedro de Villalobos, O.E.S.A.
Consecrated Bishop: | 1475.07.30 | Died: | 1487 |
| Titular Bishop of Beirut (1475.07.12 – 1487) Auxiliary Bishop of Coria (Spain) (1475.07.12 – 1487) |
Bishop Alfonso de Villasancta, O.F.M.
Titular Bishop of Gabala (1526.02.21 – ?) Auxiliary Bishop of Urgell (Spain) (1526.02.21 – ?) |
Bishop Michele de Vincenti
Born: | 1749.03.03 (Italy) | Ordained Priest: | 1772.02.02 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1817.05.25 | Died: | 1827 († 78) |
| Titular Bishop of Erythrum (1817.04.14 – 1827) |
Bishop Franciscus Xaverius de Vita Born: | 1737.04.13 | Ordained Priest: | 1760.05.04 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1793.03.17 | Died: | 1806 († 69) |
| Titular Bishop of Philomelium (1792.12.03 – 1806) |
Bishop Zacarías de Vizcarra y Arana
Born: | 1880.11.04 (Spain) | Ordained Priest: | 1906.03.31 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1947.06.22 | Died: | 1963.09.18 († 82) |
| Titular Bishop of Eressus (1947.04.02 – 1963.09.18) Auxiliary Bishop of Toledo (Spain) (1947.04.02 – 1963.09.18) |
Archbishop Giovanni Devoti
Born: | 1744.07.11 (Italy) | Ordained Priest: | 1789.04.19 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1789.05.03 | Died: | 1820.09.18 († 76) |
| Bishop of Anagni (Italy) (1789.03.30 – 1804.03.26) Titular Bishop of Zela (1804.03.26 – 1804.05.29) Titular Archbishop of Carthage (1804.05.29 – 1820.09.18) |
Bishop Fortunado Devoto
Born: | 1872.11.21 (Argentina) | Ordained Priest: | 1895.12.20 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1928.03.18 | Died: | 1941.06.29 († 68) |
| Titular Bishop of Attæa (1927.09.02 – 1941.06.29) Auxiliary Bishop of Buenos Aires (Argentina) (1927.09.02 – 1941.06.29) |
Bishop Émile-Alexandre-Joseph Devred, M.E.P.
Born: | 1877.01.07 (France) | Ordained Priest: | 1899.09.23 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1921.05.01 | Died: | 1926.01.18 († 49) |
| Titular Bishop of Esbus (1920.12.16 – 1926.01.18) Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Seoul 서울 (South Korea) ([1920.08.20] 1920.12.16 – 1926.01.18) |
Bishop Ghislenus de Vroede
Consecrated Bishop: | 1570.04.23 | Died: | 1579.08.14 |
| Titular Bishop of Selymbria (1570.03.13 – 1579.08.14) Auxiliary Bishop of Mechelen (Belgium) (1570.03.13 – 1579.08.14) |
Bishop Antoine Alphonse de Wachter
Born: | 1855.04.10 (Belgium) | Ordained Priest: | 1879.09.20 | Consecrated Bishop: | 1909.07.25 | Died: | 1932.11.15 († 77) |
| Titular Bishop of Dionysias (1909.06.21 – 1932.11.15) Auxiliary Bishop of Mechelen (Belgium) (1909.06.21 – 1932.11.15) |
Bishop James Dey
Blessed Bishop Agno de Zaragoza, O.F.M.
Bishop Michel-Joseph Bourguignon d’Herbigny, S.J.