
who are not Ordinaries


ItalyBishop Angelo Mascheroni (95)Bishop Angelo Mascheroni (95)

Titular Bishop of Foro Flaminio
Auxiliary Bishop emeritus of Milano (Italy)

Born:1929.10.13 (Sesto San Giovanni, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1952.06.07
Consecrated Bishop:1990.06.24

Priest of Milano (Italy) (1952.06.07 – 1990.06.09)

Auxiliary Bishop of Milano (Italy) (1990.06.09 – 2005.01.10)

Titular Bishop of Foro Flaminio (1990.06.09 – ...)

BelarusBishop Jan Chrzciciel Louis Masclet, O.M.

Born:1762.09.04 (France)
Ordained Priest:1787.12.22
Consecrated Bishop:1817.06.24
Died:1836.07.11 († 73)

Titular Bishop of Camachus (1814.09.26 – 1836.07.11)

Auxiliary Bishop of Minsk (Belarus) (1814.09.26 – 1836.07.11)

Archbishop Pietro Mashad (Maronite Rite)

Consecrated Bishop:1857.03.19

Titular Archbishop of Apamea in Syria of the Maronites (1857 – 1880.07.23)

ItalyBishop Giuseppe Masi (Italo-Albanese Rite)

Consecrated Bishop:1878.04.28
Died:1903.04.11 († 77)

Titular Bishop of Tempe (1878.01.29 – 1903.04.11)

Ordinary of Silicia of the Italo-Albanese (Italy) (1878.01.29 – 1903.04.11)

USABishop James Massa (64)Bishop James Massa (64)

Titular Bishop of Bardstown
Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn (USA)

Ut omnes unum sint

Born:1960.09.03 (Jersey City, NJ, USA)
Ordained Priest:1986.10.25
Consecrated Bishop:2015.07.20

Priest of Brooklyn (USA) (1986.10.25 – 2015.05.19)

Titular Bishop of Bardstown (2015.05.19 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn (USA) (2015.05.19 – ...)

ItalyArchbishop Renato Massa

Born:1691.11.04 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1715.08.04
Consecrated Bishop:1727.01.05
Died:1744.06.13 († 52)

Bishop of Rimini (Italy) (1726.12.16 – 1744.06.13)

Titular Archbishop of Sebastia (1741.04.17 – 1744.06.13)

Archbishop Youssef Massad (Maronite Rite)

Consecrated Bishop:1883.08.05

Titular Archbishop of Giovanni S. d’Acri of the Maronites (1883 – 1890)

EgyptArchbishop Joannice Massamiri (Greek-Melkite Rite)

Consecrated Bishop:1860.01.06

Titular Archbishop of Palmyra of the Greek-Melkites (1865.01.14 – 1882.09.13)

Patriarchal Vicar of Egypt and Sudan of the Greek-Melkites (Egypt) (1866 – 1878)

FranceBishop Charles Massé

Born:1877.08.21 (France)
Ordained Priest:1903.04.11
Consecrated Bishop:1938.11.09
Died:1969.05.08 († 91)

Auxiliary Bishop of Luçon (France) (1938.07.27 – 1940.01.30)

Titular Bishop of Phæna (1938.07.27 – 1969.05.08)

ItalyBishop Arcangelo Massi

Apostolic Administrator of Fermo (Italy) (1406.01.06 – 1406.01.22)

ItalyArchbishop Vincenzo Massi

Ordained Priest:1805.06.23
Consecrated Bishop:1821.07.01
Died:1841.01.10 († 59)

Bishop of Gubbio (Italy) (1821.06.27 – 1839.11.22)

Titular Archbishop of Thessalonica (1839.11.22 – 1841.01.10)

VietnamBishop Guillaume-Clément Masson, M.E.P.

Born:1801.04.01 (France)
Ordained Priest:1823.12.20
Consecrated Bishop:1848.12.03
Died:1853.07.24 († 52)

Titular Bishop of Laranda (1848.05.23 – 1853.07.24)

Coadjutor Vicar Apostolic of Southern Tonking (Vietnam) (1848.05.23 – 1853.07.24)

ItalyArchbishop Vincentius Massoni

Born:1808.01.22 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1830.09.18
Consecrated Bishop:1856.07.06
Died:1857.06.03 († 49)

Titular Archbishop of Edessa (1856.06.19 – 1857.06.03)

Apostolic Internuncio to Brazil (1856.06.19 – 1857.06.03)

Apostolic Delegate to Argentina (1856.06.19 – 1857.06.03)

PolandBishop Janusz Edward Mastalski (60)Bishop Janusz Edward Mastalski (60)

Titular Bishop of Noba
Auxiliary Bishop of Kraków (Poland)

Dominus spes mea

Born:1964.05.04 (Kraków, Poland)
Ordained Priest:1989.05.21
Consecrated Bishop:2019.01.05

Priest of Kraków (Poland) (1989.05.21 – 2018.12.03)

Titular Bishop of Noba (2018.12.03 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Kraków (Poland) (2018.12.03 – ...)

ItalyArchbishop Luigi Matera

Born:1820.02.11 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1845.12.21
Consecrated Bishop:1882.07.17
Died:1891.11.29 († 71)

Apostolic Delegate to Argentina (1880.04 – 1884.10)

Titular Archbishop of Irenopolis (1882.03.30 – 1891.11.29)

EnglandArchbishop David Mathew

Born:1902.01.15 (England)
Ordained Priest:1923.06.25
Consecrated Bishop:1938.12.21
Died:1975.12.12 († 73)

Titular Bishop of Æliæ (1938.12.03 – 1946.02.20)

Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster (England) (1938.12.03 – 1946.02.20)

Apostolic Delegate to British East and West Africa (1946.02.20 – 1953)

Titular Archbishop of Apamea in Bithynia (1946.02.20 – 1975.12.12)

Military Vicar of Great Britain (England) (1954.04.16 – 1963.03.23)

CanadaBishop Yvan Mathieu, S.M. (63)Bishop Yvan Mathieu, S.M. (63)

Titular Bishop of Vazari
Auxiliary Bishop of Ottawa–Cornwall (Canada)

Noli timere

Born:1961.03.07 (Québec, QC, Canada)
Ordained Priest:1987.08.15
Consecrated Bishop:2022.06.13

Titular Bishop of Vazari (2022.03.17 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Ottawa–Cornwall (Canada) (2022.03.17 – ...)

Bishop Josip Matić


Titular Bishop of Risinium (1859 – 1876)

Bishop Ivan Matizović


Titular Bishop of Risinium (1837.04.13 – 1848)

CzechiaBishop Kajetán Matoušek

Born:1910.08.07 (Czechia)
Ordained Priest:1934.12.22
Consecrated Bishop:1949.09.17
Died:1994.10.21 († 84)

Auxiliary Bishop of Praha (Czechia) (1949.08.29 – 1992.06.05)

Titular Bishop of Serigene (1949.08.29 – 1994.10.21)

Archbishop Basilio Matranga, O.S.B.M.


Titular Bishop of Dionysias (1715.08.19 – 1726.10.07)

Titular Archbishop of Acrida (1726.10.07 – 1748.04.07)

ItalyBishop Martino Matronola, O.S.B. Cas.

Born:1903.11.02 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1929.09.29
Consecrated Bishop:1977.05.08
Died:1994.05.20 († 90)

Provost of Atina (Italy) (1971.05.24 – 1977.03.21)

Abbot Ordinary of Montecassino (Italy) (1971.05.24 – 1983.01.08)

Titular Bishop of Turres in Numidia (1977.03.21 – 1994.05.20)

ItalyArchbishop Orazio Mattei

Born:1724.08.02 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1759.06.09
Consecrated Bishop:1767.10.04

Titular Archbishop of Colossæ (1767.09.28 – ?)

Bishop Matteo

Titular Bishop of Bethlehem (1506.11.21 – 1511?)

ItalyBishop Matteo

Titular Bishop of Tripolis (1450 – ?)

Auxiliary Bishop of Verona (Italy) (1450 – ?)

LithuaniaBishop Juozas Matulaitis-Labukas

Ordained Priest:1918.05.26
Consecrated Bishop:1965.12.05
Died:1979.05.28 († 85)

Apostolic Administrator of Vilkaviškis (Lithuania) (1965 – 1979.05.28)

Titular Bishop of Mopta (1965.11.24 – 1979.05.28)

Apostolic Administrator of Kaunas (Lithuania) (1965.11.24 – 1979.05.28)

President of Episcopal Conference of Lithuania (1970 – 1979.05.28)

Bishop Pascase Maupair, O.P.


Titular Bishop of Selymbria (1533.09.03 – 1551?)

Bishop Basilio Maupretis, O.F.M.

Consecrated Bishop:1439.12.13

Titular Bishop of Tanis (1439.11.11 – ?)

ItalyBishop Giovanni Mauri

Born:1854.03.01 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1876.09.23
Consecrated Bishop:1904.12.07
Died:1936.11.13 († 82)

Titular Bishop of Famagusta (1904.11.14 – 1936.11.13)

Auxiliary Bishop of Milano (Italy) (1904.11.14 – 1936.11.13)

ItalyArchbishop Antonio Mauro

Born:1914.06.30 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1939.07.09
Consecrated Bishop:1967.07.16
Died:2001.12.09 († 87)

Head of Protocol of Secretariat of State (1963 – 1967.07.04)

Secretary of Sacred Congregation for the Religious and Secular Institutes (1967.07.04 – 1969.04.12)

Titular Archbishop of Thagaste (1967.07.04 – 2001.12.09)

Vice-President of Secretariat for Non-Believers (1969.04.12 – 1975.10)

Pontifical Delegate for the Basilica of Saint Anthony of Padua (1975.10.11 – 1990.12.10)

AustriaBishop Dominik Mayer

Ordained Priest:1834.07.22
Consecrated Bishop:1863.12.13
Died:1875.05.04 († 66)

Titular Bishop of Cisamus (1863.10.01 – 1875.05.04)

Military Vicar of Austria (Austria) (1863.10.01 – 1875.05.04)

GermanyBishop Johann Bernhard Mayer

Ordained Priest:1694.12.18
Consecrated Bishop:1705.03.01
Died:1747.09.07 († 77)

Titular Bishop of Chrysopolis in Arabia (1705.01.26 – 1747.09.07)

Auxiliary Bishop of Würzburg (Germany) (1705.01.26 – 1747.09.07)

AustriaBishop Laurentius Mayer

Born:1828.07.26 (Austria)
Ordained Priest:1853.08.05
Consecrated Bishop:1899.01.22
Died:1912.05.13 († 83)

Titular Bishop of Dioclea (1899.01.11 – 1912.05.13)

Auxiliary Bishop of Wien (Austria) (1899.01.11 – 1912.05.13)

IndiaBishop Theophilus Mayer, M.H.M.

Born:1854.01.02 (Canada)
Ordained Priest:1876.12.03
Consecrated Bishop:1894.11.04
Died:1900.09.09 († 46)

Titular Bishop of Arcadiopolis (1894.07.31 – 1900.09.09)

Auxiliary Bishop of Madras (India) (1894.07.31 – 1900.09.09)

AustriaBishop Jakob Mayr

Deus caritas

Born:1924.07.24 (Austria)
Ordained Priest:1950.07.09
Consecrated Bishop:1971.05.20
Died:2010.09.19 († 86)

Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg (Austria) (1971.03.12 – 2001.08.15)

Titular Bishop of Agbia (1971.03.12 – 2010.09.19)

AustriaBishop Rupert Mayr

Ordained Priest:1834.08.01
Consecrated Bishop:1869.11.14
Died:1873.07.27 († 62)

Titular Bishop of Paneade (1869.10.22 – 1873.07.27)

Auxiliary Bishop of Salzburg (Austria) (1869.10.22 – 1873.07.27)

SpainBishop José Tomás Mazarrasa y Rivas

Born:1823.03.07 (Spain)
Consecrated Bishop:1885.04.19
Died:1907.03.11 († 84)

Titular Bishop of Philippopolis (1885.02.21 – 1907.03.11)

Apostolic Administrator of Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain) (1885.03.27 – 1907.03.11)

LebanonBishop Samir Mazloum (90)Bishop Samir Mazloum (90) (Maronite Rite)

Titular Bishop of Callinicum of the Maronites

Born:1934.09.10 (Kaakour, Lebanon)
Ordained Priest:1964.06.07
Consecrated Bishop:1997.01.11

Titular Bishop of Callinicum of the Maronites (1996.11.11 – ...)

Bishop of Curia of the Maronites (2000 – 2011.08.13)

BrazilBishop Jerônimo Mazzarotto

Born:1898.04.11 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1921.04.24
Consecrated Bishop:1957.07.21
Died:1999.05.23 († 101)

Auxiliary Bishop of Curitiba (Brazil) (1957.04.29 – 1970.05.08)

Titular Bishop of Arsinoë in Arcadia (1957.04.29 – 1999.05.23)

ItalyArchbishop Giuseppe Mazzetti, O. Carm.

Born:1778.12.02 (Italy)
Consecrated Bishop:1836.07.16
Died:1850.07.14 († 71)

Bishop of Aquino (Italy) (1836.07.11 – 1838.02.05)

Bishop of Pontecorvo (Italy) (1836.07.11 – 1838.02.15)

Bishop of Sora (Italy) (1836.07.11 – 1838.02.15)

Titular Archbishop of Seleucia Trachea (1838.02.15 – 1850.07.14)

ArgentinaBishop Marcelo Fabián Mazzitelli (64)Bishop Marcelo Fabián Mazzitelli (64)

Titular Bishop of Pauzera
Auxiliary Bishop of Mendoza (Argentina)
Apostolic Administrator of San Rafael (Argentina)

Que todos sean uno

Born:1960.06.25 (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
Ordained Priest:1986.03.11
Consecrated Bishop:2017.12.29

Priest of San Isidro (Argentina) (1986.03.11 – 2017.11.10)

Titular Bishop of Pauzera (2017.11.10 – ...)

Auxiliary Bishop of Mendoza (Argentina) (2017.11.10 – ...)

Apostolic Administrator of San Rafael (Argentina) (2025.02.13 – ...)

ItalyArchbishop Giuseppe Mazzoli

Born:1886.11.22 (Italy)
Ordained Priest:1911.07.09
Consecrated Bishop:1935.03.19
Died:1945.12.08 († 59)

Titular Archbishop of Germa in Hellesponto (1934.12.15 – 1945.12.08)

Apostolic Delegate to Bulgaria (1934.12.15 – 1945.12.08)

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