Roman Martyrology 2004

November 11

Saint Martin, bishop of Tours

Memorial of Saint Martin, bishop, on the day of his deposition: born of pagan parents in Pannonia in the territory of modern-day Hungary and called to military service in France, when still a catechumen he covered with his cloak Christ himself concealed in the guise of a poor man. Having received baptism, he left the army and led monastic life in Ligugé in a monastery he himself founded, under the guidance of Saint Hilary of Poitiers. Finally ordained priest and elected bishop of Tours, he manifested in himself the model of the good shepherd, founding other monasteries and parishes in the villages, educating and reconciling the clergy and evangelising the peasants, until at Candes he returned to the Lord.

Saint Menas, martyr in Egypt

Beyond Lake Mareotide in Egypt, Saint Menas, martyr.

Saint Véran, bishop of Vence

At Vence in Provence, commemoration of Saint Véran, bishop, who, as son of Saint Eucherius bishop of Lyons, was educated in the monastery of Lérins and wrote a letter to Pope Saint Leo the Great, thanking him for the faith in the Incarnate Word which he defended in the letter to Flavian.

Saint Menna, hermit

In Molise, commemoration of Saint Menna, hermit, whose virtues are remembered by Pope Saint Gregory the Great.

Saint John the Almsgiver, patriach of Alexandria

At Limassol on the island of Cyprus, transitus of Saint John the Almsgiver, bishop of Alexandria, distinguished for his mercy towards the poor: full of charity towards all, he had churches, hospitals and orphanages built in large numbers and worked with great concern to relieve the people of all misery, making use of the goods of the Church for this purpose and assiduously exhorting the rich to charity.

Saint Bertuin, bishop and abbot of the monastery of Malonne

In the monastery of Malonne in Brabant, in present-day Belgium, Saint Bertuin, venerated as bishop and abbot.

Saint Theodore the Studite, abbot

At Constantinople, Saint Theodore the Studite, abbot, who made his monastery a school of scholars, saints and martyrs who were victims of the persecutions of the iconoclasts; sent three times into exile, he held the traditions of the Fathers of the Church in great honour and to expound the Catholic faith he wrote some famous works on fundamental themes of Christian doctrine.

Saint Bartolomeo, abbot of Grottaferrata

In the monastery of Grottaferrata near Frascati, near Rome, Saint Bartolomeo, abbot, who, born in Calabria, was a companion of Saint Nilus, whose Life he would later compose, and was by his side when, now close to death, he founded in the territory of Frascati a monastery organised according to the ascetic discipline of the Eastern Fathers, which he consolidated during his government making it a school of science and art.

Saint Marina, virgin and martyr of Japan

At Nagasaki in Japan, Saint Marina, virgin and martyr, who, thrown into prison, was publicly exposed to mockery of her chastity and finally burned at the stake.

Blessed Alicja Kotowska, Resurrectionist virgin, martyr of Poland

At the town of Laski Piasnica near the city of Wejherowo in Poland, Blessed Alicja Kotowska, virgin of the Congregation of the Sisters of the Resurrection of the Lord and martyr, who was shot during the war for having strenuously defended her faith in Christ.

Blessed Vincentius Eugenio Bossilkoff, Passionist, bishop of Nikopol

At Sofia in Bulgaria, the passion of Blessed Vincentius Eugenio Bossilkoff, bishop of Nicopol and martyr of the Congregation of the Passion of Jesus, who, under a tyrannical regime, taken to prison for refusing to renounce communion with Rome and cruelly tortured, was sentenced to death under the charge of high treason and finally shot.

November 12

Saint Josaphat, archbishop of Polatsk–Vitebsk, martyr in Belarus

Memorial of the passion of Saint Josaphat Kuntsevich, bishop of Polatsk and martyr, who pushed his flock to Catholic unity with constant zeal, cultivated the Byzantine-Slavic rite with loving devotion and, at Vitebsk in Belarus, at that time under the Polish jurisdiction, cruelly assaulted in a tumult by the crowd against him, died for the unity of the Church and for Catholic truth.

Saint Nilus, abbot in Ancyra

Near Ankara in Galatia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Nilus, abbot, who, considered a disciple of Saint John Chrysostom, ran a monastery for a long time and spread the ascetic doctrine with his writings.

Saint Machar, bishop of Mull

On the Isle of Mull in Scotland, Saint Machar, bishop, who, of Irish origin, is considered a disciple of Saint Columban and founder of the Church of this place.

Saint Isice, bishop of Vienne

At Vienne in Burgundy now in France, Saint Isice, bishop, who was raised from the senatorial dignity to the episcopal one; his sons, whom he had previously begotten, were Saints Apollinaris, bishop of Valence, and Avitus, who succeeded him in the see of Vienne.

Saint Emiliano, priest

On the heights of the Cogolla region near Berceo in Spain, Saint Emiliano, priest, who, after leading a hermitic and clerical life, finally professed the monastic life, shining through his generosity towards the poor and his spirit of prophecy.

Saint Kunibert, bishop of Cologne

At Cologne in Austrasia, now in Germany, Saint Kunibert, bishop, who after the barbarian invasions renewed ecclesiastical life and the piety of the faithful at the city and throughout the territory.

Saint Lebuinus, priest and monk

At Deventer in Friesland, in the present-day Netherlands, Saint Lebuinus, priest, who, as a monk who came from England, worked to proclaim the peace and salvation of Christ to the inhabitants of this region.

Saints Benedetto, Giovanni, Izaak, Mateusz and Krystyn, martyrs of Poland

Near Kazimierz on the Warta river in Poland, Saints Benedetto, Giovanni, Izaak and Mateusz, martyrs, who, sent to proclaim the Christian faith in Poland, were slaughtered at night by some brigands. Together with them, Krystyn, their servant, is also commemorated, hanged in the church enclosure.

Blessed Giovanni della Pace Cini, Franciscan tertiary

At Pisa, Blessed Giovanni della Pace Cini, who passed from military service to that of God in the Third Order of Saint Francis.

Saint Diego de San Nicolás de Alcalá, Franciscan religious

At Alcalá de Henares in Spain, Saint Diego de San Nicolás de Alcalá, religious of the Order of Minor, who shone both in the Canary Islands and at Rome in the monastery of Santa Maria in Ara Coeli for his humility and charity in caring for the sick.

Saint Margarito Flores García, priest and martyr of Mexico

At the city of Tulimán in Mexico, Saint Margarito Flores García, priest and martyr, who, during the great persecution against the Church, was arrested for his priesthood and crowned with glorious martyrdom by firing squad.

Blessed José Ramón Medes Ferrís, martyr of Spain

At the village of Alcudia de Carlet in the territory of Valencia in Spain, Blessed José Ramón Medes Ferrís, martyr, to whom the Lord gave the eternal reward, in the course of religious persecution, for his fearless fidelity.

November 13

Saints Antonin, Nicephorus, Zebina, Germanus and Manetha, martyrs at Cesarea

At Caesarea in Palestine, passion of the holy martyrs Antonin, Nicephorus, Zebina, Germanus and Manetha, virgin. The latter, after having suffered the flogging, was then burned at the stake under Emperor Galerius Maximinus; the others, on the other hand, were beheaded for having courageously and sincerely accused the governor Firmilian of impiety, because he immolated to the gods.

Saint Mitre, martyr at Aix

At Aix-en-Provence in Gallia Narbonensis, now in France, Saint Mitre, who, though of a servile condition, yet free in Christ, migrated victorious from this world.

Saint Brice, bishop of Tours

At Tours in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Brice, bishop, who, as a disciple of Saint Martin, succeeded the master and for forty-seven years repeatedly faced various adversities.

Saints Arcadius, Paschasius, Probus, Eutychius and Paulillus, martyrs in Africa

In Africa, commemoration of the Spanish martyr saints Arcadius, Paschasius, Probus and Eutychius, who, not tolerating in any way enslavement to the Arian heresy, were first defrauded of their possessions by the Vandal king Genseric, then sent into exile and subjected to atrocious torture and, finally, slaughtered with different kinds of martyrdom. The steadfastness of little Paulillus, brother of Pascasius and Eutychius, also shone in the circumstance, who was beaten for a long time with a stick and then condemned to the most vile slavery for his tenacious determination to remain in the Catholic faith.

Saint Léonien, abbot

At Vienne in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Léonien, abbot, who, taken prisoner to this region by Pannonia by enemies of the faith, was for more than forty years first at Autun and then at Vienne as a holy guide of monks and nuns.

Saint Quintien, bishop of Auvergne

At Clermont-Ferrand in Aquitaine, now in France, Saint Quintien, bishop, who first held the see of Rodez and then, later sent into exile by the Goths, became bishop of this city.

Saints Florido, bishop of Città di Castello, and Amanzio, priest

At Città di Castello in Umbria, commemoration of Saints Florido, bishop, of whom Pope Saint Gregory the Great attests to the correct doctrine and holiness of life, and Amanzio, his priest, full of charity for the sick and of every virtue.

Saint Dalmas, bishop of Rodez

At Rodez in Aquitaine, Saint Dalmas, bishop, whose generosity towards the poor is praised by Saint Gregory of Tours.

Saint Himier, hermit

In the Suze valley in present-day Switzerland, Saint Himier, hermit, who preached the Gospel in this region.

Saint Eugenio, archbishop of Toledo

At Toledo in Spain, Saint Eugenio, bishop, who worked to renew the sacred liturgy.

Saint Maxellende, virgin and martyr in France

In the territory of Cambrai in France, Saint Maxellende, virgin and martyr, who, as is handed down, having chosen Christ as her husband, refused to follow the man to whom she had been promised by her parents and thus died, pierced by him with the sword.

Saint Nicholas I, pope

At Rome at Saint Peter’s, Saint Nicholas I, pope, who undertook with apostolic vigour to strengthen the authority of the Roman Pontiff in the whole Church of God.

Saint Abbon, abbot of Fleury, martyr

In the monastery of La Réole in Gascony in France, transitus of Saint Abbon, abbot of Fleury, a man admirably versed in Sacred Scripture and letters, who, as defender of monastic discipline and courageous promoter of peace, died pierced by a spear.

Blessed Warmondo, bishop of Ivrea

At Ivrea in Piedmont, commemoration of Blessed Warmondo, bishop, who was famous for his lively faith, piety and humility, claimed the freedom of the Church from the snares of the powerful, built the cathedral and promoted monastic life and established a school episcopal.

Saint Omobono

At Cremona, Saint Omobono, who, as a shopkeeper, moved by charity for the poor, shone in gathering and educating abandoned children and in restoring peace to families.

Saint Agostina Pietrantoni, virgin of the Sisters of Charity

At Rome, Saint Agostina Pietrantoni, virgin of the Congregation of the Sisters of Charity, who dedicated herself in the Hospital of the Holy Spirit with Christian mercy to the care of the sick and died stabbed by a patient taken by homicidal rage.

Blessed Juan Gonga Martínez, martyr in Spain

At the village of Simat de Valldigna in the territory of Valencia in Spain, Blessed Juan Gonga Martínez, martyr, who shed his blood for Christ during the persecution against the faith.

Blessed María Patrocinio de San Juan Giner Gomis, Claretian virgin and martyr of Spain

At the village of Portichol de Tavernes near Carcaixent in the same territory of Spain, Blessed María Patrocinio de San Juan Giner Gomis, virgin of the Institute of the Claretian Missionary Sisters of Mary Immaculate and martyr, who in the same persecution, fighting for the faith, obtained the eternal life.

Blesseds Kamen Vichev, Pavel Džidžov and Josafat Šiškov, Assumptionist priests, martyrs of Bulgaria

At Sofia in Bulgaria, Blesseds Kamen Vichev, Pavel Džidžov and Josafat Šiškov, priests of the Congregation of the Augustinians of the Assumption, who, unjustly accused of treason under an atheist regime and thrown into prison as Christians, in their mortal combat deserved to receive the eternal reward of faithful disciples of Christ.

November 14

Saint Theodore, martyr in Eraclea

At Marmara Ereğlisi in Thrace, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Theodore, martyr.

Saint Hypatius, bishop of Gangra

At Gangra in Paphlagonia, also in Türkiye, Saint Hypatius, bishop, who was martyred by being stoned in the street by the Novatians.

Saint Ruf, bishop of Avignon

At Avignon in Provence in France, Saint Ruf, who is believed to have first led the Christian community there.

Saint Dyfrig, bishop of Llandaff and abbot

On Bardsey Island on the coast of North Wales, Saint Dyfrig, bishop and abbot.

Saint Giovanni, Camaldolese, bishop of Traù

At Traù in Dalmatia, in present-day Croatia, Saint Giovanni, bishop, who, as hermit in the Camaldolese monastery of Osor, after his ordination in the episcopal ministry successfully defended the city from the assault of King Coloman.

Saint Laurence, archbishop of Dublin

At Eu in Normandy, France, transitus of Saint Laurence, bishop of Dublin, who, despite the difficulties of his time, strenuously promoted the observance of the discipline of the Church and, committed to restoring harmony among princes, passed to the joy of eternal peace on his way to King Henry of England.

Blessed Giovanni da Tufara, hermit

In the monastery of Santa Maria di Gualdo Mazocca near Campobasso, Blessed Giovanni da Tufara, hermit.

Blessed Siardus, Premonstratensian abbot

At Malgarten in Friesland, in the present-day Netherlands, Blessed Siardus, abbot of the Premonstratensian Order, distinguished for his observance of the rule and for his generosity towards the poor.

Saint Serapion, Mercedarian religious, martyr of Scotland

At Algiers in North Africa, Saint Serapion, who, first in the Order of the Blessed Mary of Mercy, deserved to obtain the palm of martyrdom by fighting for the liberation of Christian prisoners and the preaching of the faith.

Saints Nikola Tavelić, Déodat de Rodez Aribert, Stefano da Cuneo and Pierre de Narbonne, Franciscan priests and martyrs at Jerusalem

At Jerusalem, Saints Nikola Tavelić, Déodat de Rodez Aribert, Stefano da Cuneo and Pierre de Narbonne, priests of the Order of Friars Minor and martyrs, who were burned in the fire for having courageously preached the Christian religion in the public square before the Saracens, firmly professing Christ Son of God.

Blessed Giovanni Liccio, Dominican priest

At Cáccamo in Sicily, Blessed Giovanni Liccio, priest of the Order of Preachers, who, distinguished for his tireless charity towards his neighbour, for his commitment to spreading the prayer of the Rosary and for the observance of discipline, rested at the age of one hundred and eleven in the Lord.

Saint Étienne-Théodore Cuenot, religious of Paris Foreign Missions, bishop and vicar apostolic of Eastern Cochin, martyr of Vietnam

In the fortress of Binh Dinh in Cochinchina, now Vietnam, Saint Étienne-Théodore Cuenot, bishop of the Society for Foreign Missions of Paris and martyr, who, after twenty-five years of commitment in the apostolate, during the persecution against Christians unleashed by Emperor Tu Duc, was thrown into an elephant’s cage and died of exhaustion from suffering.

November 15

Saint Albert the Great, Dominican, bishop of Regensburg and doctor of the Church

Saint Albert the Great, known as the Great, bishop and doctor of the Church, who, having entered the Order of Preachers, taught philosophy and theology at Paris with speech and writings. As a master of Saint Thomas Aquinas, he succeeded in uniting the wisdom of the saints with human knowledge and the science of nature in an admirable synthesis. He received the see of Regensburg, where he worked assiduously to strengthen peace among peoples, but after a year he preferred the poverty of the Order to all honour and at Cologne in Germany he fell piously asleep in the Lord.

Saints Fidentian, Valerian, Victoria and companions, martyrs at Hippo

At Hippo in Numidia in present-day Algeria, twenty holy martyrs, whose faith and victory Saint Augustine celebrated; of them only the names of Fidentian, bishop, Valerian and Victoria are remembered.

Saints Gurias and Samonas, martyrs at Edessa

At Edessa in ancient Syria, the holy martyrs Gurias, ascetic, and Samonas, who, under Emperor Diocletian, after long and cruel tortures, were condemned to death by the prefect Misiano and beheaded with the sword.

Saint Felice, bishop of Nola

At Nola in Campania, Saint Felice, with whose pastoral care and cult this city is honoured.

Saint Malo, bishop of Aleth

In Brittany, Saint Malo, bishop of Aleth, who is said to have been born in Wales and died in the territory of Saintes.

Saint Didier, bishop of Cahors

At Cahors in Aquitaine, now in France, Saint Didier, bishop, who built many churches, monasteries and buildings of public utility and never neglected to prepare souls for an encounter with his heavenly Spouse, making them a true temple of Christ.

Saints Marinus, bishop, and Anianus, martyrs at Irschenberg

On Mount Irschenberg in Bavaria, Germany, Saints Marinus, bishop, and Anianus, martyrs.

Saint Sidoine, abbot

Near Rouen in Neustria, now in France, Saint Sidoine, abbot, who, originally from Ireland, led a monastic life first in Jumièges, then on the island of Noirmoutier under the guidance of Saint Philibert and, finally, in the monastery he founded himself.

Saint Fintan, hermit

At Rheinau in present-day Switzerland, Saint Fintan, who, also originally from Ireland, lived for a long time for the love of God in a monastery and, even longer, as a recluse in a small cell next to the church.

Saint Leopold III, margrave of Austria

In the cenoby of Klosterneuburg in Austria, the deposition of Saint Leopold III, who, as margrave of this territory, already called Pius when alive, was a promoter of peace and a friend of the poor and the clergy.

Blesseds Hugh Cook Faringdon, William Eynon and John Rugg, Benedictine priests and martyrs of England

At Reading in England, blessed martyrs Hugh Cook Faringdon, abbot of the Order of Saint Benedict, William Eynon and John Rugg, priests, who, accused of treason for having tenaciously opposed the claims of primacy in the Church of King Henry VIII, died by hanging, disembowelled with the sword in front of the monastery.

Blesseds Richard Whiting, John Thorne and Roger James, Benedictine priests and martyrs of England

At Glastonbury also in England, blessed martyrs Richard Whiting, abbot, John Thorne and Roger James, priests of the Order of Saint Benedict, who, with the false accusation of treason or sacrilege, were delivered under the same king to the same tortures.

Blessed Lucia da Narni Broccadelli, Dominican tertiary

At Ferrara, Blessed Lucia da Narni Broccadelli, religious, who patiently endured many sufferings and humiliations both in married life and in the monastery of the Third Order of Saint Dominic.

Blessed Caius, catechist and martyr of Japan

At Nagasaki in Japan, Blessed Caius, martyr, who, as a catechist, was burned at the stake for having confessed Christ.

Saints Roque González de Santa Cruz and Alonso Rodríguez Obnel, Jesuit priests and martyrs of Brazil

At Caaró in Paraguay, Saints Roque González de Santa Cruz and Alonso Rodríguez Obnel, priests of the Society of Jesus and martyrs, who brought the dispossessed indigenous populations closer to Christ by founding villages called reductions, in which work and social life were freely combined with the values of Christianity, and were therefore killed in an ambush by a sorcerer’s assassin.

Saint José María Pignatelli, Jesuit priest

At Rome, Saint José María Pignatelli, priest of the Society of Jesus, who worked hard to revive this religious family then reduced almost to extinction and proved to be distinguished for charity, humility and moral integrity, always turned to the greater glory of God.

Saint Iosephus Mukasa Balikuddembe, martyr of Uganda

At Mengo in Uganda, Saint Iosephus Mukasa Balikuddembe, martyr, who, as head of the royal court, after receiving baptism, won many young people to Christ and defended the court boys from the vices of King Mwenga; for this, at the age of only twenty-five, he was beheaded by order of the angry king, becoming the first victim of his persecution.

Blessed Mary of the Passion de Chappotin, virgin and founder of the Missionaries of Mary

At Sanremo in Liguria, Blessed Mary of the Passion de Chappotin, virgin, who, enraptured in her depths by the simplicity of Saint Francis, established the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Mary and always paid great attention to defending the condition of women in mission lands.

Saint Rafał od św. Józefa Kalinowski, Carmelite priest

Near Wadowice in Poland, Saint Rafał od św. Józefa Kalinowski, priest, who, during a popular insurrection against the oppressors, was captured during the war by enemies and deported to Siberia, where he suffered many tribulations, and, after being freed, entered the Order of Discalced Carmelites, to which he gave great impetus.

November 16

Saint Margaret, queen of Scotland

Saint Margaret, who, born in Hungary and married to King Malcolm III of Scotland, gave the world eight children and worked hard for the good of her kingdom and the Church, uniting generosity towards the poor with prayer and fasting and offering, thus, a shining example of a fine wife, mother and queen.

Saint Gertrude, Benedictine virgin

Saint Gertrude, known as the Great, virgin, who dedicated herself since childhood with great commitment and ardour to solitude and literary studies and, totally converted to God, entered the Cistercian monastery of Helfta near Eisleben in Germany, where she admirably travelled the way of perfection, consecrating herself to prayer and contemplation of the crucified Christ. Her transitus is celebrated tomorrow.

Saints Agostino and Felicita, martyrs at Capua

At Capua in Campania, Saints Agostino and Felicita, martyrs, who are said to have suffered martyrdom under Emperor Decius.

Saints Léocade and Ludre

At Dol in the territory of Bourges in France, commemoration of Saints Léocade and Ludre: the first, as senator of Gaul, still pagan, welcomed the first preachers of the Christian faith in Bourges and made a church out of his house in this village; the other, his son, is said to have left this world wearing the white robe of the neophytes.

Saint Eucher, bishop of Lyons

At Lyons also in France, Saint Eucher, who, also a senator, together with his family first gave himself over to the ascetic life on the nearby island of Lérins and then, elected bishop of Lyons, wrote numerous Passions of holy martyrs.

Saint Otmar, abbot of San Gallo

In the territory of present-day Switzerland, Saint Otmar, abbot, who on the site of the cell built by Saint Gallus founded a small leper colony and a monastery under the observance of the rule of Saint Benedict and, for having defended his rights, was later deported by the powerful neighbours on the Rhine island of Werden, where he died in exile.

Blessed Simeone, abbot of Cava

In the monastery of Cava de’ Tirreni in Campania, Blessed Simeone, abbot.

Saint Edmund, archbishop of Canterbury

Near the town of Provins in France, transitus of Saint Edmund Rich, bishop of Canterbury, who, stricken by exile for defending the Church, died living a holy life among the Cistercian monks of Pontigny.

Saint Agnese di Assisi, abbess

At Assisi in Umbria in the convent of Saint Damian, Saint Agnese, virgin, who, following in the footsteps of her sister Saint Clare in the flower of youth, embraced poverty wholeheartedly under the guidance of Saint Francis.

Blessed Edward Osbaldeston, priest and martyr of England

At York in England, Blessed Edward Osbaldeston, priest of Lancaster and martyr, who, as a pupil of the English College of Reims, sentenced to death under Queen Elizabeth I for having entered England as a priest, was hanged.

November 17

Saint Elizabeth, pricess of Hungary

Memorial of Saint Elizabeth of Hungary, who, while still a young girl, was given in marriage to Ludwig, count of Thuringia, to whom she bore three children; widowed, after having sustained with fortitude serious tribulations, already dedicated for some time to the meditation of celestial realities, she retired to Marburg in Germany in a hospital she founded, embracing poverty and working in the care of the sick and the poor until her last breath exhaled at the age of twenty-five.

Saint Gregory, bishop of Neocaesarea

At Neocaesarea in Pontus, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Gregory, bishop, who, having embraced the Christian faith since his adolescence, was a great scholar of both human and divine sciences; ordained bishop, he showed himself to be distinguished for his doctrine, virtue and apostolic zeal and for the numerous miracles he worked he received the name of Wonderworker.

Saints Alpheus and Zachaeus, martyrs in Palestine

At Caesarea in Palestine, Saints Alpheus and Zachaeus, martyrs, who, in the first year of the persecution of Emperor Diocletian, for having firmly confessed the existence of a single God and the kingship of Christ Jesus, after many tortures were condemned to death.

Saint Acisclo, martyr at Cordoba

At Cordoba in Andalusia, Spain, Saint Acisclo, martyr.

Saint Aignan, bishop of Orléans

At Orléans in Gallia Lugdunensis, now in France, Saint Aignan, bishop, who, trusting in God alone, whose help he often obtained by prayers and tears, delivered his city besieged by the Huns.

Saint Namatius, bishop of Vienne

At Vienne in Burgundy, now in France, Saint Namatius, bishop, who managed civil commitments with righteousness and, at the same time, held and honoured the episcopal see.

Saint Grégoire, bishop of Tours

At Tours in Neustria also in France, Saint Grégoire, bishop, who succeeded Saint Euphronios here and composed a history of the Franks in a clear and simple style.

Saint Hilda, abbess

At Whitby in Northumbria in England, Saint Hilda, abbess, who accepted the faith and the sacraments of Christ, after being placed at the helm of the monastery, worked for the renewal of male and female monastic discipline, for the defence of peace and the spirit of charity and for the promotion of work and the reading of Sacred Scripture, to the point that it was believed that she had performed celestial works on earth.

Saint Florinus, priest

At Ramosch in Rezia, in the territory of present-day Switzerland, Saint Florinus, priest, who attended to parish care with fidelity.

Saint Lazarus, monk and martyr at Constantinople

At Constantinople, Saint Lazarus, monk, who, born in Armenia, was a distinguished painter of sacred icons; having refused to destroy his works, by order of the iconoclastic emperor Theophilus he was subjected to atrocious tortures and, having then reconciled the controversy over the correct cult of images, was sent to Rome by Emperor Michael III to consolidate the harmony and unity of the whole Church.

Saint Ugo, Cistercian abbot

At Novara di Sicilia, Saint Ugo, abbot, who, sent by Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, started the Cistercian Order in this land and in Calabria.

Saint Hugh, Carthusian, bishop of Lincoln

At Lincoln in England, Saint Hugh, bishop, who, after having been a Carthusian monk, was elected bishop of this see and worked very well both in defence of the freedom of the Church and in freeing the Jews from the hands of enemies.

Blessed Salomea, queen of Galicia

Near Krakow in Poland, Blessed Salomea, who, queen of Halicz, after the death of her husband, King Coloman, professed the rule of the Poor Clares and carried out the office of abbess in a holy way in the monastery she founded.

Saint Gertrude of Helfta, virgin

At Helfta near Eisleben in Saxony in Germany, the anniversary of the death of Saint Gertrude of Helfta, virgin, whose memorial is celebrated the day before this.

Saint Juan del Castillo Rodríguez, Jesuit priest and martyr of Brazil

At Asunción in Paraguay, Saint Juan del Castillo Rodríguez, priest of the Society of Jesus and martyr, who, in one of the reductions founded in that same year by Saint Rocco González and entrusted to his care, was subjected to cruel tortures by order of a sorcerer and died by stoning for Christ.

Blesseds Giordano di San Stefano Ansalone and Thomas of St. Hyacinth Hioji Nishi Rokuzaemon, Dominican priests and martyrs of Japan

At Nagasaki in Japan, Saints Giordano di San Stefano Ansalone and Thomas of St. Hyacinth Hioji Nishi Rokuzaemon, priests of the Order of Preachers and martyrs: the first worked hard for the Gospel first on the Philippine Islands and then in Japan, the other was an industrious propagator of faith on the island of Taiwan and, in recent years, in the Nagasaki region of his homeland. Both died on the orders of Supreme Commander Tokugawa Yemitsu after being subjected to cruel tortures on the gallows and in a pit for seven days.

Blessed Sébastien-Loup Hunot, priest and martyr of France

In the arm of the sea in front of Rochefort in France, Blessed Sébastien-Loup Hunot, priest of Sens and martyr, who, thrown as a priest on a sordid prison ship anchored in the sea during the French revolution, suffered all the hardships of captivity and, finally devoured from fever, completed his martyrdom.

Blessed Yosafat, Basilian, bishop of Przemyśl of the Ukrainians, martyr of Ukraine

At the city of Capaivca in the territory of Kyiv in Ukraine, Blessed Yosafat Kotsylovs’kyi, bishop of Przemyśl and martyr, who, during the oppression of his fatherland under an atheist regime, gave his soul to God as a faithful disciple of Christ.

November 18

The Dedication of the Basilicas of Saint Peter and Saint Paul at Rome

Dedication of the Basilicas of Saints Peter and Paul, apostles, of which the first, built by the Emperor Constantine on the Vatican hill above the tomb of Saint Peter, worn by time and rebuilt in a larger form, was again consecrated on this day; the other, on Via Ostiense, built by the emperors Theodosius and Valentinian and then destroyed by a terrible fire and completely rebuilt, was dedicated on December 10. In their common commemoration, the fraternity of the Apostles and the unity of the Church are symbolically expressed.

Saint Romanus, deacon and martyr at Antioch

At Antioch in Syria, Saint Romanus, martyr, who, as deacon of the Church of Caesarea, during the persecution of Emperor Diocletian having seen the Christians obey the provisions of his decrees and hasten to the sanctuaries of idols, loudly incited them to remain firm in the faith and, after having suffered cruel tortures and the cutting of the tongue, strangled in prison with a noose, was crowned with a glorious martyrdom.

Saint Patrocle, priest and hermit

At Colombier in the territory of Bourges, France, Saint Patrocle, priest, who was a hermit and missionary.

Saint Maudez, abbot

In Brittany also in France, Saint Maudez, abbot, who led a monastic life on a desert island and, as a master of the spiritual life, numbered many saints among his disciples.

Saint Romphaire, bishop of Coutances

At Coutances in Neustria, also in France, Saint Romphaire, bishop.

Saint Théofrède, abbot and martyr of France

In the region of Vélay in Aquitaine, now in France, Saint Théofrède, abbot and martyr.

Saint Odon, abbot of Cluny

At Tours in Neustria also in France, transitus of Saint Odon, abbot of Cluny, who renewed the monastic observance according to the dictates of the rule of Saint Benedict and the discipline of Saint Benedict of Aniane.

Blesseds Leonardus Kimura, Andreas Murayama Tokuan, Cosmas Takeya Sozaburō, Ioannes Yoshida Shōun and Domingos Jorge, martyrs of Japan

At Nagasaki in Japan, blessed martyrs Leonardus Kimura, religious of the Society of Jesus, Andreas Murayama Tokuan, Cosmas Takeya Sozaburō, Ioannes Yoshida Shōun, Domingos Jorge, burned in the fire as Christians.

Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin of the Society of the Sacred Heart

At the city of Saint Charles in Missouri in the United States of America, Saint Rose Philippine Duchesne, virgin of the Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, who, born in France, at the time of the revolution at home joined a religious community and then went to America, established many schools there.

Blessed Grimoaldo della Purificazione, Passionist religious

At Ceccano near Frosinone, Blessed Grimoaldo della Purificazione, religious of the Congregation of the Passion, who, while preparing himself with fervour and joy for the priesthood, died piously struck by an illness.

Blessed Karolina Kózka, virgin and martyr

At the village of Wal-Ruda in Poland, Blessed Karolina Kózka, virgin and martyr, who, during the war, died for Christ while still an adolescent, pierced with a sword for wanting to defend her chastity from a soldier.

Blesseds María Gabriela Hinojosa y Naveros and 5 companions, Visitandine virgins, martyrs of Spain

Near Madrid in Spain, Blesseds María Gabriela Hinojosa y Naveros and five companions, virgins of the Order of the Visitation of Saint Mary and martyrs, who, during the persecution, although closed in a monastery, were deceived by the militiamen and went to meet Christ the Bridegroom, shot and killed.

November 19

Saint Obadiah, prophet

Commemoration of Saint Obadiah, prophet, who, after the exile of the people of Israel, foretold the wrath of the Lord against the enemies.

Saint Maximus, chorbishop and martyr at Cesarea

At Caesarea in Cappadocia, in present-day Türkiye, Saint Maximus, chorbishop and martyr.

Saints Séverin, Exupère and Félicien, martyrs at Vienne

At the village of Braine-sur-la-Vesle near Vienne in France, Saints Séverin, Exupère and Félicien, martyrs.

Saint Barlaam, martyr at Antioch

At Antioch in Syria, Saint Barlaam, martyr, who, as an illiterate farmer but strong in the wisdom of Christ, forced to hold burning coals and incense in his hand to offer to the gods, resisted with unconquered faith and, through the tyrant’s ferocity, obtained the palm of martyrdom.

40 holy virgins and widows of Eraclea, martyrs

At Marmara Ereğlisi in Thrace, in present-day Türkiye, forty holy women, virgins and widows, martyrs.

Saint Eudes, abbot

In the region of Vélay in France, Saint Eudes, abbot.

Saint Simone, hermit

On the Mercury massif in Calabria, Saint Simone, hermit.

Saint Mechthild, virgin

In the monastery of Helfta in Saxony in Germany, Saint Mechthild, virgin, who was a woman of exquisite doctrine and humility, enlightened by the divine gift of mystical contemplation.

Blessed Giacomo Benfatti, Dominican, bishop of Mantua

At Mantua, Blessed Giacomo Benfatti, bishop of the Order of Preachers, who, after restoring peace to the city, helped the people stricken by plague and hunger.

Blesseds Eliseo García García, Salesian religious, and Alejandro Planas Saurí, martyrs of Spain

At the village of Garraf in the territory of Valencia in Spain, blessed martyrs Eliseo García García, religious of the Salesian Society, and Alejandro Planas Saurí, who, during the persecution against the faith, were considered worthy to be associated with the saving sacrifice of Christ.

November 20

Saint Basil, martyr at Antioch

At Antioch in Syria, Saint Basil, martyr.

Saint Crispino, bishop of Écija, martyr

At the city of Écija in Andalusia, Spain, Saint Crispino, bishop and martyr.

Saint Dasius, martyr at Silistra in Mesia

At Silistra in Moesia, in present-day Bulgaria, Saint Dasius, martyr.

Saints Avventore, Solutore and Ottavio, martyrs at Torino

At Turin, Saint Avventore, Solutore and Ottavio, martyrs.

Saint Teonesto, martyr at Vercelli

At Vercelli, Saint Teonesto, martyr, in whose honour the bishop Saint Eusebius built a basilica.

Saint Doro, bishop of Benevento

At Benevento, Saint Doro, bishop.

Saint Silvestre, bishop of Châlon-sur-Saône

At Châlon-sur-Saône in Burgundy, now in France, Saint Silvestre, bishop, who, in the forty-second year of his priesthood, full of days and virtues passed to the Lord.

Saint Hippolyte, abbot and bishop of Lyons

On the Jura Mountains in the Lyons region of France, Saint Hippolyte, abbot and bishop.

Saint Gregory of Dekapolis, monk

At Constantinople, Saint Gregory of Dekapolis, monk, who first led a monastic life and then an anchorite; having therefore become a pilgrim, he resided for a long time at Thessalonica and finally at Constantinople, where he gave his soul back to God by fighting strenuously in defence of the cult of sacred images.

Saint Edmund, king of East Anglia, martyr

In England, Saint Edmund, martyr, who, as king of East Angles, captured in the war against the pagan invaders, was crowned with martyrdom for his faith in Christ.

Saint Bernward, bishop of Hildesheim

At Hildesheim in Saxony in Germany, Saint Bernward, bishop, who defended the flock from attacks, renewed the discipline of the clergy with numerous synods and promoted monastic life.

Saint Cipriano, abbot of Calamizzi

In Calabria, Saint Cipriano, abbot of Calamizzi, who, faithfully guarding the teachings and examples of the Eastern Fathers, was strict with himself, generous with the poor and good counsellor for all.

Saint Phanxicô Xaviê Cần, catechist and martyr of Vietnam

At Hanoi in Tonkin, now Vietnam, Saint Phanxicô Xaviê Cần, martyr, who, as a catechist, was strangled and beheaded for his faith under Emperor Minh Mang.

Blessed Maria Fortunata Viti, Benedictine nun

At Veroli in Lazio, Blessed Maria Fortunata Viti, of the Order of Saint Benedict, who for almost the entire course of her life held the position of cloakroom guardian, intent only on observing with all her heart the precepts of the rule.

Blesseds Ángeles de San José and 14 companions, virgins of the Sisters of Christian Doctrine, martyrs of Spain

Near Valencia in Spain, Blesseds Ángeles de San José Lloret Martí and fourteen companions, virgins and martyrs: the first as superior general, the others as religious of the Congregation of Christian Doctrine, they suffered martyrdom for their faith in Christ in the persecution against Church erupted during the civil war.

Blessed María de los Milagros Ortells Gimeno, Capuchin Clarisse virgin, martyr of Spain

At the village of Picadero de Paterna, also in the territory of Valencia in Spain, Blessed María de los Milagros Ortells Gimeno, virgin of the Order of the Capuchin Poor Clares and martyr, who in the same persecution was crowned by martyrdom for the testimony of faith given to Christ.

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Saints by Date of Death

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