Changes in Ecclesiastical Jurisdictions

in India

1329.08.09Diocese of Quilon was established (became suffragan of Soltania)
1450Diocese of Quilon was suppressed
1533.01.31Diocese of Goa was established (from Diocese of Funchal and became suffragan of Funchal)
1558.02.04Diocese of Cochin was established (from Diocese of Goa and became suffragan of Goa)
1558.02.04Diocese of Goa was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa (with suffragan sees Cochin and Malacca and lost territory to establish Diocese of Cochin and Diocese of Malacca)
1565.02.23Archdiocese of Angamaly (Chaldean Rite) was established
1599.12.20Archdiocese of Angamaly (Chaldean Rite) was suppressed (to establish Diocese of Angamalé)
1599.12.20Diocese of Angamalé was established (from the suppressed Archdiocese of Angamaly and became suffragan of Goa)
1606Mission sui juris of Madura was established (from Diocese of Cochin)
1606.01.09Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor was established (from Diocese of Cochin and became suffragan of Goa)
1608.12.22Diocese of Angamalé was promoted as Archdiocese of Angamalé
1610.12.22Diocese of Cochin lost territory to Archdiocese of Cranganor
1610.12.22Archdiocese of Angamalé was renamed as Archdiocese of Cranganor (gained territory from Diocese of Cochin)
1637Apostolic Vicariate of Idalcan was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa)
1642Apostolic Prefecture of Fort Saint George was established (from Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor)
1659.12.03Apostolic Vicariate of Malabar was established (from Diocese of Cochin)
1669Apostolic Vicariate of Idalcan was renamed as Apostolic Vicariate of Great Mogul
1674Apostolic Vicariate of Kanara was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa)
1700Mission sui juris of Coromandel Coast was established (from Mission sui juris of Madura)
1700Apostolic Vicariate of Kanara was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa)
1709.03.13Apostolic Vicariate of Malabar was renamed as Apostolic Vicariate of Verapoly
1773Mission sui juris of Madura was suppressed (to Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor and Mission sui juris of Coromandel Coast)
1776Apostolic Prefecture of French Colonies in India was established (from Mission sui juris of Coromandel Coast)
1784.05.17Mission sui juris of Hindustan was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Great Mogul)
1820Apostolic Vicariate of Great Mogul was renamed as Apostolic Vicariate of Bombay
1820Mission sui juris of Hindustan was promoted as Apostolic Vicariate of Tibet-Hindustan
1832.07.03Mission sui juris of Coromandel Coast lost territory to Apostolic Vicariate of Madras
1832.07.03Apostolic Prefecture of Fort Saint George was promoted as Apostolic Vicariate of Madras (gained territory from Mission sui juris of Coromandel Coast)
1834.04.18Apostolic Vicariate of Bengal was established (from Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor)
1834.09.11Apostolic Vicariate of Sardhana was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Tibet-Hindustan)
1836Apostolic Vicariate of Sardhana was suppressed (to Apostolic Vicariate of Tibet-Hindustan)
1836.07.08Apostolic Prefecture of Madura was restored (from Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor and Mission sui juris of Coromandel Coast)
1836.09.01Mission sui juris of Coromandel Coast was promoted as Apostolic Vicariate of Pondicherry
1838.04.24Diocese of Cochin was suppressed (to Apostolic Vicariate of Verapoly)
1838.04.24Archdiocese of Cranganor was suppressed (to Apostolic Vicariate of Verapoly)
1838.04.24Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor was suppressed (to Apostolic Vicariate of Madras)
1845.02.07Apostolic Vicariate of Patna was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Tibet-Hindustan)
1845.03.16Apostolic Pro-Vicariate of Mysore was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Pondicherry)
1845.03.16Apostolic Pro-Vicariate of Vizagapatam was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Madras and Apostolic Vicariate of Pondicherry)
1845.04.03Apostolic Pro-Vicariate of Coimbatore was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Pondicherry)
1845.05.12Apostolic Pro-Vicariate of Mangalore was restored (from Apostolic Vicariate of Verapoly)
1845.05.12Apostolic Vicariate of Quilon was restored (from Apostolic Vicariate of Verapoly)
1846.03.27Apostolic Vicariate of Tibet-Hindustan was renamed as Apostolic Vicariate of Agra (lost territory to establish Apostolic Vicariate of Lhassa 拉薩)
1846.05.19Apostolic Prefecture of Madura was promoted as Apostolic Vicariate of Madura and Coromandel Coast
1850.02.15Apostolic Vicariate of Bengal was renamed as Apostolic Vicariate of Western Bengal (lost territory to Apostolic Vicariate of Lhassa 拉薩 and lost territory to establish Apostolic Vicariate of Eastern Bengal)
1850.04.03Apostolic Pro-Vicariate of Coimbatore was promoted as Apostolic Vicariate of Coimbatore (gained territory from Apostolic Vicariate of Pondicherry)
1850.04.03Apostolic Pro-Vicariate of Mysore was promoted as Apostolic Vicariate of Mysore
1850.04.03Apostolic Vicariate of Pondicherry lost territory to Apostolic Vicariate of Coimbatore
1850.04.03Apostolic Pro-Vicariate of Vizagapatam was promoted as Apostolic Vicariate of Vizagapatam
1851.05.20Apostolic Vicariate of Hyderabad was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Madras)
1853.03.15Apostolic Pro-Vicariate of Mangalore was promoted as Apostolic Vicariate of Mangalore
1854.03.08Apostolic Vicariate of Poona was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Bombay)
1855Mission sui juris of Central Bengal was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Western Bengal)
1870.07.19Mission sui juris of Central Bengal was promoted as Apostolic Prefecture of Central Bengal
1883Apostolic Vicariate of Western Bengal lost territory to Apostolic Vicariate of Tibet 西藏
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Agra was promoted as Archdiocese of Agra
1886.09.01Diocese of Allahabad was established (from the suppressed Apostolic Vicariate of Patna)
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Bombay was promoted as Archdiocese of Bombay
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Western Bengal was promoted as Archdiocese of Calcutta
1886.09.01Apostolic Prefecture of Central Bengal was promoted as Diocese of Central Bengal
1886.09.01Diocese of Cochin was restored (from Apostolic Vicariate of Verapoly and became suffragan of Goa)
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Coimbatore was promoted as Diocese of Coimbatore
1886.09.01Diocese of Daman was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa, gained title of Cranganor and became suffragan of Goa)
1886.09.01Titular Patriarchal See of East Indies was established
1886.09.01Apostolic Prefecture of French Colonies in India was suppressed (to Archdiocese of Pondicherry)
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Hyderabad was promoted as Diocese of Hyderabad
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Madras was promoted as Archdiocese of Madras (lost territory to establish Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor)
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Madura and Coromandel Coast was promoted as Diocese of Madurai
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Mangalore was promoted as Diocese of Mangalore
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Mysore was promoted as Diocese of Mysore
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Patna was suppressed (to establish Diocese of Allahabad)
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Pondicherry was promoted as Archdiocese of Pondicherry (gained territory from the suppressed Apostolic Prefecture of French Colonies in India)
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Poona was promoted as Diocese of Poona
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Quilon was promoted as Diocese of Quilon
1886.09.01Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor was restored (from Apostolic Vicariate of Madras and became suffragan of Goa)
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Verapoly was promoted as Archdiocese of Verapoly (lost territory to establish Diocese of Cochin)
1886.09.01Apostolic Vicariate of Vizagapatam was promoted as Diocese of Vizagapatam
1887.05.20Apostolic Vicariate of Kottayam (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Archdiocese of Verapoly)
1887.05.20Apostolic Vicariate of Trichur (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Archdiocese of Verapoly)
1887.06.07Archdiocese of Agra was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra (with suffragan sees Allahabad and Lahore)
1887.06.07Diocese of Allahabad lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta
1887.06.07Archdiocese of Bombay was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bombay (with suffragan see Poona)
1887.06.07Archdiocese of Calcutta was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta (with suffragan sees Dacca and Krishnagar and gained territory from Diocese of Allahabad)
1887.06.07Diocese of Central Bengal was renamed as Diocese of Krishnagar (became suffragan of Calcutta)
1887.06.07Archdiocese of Madras was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras (with suffragan sees Hyderabad and Vizagapatam)
1887.06.07Archdiocese of Pondicherry was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pondicherry (with suffragan sees Coimbatore, Mangalore, Mysore and Trichinopoly)
1887.06.07Diocese of Madurai was renamed as Diocese of Trichinopoly (became suffragan of Pondicherry)
1887.06.07Archdiocese of Verapoly was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Verapoly (with suffragan see Quilon)
1887.07.11Diocese of Nagpur was established (from Diocese of Vizagapatam and became suffragan of Madras)
1889.12.13Apostolic Prefecture of Assam was established (from Diocese of Dacca and Diocese of Krishnagar)
1890.07Mission sui juris of Rajputana was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra)
1892.03.17Mission sui juris of Rajputana was promoted as Apostolic Prefecture of Rajputana (became suffragan of Agra)
1892.04.20Apostolic Prefecture of Bettiah was established (from Diocese of Allahabad)
1893.05.19Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra lost territory to Apostolic Prefecture of Bettiah
1895Diocese of Vizagapatam lost territory to Diocese of Nagpur
1896.07.28Apostolic Vicariate of Changanacherry (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from the suppressed Apostolic Vicariate of Kottayam)
1896.07.28Apostolic Vicariate of Ernakulam (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Apostolic Vicariate of Trichur and from the suppressed Apostolic Vicariate of Kottayam)
1896.07.28Apostolic Vicariate of Kottayam (Syro-Malabar Rite) was suppressed (to Apostolic Vicariate of Trichur and to establish Apostolic Vicariate of Changanacherry and Apostolic Vicariate of Ernakulam)
1899.09.01Diocese of Kumbakonam was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pondicherry and became suffragan of Pondicherry)
1910.09.13Archdiocese of Simla was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra and Diocese of Lahore)
1911.08.29Apostolic Vicariate of Kottayam (Syro-Malabar Rite) was restored (from Apostolic Vicariate of Changanacherry and Apostolic Vicariate of Ernakulam)
1912Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta lost territory to Apostolic Vicariate of Tibet 西藏
1913.05.22Apostolic Prefecture of Rajputana was promoted as Diocese of Ajmer
1913.05.22Archdiocese of Simla was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Simla (with suffragan sees Lahore and Kafiristan e Kashmir)
1919.09.10Apostolic Prefecture of Bettiah was suppressed (to establish Diocese of Patna)
1919.09.10Diocese of Patna was restored (from the suppressed Apostolic Prefecture of Bettiah and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1919.09.19Diocese of Allahabad lost territory to Diocese of Patna
1923.06.12Diocese of Calicut was established (from Diocese of Coimbatore, Diocese of Mangalore and Diocese of Mysore and became suffragan of Bombay)
1923.06.12Diocese of Tuticorin was established (from Diocese of Trichinopoly and became suffragan of Bombay)
1923.12.21Apostolic Vicariate of Changanacherry (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Changanacherry (became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1923.12.21Apostolic Vicariate of Ernakulam (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ernakulam (with suffragan sees Changanacherry, Kottayam and Trichur)
1923.12.21Apostolic Vicariate of Kottayam (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Kottayam (became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1923.12.21Apostolic Vicariate of Trichur (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Trichur (became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1927.05.25Diocese of Ranchi was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1928.05.01Diocese of Daman was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bombay and Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa and Daman and lost title of Cranganor)
1928.05.01Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa was renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa and Daman (gained territory from the suppressed Diocese of Daman, gained title of Cranganor and lost suffragan see Daman)
1928.06.15Mission sui juris of Bellary was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras and Diocese of Hyderabad and became suffragan of Madras)
1928.07.03Diocese of Nellore was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras and became suffragan of Madras)
1928.07.18Mission sui juris of Cuttack was established (from Diocese of Vizagapatam)
1929.02.15Mission sui juris of Sikkim was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta and Apostolic Vicariate of Dajianlu 打箭爐 and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1929.07.03Diocese of Kumbakonam lost territory to Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor
1929.07.03Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras exchanged territory with Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor
1929.07.03Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta, Diocese of Chittagong, Diocese of Dacca and Diocese of Tuticorin
1929.07.03Diocese of Trichinopoly exchanged territory with Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor
1930.05.26Diocese of Kottar was established (from Diocese of Quilon and became suffragan of Verapoly)
1930.05.26Diocese of Salem was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pondicherry, Diocese of Kumbakonam and Diocese of Mysore and became suffragan of Pondicherry)
1930.07.14Diocese of Vijayapuram was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Verapoly and became suffragan of Verapoly)
1931.03.03Mission sui juris of Indore was established (from Diocese of Ajmer, Diocese of Allahabad and Diocese of Nagpur)
1931.06.16Mission sui juris of Sikkim was promoted as Apostolic Prefecture of Sikkim
1932.06.11Diocese of Tiruvalla (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (became suffragan of Trivandrum)
1932.06.11Metropolitanate sui juris of Trivandrum (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (with suffragan see Tiruvalla)
1932.07.18Apostolic Prefecture of Jubbulpore was established (from Diocese of Allahabad and Diocese of Nagpur and became suffragan of Madras)
1933.01.10Mission sui juris of Bezwada was established (from Diocese of Hyderabad)
1934Mission sui juris of Ahmedabad was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bombay)
1934.07.09Apostolic Prefecture of Assam was promoted as Diocese of Shillong (became suffragan of Calcutta)
1935.03.11Mission sui juris of Indore was promoted as Apostolic Prefecture of Indore (became suffragan of Agra)
1937.04.13Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Delhi and Simla
1937.04.13Mission sui juris of Bezwada was promoted as Diocese of Bezwada (became suffragan of Madras)
1937.04.13Metropolitan Archdiocese of Simla was renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Delhi and Simla (gained territory from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra)
1937.06.01Mission sui juris of Cuttack was promoted as Diocese of Cuttack (became suffragan of Madras)
1937.07.01Diocese of Trivandrum was established (from Diocese of Quilon and became suffragan of Verapoly)
1938.01.08Diocese of Madura was established (from Diocese of Trichinopoly and became suffragan of Bombay)
1940.01.12Apostolic Prefecture of Jhansi was established (from Diocese of Allahabad and became suffragan of Agra)
1940.01.12Diocese of Lucknow was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra and Diocese of Allahabad and became suffragan of Agra)
1940.02.13Diocese of Bangalore was established (from Diocese of Mysore and became suffragan of Pondicherry)
1940.02.13Diocese of Coimbatore lost territory to Diocese of Mysore
1940.02.13Diocese of Guntur was established (from Diocese of Nellore and became suffragan of Madras)
1946.07.11Apostolic Prefecture of Gorakhpur was established (from Diocese of Allahabad and became suffragan of Agra)
1947.07.09Apostolic Prefecture of Gorakhpur lost territory to Diocese of Allahabad
1949.03.10Mission sui juris of Bellary was promoted as Diocese of Bellary
1949.05.05Mission sui juris of Ahmedabad was promoted as Diocese of Ahmedabad (became suffragan of Bombay)
1950.07.25Diocese of Palai (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Changanacherry and became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1950.10.21Apostolic Prefecture of Jubbulpore was renamed as Apostolic Prefecture of Jabalpur
1950.10.21Diocese of Madura was renamed as Diocese of Madurai
1950.10.21Diocese of Trichinopoly was renamed as Diocese of Tiruchirapalli
1950.10.21Diocese of Bezwada was renamed as Diocese of Vijayawada
1950.10.21Diocese of Vizagapatam was renamed as Diocese of Visakhapatnam
1951.02.08Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pondicherry lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta and Diocese of Calicut
1951.06.14Diocese of Sambalpur was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta, Diocese of Nagpur and Diocese of Ranchi and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1951.06.21Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra lost territory to Diocese of Ajmer
1951.07.12Diocese of Dibrugarh was established (from Diocese of Shillong and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1951.12.13Diocese of Raigarh–Ambikapur was established (from Diocese of Nagpur and Diocese of Ranchi and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1952.01.03Diocese of Krishnagar lost territory to Diocese of Jessore
1952.01.17Apostolic Prefecture of Haflong was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Dacca and Diocese of Chittagong)
1952.01.17Apostolic Prefecture of Jalandhar was established (from Diocese of Lahore and became suffragan of Delhi and Simla)
1952.01.17Diocese of Jalpaiguri was established (from Diocese of Dinajpur and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1952.01.17Apostolic Prefecture of Kashmir and Jammu was established (from Diocese of Lahore and Diocese of Rawalpindi and became suffragan of Delhi and Simla)
1952.01.17Apostolic Prefecture of Malda was established (from Diocese of Dinajpur and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1952.05.15Apostolic Prefecture of Indore was promoted as Diocese of Indore
1952.06.19Diocese of Alleppey was established (from Diocese of Cochin and became suffragan of Goa and Daman)
1952.11.13Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras was renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore (gained territory from the suppressed Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor, lost territory to establish Diocese of Tanjore and Diocese of Vellore and gained suffragan sees Tanjore and Vellore)
1952.11.13Diocese of São Tomé de Meliapor was suppressed (to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore)
1952.11.13Diocese of Tanjore was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras and became suffragan of Madras and Mylapore)
1952.11.13Diocese of Vellore was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras and became suffragan of Madras and Mylapore)
1952.12.22Diocese of Warangal was established (from Diocese of Hyderabad and became suffragan of Madras and Mylapore)
1953.08.07Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pondicherry was renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pondicherry and Cuddalore
1953.09.19Diocese of Bangalore was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bangalore (with suffragan sees Belgaum, Bellary, Mangalore and Mysore)
1953.09.19Diocese of Belgaum was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa and Daman and Diocese of Poona and became suffragan of Bangalore)
1953.09.19Diocese of Hyderabad was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hyderabad (with suffragan sees Guntur, Nellore, Vijayawada, Visakhapatnam and Warangal)
1953.09.19Diocese of Madurai was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madurai (with suffragan sees Kottar, Tiruchirapalli and Tuticorin)
1953.09.19Diocese of Nagpur was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Nagpur (with suffragan see Jabalpur)
1953.09.19Diocese of Ranchi was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ranchi (with suffragan sees Cuttack, Patna and Sambalpur)
1953.10.20Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa and Daman lost territory to Diocese of Poona
1953.12.31Diocese of Tellicherry (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Calicut and became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1954.07.05Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra lost territory to Diocese of Jhansi
1954.07.05Apostolic Prefecture of Jabalpur was promoted as Diocese of Jabalpur
1954.07.05Apostolic Prefecture of Jhansi was promoted as Diocese of Jhansi (gained territory from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra)
1955.04.29Diocese of Coimbatore lost territory to Diocese of Trichur
1955.04.29Diocese of Kottar lost territory to Diocese of Changanacherry
1955.04.29Diocese of Mangalore lost territory to Diocese of Tellicherry
1955.04.29Diocese of Mysore lost territory to Diocese of Tellicherry
1955.04.29Diocese of Quilon lost territory to Diocese of Changanacherry
1955.04.29Diocese of Trivandrum lost territory to Diocese of Changanacherry
1955.05.08Diocese of Amravati was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Nagpur and became suffragan of Nagpur)
1955.05.13Diocese of Ajmer was renamed as Diocese of Ajmer–Jaipur
1955.05.20Diocese of Cochin lost territory to Diocese of Trivandrum
1955.07.03Diocese of Ootacamund was established (from Diocese of Mysore and became suffragan of Madras and Mylapore)
1956.02.20Diocese of Meerut was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Agra and became suffragan of Agra)
1956.07.29Diocese of Kothamangalam (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ernakulam and became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1956.08.03Apostolic Prefecture of Bhagalpur was established (from Diocese of Patna)
1957.06.20Diocese of Visakhapatnam lost territory to Diocese of Cuttack
1958.09.17Apostolic Prefecture of Gorakhpur was renamed as Apostolic Prefecture of Benares-Gorakhpur
1959.01.10Diocese of Changanacherry (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Changanacherry (with suffragan see Palai)
1959.06.04Metropolitan Archdiocese of Delhi and Simla was renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Delhi (lost territory to establish Diocese of Simla and gained suffragan see Simla)
1959.06.04Diocese of Simla was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Delhi and Simla and became suffragan of Delhi)
1960.01.12Diocese of Mangalore lost territory to Diocese of Calicut
1962.03.31Ordinariate of Chanda (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Nagpur)
1962.07.02Diocese of Jamshedpur was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta and Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ranchi and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1962.08.08Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta lost territory to Diocese of Darjeeling
1962.08.08Apostolic Prefecture of Sikkim was promoted as Diocese of Darjeeling (gained territory from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta)
1962.08.08Apostolic Prefecture of Malda was promoted as Diocese of Dumka
1963.09.13Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bhopal was established (from Diocese of Ajmer–Jaipur, Diocese of Indore and Diocese of Jabalpur and with suffragan sees Indore and Jabalpur)
1963.11.16Diocese of Chikmagalur was established (from Diocese of Mysore and became suffragan of Bangalore)
1964.01.16Apostolic Prefecture of Raipur was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Nagpur)
1964.01.16Diocese of Tezpur was established (from Diocese of Darjeeling, Diocese of Dibrugarh and Diocese of Shillong and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1964.05.12Diocese of Simla was renamed as Diocese of Simla and Chandigarh
1965.01.11Apostolic Prefecture of Bhagalpur was promoted as Diocese of Bhagalpur (became suffragan of Calcutta)
1966.06.16Diocese of Visakhapatnam lost territory to Diocese of Cuttack and Apostolic Prefecture of Raipur
1966.09.29Diocese of Baroda was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bombay and became suffragan of Bombay)
1967.06.12Diocese of Kurnool was established (from Diocese of Nellore and became suffragan of Hyderabad)
1968.05.04Apostolic Prefecture of Kashmir and Jammu was renamed as Apostolic Prefecture of Jammu and Kashmir
1968.06.08Apostolic Prefecture of Balasore was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta)
1968.07.29Diocese of Amravati lost territory to Apostolic Exarchate of Chanda
1968.07.29Ordinariate of Chanda (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Apostolic Exarchate of Chanda (gained territory from Diocese of Amravati)
1968.07.29Apostolic Exarchate of Sagar (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bhopal and became suffragan of Bhopal)
1968.07.29Apostolic Exarchate of Satna (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Jabalpur and became suffragan of Bhopal)
1968.07.29Apostolic Exarchate of Ujjain (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Indore and became suffragan of Bhopal)
1969.06.26Diocese of Shillong was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Gauhati–Shillong (with suffragan sees Silchar and Tezpur)
1969.06.26Apostolic Prefecture of Haflong was promoted as Diocese of Silchar (became suffragan of Gauhati–Shillong)
1969.08.01Diocese of Vellore lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore
1969.09.01Metropolitan Archdiocese of Pondicherry and Cuddalore lost territory to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore and Diocese of Vellore
1970.01.22Metropolitan Archdiocese of Gauhati–Shillong was renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Shillong–Gauhati
1970.06.05Apostolic Prefecture of Benares-Gorakhpur was promoted as Diocese of Banaras
1970.10.08Diocese of Patna lost territory to Diocese of Bhagalpur
1970.10.08Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ranchi lost territory to Diocese of Bhagalpur
1971.05.14Diocese of Banaras was renamed as Diocese of Varanasi
1971.06.05Diocese of Daltonganj was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ranchi and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1971.12.06Apostolic Prefecture of Jalandhar was promoted as Diocese of Jalandhar
1972.03.23Apostolic Exarchate of Bijnor (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Meerut and became suffragan of Agra)
1972.03.23Apostolic Exarchate of Jagdalpur (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Apostolic Prefecture of Raipur)
1973.01.29Diocese of Kohima–Imphal was established (from Diocese of Dibrugarh and became suffragan of Shillong–Gauhati)
1973.03.01Diocese of Mananthavady (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Tellicherry and became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1973.03.01Diocese of Tura was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Shillong–Gauhati and became suffragan of Shillong–Gauhati)
1973.04.03Diocese of Ajmer–Jaipur lost territory to Apostolic Exarchate of Sagar
1973.05.17Diocese of Palayamkottai was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madurai and became suffragan of Madurai)
1973.07.05Apostolic Prefecture of Raipur was promoted as Diocese of Raipur
1974.01.24Diocese of Berhampur was established (from Diocese of Cuttack and Diocese of Visakhapatnam and became suffragan of Cuttack–Bhubaneswar)
1974.01.24Diocese of Cuttack was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Cuttack–Bhubaneswar (with suffragan sees Berhampur and Sambalpur and lost territory to establish Diocese of Berhampur)
1974.06.27Diocese of Palghat (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Trichur and became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1975.01.20Diocese of Tezpur lost territory to Diocese of Darjeeling
1975.12.04Diocese of Tellicherry (Syro-Malabar Rite) lost territory to Diocese of Mananthavady
1976.01.01Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa and Daman was demoted as Archdiocese of Goa and Daman (without ecclesiastical province)
1976.01.24Diocese of Karwar was established (from Diocese of Belgaum and became suffragan of Bangalore)
1976.05.31Diocese of Nalgonda was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hyderabad and Diocese of Warangal and became suffragan of Hyderabad)
1976.10.19Diocese of Cuddapah was established (from Diocese of Nellore and became suffragan of Hyderabad)
1976.12.09Diocese of Eluru was established (from Diocese of Vijayawada and became suffragan of Hyderabad)
1977Titular Episcopal See of Chayal (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established
1977.02.03Diocese of Khandwa was established (from Diocese of Indore and became suffragan of Bhopal)
1977.02.26Apostolic Exarchate of Bijnor (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Bijnor
1977.02.26Apostolic Exarchate of Chanda (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Chanda (became suffragan of Nagpur)
1977.02.26Apostolic Exarchate of Jagdalpur (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Jagdalpur (became suffragan of Bhopal)
1977.02.26Diocese of Kanjirapally (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Changanacherry and became suffragan of Changanacherry)
1977.02.26Diocese of Rajkot (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Ahmedabad and became suffragan of Bombay)
1977.02.26Apostolic Exarchate of Sagar (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Sagar
1977.02.26Apostolic Exarchate of Satna (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Satna
1977.02.26Apostolic Exarchate of Ujjain (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Ujjain
1977.03.12Diocese of Guntur lost territory to Diocese of Nellore
1977.05.30Diocese of Baruipur was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1977.11.10Diocese of Ambikapur was established (from Diocese of Raigarh–Ambikapur and became suffragan of Bhopal)
1977.11.10Diocese of Raigarh–Ambikapur was renamed as Diocese of Raigarh (lost territory to establish Diocese of Ambikapur)
1977.12.17Diocese of Aurangabad was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hyderabad and Diocese of Amravati and became suffragan of Nagpur)
1978.06.08Diocese of Raiganj was established (from Diocese of Dumka and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1978.06.22Diocese of Irinjalakuda (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Trichur and became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1978.10.28Diocese of Bathery (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (from Diocese of Tiruvalla and became suffragan of Trivandrum)
1979.07.04Diocese of Rourkela was established (from Diocese of Sambalpur and became suffragan of Cuttack–Bhubaneswar)
1980.03.06Diocese of Muzaffarpur was established (from Diocese of Patna and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1980.03.28Diocese of Imphal was established (from Diocese of Kohima–Imphal and became suffragan of Shillong–Gauhati)
1980.03.28Diocese of Kohima–Imphal was renamed as Diocese of Kohima (lost territory to establish Diocese of Imphal)
1981.03.11Diocese of Ajmer–Jaipur lost territory to Diocese of Indore
1983.12.05Diocese of Diphu was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Shillong–Gauhati and Diocese of Silchar and became suffragan of Shillong–Gauhati)
1984Diocese of Patna lost territory to Diocese of Bhagalpur
1984.06.19Diocese of Gorakhpur (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Varanasi and became suffragan of Agra)
1984.06.22Diocese of Port Blair was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ranchi and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1984.12.03Diocese of Udaipur was established (from Diocese of Ajmer–Jaipur and became suffragan of Agra)
1985.12.21Diocese of Punalur was established (from Diocese of Quilon and became suffragan of Verapoly)
1986.03.10Apostolic Prefecture of Jammu and Kashmir was promoted as Diocese of Jammu–Srinagar
1986.04.28Diocese of Thamarasserry (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Tellicherry and became suffragan of Ernakulam)
1987.05.15Diocese of Nashik was established (from Diocese of Poona and became suffragan of Bombay)
1987.07.03Diocese of Kottapuram was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Verapoly and became suffragan of Verapoly)
1987.07.03Diocese of Sivagangai was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madurai and became suffragan of Madurai)
1988.01.18Diocese of Khammam was established (from Diocese of Warangal and became suffragan of Hyderabad)
1988.04.30Diocese of Kalyan (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (gained territory from Diocese of Poona and became suffragan of Bombay)
1988.04.30Diocese of Poona lost territory to Diocese of Kalyan
1988.11.14Diocese of Shimoga was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bangalore and Diocese of Chikmagalur and became suffragan of Bangalore)
1989.01.19Diocese of Bareilly was established (from Diocese of Lucknow and became suffragan of Agra)
1989.12.18Apostolic Prefecture of Balasore was promoted as Diocese of Balasore (became suffragan of Cuttack–Bhubaneswar)
1992.03.30Diocese of Guwahati was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Shillong–Gauhati, Diocese of Tezpur and Diocese of Tura and became suffragan of Shillong)
1992.03.30Metropolitan Archdiocese of Shillong–Gauhati was renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Shillong (lost territory to establish Diocese of Guwahati and gained suffragan see Guwahati)
1992.12.16Major Archdiocese of Ernakulam–Angamaly (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ernakulam)
1992.12.16Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ernakulam (Syro-Malabar Rite) was renamed as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ernakulam–Angamaly (lost territory to establish Major Archdiocese of Ernakulam–Angamaly)
1993.05.28Diocese of Gumla was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ranchi and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1993.05.28Diocese of Simdega was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ranchi and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1993.07.01Diocese of Srikakulam was established (from Diocese of Visakhapatnam and became suffragan of Hyderabad)
1995.04.01Diocese of Hazaribag was established (from Diocese of Daltonganj and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1995.04.01Diocese of Khunti was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Ranchi and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1995.05.18Diocese of Tellicherry (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tellicherry (with suffragan sees Mananthavady and Thamarasserry)
1995.05.18Diocese of Trichur (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Trichur (with suffragan sees Irinjalakuda and Palghat)
1995.07.10Diocese of Guwahati was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Guwahati (with suffragan sees Dibrugarh, Diphu and Tezpur)
1995.07.10Diocese of Imphal was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Imphal (with suffragan see Kohima)
1996.01.11Diocese of Agartala was established (from Diocese of Silchar and became suffragan of Shillong)
1996.01.11Diocese of Silchar was renamed as Diocese of Aizawl (lost territory to establish Diocese of Agartala)
1996.06.14Diocese of Neyyattinkara was established (from Diocese of Trivandrum and became suffragan of Verapoly)
1996.11.11Diocese of Thuckalay (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Changanacherry and became suffragan of Changanacherry)
1996.12.16Diocese of Marthandam (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (from Metropolitanate sui juris of Trivandrum and became suffragan of Trivandrum)
1997.01.24Diocese of Dharmapuri was established (from Diocese of Salem and became suffragan of Pondicherry and Cuddalore)
1997.06.14Diocese of Bagdogra was established (from Diocese of Darjeeling and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1997.10.24Diocese of Asansol was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Calcutta and became suffragan of Calcutta)
1998.05.22Diocese of Vasai was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Bombay and became suffragan of Bombay)
1998.06.27Diocese of Bettiah was restored (from Diocese of Muzaffarpur and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1998.06.27Diocese of Purnea was established (from Diocese of Dumka and became suffragan of Ranchi)
1998.11.05Diocese of Kannur was established (from Diocese of Calicut and became suffragan of Verapoly)
1999.02.09Diocese of Gwalior was established (from Diocese of Jhansi and became suffragan of Bhopal)
1999.03.16Diocese of Patna was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Patna (with suffragan sees Bettiah, Bhagalpur, Muzaffarpur and Purnea)
1999.04.24Diocese of Belthangady (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tellicherry and became suffragan of Tellicherry)
1999.06.23Diocese of Adilabad (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Chanda and became suffragan of Hyderabad)
2000.05.10Diocese of Bongaigaon was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Guwahati and became suffragan of Guwahati)
2001.10.16Diocese of Visakhapatnam was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Visakhapatnam (with suffragan sees Eluru, Guntur, Nellore, Srikakulam and Vijayawada)
2002.03.01Diocese of Jhabua was established (from Diocese of Indore and Diocese of Udaipur and became suffragan of Bhopal)
2002.06.28Diocese of Chingleput was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madras and Mylapore and became suffragan of Madras and Mylapore)
2002.10.11Metropolitan Archdiocese of Gandhinagar was established (from Diocese of Ahmedabad and with suffragan sees Ahmedabad, Baroda and Rajkot)
2002.12.19Diocese of Idukki (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Kothamangalam and became suffragan of Ernakulam–Angamaly)
2002.12.19Diocese of Moovatupuzha (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (from Diocese of Tiruvalla and became suffragan of Trivandrum)
2003.10.30Diocese of Dindigul was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Madurai and Diocese of Tiruchirapalli and became suffragan of Madurai)
2004.02.27Diocese of Raipur was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Raipur (with suffragan sees Ambikapur, Jagdalpur and Raigarh)
2004.06.03Diocese of Trivandrum was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Trivandrum (with suffragan sees Alleppey, Neyyattinkara, Punalur and Quilon)
2005.02.10Metropolitanate sui juris of Trivandrum (Syro-Malankara Rite) was promoted as Major Archdiocese of Trivandrum
2005.05.09Diocese of Kottayam (Syro-Malabar Rite) was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kottayam
2005.06.24Diocese of Gulbarga was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Hyderabad, Diocese of Belgaum and Diocese of Bellary and became suffragan of Bangalore)
2005.07.05Diocese of Sindhudurg was established (from Diocese of Poona and became suffragan of Bombay)
2005.07.20Diocese of Ajmer–Jaipur was renamed as Diocese of Ajmer (lost territory to establish Diocese of Jaipur)
2005.07.20Diocese of Jaipur was established (from Diocese of Ajmer–Jaipur and became suffragan of Agra)
2005.12.07Diocese of Itanagar was established (from Diocese of Tezpur and became suffragan of Guwahati)
2005.12.07Diocese of Miao was established (from Diocese of Dibrugarh and became suffragan of Guwahati)
2005.12.12Diocese of Buxar was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Patna and became suffragan of Patna)
2006.01.28Diocese of Jowai was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Shillong and became suffragan of Shillong)
2006.01.28Diocese of Nongstoin was established (from Metropolitan Archdiocese of Shillong and became suffragan of Shillong)
2006.03.23Diocese of Jashpur was established (from Diocese of Raigarh and became suffragan of Raipur)
2006.05.15Diocese of Tiruvalla (Syro-Malankara Rite) was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Tiruvalla (with suffragan sees Bathery and Moovatupuzha)
2006.11.25Archdiocese of Goa and Daman was promoted as Metropolitan Archdiocese of Goa and Daman (with suffragan see Sindhudurg)
2007.01.02Diocese of Mavelikkara (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (from Major Archdiocese of Trivandrum and became suffragan of Trivandrum)
2007.08.29Diocese of Bhadravathi (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Mananthavady and became suffragan of Tellicherry)
2010.01.15Diocese of Mananthavady (Syro-Malabar Rite) lost territory to Diocese of Bhadravathi
2010.01.18Diocese of Mandya (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Mananthavady and became suffragan of Tellicherry)
2010.01.18Diocese of Ramanathapuram (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (from Diocese of Palghat and became suffragan of Trichur)
2010.01.25Diocese of Pathanamthitta (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (from Major Archdiocese of Trivandrum and became suffragan of Trivandrum)
2010.01.25Diocese of Puthur (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (from Diocese of Bathery and became suffragan of Tiruvalla)
2012.03.06Diocese of Faridabad (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established
2012.07.16Diocese of Udupi was established (from Diocese of Mangalore and became suffragan of Bangalore)
2013.12.28Diocese of Sultanpet was established (from Diocese of Calicut and Diocese of Coimbatore and became suffragan of Verapoly)
2014.12.22Diocese of Kuzhithurai was established (from Diocese of Kottar and became suffragan of Madurai)
2015.03.26Apostolic Exarchate of Saint Ephrem of Khadki (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (without ecclesiastical province)
2015.03.26Diocese of Saint John Chrysostom of Gurgaon (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (without ecclesiastical province)
2016.04.11Diocese of Rayagada was established (from Diocese of Berhampur and became suffragan of Cuttack–Bhubaneswar)
2017.08.05Diocese of Parassala (Syro-Malankara Rite) was established (from Major Archdiocese of Trivandrum and became suffragan of Trivandrum)
2017.10.09Metropolitan Archdiocese of Changanacherry (Syro-Malabar Rite) lost territory to Diocese of Thuckalay
2017.10.10Diocese of Hosur (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (without ecclesiastical province)
2017.10.10Diocese of Shamshabad (Syro-Malabar Rite) was established (without ecclesiastical province)
2019.11.23Apostolic Exarchate of Saint Ephrem of Khadki (Syro-Malankara Rite) was promoted as Diocese of Saint Ephrem of Khadki (became suffragan of Trivandrum)

Last updated on 2025.03.05

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