Metropolitan Archdiocese of

São Luís do Maranhão

Brazil Brazil

Continent: South America

Rite: Roman (Latin)

Type: Metropolitan Archdiocese Metr. Archdiocese

Name: São Luís do Maranhão / Sancti Ludovici in Maragnano (Latin)

Suffragan Sees: Bacabal, Balsas, Brejo, Carolina, Caxias do Maranhão, Coroatá, Grajaú, Imperatriz, Pinheiro, Viana, Zé Doca

Depends on: Dicastery for Bishops



Patron Saint: Saint Louis of France (August 25)

Liturgical Calendar (National) 📅


Papal Visits

Present Prelates

Metropolitan Archbishop (2021.06.02 – ...):Archbishop Gilberto Pastana de Oliveira (68)Archbishop Gilberto Pastana de Oliveira (68)


Metropolitan Archbishops of São Luís do Maranhão (Roman Rite)

Archbishop Gilberto Pastana de Oliveira (68)Archbishop Gilberto Pastana de Oliveira (68)
(2021.06.02 – ...)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil)

Venha o teu reino

Born:1956.07.29 (Boim, PA, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1985.07.27
Consecrated Bishop:2005.10.28

Priest of Santarém (Brazil) (1985.07.27 – 2005.08.03)

Bishop of Imperatriz (Brazil) (2005.08.03 – 2016.05.18)

Coadjutor Bishop of Crato (Brazil) (2016.05.18 – 2016.12.28)

Bishop of Crato (Brazil) (2016.12.28 – 2021.06.02)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (2021.06.02 – ...)

Archbishop José Belisário da Silva, O.F.M. (79)Archbishop José Belisário da Silva, O.F.M. (79)
(2005.09.21 – 2021.06.02)

Metropolitan Archbishop emeritus of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil)

Invisibilem Tamquam Videns / Como se visse o invisível

Born:1945.08.04 (Carmópolis de Minas, MG, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1969.12.13
Consecrated Bishop:2000.02.19

Bishop of Bacabal (Brazil) (1999.12.01 – 2005.09.21)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (2005.09.21 – 2021.06.02)

Vice-President of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (2011.05.10 – 2015.04.20)

Second Vice-President of Latin American Episcopal Council (2015.05.13 – 2019.05.15)

Archbishop Paulo Eduardo Andrade Ponte
(1984.03.20 – 2005.09.21)

Christus heri et hodie

Born:1931.06.24 (Fortaleza, CE, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1954.04.03
Consecrated Bishop:1971.11.21
Died:2009.03.15 (São Luís, MA, Brazil † 77)

Bishop of Itapipoca (Brazil) (1971.06.25 – 1984.03.20)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1984.03.20 – 2005.09.21)

Vice-President of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (1987 – 1991)

Archbishop João José da Mota e Albuquerque
(1964.04.28 – 1984.03.20)

Sanctificans evangelium Dei

Born:1913.03.27 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1935.04.28
Consecrated Bishop:1957.04.28
Died:1987.09.12 († 74)

Bishop of Afogados da Ingazeira (Brazil) (1957.01.04 – 1961.02.28)

Bishop of Sobral (Brazil) (1961.02.28 – 1964.04.28)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1964.04.28 – 1984.03.20)

Archbishop José de Medeiros Delgado
(1951.09.04 – 1963.05.10)

Ita pater

Born:1905.07.28 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1929.06.02
Consecrated Bishop:1941.06.29
Died:1988.03.09 († 82)

Bishop of Caicó (Brazil) (1941.03.15 – 1951.09.04)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1951.09.04 – 1963.05.10)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Fortaleza (Brazil) (1963.05.10 – 1973.03.26)

Archbishop Adalberto Accioli Sobral
(1947.01.18 – 1951.05.24)

In verbo tuo

Born:1887.08.02 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1911.11.12
Consecrated Bishop:1927.09.04
Died:1951.05.24 († 63)

Bishop of Barra (Brazil) (1927.04.22 – 1934.01.13)

Bishop of Pesqueira (Brazil) (1934.01.13 – 1947.01.18)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1947.01.18 – 1951.05.24)

Archbishop Carlos Carmelo de Vasconcelos Motta (later Cardinal)
(1935.12.19 – 1944.08.13)

In sinu Jesu

Born:1890.07.16 (Bom Jesus do Amparo, MG, Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1918.06.20
Consecrated Bishop:1932.10.30
Created Cardinal:1946.02.18
Died:1982.09.18 (Aparecida, SP, Brazil † 92)

Titular Bishop of Algiza (1932.07.29 – 1935.12.19)

Auxiliary Bishop of Diamantina (Brazil) (1932.07.29 – 1935.12.19)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1935.12.19 – 1944.08.13)

Apostolic Administrator of Pinheiro (Brazil) (1940 – 1944)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1944.08.13 – 1964.04.18)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Pancrazio (1946.02.22 – 1982.09.18)

President of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil (1952 – 1958)

Apostolic Administrator of Aparecida (Brazil) (1958.04.19 – 1964.04.18)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Aparecida (Brazil) (1964.04.18 – 1982.09.18)

Apostolic Administrator of Lorena (Brazil) (1970 – 1971.11.03)

Protopriest of Sacred College of Cardinals (1977.08.02 – 1982.09.18)

Archbishop Octaviano Pereira de Albuquerque
(1922.10.27 – 1935.12.16)

Born:1866.07.03 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1888.12.08
Consecrated Bishop:1914.06.11
Died:1949.01.03 († 82)

Bishop of Piaui (Brazil) (1914.04.02 – 1922.10.27)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1922.10.27 – 1935.12.16)

Archbishop-Bishop of Campos (Brazil) (1935.12.16 – 1949.01.03)

Archbishops of São Luís do Maranhão (Roman Rite)

Archbishop Helvécio Gomes de Oliveira, S.D.B.
(1921.12.02 – 1922.02.10)

Born:1876.02.19 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1901.06.09
Consecrated Bishop:1918.08.15
Died:1960.04.25 († 84)

Bishop of Corumbá (Brazil) (1918.02.15 – 1918.06.18)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1918.06.18 – 1921.12.02)

Archbishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1921.12.02 – 1922.02.10)

Titular Archbishop of Verissa (1922.02.10 – 1922.09.01)

Coadjutor Archbishop of Mariana (Brazil) (1922.02.10 – 1922.09.01)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Mariana (Brazil) (1922.09.01 – 1960.04.25)

Bishops of São Luís do Maranhão (Roman Rite)

Bishop Helvécio Gomes de Oliveira, S.D.B. (later Archbishop)
(1918.06.18 – 1921.12.02)

(see above)

Bishop Francisco de Paula Silva, C.M.
(1907.04.18 – 1918.06.04)

Born:1866.10.22 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1892.01.24
Consecrated Bishop:1907.07.14
Died:1918.06.04 († 51)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1907.04.18 – 1918.06.04)

Bishop-elect Santino Maria da Silva Coutinho (later Archbishop)
(1906.09.09 – 1906.12.06)

Dominus fortitudo mea

Born:1868.12.18 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1891.12.19
Consecrated Bishop:1907.03.19
Died:1939.01.10 († 70)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1906.09.09 – 1906.12.06)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Belém do Pará (Brazil) (1906.12.06 – 1923.01.19)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Maceió (Brazil) (1923.01.19 – 1939.01.10)

Bishop Antônio Xisto Albano
(1901.03.23 – 1905.12.14)

Born:1860.08.06 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1885.05.30
Consecrated Bishop:1901.06.16
Died:1917.02.21 († 56)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1901.03.23 – 1905.12.14)

Titular Bishop of Bethsaida (1905.12.14 – 1917.02.21)

Fr. Luis de Salles Pessoa
(1898 – 1898)


Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1898 – 1898)

Bishop Antônio Cândido Alvarenga
(1877.09.21 – 1898.11.28)

Respice stellam voca Mariam

Born:1836.04.12 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1860.03.25
Consecrated Bishop:1878.03.31
Died:1903.04.01 († 66)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1877.09.21 – 1898.11.28)

Bishop of São Paulo (Brazil) (1898.11.28 – 1903.04.01)

Bishop Luiz da Conceição Saraiva, O.S.B.
(1861.07.22 – 1876.04.26)

Born:1824.09.24 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1847.04.11
Consecrated Bishop:1861.10.20
Died:1876.04.26 († 51)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1861.07.22 – 1876.04.26)

Bishop Manoel Joaquim da Silveira (later Archbishop)
(1851.09.05 – 1861.01.05)

Born:1807.04.11 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1830.05.02
Consecrated Bishop:1852.01.25
Died:1874.06.23 († 67)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1851.09.05 – 1861.01.05)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) (1861.01.05 – 1874.06.23)

Bishop Carlos de São José e Souza, O.C.D.
(1844.01.22 – 1850.04.03)

Born:1776 (Brazil)
Ordained Priest:1799.12.21
Consecrated Bishop:1844.06.02
Died:1850.04.03 († 73)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1844.01.22 – 1850.04.03)

Bishop Marcos Antônio de Souza
(1827.06.25 – 1842.11.29)

Born:1771.02.10 (Brazil)
Consecrated Bishop:1827.10.28
Died:1842.11.29 († 71)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1827.06.25 – 1842.11.29)

Bishop Joaquim de Nossa Senhora de Nazareth Oliveira e Abreu, O.F.M.
(1819.08.23 – 1824.05.03)

Born:1776.11.12 (Portugal)
Consecrated Bishop:1816.11.03
Died:1851.08.31 († 74)

Bishop-Prelate of Mozambique (Mozambique) (1811.12.17 – 1819.08.23)

Titular Bishop of Leontopolis in Bithynia (1815.09.04 – 1819.08.23)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1819.08.23 – 1824.05.03)

Bishop of Coimbra (Portugal) (1824.05.03 – 1851.08.31)

Bishop Luiz de Brito Homem
(1802.05.24 – 1813.12.10)

Ordained Priest:1777.09.20
Consecrated Bishop:1792.04.29
Died:1813.12.10 († 65)

Bishop of São Paulo de Loanda (Angola) (1791.12.17 – 1802.05.24)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1802.05.24 – 1813.12.10)

Bishop Joaquim Ferreira de Carvalho
(1795.06.01 – 1801.04.26)

Born:1750.07.17 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1777.09.20
Consecrated Bishop:1795.09.13
Died:1801.04.26 († 50)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1795.06.01 – 1801.04.26)

Bishop Antônio de Pádua e Belas, O.F.M.
(1783.07.18 – 1794.08.28)

Born:1732.10.20 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1759.07.01
Consecrated Bishop:1783.12.14
Died:1808.01.21 († 75)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1783.07.18 – 1794.08.28)

Bishop José do Menino Jesus, O.C.D.
(1780.09.18 – 1783.07.18)

Consecrated Bishop:1780.11.30
Died:1791.01.14 († 55)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1780.09.18 – 1783.07.18)

Bishop of Viseu (Portugal) (1783.07.18 – 1791.01.14)

Bishop Jacinto Carlos da Silveira
(1779.03.01 – 1780.04.29)

Born:1732.09.18 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1758.02.18
Consecrated Bishop:1779.06.20
Died:1808.07.28 († 75)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1779.03.01 – 1780.04.29)

Bishop Antônio de São José Moura Marinho, O.E.S.A. (later Archbishop)
(1756.07.19 – 1778.07.20)

Born:1704.02.21 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1728.09.26
Consecrated Bishop:1756.09.21
Died:1779.08.09 († 75)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1756.07.19 – 1778.07.20)

Metropolitan Archbishop of São Salvador da Bahia (Brazil) (1778.07.20 – 1779.08.09)

Bishop Francisco de São Tiago, O.F.M.
(1745.12.15 – 1752.12.12)

Born:1692 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1716.06.14
Consecrated Bishop:1746.03.13
Died:1752.12.12 († 59)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1745.12.15 – 1752.12.12)

Bishop Manoel da Cruz Nogueira, O. Cist.
(1738.09.03 – 1745.12.15)

Born:1690.02.05 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1712.02.28
Consecrated Bishop:1738.12.14
Died:1764.01.03 († 73)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1738.09.03 – 1745.12.15)

Bishop of Mariana (Brazil) (1745.12.15 – 1764.01.03)

Bishop José Delgarte, O.SS.T.
(1716.10.05 – 1724.12.23)

Born:1663 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1686.08.19
Consecrated Bishop:1716.12.27
Died:1724.12.23 († 60)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1716.10.05 – 1724.12.23)

Bishop Timóteo do Sacramento, O.S.B.
(1696.12.17 – 1700)

Born:1653.02.05 (Portugal)
Consecrated Bishop:1693.04.12
Died:1714.04 († 61)

Bishop of Tomé (São Tomé and Príncipe) (1693.01.02 – 1696.12.17)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1696.12.17 – 1700)

Bishop Francisco de Lima, O. Carm.
(1691.12.19 – 1695.08.22)

In caritate

Born:1630 (Portugal)
Consecrated Bishop:1692.04.20
Died:1704.04.29 († 73)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1691.12.19 – 1695.08.22)

Bishop of Olinda (Brazil) (1695.08.22 – 1704.04.29)

Bishop Gregório dos Anjos
(1677.08.30 – 1689.05.11)

Born:1612 (Portugal)
Ordained Priest:1635
Consecrated Bishop:1678.01.23
Died:1689.05.11 († 76)

Bishop of Malacca (Malaysia) (? – 1677.08.30 not possessed)

Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1677.08.30 – 1689.05.11)

Fr. Antônio de Santa Maria
(1677 – 1677 not possessed)


Bishop of São Luís do Maranhão (Brazil) (1677 – 1677 not possessed)

Former Prelates

Special Churches

Churches by City (56)

Viana (↙), Pinheiro (←), Brejo (↘), Coroatá (↓)

Statistics (2022.12.31)

Area: 12,946 km²

Population: 1,228,000 Catholics (72.0% of 1,705,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 57 parishes, 3 missions

Personnel: 81 priests (75 diocesan, 6 religious), 79 deacons, 236 religious (12 brothers, 224 sisters), 20 seminarians


Pastoral Centres





Last updated on 2025.01.03

© 2025
