
Cardinal Suburbicarian See


Suburbicarian See: Diocese of Frascati

Bishop: Bishop Stefano Russo (62)Bishop Stefano Russo (62)

Also known as: Tusculan(us) (Latin)



ItalyCardinal Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B. (89)Cardinal Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B. (89)
(2008.05.10 – ...)

Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati
Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church emeritus of Apostolic Camera

Fidem custodire concordiam servare

Born:1934.12.02 (Romano Canavese, Italy)
Ordained Priest:1960.07.01
Consecrated Bishop:1991.08.01
Created Cardinal:2003.10.21

Rector Magnificus of Salesian Pontifical University (1989.06.01 – 1991.06.04)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Vercelli (Italy) (1991.06.04 – 1995.06.13)

Secretary of Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1995.06.13 – 2002.12.10)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Genova (Italy) (2002.12.10 – 2006.08.29)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria Ausiliatrice in Via Tuscolana pro hac vice Title (2003.10.21 [2004.03.24] – 2008.05.10)

Secretary of State of Secretariat of State (2006.09.15 – 2013.10.15)

President of Interdicastery Commission on Particular Churches (2006.09.15 – 2013.10.15)

President of Interdicastery Commission for the Church in Eastern Europe (2006.09.15 – 2013.10.15)

Cardinal Protector of Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy (2006.09.15 – 2013.10.15)

Member of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion (2006.10.14 – 2008.03)

Camerlengo of the Holy Roman Church of Apostolic Camera (2007.04.04 – 2014.12.20)

President of Commission of Cardinals overseeing the Institute for Works of Religion (2008.03 – 2014.01.15)

Cardinal-Bishop of Frascati (2008.05.10 [2009.10.03] – ...)

Past Cardinal-Bishops

Last updated on 2024.04.06

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