Acronym | Monastic Orders of Pontifical Right | Members | Superior General |
O.S.B. | American-Cassinese Benedictine Congregation | 595 |  Abbot John Klassen, O.S.B. (75) |
O.A.O.C. | Antonian Order of Saint Ormizda of the Chaldeans | 13 |  Fr. Samer Soreshow Yohanna, O.A.O.C. |
O.A.M. | Antonin Maronite Order | 167 |  Abbot Maroun Jaoude Abou, O.A.M. (67) |
B.A. | Basilian Alepian Order | 29 |  Archimandrite Elias Khoudary, B.A. (68) |
B.C. | Basilian Chouerite Order of Saint John the Baptist | 45 |  Archimandrite Bernard Touma, B.C. (50) |
O.S.B.M. | Basilian Order of Saint Josaphat | 495 |  Fr. Robert Roman Lisseiko, O.S.B.M. (48) |
B.S. | Basilian Order of the Most Holy Saviour (Salvatorian Fathers) | 95 |  Archimandrite Antoine Dib, B.S. (71) |
O.S.B. | Benedictine Confederation of the Order of Saint Benedict (Benedictines) | 6,486 |  Abbot Primate Jeremias Schröder, O.S.B. (60) |
O.S.B. | Benedictine Congregation of Austria of the Immaculate Conception | 254 |  Abbot Johannes Perkmann, O.S.B. (56) |
O.S.B. | Benedictine Congregation of Bavaria | 143 |  Abbot Markus Eller, O.S.B. (58) |
O.S.B. | Benedictine Congregation of Brazil | 2,120 |  Abbot Filipe da Silva, O.S.B. (62) |
O.S.B. | Benedictine Congregation of Hungary | 90 |  Archabbot Cirill Tamás Hortobágyi, O.S.B. (66) |
O.S.B. Oliv. | Benedictine Congregation of Our Lady of Mount Olivet (Olivetans) | 184 |  Abbot Diego Gualtiero Maria Rosa, O.S.B. Oliv. (72) |
O.S.B. | Benedictine Congregation of Saint Ottilien (Missionary Benedictines) | 1,009 |  Abbot Javier Aparicio Suárez, O.S.B. (55) |
O.S.B. | Benedictine Congregation of Switzerland | 145 |  Abbot Vigeli Monn, O.S.B. (59) |
O.S.B. | Benedictine Congregation of the Annunciation | 563 |  Abbot Maksymilian Robert Nawara, O.S.B. (46) |
C.A.M. | Benedictine Congregation of the Mechitarists (Mechitarists) | 32 | |
O.S.B. | Beuronese Benedictine Congregation | 150 |  Abbot Franziskus Berzdorf, O.S.B. (72) |
O.S.B. Cam. | Camaldolese Congregation of the Order of Saint Benedict (Camaldolese) | 103 |  Fr. Matteo Ferrari, O.S.B. Cam. (50) |
E.C.M.C. | Camaldolese Hermits of Mount Corona | 55 |  Fr. Emir José Castillo Zárate, E.C.M.C. (64) |
O. Cart. | Carthusian Order (Carthusians) | 276 |  Fr. Dysmas de Lassus, O. Cart. (68) |
O.S.B. | Cono-Sur Benedictine Congregation of the Holy Cross | 82 |  Abbot Mamerto Menapace, O.S.B. (83) |
E.B.C. | English Benedictine Congregation | 194 |  Abbot Christopher Jamison, E.B.C. (73) |
O.S.B.I. | Italian Basilian Order of Grottaferrata | 10 |  Abbot Francesco De Feo, O.S.B. (49) |
O.L.M. | Lebanese Maronite Order (Baladites) | 341 |  Abbot Neamatallah Hachem, O.L.M. (56) |
O.M.M. | Mariamite Maronite Order (Aleppians) | 101 |  Abbot Pierre Najem, O.M.M. (51) |
O. Cist. | Order of Cistercians (Cistercians) | 1,570 |  Abbot Mauro Giorgio Giuseppe Lepori, O. Cist. (66) |
O.C.S.O. | Order of Cistercians of the Strict Observance (Trappists) | 1,497 |  Abbot Bernardus Peeters, O.C.S.O. (56) |
O.S.H. | Order of Saint Jerome (Hieronymites) | 7 | |
O.S.P.P.E. | Order of Saint Paul the First Hermit (Pauline Fathers) | 460 |  Fr. Arnold O. Chrapkowski, O.S.P.P.E. (56) |
O.S.B. | Slavonic Benedictine Congregation of Saint Adalbert and Saint Margaret | 25 |  Abbot Jeronim Adam Marin, O.S.B. (49) |
O.S.B. | Solesmes Congregation | 547 |  Abbot Philippe Dupont, O.S.B. |
O.S.B. | Subiaco Cassinese Benedictine Congregation | 1,256 |  Abbot Ignasi Maria Fossas i Colet, O.S.B. (64) |
O.S.B. | Swiss-American Benedictine Congregation | 447 |  Abbot Vincent de Paul Bataille, O.S.B. (85) |
O.S.B. Silv. | Sylvestrine Congregation of the Benedictine Order (Sylvestrines) | 200 |  Abbot Antony Chacko Puthenpurackal, O.S.B. Silv. (58) |
O.S.B. Vall. | Vallumbrosan Congregation of the Benedictine Order (Vallombrosians) | 78 |  Abbot Giuseppe Casetta, O.S.B. Vall. (66) |
Acronym | Monastic Orders of Diocesan Right | Members | Superior General |
M.S.U. | Ukrainian Studite Monks | 11 |  Fr. Yosafat Voytek, M.S.U. (54) |