International Meetings of Bishops’ Conferences

Inter-Diocesan Structures

International Meetings of Bishops’ Conferences (13)
Eastern Rite

Conseil des Patriarches Catholiques d’Orient (C.P.C.O.)
Council of Catholic Patriarchs of the East

President:Cardinal Béchara Pierre Raï, O.M.M. (85)Cardinal Béchara Pierre Raï (85)


Patriarch of Antioch of the Maronites (Lebanon)

President of Synod of the Maronite Church

President of Assembly of the Catholic Patriarchs and Bishops of Lebanon


Commissio Episcopatuum Communitatis Europææ (COM.E.C.E.)
Commission of the Bishops’ Conferences of the European Community
Commission des Episcopats de la Commanauté Européenne
Kommission der Bischofskonferenzen der Europäischen Gemeinschaft
Komisja Episkopatów Wspólnoty Europejskiej
Vijeće biskupskih konferencija Europske Unije
Commissie van Bisschoppen van de Europese Gemeenschap

President:Bishop Mariano Crociata (72)Bishop Mariano Crociata (72)

Bishop of Latina–Terracina–Sezze–Priverno (Italy)


Consilium Conferentiarum Episcopalium Europæ (C.C.E.E.)
Council of European Bishops’ Conferences

President:Archbishop Gintaras Linas Grušas (63)Archbishop Gintaras Linas Grušas (63)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Vilnius (Lithuania)

President of Episcopal Conference of Lithuania

Apostolic Administrator of the Military Ordinariate of Lithuania (Lithuania)

Central America

Secretariado Episcopal de América Central y Panamá (S.E.D.A.C.)
Episcopal Secretariat of Central America and Panama

President:Bishop Héctor David García Osorio (58)Bishop Héctor David García Osorio (58)

Bishop of Yoro (Honduras)

Central and South America

Consejo Episcopal Latinoamericano (C.E.L.A.M.)
Latin American Episcopal Council
Conselho Episcopal Latino-Americano

President:Cardinal Jaime Spengler, O.F.M. (64)Cardinal Jaime Spengler, O.F.M. (64)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Gregorio Magno alla Magliana Nuova

Metropolitan Archbishop of Porto Alegre (Brazil)

President of National Conference of Bishops of Brazil


Federation of Asian Bishops’ Conferences (F.A.B.C.)

President:Cardinal Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão (72)Cardinal Filipe Neri António Sebastião do Rosário Ferrão (72)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Maria in Via

Patriarch of East Indies

Metropolitan Archbishop of Goa and Daman (India)

President of Conference of Catholic Bishops of India

Central Africa

Association des Conférences Episcopales de l’Afrique Centrale (A.C.E.A.C.)
Association of Episcopal Conferences of Central Africa

President:Bishop José Moko Ekanga, P.S.S. (66)Bishop José Moko Ekanga, P.S.S. (66)

Bishop of Idiofa (Congo-Kinshasa)

Central Africa

Association des Conférences Episcopales de la Région de l’Afrique Central (A.C.E.R.A.C.)
Association of Episcopal Conferences of the Central Africa Region

President:Archbishop Goetbé Edmond Djitangar (72)Archbishop Goetbé Edmond Djitangar (72)

Metropolitan Archbishop of N’Djaména (Chad)

President of Episcopal Conference of Chad

Eastern Africa

Association of Member Episcopal Conferences in Eastern Africa (A.M.E.C.E.A.)

President:Bishop Charles Joseph Sampa Kasonde (56)Bishop Charles Joseph Sampa Kasonde (56)

Bishop of Solwezi (Zambia)

Vice-President of Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops

Southern Africa

Inter-Regional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa (I.M.B.I.S.A.)

President:Archbishop Liborius Ndumbukuti Nashenda, O.M.I. (65)Archbishop Liborius Ndumbukuti Nashenda, O.M.I. (65)

Metropolitan Archbishop of Windhoek (Namibia)

President of Namibian Catholic Bishop’s Conference


Symposium des Conférences Episcopales d’Afrique et de Madagascar (S.C.E.A.M.)
Symposium of Episcopal Conferences of Africa and Madagascar (S.E.C.A.M.)

President:Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, O.F.M. Cap. (65)Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, O.F.M. Cap. (65)

Cardinal-Priest of S. Gabriele Arcangelo all’Acqua Traversa

Metropolitan Archbishop of Kinshasa (Congo-Kinshasa)

Member of Council of Cardinals


Federation of Catholic Bishops’ Conferences of Oceania (F.C.B.C.O.)

President:Bishop Anthony Randazzo (58)Bishop Anthony Randazzo (58)

Bishop of Broken Bay (Australia)

Apostolic Administrator of Our Lady of the Southern Cross (Australia)

Western Africa

Regional Episcopal Conference of West Africa (R.E.C.O.W.A.)
Conférence Episcopale Régionale de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (C.E.R.A.O.)

President:Bishop Alexis Touabli Youlo (65)Bishop Alexis Touabli Youlo (65)

Bishop of Agboville (Cote d’Ivoire)

Last updated on 2025.03.23

See Also

Roman-Rite Conferences of Bishops

Eastern-Rite Synods of Bishops

© 2025
