Documents and Speeches

in Hungarian (Magyar)

Documents (89)TypeAuthorDateDescending
Sensus fidei in the life of the Church Magyar (Hungarian)


DocumentInternational Theological Commission2014.06.10
God the Trinity and the Unity of Humanity Magyar (Hungarian)
Christian monotheism and its opposition to violence

 monotheism   violence 

DocumentInternational Theological Commission2014.01.17
Evangelii Gaudium / The Joy of the Gospel Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Proclamation of the Gospel in Today’s World

 evangelization   joy   new evangelization   social 

Apostolic ExhortationPope Francis2013.11.24
To the International Theological Commission on the occasion of its annual Plenary Assembly Magyar (Hungarian)SpeechPope Benedict XVI2012.12.07
Theology Today: Perspectives, Principles and Criteria Magyar (Hungarian)


DocumentInternational Theological Commission2011.11.29
On the banalization of sexuality and certain interpretations of ’Light of the World’ Magyar (Hungarian)NoteCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith2010.12.20
For the 26ᵗʰ World Youth Day (2011) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2010.08.06
Caritas in Veritate / Charity in Truth Magyar (Hungarian)
On integral human development in charity and truth


EncyclicalPope Benedict XVI2009.06.29
In Search of a Universal Ethic: A New Look at the Natural Law Magyar (Hungarian)

 natural law 

DocumentInternational Theological Commission2009.05.20
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Hungary on their ad Limina visit Magyar (Hungarian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2008.05.10
For the celebration of World Day of Peace 2008 Magyar (Hungarian)

 ecology   peace   social 

MessagePope Benedict XVI2007.12.08
Spe Salvi / Saved in Hope Magyar (Hungarian)
On Christian hope


EncyclicalPope Benedict XVI2007.11.30
For the 23ʳᵈ World Youth Day (2008, Sydney) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2007.07.20
Summorum Pontificum Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Roman liturgy prior to the reform of 1970

 Latin   Mass   Tridentine 

Motu ProprioPope Benedict XVI2007.07.07
For the 8ᵗʰ centenary of the birth of St. Elizabeth of Turingia and Hungary Magyar (Hungarian)

 Hungary   saint 

LetterPope Benedict XVI2007.05.27
The Hope of Salvation for Infants Who Die Without Being Baptised Magyar (Hungarian)


DocumentInternational Theological Commission2007.04.19
Sacramentum Caritatis / The Sacrament of Love Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Eucharist as the Source and Summit of the Church’s Life and Mission

 Eucharist   love   synod 

Apostolic ExhortationPope Benedict XVI2007.02.22
For the 44ᵗʰ World Day for Vocations (2007) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2007.02.10
Special Indulgences conceded for the 15ᵗʰ World Day of the Sick Magyar (Hungarian)

 indulgence   sick 

DecreeApostolic Penitentiary2007.01.25
For the 41ˢᵗ World Communications Day (2007) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2007.01.24
For the 15ᵗʰ World Day of the Sick (2007) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2006.12.08
For the celebration of World Day of Peace 2007 Magyar (Hungarian)

 ecology   peace   social 

MessagePope Benedict XVI2006.12.08
For Lent 2007 Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2006.11.21
To the President of the Republic of Hungary on the Fiftieth Anniversary of the Budapest uprising Magyar (Hungarian)


LetterPope Benedict XVI2006.10.07
For the 43ʳᵈ World Day for Vocations (2006) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2006.03.05
For the 21ˢᵗ World Youth Day (2006) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2006.02.22
For the 40ᵗʰ World Communications Day (2006) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2006.01.24
Deus caritas est / God is Love Magyar (Hungarian)
On Christian love


EncyclicalPope Benedict XVI2005.12.25
For the 14ᵗʰ World Day of the Sick (2006) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2005.12.08
For the celebration of World Day of Peace 2006 Magyar (Hungarian)

 peace   social 

MessagePope Benedict XVI2005.12.08
To the members of the International Theological Commission Magyar (Hungarian)SpeechPope Benedict XVI2005.12.01
For Lent 2006 Magyar (Hungarian)


MessagePope Benedict XVI2005.09.26
Compendium Catechismi Ecclesiæ Catholicæ / Compendium of the Catechism of the Catholic Church Magyar (Hungarian)


CatechismInterdicastery Commission for the Catechism of the Catholic Church2005.03.20
The Rapid Development Magyar (Hungarian)
On Communications


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II2005.01.24
Indulgences attached to particular acts of worship and veneration of the Most Blessed Sacrament during the Year of the Eucharist Magyar (Hungarian)

 Eucharist   indulgence 

DecreeApostolic Penitentiary2004.12.25
Mane nobiscum Domine / Stay with us Lord Magyar (Hungarian)
The Year of the Eucharist


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II2004.10.07
For the 20ᵗʰ World Youth Day (2005, Cologne) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II2004.08.06
Ecclesia in Europa / The Church in Europe Magyar (Hungarian)
On Jesus Christ alive in his Church, the source of hope for Europe

 Europe   synod 

Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope John Paul II2003.06.28
Ecclesia de Eucharistia / The Eucharist from the Church Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Eucharist in Its relationship to the Church

 ecclesiology   Eucharist 

EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II2003.04.17
For the 18ᵗʰ World Youth Day (2003) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II2003.03.08
Rosarium Virginis Mariæ / The Rosary of the Virgin Mary Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Most Holy Rosary

 Mary   rosary 

Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II2002.10.16
Novo millennio ineunte / At the Beginning of the New Millennium Magyar (Hungarian)
At the close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II2001.01.06
For the 14ᵗʰ World Youth Day (1999) Magyar (Hungarian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1999.01.06
Fides et ratio / Faith and Reason Magyar (Hungarian)
On the relationship between faith and reason

 doctrine   reason 

EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1998.09.14
Dies Domini / The Lord’s Day Magyar (Hungarian)
On Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy

 Mass   Sunday 

Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1998.05.31
Apostolos suos Magyar (Hungarian)
On the theological and juridical nature of episcopal conferences

 episcopal conference 

Motu ProprioSaint Pope John Paul II1998.05.21
Ad tuendam fidem / To Protect the Faith Magyar (Hungarian)
Certain Norms Inserted into the Code of Canon Law and into the Code of Canons of the Eastern Churches

 canon law   Eastern Churches 

Motu ProprioSaint Pope John Paul II1998.05.18
Christianity and the World Religions Magyar (Hungarian)

 inter-religious dialogue 

DocumentInternational Theological Commission1997
Vita consecrata / Consecrated Life Magyar (Hungarian)
On the consecrated life and its mission in the Church and in the world

 religious   synod 

Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope John Paul II1996.03.25
Ut unum sint / That They Be One Magyar (Hungarian)
On commitment to ecumenism

 ecclesiology   ecumenism 

EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1995.05.25
Evangelium vitæ / The Gospel of Life Magyar (Hungarian)
On the value and inviolability of human life

 bioethics   pro-life 

EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1995.03.25
Tertio millennio adveniente / At the Third Millennium Draws Near Magyar (Hungarian)
On Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1994.11.10
Veritatis splendor / The Splendour of Truth Magyar (Hungarian)
On certain fundamental questions of the Church’s moral teaching


EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1993.08.06
Pastores dabo vobis / Shepherds After My Own Heart Magyar (Hungarian)
On the formation of priests in the circumstances of the present day

 priest   seminary   synod 

Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope John Paul II1992.03.25
Ætatis novæ Magyar (Hungarian)
On social communications on the 20ᵗʰ anniversary of Communio et Progressio


InstructionPontifical Council for Social Communications1992.02.22
Centesimus annus / Hundred Years Magyar (Hungarian)
For the 100ᵗʰ anniversary of Rerum Novarum


EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1991.05.01
Redemptoris Missio / The Mission of the Redeemer Magyar (Hungarian)
On the permanent validity of the Church’s missionary mandate

 Holy Spirit   mission 

EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1990.12.07
Redemptoris custos Magyar (Hungarian)
On the person and mission of St. Joseph in the Life of Christ and of the Church

 St. Joseph 

Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope John Paul II1989.08.15
Christifideles laici / Christ’s Faithful People Magyar (Hungarian)
On the vocation and the mission of the lay faithful in the Church and in the world

 laity   synod 

Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope John Paul II1988.12.30
Mulieris dignitatem / The Dignity of Women Magyar (Hungarian)
On the dignity and vocation of women on the occasion of the Marian Year

 Mary   woman 

Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1988.08.15
Euntes in mundum universum Magyar (Hungarian)
For the millennium of the ’Baptism’ of Rus of Kiev


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1988.01.25
Sollicitudo rei socialis / The Social Concern of the Church Magyar (Hungarian)
for the 20ᵗʰ anniversary of Popularum Progressio


EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1987.12.30
Redemptoris Mater / The Mother of the Redeemer Magyar (Hungarian)
Proclaiming the Marian Year


EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1987.03.25
Donum vitæ Magyar (Hungarian)
On respect for human life in its origin and on the dignity of procreation

 bioethics   pro-life 

InstructionCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1987.02.22
Regarding certain writings attributed to György Bulányi Magyar (Hungarian)


Curial LetterCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1986.09.01
Dominum et vivificantem / The Lord the Giver of Life Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church and the world

 Holy Spirit 

EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1986.05.18
Slavorum apostoli / The Apostles of the Slavs Magyar (Hungarian)
For the 11ᵗʰ centenary of the evangelizing work of Sts. Cyril and Methodius


EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1985.06.02
Dilecti amici Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Occasion of the International Youth Year


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1985.03.31
Reconciliatio et Pænitentia / Reconciliation and Penance Magyar (Hungarian)
On reconciliation and penance in the mission of the Church today

 penance   synod 

Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope John Paul II1984.12.02
Redemptionis Donum / The Gift of the Redemption Magyar (Hungarian)
On the consecration of religious in the light of the mystery of the Redemption


Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope John Paul II1984.03.25
Salvifici doloris / Salvific Suffering Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Christian Meaning of Suffering


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1984.02.11
Codex Iuris Canonici / Code of Canon Law Magyar (Hungarian)

 canon law 

Canon LawSaint Pope John Paul II1983.01.25
Aperite portas Redemptori Magyar (Hungarian)
For the Jubilee for the 1950ᵗʰ anniversary of the Redemption


BullSaint Pope John Paul II1983.01.06
Tredecim Anni / Thirteen Years Magyar (Hungarian)
Definitive approval of the statutes of the International Theological Commission

 Roman Curia 

Motu ProprioSaint Pope John Paul II1982.08.06
Evangelii nuntiandi Magyar (Hungarian)
On evangelization in the modern world

 evangelization   social   synod 

Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope Paul VI1975.12.08
Humanæ vitæ / Human Life Magyar (Hungarian)
On the regulation of birth

 bioethics   social 

EncyclicalSaint Pope Paul VI1968.07.25
Ad gentes / To All Men Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Mission Activity of the Church

 evangelization   Holy Spirit   Vatican II 

Conciliar DecreeSecond Council of Vatican1965.12.07
Apostolicam actuositatem / The Apostolic Activity Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Apostolate of the Laity

 laity   Vatican II 

Conciliar DecreeSecond Council of Vatican1965.11.18
Pacem in terris / Peace on Earth Magyar (Hungarian)
On establishing universal peace in truth, justice, charity, and liberty

 peace   social 

EncyclicalSaint Pope John XXIII1963.04.11
Datis nuperrime Magyar (Hungarian)
On lamenting the sorrowful events in Hungary and condemning the ruthless use of force

 Hungary   peace 

EncyclicalPope Pius XII1956.11.05
Lætamur admodum Magyar (Hungarian)
On renewing exhortation for prayers for peace for Poland, Hungary and the Middle East

 Hungary   peace   Poland 

EncyclicalPope Pius XII1956.11.01
Luctuosissimi eventus / Sorrowful Events Magyar (Hungarian)
On urging public prayers for peace and freedom for the people of Hungary

 Hungary   peace 

EncyclicalPope Pius XII1956.10.28
Ad Catholici sacerdotii Magyar (Hungarian)
On the Catholic priesthood


EncyclicalPope Pius XI1935.12.20
Casti connubii Magyar (Hungarian)
On Christian marriage


EncyclicalPope Pius XI1930.12.31
Rerum novarum Magyar (Hungarian)
On capital and labour

 labour   social 

EncyclicalPope Leo XIII1891.05.15
Auspicato concessum Magyar (Hungarian)
For the 7ᵗʰ centenary of the birth of St. Francis of Assisi

 Assisi   saint 

EncyclicalPope Leo XIII1882.09.17
Arcanum divinæ Magyar (Hungarian) Magyar (Hungarian)
On Christian marriage


EncyclicalPope Leo XIII1880.02.10
Quo Primum Magyar (Hungarian)
Promulgating the Roman Missal


Apostolic ConstitutionSaint Pope Pius V1570.07.14
Szent István Társulati Biblia Magyar (Hungarian)



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