Documents by Type


Bulls (43)AuthorDateDescending
Spes non confundit English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)
Proclaiming the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025


Pope Francis2024.05.09
Misericordiæ Vultus English français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
Proclaiming the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy


Pope Francis2015.04.11
Incarnationis mysterium / The Mystery of Incarnation English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Decreeing the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000

 indulgence   jubilee 

Saint Pope John Paul II1998.11.29
Aperite portas Redemptori español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the Jubilee for the 1950ᵗʰ anniversary of the Redemption


Saint Pope John Paul II1983.01.06
Apostolorum limina Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the Jubilee of 1975


Saint Pope Paul VI1974.05.23
Jubilæum maximum Italiano (Italian)
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1950


Pope Pius XII1949.05.26
Quod nuper
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1933


Pope Pius XI1933.01.06
Divini cultus Italiano (Italian)
On liturgical music


Pope Pius XI1928.12.20
Infinita Dei misericordia
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1925


Pope Pius XI1924.05.29
Providentissima Mater Italiano (Italian)
Promulgating the Code of Canon Law

 canon law 

Pope Benedict XV1917.05.27
Incruentum Altaris Italiano (Italian)
On Masses on All Souls’ Day


Pope Benedict XV1915.08.10
Properante ad exitum sæculo
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1900


Pope Leo XIII1899.05.11
Apostolicæ Curæ English
On the nullity of Anglican Orders

 Anglican Church 

Pope Leo XIII1896.09.15
Gravibus ecclesiæ sed sæculi calamitatis English Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1875


Blessed Pope Pius IX1874.12.24
Æterni Patris Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Summoning the First Council of Vatican

 Vatican I 

Blessed Pope Pius IX1868.06.29
Nulla celebrior
Reconstituted the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem


Blessed Pope Pius IX1847.07.23
Exultabat spiritus Italiano (Italian)
Extending the Jubilee to the universal Church


Pope Leo XII1825.12.25
Quo graviora Italiano (Italian)
Condemning Freemasonry and other secret societies


Pope Leo XII1825.03.13
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1825


Pope Leo XII1824.05.24
Ecclesiam a Jesu Italiano (Italian)
Condemning the Society of Carbonari

 freemasonry   Italy 

Pope Pius VII1821.09.13
Sollicitudo omnium ecclesiarum Italiano (Italian)
Reestablishing the Society of Jesus


Pope Pius VII1814.08.07
Ex quo ecclesiam
Granting plenary indulgence for two weeks time


Pope Pius VII1800.05.24
Salutis nostræ acutor
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1775


Pope Clement XIV1774.04.30
Peregrinantes a Domino
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1750


Pope Benedict XIV1749.05.05
In eminenti apostolatus
Banning Catholics from becoming Freemasons


Pope Clement XII1738.04.28
Redemptor et Dominus noster Jesus Christus
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1725


Pope Benedict XIII1724.06.26
Regi sæculorum
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1700


Pope Innocent XII1699.05.18
Ad apostolicæ vocis oraculum
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1675


Pope Clement X1674.04.16
Appropinquat dilectissimi Filii
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1650


Pope Innocent X1649.05.04
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1625


Pope Urban VIII1624.04.29
Annus Domini placabilis
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1600


Pope Clement VIII1599.05.19
Dominus ac Redemptor noster Jesus
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1575


Pope Gregory XIII1574.05.20
Si pastores ovium
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1550


Pope Julius III1550.02.10
Inter sollecitudines et coram nobis
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1525


Pope Clement VII1524.12.17
Inter causas multiplices
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1500


Pope Alexander VI1499.03.28
Salvator noster
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1475


Pope Sixtus IV1473.08.29
Ineffabili providentia summi Patris
Establishing that jubilees recur every 25 years


Pope Paul II1470.04.19
Immensa et innumerabilia
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1450


Pope Nicholas V1449.01.19
Dudum felicis
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1390


Pope Boniface IX1390.06.11
Salvator noster unigenitus Dei Filius
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1390


Pope Urban VI1389.04.08
Unigenitus Dei Filius
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1350


Pope Clement VI1343.01.27
Antiquorum habet digna fide relatio
Proclaiming the first Jubilee of 1300


Pope Boniface VIII1300.02.22
Transiturus English
Establishing the feast of Corpus Christi for the Universal Church


Pope Urban IV1264.08.11

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