Documents by Type

Apostolic Letters

Apostolic Letters (151)AuthorDateDescending
Fratello Sole Italiano (Italian)


Pope Francis2024.06.21
Primum quidem gratias ago Deo français (French)
For the 350ᵗʰ anniversary of the Church of Quebec
Pope Francis2023.12.08
Sublimitas et Miseria Hominis English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)
On the 4ᵗʰ centenary of the birth of Blaise Pascal
Pope Francis2023.06.19
Totum amoris est English français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
On the 4ᵗʰ centenary of the death of Saint Francis de Sales
Pope Francis2022.12.28
Desiderio desideravi English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)
On the liturgical formation of the People of God


Pope Francis2022.06.29
Lucis æternæ English français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
On the 7ᵗʰ centenary of the death of Dante Alighieri
Pope Francis2021.03.25
Patris corde English français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
For the 150ᵗʰ anniversary of the proclamation of St. Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church

 St. Joseph 

Pope Francis2020.12.08
Scripturæ Sacræ affectus English français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
On the 16ᵗʰ centenary of the death of Saint Jerome


Pope Francis2020.09.30
Admirabile signum English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)
On the meaning and importance of the nativity scene


Pope Francis2019.12.01
Misericordia et misera English español (Spanish)
At the conclusion of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy


Pope Francis2016.11.20
Proclamation of St. Gregory of Narek as a Doctor of the Church latine (Latin)


Pope Francis2015.04.12
For the Year of Consecrated Life English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)


Pope Francis2014.11.21
Making the Church of Sant’Angela Merici as cardinalate title latine (Latin)


Pope Francis2014.02.22
Making the Church of Santi Simone e Giuda Taddeo a Torre Angela as cardinalate title latine (Latin)


Pope Francis2014.02.22
Making the Church of San Giacomo in Augusta as cardinalate title latine (Latin)


Pope Francis2014.02.22
For the equivalent canonisation of Blessed Peter Favre latine (Latin)


Pope Francis2013.12.17
Raising Blessed Manuel Basulto Jiménez, Bishop of Jaén and five martyr companions to the glory of the Altars latine (Latin)


Pope Francis2013.10.13
Proclaiming Hildegard of Bingen as a Doctor of the Church English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)


Pope Benedict XVI2012.10.07
Proclaiming John of Ávila as a Doctor of the Church English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)


Pope Benedict XVI2012.10.07
On the Shrine of Święta Góra latine (Latin)Pope Benedict XVI2012.02.14
On the Cardinal Title of S. Corbiniano and the Cardinal Deaconries of S. Maria Odigitria dei Siciliani and S. Paolo alle Tre Fontane latine (Latin)Pope Benedict XVI2010.11.20
For the 7ᵗʰ centenary of the death of blessed John Duns Scotus English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)


Pope Benedict XVI2008.10.28
The Rapid Development English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
On Communications


Saint Pope John Paul II2005.01.24
Mane nobiscum Domine / Stay with us Lord English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
The Year of the Eucharist


Saint Pope John Paul II2004.10.07
Spiritus et Sponsa / The Spirit and Spouse English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
On the 40ᵗʰ anniversary of the Constitution ’Sacrosanctum Concilium’ on the Sacred Liturgy


Saint Pope John Paul II2003.12.04
Rosarium Virginis Mariæ / The Rosary of the Virgin Mary English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the Most Holy Rosary

 Mary   rosary 

Saint Pope John Paul II2002.10.16
To the Catholic People of Hungary for the conclusion of the ’Hungarian Millennium’ English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)


Saint Pope John Paul II2001.07.25
On the 1700ᵗʰ anniversary of the ’Baptism of Armenia’ English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Saint Pope John Paul II2001.02.17
Novo millennio ineunte / At the Beginning of the New Millennium English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
At the close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000


Saint Pope John Paul II2001.01.06
For the 3ʳᵈ centenary of the Union of the Greek-Catholic Church of Romania with the Church of Rome English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 Eastern Churches   Romanian Orthodox Church 

Saint Pope John Paul II2000.05.07
Dies Domini / The Lord’s Day English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On Keeping the Lord’s Day Holy

 Mass   Sunday 

Saint Pope John Paul II1998.05.31
Divini amoris scientia / The Science of Divine Love English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Proclaiming St. Therese a Doctor of the Church


Saint Pope John Paul II1997.10.19
Lætamur magnopere English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Approving and Promulgating the Latin Typical Edition of the Catechism of the Catholic Church


Saint Pope John Paul II1997.08.15
Operosam diem English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 16ᵗʰ centenary of the death of St. Ambrose


Saint Pope John Paul II1996.12.01
For the 350 Years of the Union of Uzhorod English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)

 Eastern Churches 

Saint Pope John Paul II1996.04.18
For the 4ᵗʰ centenary of the Union of Brest English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 Eastern Churches 

Saint Pope John Paul II1995.11.12
Orientale lumen / The Light of the East English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 1ˢᵗ centenary of Orientalium Dignitas of Pope Leo XIII

 Eastern Churches 

Saint Pope John Paul II1995.05.02
Tertio millennio adveniente / At the Third Millennium Draws Near English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000


Saint Pope John Paul II1994.11.10
Ordinatio sacerdotalis / Priestly Ordination English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On preserving priestly ordination to men alone


Saint Pope John Paul II1994.05.22
For the organization of the ecclesiastical jurisdictions in Poland Italiano (Italian)


Saint Pope John Paul II1992.03.25
Plurimum significans español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 14ᵗʰ centenary of the elevation of St. Gregory the Great to the Pontificate


Saint Pope John Paul II1990.06.29
For the 5ᵗʰ centenary of the evangelization of the New World español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)

 South America 

Saint Pope John Paul II1990.06.29
For the 1ˢᵗ centenary of the Pontifical Society of St. Peter the Apostle español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)Saint Pope John Paul II1989.10.01
On the situation in Lebanon español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Saint Pope John Paul II1989.09.07
For the 50ᵗʰ anniversary of the beginning of World War II español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Saint Pope John Paul II1989.08.27
Vicesimus quintus annus English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the 25ᵗʰ anniversary of the promulgation of ’Sacrosanctum Concilium’


Saint Pope John Paul II1988.12.04
Mulieris dignitatem / The Dignity of Women English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the dignity and vocation of women on the occasion of the Marian Year

 Mary   woman 

Saint Pope John Paul II1988.08.15
Litteræ Encyclicæ English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
To consecrated persons of religious communites and secular institutes


Saint Pope John Paul II1988.05.22
Euntes in mundum universum español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the millennium of the ’Baptism’ of Rus of Kiev


Saint Pope John Paul II1988.01.25
Duodecimum sæculum English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 12ᵗʰ centenary of the Second Council of Nicaea
Saint Pope John Paul II1987.12.04
Spiritus Domini español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
For the 2ⁿᵈ centenary of the death of St. Alphonsus of Ligouri


Saint Pope John Paul II1987.08.01
Sescentesima anniversaria / 600th Anniversary English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 6ᵗʰ centenary of the ’Baptism’ of Lithuania


Saint Pope John Paul II1987.06.05
Omnium Ecclesiarum Matri español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 16ᵗʰ centenary of the death of St. Cyril of Jerusalem


Saint Pope John Paul II1987.03.07
Augustinum Hipponensem English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 16ᵗʰ centenary of the conversion of St. Augustine


Saint Pope John Paul II1986.08.28
Dilecti amici English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the Occasion of the International Youth Year


Saint Pope John Paul II1985.03.31
Les grands mystères español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
For Reconciliation and Peace in Lebanon

 Lebanon   peace 

Saint Pope John Paul II1984.05.01
Redemptionis anno español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)
For peace in the Holy Land

 Holy Land   peace 

Saint Pope John Paul II1984.04.20
Le sollecitudini crescenti
For the governance of Vatican City

 Vatican City 

Saint Pope John Paul II1984.04.09
Dividing the Sacred Congregation for the Sacraments and Divine Cult into two Dicasteries latine (Latin)

 liturgy   Roman Curia 

Saint Pope John Paul II1984.04.09
Salvifici doloris / Salvific Suffering English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the Christian Meaning of Suffering


Saint Pope John Paul II1984.02.11
A Concilio Constantinopolitano I / The First Council of Constantinople English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
For the 1600ᵗʰ anniversary of the Council of Constantinople I and the 1550ᵗʰ anniversary of the Council of Ephesus
Saint Pope John Paul II1981.03.25
Egregiæ Virtutis español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Proclaiming Sts. Cyril and Methodius as Co-patrons of Europe

 Europe   saint 

Saint Pope John Paul II1980.12.31
Sanctorum altrix español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 15ᵗʰ centenary of the birth of St. Benedict, patron of Europe, messenger of peace

 Europe   saint 

Saint Pope John Paul II1980.07.11
Amantissima providentia español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 6ᵗʰ centenary of the death of St. Catherine of Siena


Saint Pope John Paul II1980.04.29
Patres Ecclesiæ español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 16ᵗʰ centenary of the death of St. Basil


Saint Pope John Paul II1980.01.02
Rutilans agmen English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 9ᵗʰ centenary of the martyrdom of St. Stanislaus


Saint Pope John Paul II1979.05.08
La conscience de la mission français (French) Italiano (Italian)
New Admonition to Bishop Lefebvre


Saint Pope Paul VI1975.09.08
World Conference for the International Year of Woman


Saint Pope Paul VI1975.06.16
Lumen ecclesiæ Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 7ᵗʰ centenary of the death of St. Thomas Aquinas


Saint Pope Paul VI1974.12.05
Amoris officio / The Duty of Charity English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Establishing the Pontifical Council ’Cor Unum’ for Promoting Human and Christian Development

 Roman Curia 

Saint Pope Paul VI1971.07.15
Octogesima adveniens / A Call to Action English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 80ᵗʰ Anniversary of ’Rerum Novarum’


Saint Pope Paul VI1971.05.14
Mirabilis in Ecclesia Deus Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Proclaiming St. Catherine of Siena as Doctor of the Church


Saint Pope Paul VI1970.10.04
Multiformis Sapientia Dei Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Proclaiming St. Teresa of Jesus as Doctor of the Church


Saint Pope Paul VI1970.09.27
Sancti Stephani ortum latine (Latin)
To Hungary

 Hungary   saint 

Saint Pope Paul VI1970.08.06
Antiquæ nobilitatis latine (Latin)
To Czechslovakia

 Czech Republic 

Saint Pope Paul VI1969.02.14
Celebration of the Paschal Mystery


Saint Pope Paul VI1969.02.03
Africæ terrarum Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)


Saint Pope Paul VI1967.10.29
Celebration of the Paschal Mystery

 Easter   liturgy   Triduum 

Saint Pope Paul VI1967.02.03
Sabaudiæ gemma Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 4ᵗʰ centenary of the birth of St. Francis de Sales


Saint Pope Paul VI1967.01.29
Sacrificium laudis Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the use of the Liturgical Office for Religious

 divine office   religious 

Saint Pope Paul VI1966.08.15
In Spiritu Sancto English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the closing of the Second Vatican Council

 Vatican II 

Saint Pope Paul VI1965.12.08
Ambulate in dilectione Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
To the Church of Constantinople
Saint Pope Paul VI1965.12.07
Investigabiles divitias Christi Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 2ⁿᵈ Centenary of the Institution of the Liturgical Feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus


Saint Pope Paul VI1965.02.06
Pacis nuntius Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Proclaiming St. Benedict as the Principal Patron of Europe


Saint Pope Paul VI1964.10.24
Summi Dei Verbum English Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 4ᵗʰ centenary of the establishment of seminaries by the Council of Trent

 priest   seminary 

Saint Pope Paul VI1963.11.04
Œcumenicum Concilium
For prayer for the Second Vatican Council

 Vatican II 

Saint Pope John XXIII1962.04.28
Il religioso convegnoSaint Pope John XXIII1961.09.29
Le voci che da tutti Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)
For the protection of St. Joseph on the Second Vatican Council

 St. Joseph 

Saint Pope John XXIII1961.03.19
Inde a primis
On the Cult of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ


Saint Pope John XXIII1960.06.30
Proclaiming St. Claire as Patroness Saint of Television français (French)

 communication   saint   television 

Pope Pius XII1957.02.14
Dum mærenti animo Italiano (Italian)
On the Persecuted Church in Eastern Europe


Pope Pius XII1956.06.29
Sacro vergente anno Italiano (Italian)
On Consecrating Russia to the Immaculate Heart of Mary


Pope Pius XII1952.07.07
Veritatem facientes Italiano (Italian)Pope Pius XII1952.03.27
Cupimus Imprimis / 《我們切願聲明》牧函 Italiano (Italian)
On the Catholic Church in China


Pope Pius XII1952.01.18
Impensiore caritate Italiano (Italian)Pope Pius XII1951.10.28
Nosti profecto Italiano (Italian)Pope Pius XII1940.07.06
Con singular complacencia español (Spanish)
To the Bishops of The Philippines on Catholic Action


Pope Pius XI1939.01.18
Suavis agitata latine (Latin)
On the canonisation of Sts. John Fisher and Thomas More


Pope Pius XI1935.05.19
Commissum nobis latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.10.15
Prædecessor noster / Prædecessor noster latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.10.15
Monasterii Sanctæ Mariæ latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.09.29
Sagiensis diœcesis latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.08.29
Leodiensis diœcesis latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.08.24
Providentia opportuna latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.08.15
Inter præstantiores latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.08.02
Ex hac latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.07.19
Per similes latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.07.18
Quum ex Apostolico latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.07.18
Cum tu latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.07.12
Decessor Noster latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.07.11
Dilectus filius latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.07.11
Friburgensis archidiœcesis latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1928.07.11
Singulare Illud Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On Saint Aloysius Gonzaga, Patron of Catholic Youth


Pope Pius XI1926.06.13
Paterna Sane Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the conditions of Mexico


Pope Pius XI1926.02.02
Christi nomen latine (Latin)
On the canonisation of John Vianney


Pope Pius XI1925.05.31
Bibliorum scientiam
On academic standards for teachers of Scripture


Pope Pius XI1924.04.27
Unigenitus Dei Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the criteria for the formation of clergy
Pope Pius XI1924.03.19
Venerabilis frater latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.06.11
Iam inde latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.06.11
Ex hac sublimi latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.05.04
Cum ex apostolico latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.05.04
Quod Ioannes latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.04.29
Quæ catholico latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.04.19
Romanorum Pontificum latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.04.13
Monasterium Speinshartense latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.03.24
Romani Pontifices latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.03.17
Quæ catholico latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.03.15
Ex hac excelsa latine (Latin)Pope Pius XI1923.03.15
Meditantibus Nobis Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 3ʳᵈ centenary of the canonisation of Sts. Ignatius of Loyola and Francis Xavier
Pope Pius XI1922.12.03
Ora sono pochi Italiano (Italian)
On the Day of the ’March on Rome’
Pope Pius XI1922.10.28
I disordini Italiano (Italian)
For the re-establishment of religious peace in Italy


Pope Pius XI1922.08.06
Officiorum omnium latine (Latin)
On seminaries and universities
Pope Pius XI1922.08.01
Annus Fere Italiano (Italian)
Ordering a general collection for the starving Russian people


Pope Pius XI1922.07.10
Maximum illud español (Spanish)
On the propagation of the Catholic faith to the whole world


Pope Benedict XV1919.11.01
Quoniam in re biblica
On the study of Scripture in seminaries

 Bible   seminary 

Saint Pope Pius X1906.03.27
Vigilantiæ studiique
Instituting a Pontifical Commission for Biblical Studies

 Bible   Roman Curia 

Pope Leo XIII1902.10.30
Providentissimus Deus
On Eucharistic Congresses and Associations

 Eucharist   Eucharistic Congress 

Pope Leo XIII1897.11.28
Provida Matris Caritate
On the Holy Spirit

 Holy Spirit 

Pope Leo XIII1895.05.05
Pontifices maximi Italiano (Italian)
Proclaiming a jubilee


Pope Leo XIII1879.02.15
Dives in misericordia Deus English Italiano (Italian)
Proclaiming St. Francis de Sales a ’Doctor of the Church’


Blessed Pope Pius IX1877.11.16
Establishing the Vicariate Apostolic of Hong Kong

 Hong Kong 

Blessed Pope Pius IX1874.11.17
Costretti nelle attuali Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
To Cardinal Costantino Patrizi, on the intentions of the Kingdom of Italy to suppress the religious orders


Blessed Pope Pius IX1872.06.16
Inclytum patriarcham English
On the liturgical celebrations of St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church

 St. Joseph 

Blessed Pope Pius IX1871.07.07
Ecclesia Dei Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
To Cardinal Constantino Patrizi, Vicar for the Diocese of Rome, declaring the rejection of the Guarentigie offered to the Pope by King Victor Emmanuel II
Blessed Pope Pius IX1871.03.02
Religiosas regularium Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
To the Bishop of Tiane on the Antoniana Order and the situation of the Catholic Church in Armenia

 Armenia   Armenian Church 

Blessed Pope Pius IX1870.02.23
Tuas libenter Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
To the nuncio of Baveria, on the recent meeting of theologians celebrated in Munich without the consensus of the Holy See


Blessed Pope Pius IX1863.12.21
Cum Catholica Italiano (Italian)
On the temporal power of the Pope


Blessed Pope Pius IX1860.03.26
Eximiam tuam latine (Latin)
On certain theologians in Germany


Blessed Pope Pius IX1857.06.15
Ad Apostolicæ Sedis
Condemning and prohibiting the ’Institutions of Ecclesiastical Right’ by Nuytz
Blessed Pope Pius IX1851.08.22
Multiplices inter
Condemning and prohibiting certain writings by Francois de Paule
Blessed Pope Pius IX1851.06.10
Post tam diuturnas
Letter to Bishop of Troyes
Pope Pius VII1814.04.29

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