Celebrations and Documents tagged with


Related CelebrationsDateDescending
8ᵗʰ Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops1990.09.30 – 1990.10.28
Documents (51)TypeAuthorDateDescending
On the Role of Literature in Formation English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)


LetterPope Francis2024.07.17
To participants in the Course for Seminary Rectors and Formators of Latin America English Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)


SpeechPope Francis2022.11.10
To participants in the convention sponsored by the Congregation for the Clergy for the 50ᵗʰ anniversary of the Conciliar Decrees Optatam Totius and Presbyterorum ordinis Italiano (Italian) Video


SpeechPope Francis2015.11.20
Mass with seminarians and novices English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish) Video


HomilyPope Francis2013.07.07
To seminarians and novices from various countries of the world on the occasion of the Year of Faith Italiano (Italian) Video


SpeechPope Francis2013.07.06
Ministrorum institutio English français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
Transferring the governance of seminaries from the Congregation for Catholic Education to the Congregation for the Clergy

 Roman Curia   seminary 

Motu ProprioPope Benedict XVI2013.01.16
On the Reform of Ecclesiastical Studies of Philosophy English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 philosophy   seminary 

DecreeCongregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)2011.01.28
To seminarians English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)


LetterPope Benedict XVI2010.10.18
Visit to the Roman Major Seminary on the Feast of Our Lady of Trust English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) Video


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2010.02.12
Visit to the Roman Major Seminary on the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of Trust English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2009.02.20
Guidelines for the Use of Psychology in the Admission and Formation of Candidates for the Priesthood English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


DocumentCongregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)2008.06.29
Meeting with young people and seminarians at St. Joseph Seminary in Yonkers, New York English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 seminary   USA 

SpeechPope Benedict XVI2008.04.19
To the Roman Major Seminary on the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of Trust English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2008.02.01
On the occasion of the visit to the Roman Major Seminary on the Feast of Our Lady of Trust English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


HomilyPope Benedict XVI2008.02.01
On the criteria for the discernment of vocations with regard to persons with homosexual tendencies in view of their admission to the Seminary and to Holy Orders English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 homosexuality   seminary 

InstructionCongregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)2005.11.04
Meeting with seminarians at the Church of St Pantaleon in Cologne English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2005.08.19
On Inter-Institute Collaboration for Formation English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 religious   seminary 

InstructionCongregation for Institutes of Consecrated Life and for Societies of Apostolic Life1998.12.08
Scrutinies regarding the Suitability of Candidates for Orders English


Circular LetterCongregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments1997.11.10
On the admission to seminary of candidates coming from other seminaries or religious families English


InstructionCongregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)1996.03.08
Directives on the formation of seminarians concerning problems related to marriage and the family

 family   seminary 

DocumentCongregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)1995.03.19
Directives on the preparation of seminary educators: seminary personnel, rectors, vice rectors, spiritual directors and confessors, professors, and collaborators


DocumentCongregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)1993.11.04
On the formation of future priests attentive toward the cultural heritage of the Church Italiano (Italian)

 heritage   seminary 

DocumentPontifical Commission for Preserving the Church’s Patrimony of Art and History1992.10.15
Pastores dabo vobis / Shepherds After My Own Heart English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the formation of priests in the circumstances of the present day

 priest   seminary   synod 

Apostolic ExhortationSaint Pope John Paul II1992.03.25
On the Canonical Norms Relating to Irregularities and Impediments Both for Receiving Orders and Exercising Ordained Ministry


Circular LetterCongregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)1992.02.02
On the study of the Fathers of the Church in the formation of priests English


InstructionCongregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)1989.11.10
Guidelines for the study and teaching of the Church’s social doctrine in the formation of priests

 seminary   social 

DocumentCongregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)1988.12.30
On the Virgin Mary in intellectual and spiritual formation English

 Mary   seminary 

DocumentCongregation for Catholic Education1988.03.25
On the studies of the Oriental Churches

 Eastern Churches   seminary 

DocumentCongregation for Catholic Education1987.01.06
Guide to the training of future priests concerning the instruments of social communications English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 communication   seminary 

DocumentPontifical Commission for Social Communications1986.03.19
Pastoral Care of People on the Move in the Formation of Future Priests


DocumentCongregation for Catholic Education1986.01.25
Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, 2


DocumentCongregation for Catholic Education1985.03.19
Educational Guidance in Human Love English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)
Outlines for sex education

 bioethics   education   seminary 

DocumentSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1983.11.01
On some of the more urgent aspects of spiritual formation in seminaries English


Circular LetterSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1980.01.06
Ratio Fundamentalis Institutionis Sacerdotalis, 1 English


DocumentSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1980.01.06
On liturgical formation in seminaries English

 liturgy   seminary 

InstructionSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1979.06.03
On the Formation of Adult Vocations


Circular LetterSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1976.07.14
On the theological formation of future priests English


InstructionSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1976.02.22
On the teaching of canon law to those preparing to be priests

 canon law   seminary 

DocumentSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1975.04.02
A Guide to Formation in Priestly Celibacy


DocumentSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1974.04.11
On the study of philosophy in seminaries English

 philosophy   seminary 

Curial LetterSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1972.01.20
Formatio permanens
On guidelines for priestly formation


Circular LetterSacred Congregation for Clergy1969.11.04
Optatam totius English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On Priestly Training

 priest   seminary   Vatican II 

Conciliar DecreeSecond Council of Vatican1965.10.28
Summi Dei Verbum English Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 4ᵗʰ centenary of the establishment of seminaries by the Council of Trent

 priest   seminary 

Apostolic LetterSaint Pope Paul VI1963.11.04
Seminaria Ecclesiæ Catholicæ


DirectorySacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities1963.07.10
Instructions of the Sacred Writing in the seminaries and the colleges

 Bible   seminary 

DocumentPontifical Commission for Biblical Studies1950.05.13
Religiosorum institutio English
On the careful selection and training of candidates for the states of perfection and sacred orders

 religious   seminary 

InstructionSacred Congregation of Religious1931.12.01
Deus Scientiarum Dominus español (Spanish)
On universities and faculties of ecclesiastical schools

 education   seminary 

Apostolic ConstitutionPope Pius XI1931.05.24
Seminaria clericorum Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Establishing the Sacred Congregation of Seminaries and Universities

 Roman Curia   seminary 

Motu ProprioPope Benedict XV1915.11.04
Quoniam in re biblica
On the study of Scripture in seminaries

 Bible   seminary 

Apostolic LetterSaint Pope Pius X1906.03.27
Ad extremas English Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On seminaries for native clergy

 India   mission   seminary 

EncyclicalPope Leo XIII1893.06.24
Meridionali Americæ English Italiano (Italian)
On the seminary for native clergy

 seminary   South America 

EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1865.09.30

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