Documents issued by

Congregation for Clergy Details

Documents (21)TypeDateDescending
To priests on the synodal journey English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 synod   synodality 

Curial Letter2022.03.19
The pastoral conversion of the Parish community in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


The Gift of the Priestly Vocation English français (French) Italiano (Italian)
Fundamental of the Formation of Priests


Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests (New Edition) English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


To priests English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Curial Letter2012.03.26
To Rectors of Shrines English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Circular Letter2011.08.15
To permanent deacons English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Curial Letter2009.08.10
To priests for the Year for Priests English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Curial Letter2009.05
For the World Day of Prayer for the Sanctification of Priests 2008 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Curial Letter2008.05.30
Letter for the sanctification of the Clergy English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Curial Letter2007.12.08
Explanatory note to help the increase in the dioceses of the practice of continual Eucharistic adoration to the benefit of all priests and priestly vocations English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 priest   vocation 

For the World Day of Prayer for the Santification of Priests English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)


Curial Letter2007.06.09
On the Eucharist and the pastoral care of children English

 children   Eucharist 

Curial Letter2005.01.08
The Eucharist and the Priest español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)

 Eucharist   priest 

The Priest, Pastor and Leader of the Parish Community English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)

 parish   priest 

The Priest and the Third Christian Millenium English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Directory for the ministry and life of permanent deacons English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Basic norms for the formation of permanent deacons


Ecclesiæ de mysterio English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
On the collaboration of the non-ordained faithful in the sacred ministry of priests

 laity   Mass   priest 

General Directory for Catechesis English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


Directory on the Ministry and Life of Priests English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


On faculties regarding Mass stipends English Italiano (Italian)



Related Documents

Documents (15)TypeAuthorDateDescending
To participants in the International Conference for the Ongoing Formation of Priests sponsored by the Dicastery for the Clergy English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)SpeechPope Francis2024.02.08
To the participants in the International Congress organized by the Congregation for the Clergy français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)SpeechPope Francis2017.10.07
To participants in the Plenary Session of the Congregation for the Clergy English français (French) Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Francis2017.06.01
To participants in the International Conference on Pastoral Work for Vocations sponsored by the Congregation for the Clergy Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Francis2016.10.21
To participants in the convention sponsored by the Congregation for the Clergy for the 50ᵗʰ anniversary of the Conciliar Decrees Optatam Totius and Presbyterorum ordinis Italiano (Italian) Video


SpeechPope Francis2015.11.20
To the Plenary of the Congregation for the Clergy español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Francis2014.10.03
Ministrorum institutio English français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
Transferring the governance of seminaries from the Congregation for Catholic Education to the Congregation for the Clergy

 Roman Curia   seminary 

Motu ProprioPope Benedict XVI2013.01.16
Fides per doctrinam English français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
Transferring the competence of catechesis from the Congregation for Clergy to the Pontifical Council for Promoting New Evangelization

 catechist   new evangelization   Roman Curia 

Motu ProprioPope Benedict XVI2013.01.16
To the participants in the Conference organized by the Congregation for the Clergy English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2010.03.12
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Clergy English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)SpeechPope Benedict XVI2009.03.16
General Regulations of the Roman Curia Italiano (Italian)

 Roman Curia 

NormsSecretariat of State1994.04.30
General Regulations of the Roman Curia Italiano (Italian)

 Roman Curia 

NormsSecretariat of State1992.02.04
Pastor bonus / The Good Shepherd English Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
Reorganizing the Roman Curia

 canon law   Roman Curia 

Apostolic ConstitutionSaint Pope John Paul II1988.06.28
Regimini Ecclesiæ universæ / Government of the Universal Church Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Reorganizing the Roman Curia

 cardinal   pope   Roman Curia 

Apostolic ConstitutionSaint Pope Paul VI1967.08.15
Alias Nos
Establishing the Sacred Congregation of the Council

 Roman Curia 

Apostolic ConstitutionPope Pius IV1564.08.02

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