Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.01)
To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for the traditional exchange of New Year greetings
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.08)
To members of the Neocatechumenal Way of the Rome Diocese
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.10)
To Bishops of Iran on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.16)
(related to Iranian Episcopal Conference)
Television link-up at the end of Holy Mass for the conclusion of the Sixth World Meeting of Families in Mexico City
(6ᵗʰ World Meeting of Families (Mexico City, Mexico))
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.18)
To an ecumenical delegation from Finland for the feast of St Henrik, Patron of Finland
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.19)
To the new Syrian Catholic Patriarch of Antioch
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.23)
To the Chaldean Bishops on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.24)
Vespers on the Solemnity of the Conversion of St. Paul
(Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2009)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.25)
To Prelate Auditors, Officials and Advocates of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.29)
(related to Tribunal of the Roman Rota)
To members of the Joint International Commission for Theological Dialogue between the Catholic Church and the Oriental Orthodox Churches
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.01.30)
To the Ambassador of the Republic of Hungary to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.02.02)
For the 13ᵗʰ Day of Consecrated Life (2009)
(World Day for Consecrated Life 2009)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.02.02)
Meeting with the sick people on the liturgical memory of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Lourdes on the occasion of the 17ᵗʰ World Day of the Sick
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.02.11)
To members of the delegation of the ’Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations’
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.02.12)
To Bishops of Nigeria on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.02.14)
(related to Catholic Bishops’ Conference of Nigeria)
To participants in the Study Convention promoted on the occasion of the 80ᵗʰ anniversary of foundation of the Vatican City State
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.02.14)
To participants in the 31ˢᵗ Session of the Governing Council of the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.02.20)
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Commission for Latin America
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.02.20)
(related to Pontifical Roman Major Seminary)
Visit to the Roman Major Seminary on the occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of Trust
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.02.20)
(related to Pontifical Commission for Latin America)
On the occasion of the returning to the custody of the Patriarchate of Moscow of the Russian Orthodox church of St. Nicholas during a ceremony held in Bari
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.01)
Conclusion of the annual Lenten retreat held for the Roman Curia
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.07)
Visit to the Monastery of Saint Frances of Rome at Tor de’ Specchi in Rome
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.09)
To the delegation of the Chief Rabbinate of Israel and of the Holy See’s Commission for Religious Relations with the Jews
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.12)
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.13)
(related to Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.14)
(related to Conferencia Episcopal Argentina (C.E.A.))
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Clergy
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.16)
(related to Dicastery for the Clergy)
Interview of the Holy Father during the flight to Africa
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.17)
Welcome ceremony at Nsimalen International Airport of Yaoundé
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.17)
Meeting with the Bishops of Cameroon at Christ-Roi Church in Tsinga, Yaoundé
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.18)
Vespers at the Basilica Marie Reine des Apôtres in Mvolyé, Yaoundé
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.18)
Meeting with the members of the Special Council for Africa of the Synod of Bishops at the Apostolic Nunciature of Yaoundé
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
(2ⁿᵈ Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.19)
Meeting with the world of suffering people at Card. Paul Emile Léger Centre - CNRH of Yaoundé
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.19)
Meeting with representatives of the Muslim Community of Cameroon at the Apostolic Nunciature of Yaoundé
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.19)
On the occasion of the publication of the Instrumentum Laboris at Amadou Ahidjo Stadium, Yaoundé, Cameroon
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
(2ⁿᵈ Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.19)
Meeting with the Bishops of Angola and São Tomé at the Chapel of the Apostolic Nunciature in Luanda
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.20)
Meeting with the political and civil authorities and the Diplomatic Corps at the Presidential Palace in Luanda
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.20)
Welcome ceremony at 4 de Fevereiro International Airport of Luanda
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.20)
Farewell ceremony at Nsimalen International Airport of Yaoundé
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.20)
Meeting with youth at Dos Coqueiros Stadium of Luanda
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.21)
Mass with the bishops, priests, religious people, ecclesial movements and catechists of Angola and São Tomé at São Paolo Church in Luanda
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.21)
Meeting with Catholic Movements for the Promotion of Women at Santo António Parish of Luanda
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.22)
Mass with the Bishops of I.M.B.I.S.A. (Interregional Meeting of Bishops of Southern Africa) at Cimangola Square in Luanda
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.22)
Farewell ceremony at 4 de Fevereiro International Airport of Luanda
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.23)
Meeting with journalists during the return flight
(Apostolic Journey to Cameroon)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.23)
Pastoral Visit to the Roman Parish of the Holy Face of Jesus at Magliana
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.29)
Pastoral Visit to the Roman Parish of the Holy Face of Jesus at Magliana
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.03.29)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.02)
(related to Conferencia Episcopal Argentina (C.E.A.))
Fourth Anniversary of the death of the Servant of God Pope John Paul II
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.02)
To the Ambassador of the Dominican Republic to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.03)
Palm Sunday - 24ᵗʰ World Youth Day
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.05)
To young people from the Archdiocese of Madrid (Spain), gathered in Rome on the occasion of the handing over of the World Youth Day Cross
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.06)
Way of the Cross at the Colosseum on Good Friday
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.10)
To members of the Franciscan Family taking part in the ’Chapter of the Mats’
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.18)
Mass with the members of the Coordinating Central Commission of the World Meeting of Families in Mexico
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.23)
To participants in the meeting of Catholic Religion Teachers
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.25)
Mass for the Canonisation of Arcangelo Tadini, Bernardo Tolomei, Nuno de Santa Maria Alvares Pereira, Gertrude Comensoli and Caterina Volpicelli
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.26)
Arrival at the camp set up near the village of Onna
(Pastoral Visit to the region of Abruzzo)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.28)
Meeting with representatives of the local people and of the rescue services
(Pastoral Visit to the region of Abruzzo)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.28)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Argentina on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.04.30)
(related to Conferencia Episcopal Argentina (C.E.A.))
For the 15ᵗʰ Plenary Session of the Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.04)
(related to Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences)
To the Swiss Guards and their relatives on the occasion of the swearing-in ceremony
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.07)
(related to Pontifical Swiss Guard)
Welcoming ceremony at Queen Alia International Airport of Amman
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.08)
Visit to the Regina Pacis Center of Amman
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.08)
Interview of the Holy Father during the flight to the Holy Land
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.08)
Visit to the ancient Basilica of the Memorial of Moses at Mount Nebo
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.09)
Blessing of the foundation stone of Madaba University of the Latin Patriarchate
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.09)
Meeting with Muslim religious leaders, members of the Diplomatic Corps and Rectors of universities in Jordan in front of the mosque al-Hussein bin Talal in Amman
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.09)
Vespers with priests, men and women religious, seminarians and ecclesial movements in the Greek-Melkite Cathedral of Saint-Georges in Amman
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.09)
Blessing of the foundation stones of the Latin and Greek Melkite churches at Bethany beyond the Jordan
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.10)
Mass at the Amman International Stadium
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.10)
Farewell ceremony at Queen Alia International Airport of Amman
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.11)
Welcoming ceremony at Ben Gurion International Airport of Tel Aviv
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.11)
Courtesy visit to the President of the State of Israel at the presidential palace in Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.11)
Visit to Yad Vashem Memorial in Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.11)
Meeting with organizations involved in interreligious dialogue at the Auditorium of Notre Dame Center in Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.11)
Courtesy visit to the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem at the Mount of the Temple
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.12)
Courtesy visit to the two Chief Rabbis of Jerusalem at Hechal Shlomo Center in Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.12)
Regina Cœli prayer with the Ordinaries of the Holy Land in the Upper Room in Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.12)
Short visit to the Co-Cathedral of the Latins in Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.12)
Mass in the Valley of Josaphat in Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.12)
Welcoming ceremony in the square in front of the presidential palace, in Bethlehem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.13)
Visit to the Caritas Baby Hospital in Bethlehem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.13)
Visit to the Refugee Camp Al Aida’ in Bethlehem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.13)
Farewell ceremony in the courtyard of the Presidential Palace
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.13)
Mass on the Manger’s Square in Bethlehem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.13)
Meeting with the religious leaders of Galilee in the Auditorium of the Shrine of the Annunciation in Nazareth
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.14)
Mass on the Mount of Precipice in Nazareth
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.14)
Vespers with the Bishops, priests, men and women religious, ecclesial and pastoral movements of Galilee in the upper Basilica of the Annunciation in Nazareth
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.14)
Ecumenical meeting in the Throne Hall of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.15)
Visit to the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.15)
Visit to the Armenian patriarchal church of St. James in Jerusalem
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.15)
Departure ceremony at Ben Gurion International Airport in Tel Aviv
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.15)
Interview of the Holy Father during the flight back from the Holy Land
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.15)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Peru on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.18)
To the President of the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.22)
To the community of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.23)
(related to Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy)
Vespers with the Benedictine Abbots and the Community of Benedictine Monks and Nuns gathered in the Abbatial Basilica of Montecassino
(Pastoral Visit to Cassino and the Abbey of Montecassino)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.24)
Mass in Miranda Square, Cassino
(Pastoral Visit to Cassino and the Abbey of Montecassino)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.24)
Inauguration of the Ecclesial Convention of the Diocese of Rome at the Basilica of St. John Lateran
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.26)
To the General Assembly of the Italian Bishops’ Conference
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.28)
To the new Ambassador of the Kingdom of Norway to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.29)
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of Namibia to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.29)
To the new Ambassador of Burkina Faso to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.29)
To the new Ambassador of South Africa to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.29)
To the new Ambassador of New Zealand to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.29)
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.29)
Meeting with the children of the Pontifical Society of the Holy Childhood
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.05.30)
To the community of the Pontifical French Seminary in Rome
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.06)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Venezuela on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.08)
(related to Conferencia Episcopal Venezolana (C.E.V.))
To members of the Centesimus Annus - Pro Pontifice Foundation
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.13)
To the Syrian Catholic Patriarch of Antioch
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.19)
Meeting with the sick, the medical staff and the board of managers gathered in front of the main entrance of the Hospital Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza
(Pastoral Visit to San Giovanni Rotondo)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.21)
Meeting with priests, men and women religious and young people gathered in the Church of St Pio of Pietrelcina
(Pastoral Visit to San Giovanni Rotondo)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.21)
Mass in the square in front of the Church of St. Pio of Pietrelcina
(Pastoral Visit to San Giovanni Rotondo)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.21)
To participants in the Assembly of Organizations for Aid to the Eastern Churches
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.25)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Viêt Nam on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.27)
To the delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople on the occasion of the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul and for the closing of the Pauline Year
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.27)
First Vespers of the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul for the closing of the Pauline Year
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.28)
Mass on the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.29)
To Metropolitan Archbishops who received the Sacred Pallium on the Solemnity of the Holy Apostles Peter and Paul
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.06.30)
To participants in the European Conference on Vocational Pastoral-Care
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.07.04)
Vespers for the re-opening of the Pauline Chapel in the Vatican Apostolic Palace
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.07.04)
To the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Haiti on the occasion of the presentation of the Letters of Credence
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.07.06)
Solemnity of the Assumption, Mass at the Parish of Saint Thomas of Villanova in Castel Gandolfo
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.08.15)
Meeting with the local people in Piazza Sant’Agostino
(Pastoral Visit to Viterbo and Bagnoreggio)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.06)
Mass in Valle Faul, Viterbo
(Pastoral Visit to Viterbo and Bagnoreggio)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.06)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.07)
(related to Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (C.N.B.B.))
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.17)
(related to Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (C.N.B.B.))
Meeting with the Patriarchs and the Major Archbishops of the Oriental Churches
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.19)
To participants in the Conference for newly appointed Bishops
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.21)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.25)
(related to Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (C.N.B.B.))
Welcoming Ceremony at Stará Ruzyně International Airport, Prague
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.26)
Visit to the Holy Infant of Prague at the Church of Our Lady Victorious
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.26)
Meeting with the Civil and Political Authorities and the Diplomatic Corps at the Presidential Palace of Prague
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.26)
Vespers with Priests, Men and Women Religious, Seminarians and Lay Movements gathered in the Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.26)
Interview of the Holy Father during the flight to the Czech Republic
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.26)
Ecumenical Meeting at the Throne Hall of the Archbishop’s House of Prague
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.27)
Meeting with members of the academic community, in Vladislav Hall, Prague Castle
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.27)
Mass at Tuřany Airport in Brno
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.27)
To the young people at the Esplanade on the Way to Melnik in Stará Boleslav
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.28)
Farewell Ceremony at Stará Ruzynědo International Airport of Prague
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.28)
Mass on the memorial of Saint Wenceslaus, Patron of the Czech Republic, at the Esplanade on the Way to Melnik in Stará Boleslav
(Apostolic Journey to the Czech Republic)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.09.28)
To the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.02)
To the Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.02)
To the Ambassador of the Republic of the Philippines to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.02)
Mass for the Opening of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops
(2ⁿᵈ Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.04)
To the first General Congregation of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops
(2ⁿᵈ Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.05)
Answer to the statement released by the Patriarch of the Orthodox Church of Ethiopia during the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops
(2ⁿᵈ Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.06)
Concert entitled ’Youth Against War’, on the 70ᵗʰ anniversary of the beginning of the Second World War
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.08)
Prayer of the Rosary ’with Africa and for Africa’ led by the Pope together with the university students of Rome
(2ⁿᵈ Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.10)
To the Head of the Delegation of the Commission of the European Communities to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.19)
At the conclusion of the luncheon with the Synodal Fathers
(2ⁿᵈ Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.24)
Mass for the Closing of the Second Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops
(2ⁿᵈ Special Assembly for Africa of the Synod of Bishops)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.25)
To Professors, Students and Personnel of the Pontifical Biblical Institute
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.26)
To the Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.29)
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.29)
(related to Pontifical Council for Social Communications)
To participants in the Colloquium sponsored by the Vatican Observatory on the occasion of the International Year of Astronomy
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.10.30)
(related to Vatican Observatory)
Mass in suffrage for Cardinals and Bishops who have died in the past year
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.05)
Visit to the Parish of Saint Antonino, where Pope Paul VI was baptized
(Pastoral Visit to Brescia and Concesio)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.08)
Official ceremony for the inauguration of the new site and for awarding the Sixth Paul VI International Prize
(Pastoral Visit to Brescia and Concesio)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.08)
Mass in Paul VI Square, Brescia
(Pastoral Visit to Brescia and Concesio)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.08)
To participants in the Sixth World Congress on the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Refugees
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.09)
To Professors and students of St Mary of the Assumption University
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.12)
To participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council Cor Unum
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.13)
(related to Pontifical Council “Cor unum”)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil (SUL I Region) on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.14)
(related to Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (C.N.B.B.))
To FAO on the occasion of the World Summit on Food Security
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.16)
To Professors of the Pontifical Universities of Rome and to participants in the General Assembly of the International Federation of Catholic Universities
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.19)
To participants in the International Conference sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.20)
(related to Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers)
To members of the Delegations of Argentina and Chile on the occasion of the 25ᵗʰ anniversary of the Treaty of Peace and Friendship between the two Countries
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.11.28)
Mass with the Members of the International Theological Commission
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.01)
(related to International Theological Commission)
To the Archbishop of Tirana, Durres and All Albania
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.04)
Concert offered by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany in honour of Benedict XVI
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.04)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Brazil (South Regions 3 and 4) on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.05)
(related to Conferência Nacional dos Bispos do Brasil (C.N.B.B.))
Act of Veneration to the Virgin Mary on the occasion of the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.08)
To Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Belarus on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
To the new Ambassadors accredited to the Holy See on the occasion of the presentation of the Letters of Credence
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of Latvia to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of Finland to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
To the new Ambassador of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of Kazakhstan to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of Kenya to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of the Sudan to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
To the new Ambassador of the Kingdom of Denmark to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.17)
Christmas greetings to Cardinals, Archbishops, Bishops and Directors of the Governorate of Vatican City State
by Pope Benedict XVI (2009.12.21)
(related to Governorate of Vatican City State)
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