Catholic Teaching on Apostolic Succession
by International Theological Commission (1973)
Immensæ caritatis
On Facilitating Sacramental Eucharistic Communion in Particular Circumstances
by Sacred Congregation for Sacramental Discipline (1973.01.25)
Motu Proprio
Quo aptius
Transferring the Apostolic Chancery to the Secretariate of State
by Saint Pope Paul VI (1973.02.27)
On the indissolubility of marriage and the admission of those living in irregular unions to sacraments
by Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1973.04.11)
Circular Letter
Eucharistiæ participationem
To the National Conferences of Bishops on Eucharistic Prayers
by Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (1973.04.27)
Common declaration of Pope Paul VI and the Patriarch of the Copts, Shenouda III
by Saint Pope Paul VI (1973.05.10)
Sanctus Pontifex
On children’s confession prior to their first communion
by Sacred Congregation for Sacramental Discipline , Sacred Congregation for Clergy
An appeal to all contemplative Religious
by Pontifical Commission for Social Communications (1973.06.03)
Liturgical Book
De Sacra Communione et de Cultu Mysterii Eucharistici extra Missam
editio typica
by Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (1973.06.21)
Eucharistiæ sacramentum
Promulgating the Rites for Holy Communion and Worship of the Eucharist Outside Mass
by Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (1973.06.21)
Mysterium Ecclesiæ
On certain errors on the Catholic Doctrine on the Church
by Sacred Congregation for Clergy (1973.06.24)
For World Day for Missions 1973
by Saint Pope Paul VI (1973.06.29)
Liturgical Book
Ordo baptismi parvulorum (1973)
editio typica altera
by Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (1973.08.29)
Introduction to the Rite of Baptism for Children
Second edition
by Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (1973.08.29)
Motu Proprio
Con matrimonialium causarum
Regarding Matrimonial Processes in the Eastern Churches
by Saint Pope Paul VI (1973.09.08)
Dope le Publicazione
Note Interpreting ’In Quibus Rerum Circumstantiis’
by Secretariat for Christian Unity (1973.10.17)
Directorium de missis cum pueris
Directory for Masses With Children
by Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (1973.11.01)
Liturgical Book
Ordo Pænitentiæ
Order of Penance
editio typica
by Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (1973.12.02)
Promulgating the Rite of Penance
by Sacred Congregation for Divine Worship (1973.12.02)
Instruction on the Solution of Marriage in Favour of the Faithful
by Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1973.12.06)
Procedural Norms for the Dissolution of Marriage in Favour of the Faithful
by Sacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith (1973.12.06)
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