Documents (87) | Type | Date |
On the celebration of Holy Week 2022 covid | Note | 2022.03.25 |
Responsa ad dubia on certain provisions of Traditionis custodes Tridentine | Note | 2021.12.04 |
De institutione catechistarum editio typica catechist liturgy | Liturgical Book | 2021.12.03 |
To the Presidents of the Episcopal Conferences on the Rite of Institution of Catechists catechist | Curial Letter | 2021.12.03 |
Giving effect to the dispositions of can. 838 of the Code of Canon Law canon law liturgy | Decree | 2021.10.22 |
On some new invocations in the Litany in honour of Saint Joseph St. Joseph | Curial Letter | 2021.05.01 |
On the celebration of Holy Week 2021 pandemic | Note | 2021.02.17 |
On the celebration of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus in the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2021.01.26 |
Inscribing the Optional Memorials of the Sts. Gregory of Narek, John de Avila, Hildegard of Bingen in the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2021.01.25 |
On distribution of ashes in time of pandemic Lent pandemic | Note | 2021.01.12 |
On the Sunday of the Word of God Bible | Note | 2020.12.17 |
Permitting priests to say four masses on Christmas, the Solemnity of Mary Mother of God and Epiphany pandemic | Decree | 2020.12.16 |
On the celebration of the liturgy during and after the COVID-19 pandemic Mass pandemic | Circular Letter | 2020.08.15 |
On invocations to be inserted into the Litany of Loreto Mary | Circular Letter | 2020.06.20 |
Inscribing the Optional Memorial of St. Faustina Kowalska in the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2020.05.18 |
Response to dubia regarding the liturgical calendar in 2022 calendar | Decree | 2020.05.11 |
On the special intention to be added to the Solemn Intercessions during the Celebration of the Passion of the Lord for the year 2020 only pandemic | Decree | 2020.03.30 |
Mass in time of pandemic pandemic | Decree | 2020.03.30 |
In time of Covid-19 (II) pandemic | Decree | 2020.03.25 |
For the celebration of Triduum in time of Covid-19 pandemic | Decree | 2020.03.19 |
Inscribing the Optional Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary of Loreto in the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2019.10.07 |
Inscribing the Optional Memorial of St. Paul VI in the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2019.01.25 |
Notification on the Memorial of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church calendar | Note | 2018.03.24 |
Lætitiæ plena Inscribing the Memorial of Mary, Mother of the Church in the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2018.02.11 |
On the bread and wine for the Eucharist Mass | Circular Letter | 2017.06.15 |
Apsotolic Journey to Armenia | Liturgical Booklet | 2016.06.24 |
Jubilee for the Sick and Persons with Disabilities disabled | Liturgical Booklet | 2016.06.12 |
Resurrectionis Dominicæ Raising the Memorial of St. Mary Magdalene to the rank of Feast calendar | Decree | 2016.06.03 |
On the worship for the pilgrimage of relics of the Blesseds saint | Note | 2016.01.27 |
Rite of Washing of Feet liturgy Triduum | Decree | 2016.01.06 |
Homiletic Directory Mass | Directory | 2014.06.29 |
Guide for large celebrations Mass | Document | 2014.06.13 |
On the sign of peace Mass | Circular Letter | 2014.06.08 |
Inscribing the Optional Memorials of Sts. John XXIII and John Paul II in the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2014.05.29 |
Paternas vices Adding the name of St. Joseph to the Eucharistic Prayers II, III and IV in the Roman Missal Mass St. Joseph | Decree | 2013.05.01 |
On the liturgical worship in honour of Blessed John Paul II calendar | Decree | 2011.04.02 |
Ordo benedictionis Abbatis et Abbatissæ / Order of Blessing of Abbots and Abbesses nova editione liturgy religious | Liturgical Book | 2010 |
Compendium Eucharisticum / Compendium of the Eucharist Eucharist Mass | Directory | 2009.03.25 |
Missale Romanum (2008) / Roman Missal (2008) editio typica tertia emendata liturgy Mass | Liturgical Book | 2008.10.06 |
To the Bishops’ Conferences on the use of the sacred tetragrammaton as ’The Name of God’ Bible | Curial Letter | 2008.06.29 |
Granting a special faculty for the celebration of the Conversion of St. Paul the Apostle in the Jubilee Year bimillennium of his birth St. Paul | Decree | 2008.01.25 |
Notification on the Insertion of Saints in the General Roman Calendar calendar | Note | 2006.12.25 |
The Year of the Eucharist - Suggestions and Proposals Eucharist | Document | 2004.10.14 |
Martyrologium Romanum (2004) / Roman Martyrology editio altera liturgy saints | Liturgical Book | 2004.06.29 |
Redemptionis sacramentum On certain matters to be observed or to be avoided regarding the Most Holy Eucharist Eucharist Mass | Instruction | 2004.03.25 |
De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam / Of Exorcisms and Certain Supplications editio typica emendata exorcism liturgy | Liturgical Book | 2003.10.07 |
Response to dubium on the posture of the faithful following Communion Mass | Curial Letter | 2003.06.05 |
Ordo baptismi parvulorum (2003) / Order of Baptism of Children editiones typicae pro celebratione Liturgiae Presbyteralis baptism liturgy | Liturgical Book | 2003.05.21 |
On hearing confessions on Good Friday and Holy Saturday penance Triduum | Curial Letter | 2003.04.09 |
Response to dubium on kneeling to receive Holy Communion Holy Communion | Curial Letter | 2003.02.26 |
Response to dubium on Communion in the hand Holy Communion | Curial Letter | 2003.02 |
Inscribing the Optional Memorial of Our Lady of Guadalupe into the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2002.09.28 |
Inscribing the Optional Memorial of Saint Juan Diego into the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2002.09.28 |
On kneeling for Communion Holy Communion | Curial Letter | 2002.07.01 |
Regarding certain aspects of the Ecclesiastical Lectionaries proper to the Liturgy of the Hours divine office | Note | 2002.06.27 |
Inscribing the Memorial of Saint Pius of Pietrelcina into the General Roman Calendar calendar | Decree | 2002.05.26 |
Directory on Popular Piety and the Liturgy: Principles and Guidelines / Direttorio su Pietà Popolare e Liturgia liturgy piety | Directory | 2002.04.09 |
Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, 5 / General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 5th ed. For the 3ʳᵈ editio typica of ’Missale Romanum’ liturgy Mass | Norms | 2002.03.22 |
Missale Romanum (2002) / Roman Missal (2002) editio typica tertia liturgy Mass | Liturgical Book | 2002.03.18 |
Additions to the liturgical books of celebrations recently inserted into the General Calendar calendar | Decree | 2001.12.18 |
On translation and the use of the Neo-Vulgate Bible | Curial Letter | 2001.11.05 |
On hearing confessions during Mass Mass penance | Curial Letter | 2001.10 |
On the Use of Female Altar Servers altar server liturgy | Document | 2001.07.27 |
Martyrologium Romanum (2001) editio typica liturgy saints | Liturgical Book | 2001.06.29 |
Liturgiam authenticam / Authentic Liturgy Fifth Instruction for the Right Implementation of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council Bible liturgy Mass | Instruction | 2001.03.28 |
Responses to dubia on the posture of the people during Mass Mass | Curial Letter | 2000.11.07 |
Introduction to the Book of the Gospels liturgy Mass | Norms | 2000.09.30 |
On the position of the priest during the Eucharistic liturgy Mass | Curial Letter | 2000.09.25 |
On the orientation of the priest at Mass liturgy Mass | Document | 2000.09.25 |
Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani, 5 (interim) / General Instruction of the Roman Missal, 5th ed. For the 3ʳᵈ editio typica of ’Missale Romanum’ liturgy Mass | Norms | 2000.04.20 |
On the integrity of the sacrament of penance penance | Circular Letter | 2000.03.20 |
On removing holy water from the fonts during Lent Lent | Curial Letter | 2000.03.14 |
Response to dubium on the age of confirmation confirmation | Curial Letter | 1999.12.18 |
On the celebration of the Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe calendar Guadalupe | Decree | 1999.03.25 |
On abuses in general absolution penance | Curial Letter | 1999.03.19 |
On the occurrence of the obligatory memorial of the Immaculate Heart of Mary calendar | Note | 1998.12.08 |
De Exorcismis et Supplicationibus Quibusdam / Of Exorcisms and Certain Supplications exorcism liturgy | Liturgical Book | 1998.11.22 |
Notes on the Recitation of the Rosary During Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Eucharist rosary | Document | 1998 |
Scrutinies regarding the Suitability of Candidates for Orders seminary | Circular Letter | 1997.11.10 |
On certain aspects of the Calendar and Liturgical Texts calendar | Note | 1997.09.20 |
Ecclesiæ de mysterio On the collaboration of the non-ordained faithful in the sacred ministry of priests laity Mass priest | Instruction | 1997.08.15 |
Varietates legitimæ / Inculturation and the Roman Liturgy Fourth Instruction on the orderly carrying out of the Constitution on the Liturgy inculturation liturgy Mass | Instruction | 1994.01.25 |
Ordo Celebrandi Matrimonium (1990) / Order of Celebration of Matrimony editio typica altera liturgy marriage | Liturgical Book | 1990.03.19 |
Domus Ecclesiæ On the title of minor basilica basilica | Decree | 1989.11.09 |
De ordinatione Episcopi, Presbyterorum et Diaconorum / Ordination of a Bishop, Priests and Deacons editio typica altera bishop deacon liturgy priest | Liturgical Book | 1989.06.29 |
Ordo Dedicationis Ecclesiæ et Altaris liturgy | Liturgical Book | 1989 |
Passio Domini nostri Iesu Christi liturgy | Liturgical Book | 1989 |