Documents tagged with


Documents (30)TypeAuthorDateDescending
To the National Bioethics Committee Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Francis2016.01.28
To the President of the International Commission against the Death Penalty English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)


LetterPope Francis2015.03.20
On the trivilization of sexuality regarding certain interpretations of ’Light of the World’ English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


NormsCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith2010.12.21
Dignitas Personæ English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
On certain bioethical questions


InstructionCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith2008.09.08
Responses to questions on artificial nutrition and hydration English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)

 bioethics   euthanasia   USA 

DocumentCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith2007.08.01
Commentary on the responses to questions on artificial nutrition and hydration English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 bioethics   euthanasia   USA 

NoteCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith2007.08.01
To the members of the Pontifical Academy for Life English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2007.02.24
To the participants of the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life and International Congress on the theme of ’The Human Embryo before Implantation’ English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Benedict XVI2006.02.27
To the participants of the 20ᵗʰ International Congress organised by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care on the theme: The human genome English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 bioethics   genome 

SpeechPope Benedict XVI2005.11.19
On human cloning English

 bioethics   cloning 

DocumentSecretariat of State2004.09.27
For the Symposium on ’The anthropology of moral theology according to the Encyclical ’Veritatis Splendor’ English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechSaint Pope John Paul II2003.09.27
Prospects for Xenotransplantation - Scientific Aspects and Ethical Considerations English Italiano (Italian)

 bioethics   organ 

DocumentPontifical Academy for Life2001.09.26
Pronouncement on the morning after pill English français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 abortion   bioethics 

DocumentPontifical Academy for Life2000.10.31
On the production and the scientific and therapeutic use of the human embryonic stem cells English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 bioethics   cloning 

DeclarationPontifical Academy for Life2000.08.24
Observations on the Universal Declaration on the Human Genome and Human Rights

 bioethics   cloning 

DocumentPontifical Academy for Life1998.05.24
The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
Guidelines for Education within the Family

 bioethics   family   marriage 

DocumentPontifical Council for the Family1995.12.08
Evangelium vitæ / The Gospel of Life English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the value and inviolability of human life

 bioethics   pro-life 

EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1995.03.25
Veritatis splendor / The Splendour of Truth English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On certain fundamental questions of the Church’s moral teaching


EncyclicalSaint Pope John Paul II1993.08.06
Responses to questions proposed concerning uterine isolation and related matters English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


DocumentCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1993.07.31
On the doctrinal authority of the Instruction Donum Vitae español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)

 bioethics   pro-life 

DocumentCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1988.12.21
Donum vitæ English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On respect for human life in its origin and on the dignity of procreation

 bioethics   pro-life 

InstructionCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1987.02.22
Homosexualitatis problema English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the pastoral care of homosexual persons

 bioethics   homosexuality 

Curial LetterCongregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1986.10.01
Educational Guidance in Human Love English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)
Outlines for sex education

 bioethics   education   seminary 

DocumentSacred Congregation for Catholic Education1983.11.01
Propositions on the Dignity and Rights of the Human Person English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


DocumentInternational Theological Commission1983
Iura et bona English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On euthanasia

 bioethics   euthanasia   pro-life 

DeclarationSacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1980.05.05
Persona humana English français (French) Italiano (Italian)
On certain questions concerning sexual ethics


DeclarationSacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1975.12.29
Quæstio de abortu English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
On procured abortion

 abortion   bioethics   pro-life 

DeclarationSacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1974.11.18
Humanæ vitæ / Human Life English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the regulation of birth

 bioethics   social 

EncyclicalSaint Pope Paul VI1968.07.25
Vous nous avez español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian)
Address to participants of the Second World Congress on fertility and sterility


SpeechPope Pius XII1956.05.19
Address on moral and religious dictates concerning natural painless childbirth español (Spanish)


SpeechPope Pius XII1956.01.08

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