Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.01)
Visit to the Crèche of the Sanitation Workers in Porta Cavalleggeri - Rome
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.05)
To the members of the College of Personnel of the Pontifical Antechamber
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.05)
(related to Prefecture of the Papal Household)
To the leaders of the World Alliance of Reformed Churches
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.07)
To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Holy See for the traditional exchange of New Year Greetings
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.09)
To the Community of the Neocatechumenal Way
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.12)
To the administrators of the Region of Lazio, and the City and Province of Rome
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.12)
To the Management and Staff of the Inspectorate of Public Security at the Vatican
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.14)
To an ecumenical delegation from Finland for the feast of St Henrik
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.19)
To participants in the meeting organized by the Pontifical Council Cor Unum
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.23)
(related to Pontifical Council “Cor unum”)
Conclusion of the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2006
(Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2006)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.25)
To participants in the Assembly of Delegates of Churches, Episcopal Conferences, Communities and Ecumenical Organizations of Europe
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.26)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Democratic Republic of Congo on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.27)
(related to Conférence Episcopale Nationale du Congo (CENCO))
To the Prelate Auditors, Officials and Advocates of the Tribunal of the Roman Rota
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.01.28)
(related to Tribunal of the Roman Rota)
For the 10ᵗʰ Day of Consecrated Life (2006)
(World Day for Consecrated Life 2006)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.02)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Democratic Republic of Congo on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.06)
(related to Conférence Episcopale Nationale du Congo (CENCO))
To the participants of the Plenary Assembly of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.10)
(related to Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith)
At the end of the Mass for the 14ᵗʰ World Day of the Sick
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.11)
To the College of Writers of the magazine La Civiltà Cattolica
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.17)
To the Permanent Deacons of the Rome Diocese
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.18)
(related to Papal See of Roma)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Senegal, Mauritania, Cape Verde and Guinea Bissau on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.20)
(related to Conférence des Evêques du Sénégal, de la Mauritanie, du Cap-Vert et de Guinée-Bissau)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Bosnia and Herzegovina on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.24)
(related to Biskupska Konferencija Bosne i Hercegovine (BKBiH))
Visit to the Pontifical Roman Major Seminary on occasion of the Feast of Our Lady of Trust
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.25)
To the Members of the XVII Group of the Municipal Police of Rome
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.25)
To the participants of the General Assembly of the Pontifical Academy for Life and International Congress on the theme of ’The Human Embryo before Implantation’
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.27)
(related to Pontifical Academy for Life)
To a group of priests and seminarians of the Theological College of Apostoliki Diakonia (Greek Orthodox Church)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.02.27)
Meeting with the Clergy of the Rome Diocese
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.02)
(related to Papal See of Roma)
To the Members of UCID (Christian Union of Entrepreneurs and Managers)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.04)
During the vigil of prayer for the 4ᵗʰ European Day of University Students
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.11)
At the conclusion of the annual Lenten retreat held for the Roman Curia
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.11)
To the participants in an international Congress organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples on the 40ᵗʰ anniversary of the Conciliar Decree Ad gentes
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.11)
(related to Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples)
To the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.17)
(related to Pontifical Council for Social Communications)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Cameroon on their ’ad Limina’ visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.18)
(related to Conférence Episcopale Nationale du Cameroun (C.E.N.C.))
To the participants in the Meeting of Representatives of the Holy See to the International Organizations
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.18)
To the members of the Synod of the Bishops of the Armenian Catholic Patriarchal Church and Armenian pilgrims
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.20)
Ordinary Public Consistory for the creation of new Cardinals
(Ordinary Public Consistory for the Creation of 15 Cardinals)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.24)
Eucharistic Concelebration with the new Cardinals and presentation of the cardinalitial ring
(Ordinary Public Consistory for the Creation of 15 Cardinals)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.25)
To the Pastoral Workers after the celebration of Holy Mass in the Roman parish of Dio Padre Misericordioso
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.26)
To the newly created Cardinals, their family members and pilgrims present at the Consistory
(Ordinary Public Consistory for the Creation of 15 Cardinals)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.27)
Greeting at the conclusion of the screening of the film ’Karol, a Pope who Remained a Man’
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.30)
To the participants of the Congress promoted by the European People’s Party
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.03.30)
To the participants in the Seminar organized by the Congregation for Catholic Education (for Seminaries and Educational Institutions)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.04.01)
(related to Congregation for Catholic Education (for Educational Institutions))
Rosary promoted by the Diocese of Rome on the 1ˢᵗ anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.04.02)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of the Ivory Coast on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.04.03)
(related to Conférence des Evêques Catholiques de Côte d’Ivoire)
Meeting with the young people of the Diocese of Rome in preparation for the celebration of the 21ˢᵗ World Youth Day
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.04.06)
To a delegation of the Znak Publishing House of Krakow
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.04.08)
(related to Metropolitan Archdiocese of Kraków)
To the participants at the International Meeting of UNIV 2006
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.04.10)
Concert offered by the Council of Rome to commemorate the first anniversary of Pope Benedict XVI’s election as Bishop of Rome and also the Birthday of the City
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.04.21)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Ghana on their ’ad Limina’ visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.04.24)
(related to Ghana Bishops’ Conference)
To the members of the Pontifical Biblical Commission
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.04.27)
(related to Pontifical Biblical Commission)
To the former Swiss Guards and to the participants in the “march” organized on the occasion of the 5ᵗʰ centenary of the foundation of the Swiss Guard
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.04)
(related to Pontifical Swiss Guard)
For the 5ᵗʰ centenary of the Foundation of the Swiss Guards
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.06)
(related to Pontifical Swiss Guard)
Priestly Ordination of the Deacons of the Diocese of Rome
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.07)
To the National Directors of the Pontifical Mission Societies
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.08)
To the Bishops of the Québec Episcopal Conference of Canada on their ’ad Limina’ visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.11)
(related to Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (C.C.C.B.))
To the participants in the International Congress sponsored by the John Paul II Institute for Studies on Marriage and Family
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.11)
To the Community of the Roman College of «S. Maria dell’Anima»
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.12)
To the participants in the Pilgrimage of the «Bayerische Gebirgsschützen»
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.13)
(related to Pontifical Council for the Family)
To the participants of the Plenary Assembly for the Pontifical Council for the Family
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.13)
To the participants at the Plenary Session of the Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.15)
(related to Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People)
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of India to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.18)
To the participants in the General Assembly of the Italian Episcopal Conference
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.18)
(related to Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (C.E.I.))
To the new Ambassador of the Republic of Moldova to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.18)
To the new Ambassador of Cape Verde to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.18)
To the new Ambassadors to the Holy See on the occasion of the presentation of the Letters of Credence
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.18)
To the participants in the Meeting sponsored by the Centesimus Annus Pro Pontifice Foundation
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.19)
To the Bishops of the Atlantic Episcopal Conference of Canada on their ’ad Limina’ visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.20)
(related to Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (C.C.C.B.))
To the men and women Superiors General of the Institutes of Consecrated Life and the Societies of Apostolic Life
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.22)
Ecumenical meeting in the Lutheran Church of the Most Holy Trinity in Warsaw
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.25)
Meeting with the Clergy in the Cathedral of St. John in Warsaw
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.25)
Welcome ceremony at the International Airport of Okęcie (Warsaw)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.25)
Greeting by the Holy Father “From the Window” – Meeting with young people at the Archbishop’s Palace (Kraków)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.26)
Meeting with the men and women religious, seminarians, representatives of movements and consecrated life at the Shrine of Jasna Góra
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.26)
In Piłsudski Square in Warsaw
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.26)
Greeting after the meeting with young people (Kraków-Błonie)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.27)
Meeting with youth at Błonie Park in Krakow
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.27)
Meeting with the sick - Visit to the Shrine of Divine Mercy (Kraków-Łagiewniki)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.27)
Visit to the Shrine of Our Lady of Kalwaria in Kalwaria Zebrzydowska
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.27)
Meeting with the faithful at Rynek Square in Wadowice
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.27)
Farewell ceremony at the Airport of Balice (Krakow)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.28)
Prayer to commemorate the victims of the Concentration Camp of Auschwitz-Birkenau
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.28)
Conclusion of the Marian month, recital of the Holy Rosary and procession to the church of «St. Stefano degli Abissini» near the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes in the Vatican Gardens
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.05.31)
To the members of the 11ᵗʰ Ordinary Council of the General Secretariat of the Synod of Bishops
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.01)
(related to General Secretariat of the Synod)
To the management, journalists and technical support staff of the CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.02)
(related to Conferenza Episcopale Italiana (C.E.I.))
To the community of the Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.02)
(related to Pontifical Ecclesiastical Academy)
Vigil of Pentecost - with Ecclesial Movements and New Communities
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.03)
To the participants of the Ecclesial Convention of the Diocese Rome
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.05)
(related to Papal See of Roma)
To a delegation from the city of Altötting on occasion of the conferral of honorary citizenship
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.07)
(related to Diocese of Passau)
To a delegation from the city of Regensburg on occasion of the conferral of honorary citizenship
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.21)
(related to Diocese of Regensburg)
To the participants of the Assembly of Organizations for the Aid of the Eastern Churches (ROACO)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.22)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conferences of Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.23)
(related to Conferentia Episcopalis Lituaniæ (L.V.K.), Latvijas Biskapu Konference, Diocese of Talinn)
Concert sponsored by the Domenico Bartolucci Foundation
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.24)
To the members of the Delegation of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.29)
Solemnity of Sts Peter and Paul - Imposition of the Pallium on Metropolitan Archbishops
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.29)
To the Metropolitan Archbishops who received the Sacred Pallium on the Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.06.30)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Croatia on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.07.06)
(related to Hrvatska Biskupska Konferencija)
Vigil of prayer at the conclusion of the 5ᵗʰ World Meeting of Families in the ’City of Arts and Sciences’ in Valencia
(Apostolic Journey to Spain (Valencia, Spain))
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.07.08)
Visit to the Basilica of the Virgen de los Desamparados and prayer for the victims of the subway accident
(Apostolic Journey to Spain (Valencia, Spain))
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.07.08)
Welcome ceremony at the Airport of Manises
(Apostolic Journey to Spain (Valencia, Spain))
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.07.08)
Farewell ceremony at the Airport of Manises
(Apostolic Journey to Spain (Valencia, Spain))
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.07.09)
For the 5ᵗʰ World Meeting of Families in Valencia
(Apostolic Journey to Spain (Valencia, Spain))
(5ᵗʰ World Meeting of Families (Valencia, Spain))
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.07.09)
Prayer service at the parish church of Rhêmes-Saint Georges in the Aosta Valley
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.07.23)
Interview in preparation to the Apostolic Journey to Bavaria
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.08.05)
Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary - At the Pontifical Parish of Saint Thomas of Villanova in Castel Gandolfo
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.08.15)
Address at the conclusion of the representation of the drama by Charles Péguy: Le Mystère de la charité de Jeanne d’Arc
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.08.19)
Meeting with the priests of the Diocese of Albano
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.08.31)
(related to Diocese of Albano)
Pilgrimage to the Shrine of the Holy Face in Manoppello, Italy
(Pastoral Visit to Manoppello)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.01)
To the Bishops of the Ontario Episcopal Conference of Canada on their ’ad Limina’ visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.08)
(related to Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (C.C.C.B.))
To the new Ambassador of Chile accredited to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.08)
Prayer before the Mariensäule (Column of the Madonna) in Marienplatz
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.09)
Greeting before the Mariensäule (Column of the Madonna) in Marienplatz
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.09)
Welcome Ceremony at Franz Joseph Strauss international airport of Munich
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.09)
Interview during the flight to Bavaria
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.09)
Greeting from the balcony of the Archbishopric of Munich
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.10)
In the Cathedral of Munich
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.10)
(related to Metropolitan Archdiocese of München und Freising)
In the outdoor site of the Neue Messe in Munich
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.10)
With the religious and seminarians of Bavaria at the Basilica of St Anne in Altötting
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.11)
In the square in front of the Shrine of Altötting
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.11)
Meeting with the representatives of science in the Aula Magna of the University of Regensburg
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.12)
Ecumenical celebration of Vespers in the Cathedral of Regensburg
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.12)
At Islinger Feld in Regensburg
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.12)
Greeting during the Blessing of the new organ of Regensburg’s Alte Kapelle
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.13)
Farewell ceremony at Franz Joseph Strauss international airport of Munich
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.14)
Meeting with the priests and permanent deacons of Bavaria in the Cathedral of St Mary and St Corbinian in Freising
(Apostolic Journey to München, Altötting and Regensburg)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.14)
At the conclusion of the meeting with the members of the Secretariat of State
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.15)
(related to Secretariat of State)
To the participants in the International Congress sponsored by the Pontifical Academy for Life
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.16)
(related to Pontifical Academy for Life)
To Card. Tarcisio Bertone, S.D.B., Secretary of State, with his family members
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.18)
To the Ambassador of the Republic of Austria to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.18)
To the participants in the meeting of recently-appointed Bishops
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.21)
To the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Council for the Laity
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.22)
(related to Pontifical Council for the Laity)
To the Bishops taking part in the course of formation organized by the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.23)
(related to Congregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Chad on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.23)
(related to Conférence Episcopale du Tchad)
To the Ambassadors of Countries with a Muslim majority and to the representatives of Muslim communities in Italy
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.25)
To the new Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.28)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Malawi on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.09.29)
(related to Episcopal Conference of Malawi)
Remarks at the conclusion of the projection of the movie Pope Luciani: God’s Smile
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.08)
To the Bishops of the Western Episcopal Conference of Canada on their ’ad Limina’ visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.09)
(related to Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops (C.C.C.B.))
To the Bishops of the Western Catholic Conference of Canada on their ad Limina
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.12)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Zambia on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.13)
(related to Zambia Conference of Catholic Bishops (ZCCB))
To the participants in the pilgrimage of the Charitable Works of Padre Pio of Pietrelcina
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.14)
To the participants in the Fourth National Ecclesial Convention
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.19)
At the ’Bentegodi’ Stadium of Verona
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.19)
Visit to the Pontifical Lateran University at the beginning of the Academic Year
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.21)
(related to Pontifical Lateran University)
To the Students of the Pontifical Universities of Rome at the beginning of the Academic Year
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.23)
To the participants in the 5ᵗʰ International Congress of Military Ordinariates
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.26)
To the participants in the meeting of Christian World Communions
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.27)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Ireland on their ’ad Limina’ visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.28)
(related to Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference)
To members of the Pro Petri Sede and Etrennes pontificales Associations
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.30)
To the Bishops of the Episcopal Conference of Greece on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.10.30)
(related to Conferentia Episcopalis Græciæ)
Visit to the Pontifical Gregorian University
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.03)
(related to Pontifical Gregorian University)
To the members of Pontifical Academy of Sciences
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.06)
(related to Pontifical Academies of Sciences)
Meeting with the Bishops of Switzerland
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.07)
(related to Conférence des Evêques Suisses (C.E.S.))
To the participants in the Plenary Assembly of the Pontifical Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses
(49ᵗʰ International Eucharistic Congress (Québec, Canada))
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.09)
(related to Committee for International Eucharistic Congresses)
At the conclusion of the meeting with the Swiss Bishops
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.09)
(related to Conférence des Evêques Suisses (C.E.S.))
To the Bishops of the Federal Republic of Germany on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.10)
(related to Deutsche Bischofskonferenz)
To the Sacred Family of Nazareth Foundation and to the lay association Domenico Tardini Community on the 60ᵗʰ anniversary of their foundation
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.11)
To the participants in the Plenary of the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.17)
(related to Dicastery for Promoting Christian Unity)
Concert of the Philharmonia Quartett Berlin offered in honour of the Holy Father by the President of the Federal Republic of Germany
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.18)
To the Bishops of the Federal Republic of Germany on their ad Limina visit
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.18)
(related to Deutsche Bischofskonferenz)
Official visit of H.E. Mr Giorgio Napolitano, President of the Italian Republic
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.20)
To the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Rowan Williams
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.23)
Common Declaration of Pope Benedict XVI and the Archbishop of Canterbury, His Grace Rowan Williams
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.23)
To the participants in the International Conference sponsored by the Pontifical Council for Health Pastoral Care
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.24)
(related to Pontifical Council for Pastoral Assistance to Health Care Workers)
To the participants in the Assembly sponsored by the Italian Federation of Catholic Weeklies
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.25)
To the Diplomatic Corps accredited to the Republic of Turkey
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.28)
To the President of the Religious Affairs Directorate
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.28)
Meeting with the journalists before his departure for Turkey
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.28)
Prayer service in the Patriarchal Church of St. George in the Phanar and meeting with His Holiness Bartholomew I
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.29)
At the Shrine of Meryem Ana Evì in Ephesus
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.29)
Moment of prayer in the Armenian Apostolic Cathedral and meeting with His Beatitude Patriarch Mesrob II Mutafyan
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.30)
Common Declaration by His Holiness Benedict XVI and Patriarch Bartholomew I
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.30)
Divine Liturgy of Saint John Chrysostom in the Patriarchal Church of Saint George in the Phanar on the Feast of Saint Andrew the Apostle
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.11.30)
Remarks at the conclusion of the Mass celebrated in the Latin Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Istanbul
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.01)
At the Cathedral of the Holy Spirit in Istanbul
(Apostolic Journey to Turkiye)
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.01)
Tribute to the Statue of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.08)
To the participants in the 56ᵗʰ National Study Congress organized by the Union of Italian Catholic Jurists
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.09)
To the children of the Parish of St. Mary Star of Evangelization preparing for First Holy Communion and Confirmation
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.10)
To the youth of GAM before the Eucharistic Celebration at the Parish of Saint Mary Star of Evangelization
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.10)
Pastoral visit to Our Lady Star of Evangelization Parish and Dedication of the new Church
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.10)
Greeting at the conclusion of Advent Mass for the students of Roman Universities
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.14)
To the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Lesotho to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.14)
To the Ambassador of the Syrian Arab Republic to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.14)
To the Ambassador of the Republic of Uganda to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.14)
To the Ambassador of the Republic of Mozambique to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.14)
To the Ambassador of the Kyrgyz Republic to the Holy See
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.14)
Common declaration by Pope Benedict XVI and His Beatitude Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.14)
Meeting with Patriarch Christodoulos, Archbishop of Athens and All Greece
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.14)
Meeting with His Beatitude Antonios Naguib, Patriarch of Alexandria for Catholic Copts
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.15)
(related to Patriarchal See of Alexandria)
To the participants in the International Conference organized on the occasion of the 5ᵗʰ centenary of the Vatican Museums
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.16)
Greeting to a delegation from B’nai B’rith International
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.18)
Christmas greetings to the Members of the Roman Curia and Prelature
by Pope Benedict XVI (2006.12.22)
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