Documents (85) | Type | Date |
Nei giorni Proclaming pardon to those condemned by political crimes in the Papal States Papal States | Apostolic Constitution | 1846.11.09 |
Qui pluribus On communism, faith and religion communism | Encyclical | 1846.11.09 |
Prædecessores nostros On aid for Ireland Ireland | Encyclical | 1847.03.25 |
Ubi primum To religious superiors on the discipline for religious religious | Encyclical | 1847.06.17 |
Nulla celebrior Reconstituted the Latin Patriarchate of Jerusalem diocese | Bull | 1847.07.23 |
Nelle istituzioni Proclaming the fundamental statute for the temporal government of the Papal States Papal States | Apostolic Constitution | 1848.03.14 |
Romani e quanti On maintaining the public order and respecting the institutions | Encyclical | 1848.03.14 |
Non semel Against the attempts to proclaim the Republic of Rome Italy | Encyclical | 1848.06.23 |
Ubi primum On the Immaculate Conception Mary | Encyclical | 1849.02.02 |
Quibus quantisque On the reestablishment of the Holy See in Rome Rome Vatican City | Encyclical | 1849.08.12 |
Nostis et Nobiscum On the Church in the Papal States, condemning attempts to undermine religion in Italy Italy Papal States | Encyclical | 1849.12.08 |
Si semper antea Thanking the European monarchs | Encyclical | 1850.08.14 |
Multiplices inter Condemning and prohibiting certain writings by Francois de Paule | Apostolic Letter | 1851.06.10 |
Ad Apostolicæ Sedis Condemning and prohibiting the ’Institutions of Ecclesiastical Right’ by Nuytz | Apostolic Letter | 1851.08.22 |
Exultavit cor nostrum On the effects of the Jubilee of 1852 jubilee | Encyclical | 1851.11.21 |
Ex aliis nostris Conditions for obtaining indulgences in the extraordinary jubilee of 1852 jubilee | Encyclical | 1851.11.21 |
Nemo certe ignorat To bishops of Ireland on the discipline for clergy Ireland | Encyclical | 1852.03.25 |
Probe noscitis venerabiles On the discipline for clergy Spain | Encyclical | 1852.05.17 |
Inter multiplices Pleading for unity of spirit France | Encyclical | 1853.03.21 |
Neminem vestrum To the clergy and faithful of Constantinople on the persecution of Armenians Armenia | Encyclical | 1854.02.02 |
Optime noscitis On the proposed Catholic university for Ireland education Ireland | Encyclical | 1854.03.20 |
Apostolicæ nostræ caritatis Urging prayers for peace peace | Encyclical | 1854.08.01 |
Inter graves On the commemoration of the Immaculate Conception on December 8 calendar Mary | Encyclical | 1854.11.01 |
Ineffabilis Deus Defining the doctrine of the Immaculate Conception Mary papal infallibility | Apostolic Constitution | 1854.12.08 |
Cum sæpe | Encyclical | 1855.07.26 |
Optime noscitis On episcopal meetings Austria bishop | Encyclical | 1855.11.05 |
Singulari quidem On the Church in Austria Austria | Encyclical | 1856.03.17 |
Eximiam tuam On certain theologians in Germany Germany | Apostolic Letter | 1857.06.15 |
Cum nuper To bishops of Sicily on care for clerics Italy priest | Encyclical | 1858.01.20 |
Amantissimi Redemptoris On priests and the care of souls, the Mass and its fruits Mass priest | Encyclical | 1858.05.03 |
Cum Sancta Mater Ecclesia Pleading for public prayer for the Papal States Papal States | Encyclical | 1859.04.27 |
Qui Nuper On the Papal States Papal States | Encyclical | 1859.06.18 |
Ad gravissimum On the necessity of the Holy See having temporal power | Encyclical | 1859.06.18 |
Maximo animi Protesting the occupation of Emilia by the troops of Victor Emmanuel II | Encyclical | 1859.09.26 |
Nullius certe On the need for civil sovereignty | Encyclical | 1860.01.19 |
Novos et ante Protesting Victor Emmanuel | Encyclical | 1860.03.26 |
Cum Catholica On the temporal power of the Pope pope | Apostolic Letter | 1860.03.26 |
Multis gravibusque Denouncing the non-ratification of the concordat signed by the Grand Duke of Baden with the Holy See | Encyclical | 1860.04.24 |
Iamdum cernimus On Italian revolutionaries Italy | Encyclical | 1861.03.18 |
Amantissimus humani To bishops of the Eastern rite on the care of the churches Eastern Churches | Encyclical | 1862.04.08 |
Maximæ quidem On the Church in Bavaria Germany | Encyclical | 1862.06.09 |
Gravissimas inter On certain theologians in Germany Germany | Encyclical | 1862.12.11 |
Quanto Conficiamur Mœrore On promotion of false doctrines doctrine | Encyclical | 1863.08.10 |
Incredibili afflictamur To bishops of Bogota on persecution in New Granada Chile Colombia | Encyclical | 1863.09.17 |
Tuas libenter To the nuncio of Baveria, on the recent meeting of theologians celebrated in Munich without the consensus of the Holy See Germany | Apostolic Letter | 1863.12.21 |
Multis gravissimis Canonical norms to follow in the dioceses of Sicily Italy | Encyclical | 1864.01.28 |
Ubi urbaniano Russian persecution of Cathonlics in Poland Poland | Encyclical | 1864.07.30 |
Maximæ quidem To bishops of Germany reunited in Bamberg Germany | Encyclical | 1864.08.18 |
Quanta cura Condemning current errors, accompanies the Syllabus of Errors heresy | Encyclical | 1864.12.08 |
Syllabus errorum Syllabus of Errors heresy | Note | 1864.12.08 |
Multiplices inter Against the masonry freemasonry | Encyclical | 1865.09.25 |
Meridionali Americæ On the seminary for native clergy seminary South America | Encyclical | 1865.09.30 |
Reversurus On the right election of bishops bishop | Apostolic Constitution | 1867.07.12 |
Venerablis On the Church in Russia Russia | Encyclical | 1867.10.17 |
Levate On the afflications of the Church Poland Russia | Encyclical | 1867.10.27 |
Ex quo infensissimi Concession of decorations to the Papal Military and the French auxiliary troops by its performance in the battle of Mentana | Encyclical | 1867.11.14 |
Æterni Patris Summoning the First Council of Vatican Vatican I | Bull | 1868.06.29 |
Arcano divinæ To all the bishops of the world, exhorting them to attend the First Vatican Council Vatican I | Encyclical | 1868.09.08 |
Iam vos omnes Inviting the separated Christians of the Catholic Church to restore unity ecumenism | Encyclical | 1868.09.13 |
Religiosas regularium To the Bishop of Tiane on the Antoniana Order and the situation of the Catholic Church in Armenia Armenia Armenian Church | Apostolic Letter | 1870.02.23 |
Non sine gravísimo To the patriarch of Constantinople on the situation of the Armenian Catholic Church Armenian Church Eastern Churches | Encyclical | 1870.02.24 |
Multiplices inter Reorganizing the ecclesiastical hierarchy in Ecuador Ecuador | Encyclical | 1870.03.23 |
Apostolici ministerio Naming an apostolic co-visitator for the Armenian Church Armenian Church Eastern Churches | Encyclical | 1870.04.05 |
Quo impensiore Threat of excommunication to the Armenian Church Armenian Church Eastern Churches | Encyclical | 1870.05.20 |
Respicientes ea omnia Protesting the taking of the Papal States Papal States | Encyclical | 1870.11.01 |
Ecclesia Dei To Cardinal Constantino Patrizi, Vicar for the Diocese of Rome, declaring the rejection of the Guarentigie offered to the Pope by King Victor Emmanuel II | Apostolic Letter | 1871.03.02 |
Ubi Prima On unity with the Armenian Church Armenian Church | Encyclical | 1871.03.11 |
Ubi nos arcano Dei On Papal States Papal States | Encyclical | 1871.05.15 |
Beneficia Dei On the 25ᵗʰ anniversary of his pontificate | Encyclical | 1871.06.04 |
Inclytum patriarcham On the liturgical celebrations of St. Joseph, patron of the Universal Church St. Joseph | Apostolic Letter | 1871.07.07 |
Sæpe Venerabiles Fratres On thanksgiving for 25 years of pontificate | Encyclical | 1871.08.05 |
Ordinem vestrum Lamenting that in some places the decisions of the First Vatican Council were opposed to Vatican I | Encyclical | 1871.10.27 |
Costretti nelle attuali To Cardinal Costantino Patrizi, on the intentions of the Kingdom of Italy to suppress the religious orders Italy | Apostolic Letter | 1872.06.16 |
Quæ In Patriarchatu On the Church in Chaldea Chaldean Church Eastern Churches | Encyclical | 1872.11.16 |
Quartus supra vigesimum On the Church in Armenia Armenia Armenian Church | Encyclical | 1873.01.06 |
Etsi multa luctuosa On the Church in Italy, Germany and Switzerland Germany Italy Switzerland | Encyclical | 1873.11.21 |
In magnis illis On the irregular consecratoin of Kaspar I. Rinkel as bishop of Harlem Netherlands | Encyclical | 1873.12.27 |
Vix dum a nobis On the Church in Austria Austria | Encyclical | 1874.03.07 |
Omnem sollicitudinem On the Greek-Ruthenian Rite Eastern Churches Ruthenian Church | Encyclical | 1874.05.13 |
Establishing the Vicariate Apostolic of Hong Kong Hong Kong | Apostolic Letter | 1874.11.17 |
Gravibus ecclesiæ sed sæculi calamitatis Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1875 jubilee | Bull | 1874.12.24 |
Quod numquam On the Church in Prussia, Kulturkampf Germany | Encyclical | 1875.02.05 |
Graves ac diuturnæ On the Church in Switzerland Switzerland | Encyclical | 1875.03.23 |
Quæ Patriarchatu On the problems of the Chaldean Catholics Chaldean Church Eastern Churches | Encyclical | 1876.09.01 |
Dives in misericordia Deus Proclaiming St. Francis de Sales a ’Doctor of the Church’ saint | Apostolic Letter | 1877.11.16 |