Celebrations and Documents tagged with


Related CelebrationsDateDescending
Jubilee Year of Compostela 2027 Details2026.12.31 – 2027.12.31
Holy Year of the Jubilee 20252024.12.29 – 2025.12.28
Jubilee Year of Compostela 2021 Details2020.12.31 – 2021.12.31
Jubilee Year of Loreto 20202019.12.08 – 2021.12.10
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 2016 Details2016.03.23 – 2016.08.15
Holy Year of the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy (2016)2015.12.08 – 2016.11.20
Jubilee Year of Compostela 2010 Details2009.12.31 – 2010.12.31
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 2005 Details2005.03.25 – 2005.08.15
Jubilee Year of Compostela 2004 Details2003.12.31 – 2004.12.31
Holy Year of the Great Jubilee 20001999.12.25 – 2001.01.06
Jubilee Year of Compostela 1999 Details1998.12.31 – 1999.12.31
Jubilee Year of Compostela 1993 Details1992.12.31 – 1993.12.31
Holy Year of the Extraordinary Jubilee 19831983.03.25 – 1984.04.22
Jubilee Year of Compostela 1982 Details1981.12.31 – 1982.12.31
Jubilee Year of Compostela 1976 Details1975.12.31 – 1976.12.31
Holy Year of the Jubilee 19751974.12.24 – 1975.12.24
Jubilee Year of Compostela 1971 Details1970.12.31 – 1971.12.31
Holy Year of the Extraordinary Jubilee 19661966.01.01 – 1966.12.08
Jubilee Year of Compostela 1965 Details1964.12.31 – 1965.12.31
Holy Year of the Jubilee 19501949.12.24 – 1950.12.24
Holy Year of the Extraordinary Jubilee 19331933.04.01 – 1934.04.02
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1932 Details1932.03.25 – 1932.08.15
Holy Year of the Jubilee 19251924.12.24 – 1925.12.24
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1921 Details1921.03.25 – 1921.08.15
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1910 Details1910.03.25 – 1910.08.15
Holy Year of the Jubilee 19001899.12.24 – 1900.12.24
Holy Year of the Extraordinary Jubilee 18861886.01.01 – 1886.12.31
Holy Year of the Extraordinary Jubilee 18791879.03.02 – 1879.06.01
Holy Year of the Jubilee 18751875.01.01 – 1875.12.31
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1864 Details1864.03.25 – 1864.08.15
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1853 Details1853.03.25 – 1853.08.15
Holy Year of the Extraordinary Jubilee 18521852.01.01 – 1852.12.31
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1842 Details1842.03.25 – 1842.08.15
Holy Year of the Jubilee 18251824.12.24 – 1825.12.24
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1796 Details1796.03.25 – 1796.08.15
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1785 Details1785.03.25 – 1785.08.15
Holy Year of the Jubilee 17751775.02.26 – 1775.12.31
Holy Year of the Jubilee 17501749.12.24 – 1750.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 17251724.12.24 – 1725.12.24
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1712 Details1712.03.25 – 1712.08.15
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1701 Details1701.03.25 – 1701.08.15
Holy Year of the Jubilee 17001699.12.24 – 1700.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 16751674.12.24 – 1675.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 16501649.12.24 – 1650.12.24
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1644 Details1644.03.25 – 1644.08.15
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1633 Details1633.03.25 – 1633.08.15
Holy Year of the Jubilee 16251624.12.24 – 1625.12.24
Jubilee Year of Le Puy 1622 Details1622.03.25 – 1622.08.15
Holy Year of the Jubilee 16001599.12.31 – 1601.01.13
Holy Year of the Jubilee 15751574.12.24 – 1575.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 15501550.02.24 – 1551.01.06
Holy Year of the Jubilee 15251524.12.24 – 1525.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 15001499.12.24 – 1501.01.06
Holy Year of the Jubilee 14751474.12.24 – 1476.04.14
Holy Year of the Jubilee 14501449.12.24 – 1450.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 14231422.12.21 – 1423.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 14001399.12.31 – 1400.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 13901389.12.24 – 1390.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 13501349.12.24 – 1350.12.24
Holy Year of the Jubilee 13001300.02.22 – 1300.12.24
Documents (75)TypeAuthorDateDescending
Indulgences conceded for the Ordinary Jubilee Year 2025 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


DecreeApostolic Penitentiary2024.05.13
Spes non confundit English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)
Proclaiming the Ordinary Jubilee of 2025


BullPope Francis2024.05.09
To the President of the Pontifical Council for the Promotion of the New Evangelization for the Jubilee 2025 English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)


LetterPope Francis2022.02.11
Mass for the Opening of the Holy Door of St. John Lateran Basilica français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish) Video


HomilyPope Francis2015.12.13
Mass and Opening of the Holy Door for the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish) Video

 jubilee   mercy 

HomilyPope Francis2015.12.08
Mass and Opening of the Holy Door of St. Peter’s Basilica latine (Latin)


Liturgical BookletOffice for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff2015.12.08
Indulgences conceded for the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy English français (French) Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)

 indulgence   jubilee 

LetterPope Francis2015.09.01
Misericordiæ Vultus English français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
Proclaiming the Extraordinary Jubilee of Mercy


BullPope Francis2015.04.11
Meeting with all the citizens and proclamation of the Celestinian Jubilee Year (Piazza della Cattedrale di Isernia) English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


SpeechPope Francis2014.07.05
Grand Pardon of the Jubilee of Le Puy of 2005 English

 France   indulgence   jubilee 

DecreeApostolic Penitentiary2005.05.23
To the people of the Rome Diocese at the end of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 jubilee   Rome 

SpeechSaint Pope John Paul II2001.02.17
Novo millennio ineunte / At the Beginning of the New Millennium English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
At the close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II2001.01.06
Closing of the Holy Door on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


HomilySaint Pope John Paul II2001.01.06
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


HomilySaint Pope John Paul II2001.01.01
Urbi et Orbi Message for 31 January 2000 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II2000.12.31
Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 2000 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 Christmas   jubilee 

MessageSaint Pope John Paul II2000.12.25
On the opening of the Holy Door of the Great Jubilee 2000 English Italiano (Italian)


NoteOffice for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff2000.12.20
Urbi et Orbi Message for Easter Sunday 2000 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 Easter   jubilee 

MessageSaint Pope John Paul II2000.04.23
For the Jubilee of Consecrated Life, 4ᵗʰ Day of Consecrated Life (2000) English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 jubilee   religious 

MessageSaint Pope John Paul II2000.02.02
On Indulgences during the Great Jubilee Year English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 indulgence   jubilee 

DocumentApostolic Penitentiary2000.01.29
Urbi et Orbi Message for 1 January 2000 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


MessageSaint Pope John Paul II2000.01.01
Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, Opening of the Holy Door of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)


HomilySaint Pope John Paul II2000.01.01
Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 1999 English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 Christmas   jubilee 

MessageSaint Pope John Paul II1999.12.25
On the opening of the Holy Door of the Great Jubilee 2000 English français (French) Italiano (Italian)


NoteOffice for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff1999.12.01
Concerning pilgrimage to the places linked to the history of Salvation English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 jubilee   pilgrimage 

LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1999.06.30
Incarnationis mysterium / The Mystery of Incarnation English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Decreeing the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000

 indulgence   jubilee 

BullSaint Pope John Paul II1998.11.29
Forward of the Calendar of the Holy Year 2000 English

 calendar   jubilee   liturgy 

DocumentCommittee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 20001998.06.21
The Pilgrimage in the Great Jubilee English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 jubilee   pilgrimage 

DocumentPontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People1998.04.25
Tertio millennio adveniente / At the Third Millennium Draws Near English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000


Apostolic LetterSaint Pope John Paul II1994.11.10
Aperite portas Redemptori español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the Jubilee for the 1950ᵗʰ anniversary of the Redemption


BullSaint Pope John Paul II1983.01.06
Apostolorum limina Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the Jubilee of 1975


BullSaint Pope Paul VI1974.05.23
Summi Dei beneficio Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Extending the Extraordinary Jubilee of 1966 to the end of the year


Motu ProprioSaint Pope Paul VI1966.05.03
Mirificus eventus / Extraordinary Event Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the Extraordinary Jubilee of 1966


Apostolic ConstitutionSaint Pope Paul VI1965.12.07
Fulgens corona / The Radiant Crown English Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On proclaiming a Marian Year to commemorate the centenary of the definition of the dogma of the Immaculate Conception

 jubilee   Mary 

EncyclicalPope Pius XII1953.09.08
Jubilæum maximum Italiano (Italian)
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1950


BullPope Pius XII1949.05.26
Quod nuper
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1933


BullPope Pius XI1933.01.06
Servatoris Iesu Christi
On the Jubilee of 1925


Apostolic ConstitutionPope Pius XI1925.12.25
Infinita Dei misericordia
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1925


BullPope Pius XI1924.05.29
Properante ad exitum sæculo
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1900


BullPope Leo XIII1899.05.11
Quod auctoritate apostolica English Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Proclaiming the Extraordinary Jubilee of 1886


EncyclicalPope Leo XIII1885.12.22
Pontifices maximi Italiano (Italian)
Proclaiming a jubilee


Apostolic LetterPope Leo XIII1879.02.15
Gravibus ecclesiæ sed sæculi calamitatis English Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1875


BullBlessed Pope Pius IX1874.12.24
Ex aliis nostris Italiano (Italian)
Conditions for obtaining indulgences in the extraordinary jubilee of 1852


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1851.11.21
Exultavit cor nostrum English Italiano (Italian)
On the effects of the Jubilee of 1852


EncyclicalBlessed Pope Pius IX1851.11.21
Plura post
On the jubilee of 1833


EncyclicalPope Gregory XVI1832.12.02
In supremi apostolatus Italiano (Italian)
On jubilee


EncyclicalPope Pius VIII1829.06.18
Charitate Christi English Italiano (Italian)
Extending the Jubilee to the universal Church


EncyclicalPope Leo XII1825.12.25
Exultabat spiritus Italiano (Italian)
Extending the Jubilee to the universal Church


BullPope Leo XII1825.12.25
Quod hoc ineunte English Italiano (Italian)
Proclaiming the Universal Jubilee of 1825


EncyclicalPope Leo XII1824.05.24
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1825


BullPope Leo XII1824.05.24
Ex quo ecclesiam
Granting plenary indulgence for two weeks time


BullPope Pius VII1800.05.24
Salutis nostræ
Proclaiminig a universal jubilee


EncyclicalPope Clement XIV1774.04.30
Salutis nostræ acutor
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1775


BullPope Clement XIV1774.04.30
Cum summi
Proclaiminig a universal jubilee


EncyclicalPope Clement XIV1769.12.12
Inscrutabili divinæ sapientiæ
To all Christians on proclaiming a universal jubilee


EncyclicalPope Clement XIV1769.12.12
Apostolica constitutio
On preparation for the Holy Year


EncyclicalPope Benedict XIV1749.06.26
To all the faithful proclaiming a Holy Year for 1750


EncyclicalPope Benedict XIV1749.05.05
Peregrinantes a Domino
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1750


BullPope Benedict XIV1749.05.05
Redemptor et Dominus noster Jesus Christus
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1725


BullPope Benedict XIII1724.06.26
Regi sæculorum
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1700


BullPope Innocent XII1699.05.18
Ad apostolicæ vocis oraculum
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1675


BullPope Clement X1674.04.16
Appropinquat dilectissimi Filii
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1650


BullPope Innocent X1649.05.04
Omnes gentes plaudite manibus
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1625


BullPope Urban VIII1624.04.29
Annus Domini placabilis
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1600


BullPope Clement VIII1599.05.19
Dominus ac Redemptor noster Jesus
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1575


BullPope Gregory XIII1574.05.20
Si pastores ovium
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1550


BullPope Julius III1550.02.10
Inter sollecitudines et coram nobis
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1525


BullPope Clement VII1524.12.17
Inter causas multiplices
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1500


BullPope Alexander VI1499.03.28
Salvator noster
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1475


BullPope Sixtus IV1473.08.29
Ineffabili providentia summi Patris
Establishing that jubilees recur every 25 years


BullPope Paul II1470.04.19
Immensa et innumerabilia
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1450


BullPope Nicholas V1449.01.19
Dudum felicis
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1390


BullPope Boniface IX1390.06.11
Salvator noster unigenitus Dei Filius
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1390


BullPope Urban VI1389.04.08
Unigenitus Dei Filius
Proclaiming the Jubilee of 1350


BullPope Clement VI1343.01.27
Antiquorum habet digna fide relatio
Proclaiming the first Jubilee of 1300


BullPope Boniface VIII1300.02.22

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