Date | Celebration |
1998.12.25 – 1999.01.01 | Christmas Octave 1998 Christmas |
1998.12.31 – 1999.12.31 | Jubilee Year of Compostela 1999 jubilee |
1999.01.22 – 1999.01.26 | Apostolic Journey to Mexico Mexico papal journey |
1999.01.26 – 1999.01.27 | Apostolic Journey to the USA papal journey USA |
1999.02.02 | World Day for Consecrated Life 1999 religious |
1999.02.11 | World Day of the Sick 1999 sick |
1999.02.17 – 1999.04.01 | Lent 1999 Lent |
1999.03.28 | World Youth Day 1999 youth |
1999.04.01 – 1999.04.04 | Triduum 1999 Triduum |
1999.05.07 – 1999.05.09 | Apostolic Journey to Romania papal journey Romania |
1999.05.30 | Pastoral Visit to Ancona papal journey in Italy |
1999.06.05 – 1999.06.17 | Apostolic Journey to Poland papal journey Poland - Bazylika MB Bolesnej Królowej Polski, Licheń Stary
- Konkatedra Zaśnięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny, Warszawa
- Bazylika Archikatedralna św. Jana Chrzciciela, Warszawa
- Kościół MB Królowej Polski, Sandomierz
- Bazylika Katedralna św. Michała Archanioła i św. Floriana Męczennika, Warszawa-Praga
- Kościół Chrystusa Dobrego Pasterza, Łowicz
- Kościół Świętej Trójcy i św. Klary, Stary Sącz
- Bazylika Ofiarowania NMP, Wadowice
- Bazylika Archikatedralna św. Stanisława Biskupa i męczennika i św. Wacława, Kraków
- Bazylika Jasnogórska Wniebowzięcia NMP, Częstochowa
1999.07.02 – 1999.07.04 | Apostolic Journey to Armenia Armenia papal journey |
1999.09.04 | Pastoral Visit to Salerno papal journey in Italy |
1999.09.19 | Apostolic Journey to Slovenia papal journey Slovenia |
1999.09.27 | World Tourism Day 1999 tourism |
1999.10.01 – 1999.10.23 | 2ⁿᵈ Special Assembly for Europe of the Synod of Bishops Europe synod |
1999.10.16 | World Food Day 1999 food |
1999.10.24 | World Mission Sunday 1999 mission |
1999.11.05 – 1999.11.08 | Apostolic Journey to India India papal journey |
1999.11.08 – 1999.11.09 | Apostolic Journey to Georgia Georgia papal journey |
1999.12.25 – 2000.01.01 | Christmas Octave 1999 Christmas |
1999.12.25 – 2001.01.06 | Holy Year of the Great Jubilee 2000 jubilee - Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Tertio millennio adveniente / At the Third Millennium Draws Near On Preparation for the Jubilee of the Year 2000 (1994.11.10)
- Pontifical Council for the Pastoral Care of Migrants and Itinerant People, Document The Pilgrimage in the Great Jubilee (1998.04.25)
- Committee for the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, Document Forward of the Calendar of the Holy Year 2000 (1998.06.21)
- Pope John Paul II, Bull Incarnationis mysterium / The Mystery of Incarnation Decreeing the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 (1998.11.29)
- Pope John Paul II, Letter “Concerning pilgrimage to the places linked to the history of Salvation” (1999.06.30)
- Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Note “On the opening of the Holy Door of the Great Jubilee 2000” (1999.12.01)
- Pope John Paul II, Message “Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 1999” (1999.12.25)
- Pope John Paul II, Message “Urbi et Orbi Message for 1 January 2000” (2000.01.01)
- Pope John Paul II, Homily “Solemnity of Mary Mother of God, Opening of the Holy Door of the Basilica of Saint Mary Major” (2000.01.01)
- Apostolic Penitentiary, Document “On Indulgences during the Great Jubilee Year” (2000.01.29)
- Pope John Paul II, Message For the Jubilee of Consecrated Life, 4ᵗʰ Day of Consecrated Life (2000) (2000.02.02)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee for Artists (2000.02.18)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee of Permanent Deacons (2000.02.19)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee for Dentists (2000.03.28)
- Pope John Paul II, Message “Urbi et Orbi Message for Easter Sunday 2000” (2000.04.23)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee of Workers (2000.05.01)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee of Scientists (2000.05.25)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee for Journalists (2000.06.04)
- Pope John Paul II, Message For the Jubilee in Prisons (2000) (2000.07.09)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee of University Professors (2000.09.09)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee for Apostolic Nuncios (2000.09.15)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee of Bishops (2000.10.07)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee of Government Leaders, Members of Parliament and Politicians (2000.11.04)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee of the agricultural world (2000.11.11)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech For the Jubilee of Arm Forces and Police (2000.11.18)
- Pope John Paul II, Speech “At the conclusion of the Jubilee of the Disabled” (2000.12.03)
- Office for the Liturgical Celebrations of the Supreme Pontiff, Note “On the opening of the Holy Door of the Great Jubilee 2000” (2000.12.20)
- Pope John Paul II, Message “Urbi et Orbi Message for Christmas 2000” (2000.12.25)
- Pope John Paul II, Message “Urbi et Orbi Message for 31 January 2000” (2000.12.31)
- Pope John Paul II, Apostolic Letter Novo millennio ineunte / At the Beginning of the New Millennium At the close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 (2001.01.06)
- Pope John Paul II, Homily “Closing of the Holy Door on the Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord” (2001.01.06)