Documents and Speeches by

Pope John XXIII Details

Documents (36)TypeDateAscending
On accepting the supreme mandate latine (Latin)Speech1958.10.28
To the Sacred College of Cardinals giving tribute to the new Pontiff latine (Latin)Speech1958.11.04
Mass for the coronation of Pope John XXIII latine (Latin)Homily1958.11.04
Mass for the Possession of the Chair of the Bishop of Rome Italiano (Italian)Homily1958.11.23
Boni Pastoris / Good Shepherd English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian)
Establishing the Pontifical Commission for Motion Pictures, Radio and Television

 communication   radio   Roman Curia   television 

Motu Proprio1959.02.22
A quarantacinque anni Italiano (Italian)Apostolic Exhortation1959.04.21
Cum inde latine (Latin)
Honouring the Pontifical Lateran Athenaeum with the title of University
Motu Proprio1959.05.17
Ad Petri Cathedram / To the Chair of Peter English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On promoting under the impulse of charity, truth, unity and peace


Sacerdotii nostri primordia / First Days of Our Priesthood English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On St. John Vianney

 priest   saint 

Grata recordatio / Plesant Recollections English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the rosary: prayer for the Church, missions, international and social problems

 rosary   social 

Princeps pastorum / The Prince of the Shepherds English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the missions, native clergy and lay participation


Maiora in Dies español (Spanish) latine (Latin)
Honouring the International Marian Academy with the title of Pontifical
Motu Proprio1959.12.08
De Pontificio Consilio Ecclesiasticis Italiæ Tabularis curandis Italiano (Italian)
Establishing the organization of the Ecclesiastical Archives in Italy and issuing the Statute of their Pontifical Commission
Motu Proprio1960.02.29
Superno Dei español (Spanish) latine (Latin)
Establishing Preparatory Commissions for the Second Vatican Council

 ecumenism   Vatican II 

Motu Proprio1960.06.05
Inde a primis
On the Cult of the Precious Blood of Jesus Christ


Apostolic Letter1960.06.30
Rubicarium instructum
Approving the new Roman Breviary

 calendar   divine office   liturgy 

Motu Proprio1960.07.25
Ad suburbicarias diœceses latine (Latin)
Reserving for the pope the right to make the appointment to suburbicarian sees


Motu Proprio1961.03.10
Le voci che da tutti Italiano (Italian) español (Spanish)
For the protection of St. Joseph on the Second Vatican Council

 St. Joseph 

Apostolic Letter1961.03.19
Mater et Magistra / Mother and Teacher English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On Christianity and social progress


For peace (1961) English


Il religioso convegnoApostolic Letter1961.09.29
Æterna Dei sapientia / God’s Eternal Wisdom English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
For the 15ᵗʰ centenary of the death of St. Leo I: The See of Peter as the centre of Christian unity


Humanæ salutis Italiano (Italian)
Convocating the Second Vatican Council

 Vatican II 

Apostolic Constitution1961.12.25
Sacræ Laudis latine (Latin) español (Spanish)
Asking for prayer for the approaching Council

 divine office   Vatican II 

Apostolic Exhortation1962.01.06
Consilium Italiano (Italian)
Defining the day of opening of the Second Vatican Council

 Vatican II 

Motu Proprio1962.02.02
Veterum Sapientia latine (Latin)
Establishing the ’Latinitas’ Foundation


Apostolic Constitution1962.02.22
Suburbicariis sedibus latine (Latin)
Decreeing that the 6 cardinal bishops would have no ordinary jurisdiction over the suburbicurian sees

 cardinal   diocese 

Motu Proprio1962.04.11
Cum gravissima latine (Latin)
Decreeing that all cardinals should receive episcopal consecration


Motu Proprio1962.04.15
Œcumenicum Concilium
For prayer for the Second Vatican Council

 Vatican II 

Apostolic Letter1962.04.28
Pænitentiam agere / Doing Penance English español (Spanish) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the need for the practice of interior and exterior penance

 fasting   penance 

Appropinquante Concilio latine (Latin)
Promulgating the rules governing the procedure for the Second Vatican Council

 Vatican II 

Motu Proprio1962.08.06
Summi Pontificis electio latine (Latin)
Decreeing that the majority required for the election of a new pope was to be two-thirds plus one only if the number of cardinals could not be divided by three

 cardinal   conclave   pope 

Motu Proprio1962.09.05
Templorum Decus latine (Latin)
On honorary canons of major basilicas


Motu Proprio1962.09.11
Fidei propagandæ latine (Latin)
Honouring the Pontifical Urbaniana Athenaeum with the title of University
Motu Proprio1962.10.01
Pacem in terris / Peace on Earth English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On establishing universal peace in truth, justice, charity, and liberty

 peace   social 

Novem per dies
Pentecost novena for the Second Vatican Council

 Vatican II 

Apostolic Exhortation1963.05.20

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