Celebrations and Documents tagged with

 episcopal conference 

Related CelebrationsDateDescending
1ˢᵗ Extraordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops1969.10.11 – 1969.10.28
Documents (6)TypeAuthorDateDescending
On the office of the President and Vice-President of Episcopal Conferences

 episcopal conference 

DecreeCongregation for the Evangelisation of Peoples2022.04.08
For the retirement of Cardinal Camillo Ruini from the office of President of the Italian Bishops’ Conference English français (French) Italiano (Italian)

 episcopal conference   Italy 

LetterPope Benedict XVI2007.03.23
Doctrinal Declarations of Episcopal Conferences English

 episcopal conference 

Curial LetterCongregation for Bishops1999.05.13
Apostolos suos English español (Spanish) français (French) Italiano (Italian) latine (Latin)
On the theological and juridical nature of episcopal conferences

 episcopal conference 

Motu ProprioSaint Pope John Paul II1998.05.21
Permanent participation of Superiors of religious orders at the Episcopal Conference Italiano (Italian)

 episcopal conference   religious 

NotePontifical Council for the Interpretation of Legislative Texts1996.11.30
On the necessity to establish the doctrinal Commissions in the Episcopal Conferences

 doctrine   episcopal conference 

InstructionSacred Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith1967.02.23

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