Catholic Church


Central African Republic

Central African Republic

Also known as: Zentralafrikanische Republik (Deutsch), República Centroafricana (español), la Centrafrique (français), la République centrafricaine (français), Repubblica Centrafricana (Italiano), Republika Środkowoafrykańska (polski), República Centro-Africana (Português), 中非共和國 (正體中文), 中央アフリカ (日本語), Respublica Africæ Mediæ (latine)

By Type (10)

Metropolitan Sees (Archdioceses) Metr. Archdiocese (1)

Episcopal Sees (Dioceses) Diocese (9)

By Rite

Roman Rite (9): Alindao, Bambari, Bangassou, Bangui, Berbérati, Bossangoa, Bouar, Kaga-Bandoro, Mbaïki

Maronite Church (1): Annunciation of Ibadan

by Type | by Name | by Ecclesiastical Province
Changes in Dioceses | Vacant Dioceses | Former Dioceses

Apostolic Nunciature: Central African Republic Archbishop Giuseppe Laterza (54)

Conference of Bishops: Conférence Episcopale Centrafricaine (C.E.C.A.) Bishop Nestor-Désiré Nongo-Aziagbia, S.M.A. (54)

International Meeting of Bishops’ Conferences: Association des Conférences Episcopales de la Région de l’Afrique Central (A.C.E.R.A.C.) Archbishop Goetbé Edmond Djitangar (72)

International Meeting of Bishops’ Conferences: Symposium des Conférences Episcopales d’Afrique et de Madagascar (S.C.E.A.M.) Cardinal Fridolin Ambongo Besungu, O.F.M. Cap. (65)

CardinalsCardinals (1 elector/1 total)

Cardinal Dieudonné Nzapalainga, C.S.Sp. (57)Dieudonné Nzapalainga, C.S.Sp. (57)

All Cardinals


By Age

By Name

By Precedence


Recent Events

Special Churches

Cathedrals Cathedrals (10)

Documents and Celebrations Text

Papal Visits


Continent: Eastern and Central Africa

Capital: Bangui

Area: 622,984 km²

Population: 5,625,118

Former Name: Ubangi-Shari

Neighbouring Countries: Congo-Brazzaville Congo-Brazzaville, ← Cameroon Cameroon, ↑ Chad Chad, ↗ Sudan Sudan, → South Sudan South Sudan, ↓ Congo-Kinshasa Congo-Kinshasa

Cultural Summary

Religions: indigenous beliefs 35%, Protestant 25%, Roman Catholic 25%, Muslim 15%

Languages: French (official), Sangho (lingua franca and national language), tribal languages

Ethnic Groups: Baya 33%, Banda 27%, Mandjia 13%, Sara 10%, Mboum 7%, M'Baka 4%, Yakoma 4%, other 2%

Motto: Unité, Dignité, Travail (French) (Unity, Dignity, Work)

Statistics (2021.12.31)

Area: 622,984 km²

Catholic Population: 2,066,000 Catholics (37.9% of 5,446,000 total)

Pastoral Centres: 133 parishes, 1,787 mission stations (1 with resident priest, 1,786 without resident priest), 253 other centres

Clergy: 16 bishops (9 diocesan, 7 titular), 381 priests (216 diocesan, 165 religious), 1 permanent deacon (diocesan)

Non-Clergy: 371 religious (42 brothers, 329 sisters), 9 members of secular institutes (sisters), 192 major seminarians, 443 missionaries, 5,401 catechists


Pastoral Centres




Consecrated Persons (Not Ordained)


Lay Missionaries


Last updated on 2025.02.07

© 2025
