
in a.d. 2027

01.16Returning of the papal see from Avignon to Rome (1377)Church Event650 years
02.11Establishment of the Catholic hierarchy in Russia (2002)Church Event25 years
02.24Beginning of the Invasion of Ukraine by Russia (2022)World Event5 years
03.16Death of Archbishop John Bede Polding, O.S.B., first Bishop of Australia (1877)Person150 years
03.25Encyclical Redemptoris Mater (1987)Papal Document40 years
03.26Death of Ludwig van Beethoven (1827)Person200 years
03.26Encyclical Populorum progressio (1967)Papal Document60 years
04.07Birth of Pope Clement XII (1652)Pope375 years
04.12Apparition of Our Lady of the Revelation (1947)Marian Apparition80 years
04.16Birth of Pope Benedict XVI (1927)Pope100 years
05.06Stand of the Swiss Guards during the Sack of Rome (1527)World Event500 years
05.20Establishment of the Pontifical Council for Culture (1982)Church Event45 years
05.27Letter to the Church of China (2007)Papal Document20 years
05.28Episcopal consecration of Pope Benedict XVI (1977)Pope50 years
06.05Terrorist Attack at church in Owo (2022)World Event5 years
06.26Creation of Karol Józef Wojtyła as Cardinal (1967)Pope60 years
06.27Founding of the first diocese in Bolivia (1552)Church Event475 years
06.27Creation of Joseph Ratzinger as Cardinal (1977)Pope50 years
06.27Episcopal consecration of Jorge Bergoglio (1992)Pope35 years
07.07Motu Proprio Summorum Pontificum (2007)Papal Document20 years
08.15Establishment of India (1947)World Event80 years
09.17Birth of Pope Paul V (1552)Pope475 years
10.04Launch of Sputnik 1 (1957)World Event70 years
10.06Birth of Matteo Ricci (1552)Person475 years
11.25Battle of Montigsard (1177)World Event850 years
12.08First Apparition of Our Lady of L'Île-Bouchard (1947)Marian Apparition80 years
12.14Last Apparition of Our Lady of L'Île-Bouchard (1947)Marian Apparition80 years

See Also

Celebrations in 2027

© 2025
